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SAP Best Practices Create Vendor Master (155.14): MDP
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SAP Best Practices Create Vendor Master (155.14): MDP
Icon Meaning
External Process
Business Process Alternative/Decision Choice
Typographic Conventions
Type Style
Example text
Example text
Example text
Example text
<Example text>
Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options.
Cross-references to other documentation.
Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables.
Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.
Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation, upgrade and database tools.
Keys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as F2 ) or the
ENTER key.
Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation.
Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries.
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SAP Best Practices Create Vendor Master (155.14): MDP
Create Vendor Master for Purchasing Org., Company Code (with or without Procurement) 6
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SAP Best Practices Create Vendor Master (155.14): MDP
In this document, you create a vendor business scenario.
Before you run any processes in this document:
Option A
: If the vendor is Procurement - related, go to step 3.1.
Option B : If the vendor is not Procurement - related, go to step 3.1.
The following roles must have been installed to allow the relevant activities to be carried out in the
SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC). In addition, they must be assigned to the user or users who will perform the process steps described in this document. You do not need these roles if you are not using the NWBC interface, but the standard SAP GUI.
The business roles have been assigned to the user(s) who will perform the process steps described in this document.
Business role Technical Name Process Step
SAP_BPR_PURCHASER-K Create Vendor Master Purchase Manager
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SAP Best Practices
Create Vendor Master (155.14): MDP
Detailed information about the vendor (for example, name, address, payment terms) is communicated to accounts payable.
1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options:
Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI)
SAP Menu Logistics Materials Management
Purchasing Master Data
Transaction code XK01
Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business role
Business role (Name) Business Analyst Purchaser (SAP_BPR_PURCHASER-K )
NWBC Menu Purchasing
Create Vendor
2. Select the Create vendor : Initial Screen , and maintain the necessary fields.
Field Name
User Action and Values
Vendor number
Number range is
300000 – 399999
Company code 1000
Purchase organization
Account group YB01 Account group for regular vendors
It is possible to use an existing vendor as reference and make an entry in the area “ reference ” in the fields Vendor , Company code and Purchasing Organization (Several field values of the reference vendor will posted by the system in the new vendor master data).
3. On the Create Vendor : Address screen , enter Name, Search term 1, Street, House number,
District, Postal code, City, Country, Tax jurisdiction code , Region, Telephone, Fax , then choose
Next Screen (F8) .
4. On the Create Vendor: Control screen , enter their customer number (if vendor is also customer; the number must be a valid customer number), on field Tax number 1 enter CNPJ, on field Tax
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SAP Best Practices Create Vendor Master (155.14): MDP number 3 enter Insc. Estadual, if necessary on field Tax Number 4 enter Insc. Municipal , Tax
Jur., Tax base (0), then choose Next Screen (F8) .
5. On the Create Vendor: Payment transactions accounting screen, on Banck Details enter
Country, Bank Key, Bank Account , , then choose Next Screen (F8).
6. On the Create Vendor: Accounting information accounting screen, enter the Recon. account,
Sort Key , Cash mgmnt group , Interest freq, then choose Next Screen (F8).
7. On the Create Vendor: Payment transactions Accounting enter payment terms, Chk double inv., and Payment methods , then choose Next Screen (F8) twice
8. On the Create Vendor: Correspondence Accouting data screen, enter Dunning level, then choose Next Screen (F8).
9. On the Create Vendor: Withholding tax Accouting, enter Withholding Tax Type, Withholding Tax
Code, flag Liable as the following table:
Wth.t.type W/tax code Liable Exem.% Description
COFINS at Payment
PIS at Payment
RP RP X 0,00 IR at Payment
SP SP X 0,00 CSLL at Payment
10. On the Create Vendor: Purchasing data screen, enter Order currency, terms of payment,
Incoterms, GR based inv. verif.,
11. Choose Save .
The Vendor Master for Purchasing Organization is created.
In this activity, you create the vendor master for a so-called CPD vendor. A CPD vendor could e.g. be used when the payment of purchase order is effected in cash money.
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SAP Best Practices
Create Vendor Master (155.14): MDP
1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options:
Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI)
SAP Menu Logistics Materials Management
Purchasing Master
Data Vendor Central Create
Transaction code XK01
Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business role
Business role (Name)
Business Analyst Purchaser (SAP_BPR_PURCHASER-K )
Create Vendor
2. Select Create vendor: Initial Screen screen, and maintain the necessary fields.
Field Name
User Action and Values
Vendor number
Number range is
Company code 1000
Purchase organization
Account group CPDL Account group for regular vendors
3. Choose Enter.
4. On the Create Vendor : Address screen, enter Name, Search term 1, Street, Country, Language, then choose Next Screen (F8).
5. On the Create Vendor: Control screen, enter reference account group, e.g. 0001, then choose
Next Screen (F8) .
