Resumes - Ballenas Business Education

Susan Jones (Current Resume)
457 Mercedes Lane
Parksville, BC
V9P 1S8
(250) 947-0982
To find a position in a local resort to gain valuable work experience and save money for
Food Safe Certificate
WHIMIS Training
Super Host Training
Excellent Customer Service
Management Training
Extensive Computer Skills
Principals List
Junior Girls Volleyball MVP
Positive Attitude
Great With People
Experience handling money
Babysitting Experience
Tigh-na-Mara Grotto Spa (May 2008- Present)
Parksville, BC
Spa Attendant and Coordinator: Duties included cleaning spa locker rooms, helping with
dishes in kitchen, serving costumers food and drink, laundry, handling money and cash
register, customer service, computer and paper work and taking reservations.
Thrifty Foods Grocery (March 2006-Oct 2007)
Parksville, BC
Cashier: Duties included handling money and cash register, customer service, cleaning
front of store.
Babysitting (January 2008 – Present)
Parksville, BC
Duties include babysitting 8 year old, feeding and putting to bed.
Ballenas Secondary School (currently in grade 10)
Parksville, BC
Favorite Subjects: Business Education 10, InfoTech 10, Music 10
Susan Jones (10 Year Resume)
223 Dallas Road
Victoria, BC
V9P 9L0
(250) 295-0091
To find a management position in a business that will utilize my skills, education and
Business Degree from UVIC
Seven Years Management Experience
Excellent Time Management Skills
Excellent Customer Service
Account Manager for Fortune 500 Company
Extensive Computer Skills
Magna Cum Laude
Programming Skills
Positive Attitude
HTML and Java Experience
Knowledge of Quick Books
Advertising Design Award
XYZ Corporation (March 2018-Jan 2023)
Victoria, BC
Account Manager: Duties included working with Customer Accounts, Training and
software development.
One Click Corporation (June 2013-May 2017)
Vancouver, BC
Duties include developing customer interaction software and providing support for clients
via online platforms.
Tigh-na-Mara Grotto Spa (May 2008- March 2013)
Parksville, BC
Spa Attendant and Coordinator: Duties included cleaning spa locker rooms, helping with
dishes in kitchen, serving costumers food and drink, laundry, handling money and cash
register, customer service, computer and paper work and taking reservations.
University of Victoria
Victoria, BC
Business Commerce Degree (2017)
Assignment # 6 –Create a Personal Resume
Resumes are an important part of the job search process
It is important you learn how to develop your own resume so you can quickly edit and
change it to match job requirements
You will be developing a combination style resume – Sample on Page 3
This format is a little different than other styles but is based on many years of
teaching about resumes
Grade 10 students sometimes have a difficult time creating a resume when they have
little or no employment experience – you have to be creative
Resume Style Notes
Refer to the Resume sample in the careers section
All text is left aligned – looks better and easier to read
Times New Roman Font – Not the best looking font but the easiest to read
Use Bold and All Caps to make headlines stand out
One Page Only
Must fill the entire page
Equal spacing at top and bottom of page
Equal spacing between each section – Be consistent
Name and Contact Section
 Bold and larger font for Name (18-22 point)
 First line street address – do not abbreviate (shows laziness)
 Second line city and Province use BC no periods for Province
 Postal code – all caps
 Phone number include area code (may include cell # also)
 Email optional – only use if email address is appropriate
Employment Objective
 Must fit with the job description – so it can be changed to match with the job
 I like to emphasize why I am looking for this position (other than money)
 To gain valuable employment experience and save money for post-secondary
education is a good objective as it shows you are goal oriented and will take the job
 When you have limited employment experience you want to illustrate your
experiences, awards, skills, training, personality, etc that will give the potential
employer an overview of the type of employee you will be
 Don’t be shy – you need to promote yourself here
 Put them in order of relevance to the job – If you are applying to work in a restaurant
emphasize your super host training, squirrel training, serving it right certificate etc.
 You can put as many points as you need to fill out the resume
Specific Entries for your Personal Summary
Awards, training, achievements, skills, experiences
Some Generic Entries for your Personal Summary
 Excellent communication skills
 Enjoy being part of a team
 Positive attitude
 Hardworking and reliable
 Fast learner
 Able to work with minimal supervision
 Proactive and Synergistic (if you use this one know their definitions)
 Excellent time management skills
 Physically fit
 Computer literate
 Experience handling cash
 Mature and responsible
 Excellent customer service skills
Work Experience
 This section can include babysitting, paper routes and volunteer work if you have
limited paid work experience – you might have to get creative here
 Do not include any jobs that you were fired from – even if it wasn’t your fault
 Line one - where you worked or who you worked for with dates in brackets (if it was
a short time just indicate the season i.e. summer of 2008)
 Line two - location
 Line three – position and duties
 Line one – school and grade level
 Line two – Location
 Line three – Favourite subjects – hopefully you have some
Available on request
Have a reference sheet ready
If you have trouble filling in space include references at bottom of page
Try for three references – No Family members, use teachers, old bosses, neighbors etc.
Should look like this if at bottom of page
William Smith
Lisa Wright
Mary Ward
XYZ Inc. Manager
Owner ABC Store
(250) 983-0912
(250) 248-5721
(250) 947-8821