6. On the Create Vendor: Accounting information accounting screen, enter the Recon. Account., e.g. 212000 and choose Next Screen (F8) .
7. On the Create Vendor: Payment transactions Accounting enter payment terms and Payment methods, then choose Next Screen (F8).
8. On the Create Vendor: Correspondence Accouting data screen, is not necessary to fill fields, then choose Next Screen (F8).
9. On the Create Vendor: Withholding tax Accouting screen, is not necessary to fill fields, then choose Next Screen (F8).
10. On the Create Vendor: Purchasing data screen, enter Order currency.
11. Choose Enter.
12. Save your entries
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SAP Best Practices
Create Vendor Master (155.14): MDP
In this activity, you create the vendor master for a so-called one-time-vendor. A one-time-vendor could e.g. be created by a purchaser during a telephone call with a vendor who wants to deliver goods, but a vendor master does not yet exist for him in the system and an order confirmation is immediately required.
Later, when the purchaser has time to enter all data properly, he can create a regular vendor master and exchange the vendor number in the relevant purchase order.
1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options:
Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI)
SAP Menu Logistics Materials Management
Purchasing Master Data
Vendor Central Create
Transaction code XK01
Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business role
Business role
Business Analyst Purchaser (SAP_BPR_PURCHASER-K )
Create Vendor
2. Select Create vendor: Initial Screen , and maintain the necessary fields.
Field Name
User Action and Values
Vendor number
Number range is
Company code
Purchase organization
Account group YBOV Account group for regular vendors
3. Choose Enter .
4. On the Create Vendor : Address screen, enter Name, Search term 1, Street, Country, Language, then choose Next Screen (F8).
5. On the Create Vendor: Control screen , enter their customer number (if vendor is also customer; the number must be a valid customer number), on field Tax number 1 enter CNPJ, on field Tax number 3 enter Insc. Estadual, then choose Next Screen (F8) .
6. On the Create Vendor: Accounting information accounting screen, enter the Recon. account,
Sort Key, then choose Next Screen (F8) .
7. On the Create Vendor: Payment transactions Accounting enter payment terms, Chk double inv., and Payment methods , then choose Next Screen (F8)
8. On the Create Vendor: Correspondence Accouting data screen, is not necessary to fill fields, then choose Next Screen (F8).
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SAP Best Practices Create Vendor Master (155.14): MDP
9. On the Create Vendor: Withholding tax Accouting screen, is not necessary to fill fields, then choose Next Screen (F8).
10. On the Create Vendor: Purchasing data screen, enter Order currency reference to Vendor. (E.g:
BRL – Real Brazil)
11. Choose Enter.
12. Save your entries
The one-time-vendor master is created and can be used to create a purchase order. Later, the created vendor number can be exchanged by a regular vendor number.
In this activity, you create the vendor master for Travel.
1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options:
Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI)
SAP Menu Logistics Materials Management
Purchasing Master Data
Vendor Central Create
Transaction code XK01
Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business role
Business role (Name) Business Analyst Purchaser (SAP_BPR_PURCHASER-K )
NWBC Menu Purchasing
Create Vendor
1. Select Create vendor: Initial Screen , and maintain the necessary fields.
Field Name
User Action and Values
Vendor number
Number range is
Company code 1000
Purchase organization
Account group
Your company code
Leave empty for the commercial traveller
Account group for commercial traveller
2. Choose Enter .
3. On the Create Vendor : Address screen , enter Name, Search term 1, Street, House number,
District, Postal code, City, Country, Tax jurisdiction code , Region, Telephone, Fax , then choose
Next Screen (F8).
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SAP Best Practices Create Vendor Master (155.14): MDP
4. On the Create Vendor: Control screen , enter their customer number, on field Tax number 2 enter
CPF, Natural Person, then choose next screen.
5. On the Create Vendor: Payment transactions screen, on Banck Details enter Country, Bank Key,
Bank Account, enter payment terms, then choose Next Screen (F8) twice.
6. On the Create Vendor: Accounting information: Accounting screen, enter Recon. Account , e.g.:
Travel expenses payable , the Personnel number that is the employee relating to the vendor in the system.
7. On the Create Vendor: Payment transactions accounting screen, enter payment terms, Chk double inv., and Payment methods , then choose Next Screen (F8) twice.
8. Choose Enter.
9. Save your entries.
The vendor for travel master is created and can be used to create a purchase order. Later, the created vendor number can be exchanged by a regular vendor number.
In the following section, you can find the most common reversal steps, which you can take to reverse some of the activities described in this document:
Transaction code ( SAP GUI) XK01
Reversal : Set Deletion Indicator
Transaction code ( SAP GUI) XK06
Business role
Business Analyst Purchaser (SAP_BPR_PURCHASER-K )
Set checkbox all areas.
Flag for Deletion Vendor
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