US History Terms List - Mr. Williams' Public Wiki

Race and Social Justice in
U.S. History Terms List
1. Great Awakening
2. Mercantilism
3. Declaration of Independence
4. Constitution
5. Checks & Balances
6. Federal Naturalization Law of 1790
7. Bill of Rights
8. Amendments
9. Judicial Review
10. Missouri Compromise
11. Trail of Tears
12. Abolitionism
13. Fugitive Slave Law
14. Dred Scott Decision
15. Gettysburg Address
16. Emancipation Proclamation
17. Sea Island Experiments
18. Freedman’s Bureau
19. Ku Klux Klan
20. Fourteenth Amendment
21. U.S. v. Reese
22. Sharecropping
23. Compromise of 1877
24. Jim Crow
25. “Birth of a Nation”
26. Atlanta Compromise
27. N.A.A.C.P.
28. Social Darwinism
29. Lewis Hine
30. American Federation of Labor
31. Pullman Strike
32. Exodusters
33. Reservations
34. Dawes Act
35. Massacre at Wounded Knee
36. Bonanza Farms
37. Buffalo Bill
38. Ethnic Communities
39. Gentlemen’s Agreement
40. Angel Island
41. Settlement House
42. Yellow Journalism
43. Plessey vs. Ferguson
44. Filipino War
45. Roosevelt Corollary
46. Panama Canal
47. Anti-Imperialist League
48. Coal Strike of 1902
49. John Muir
50. Alice Paul
51. Buchanan v. Warley
52. Committee on Public Information
53. League of Nations
54. Daylight Savings Time
55. Palmer Raids
56. National Origins Act
57. American Civil Liberties Union
58. Flapper
59. Rosewood
60. Lost Generation
61. Harlem Renaissance
62. Scopes Monkey Trial
63. Marcus Garvey
64. Buck v. Bell
65. Hoovervilles
66. Bonus Army
67. Eleanor Roosevelt
68. Repatriation
69. Wagner Act
70. Southern Tenant Farmers Union
71. WPA
72. Demagogue
73. Executive Order 8802
74. Manhattan Project
75. “Rosie the Riveter”
76. Tuskegee Airmen
77. Henry Kaiser
78. Zoot Suit Riots
79. West Virginia State Board of
Education v. Barnette
80. Korematsu vs.U.S.
81. Port Chicago
82. HUAC
83. Executive Order 9981
84. Interstate Highway Act
85. Brinkmanship
86. The Affluent Society
87. “I Love Lucy”
88. GI Bill
89. Beat Generation
90. Doll Test
91. Great Society
92. Cuban Missile Crisis
93. Peace Corps
94. Alliance for Progress
95. SCLC
96. SNCC
97. Civil Rights Act of 1964
98. Freedom Summer
99. Loving v. Virginia
100. Malcolm X
101. Black Power
102. Cesar Chavez
103. AIM
104. Ngo Dinh Diem
105. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
106. “Summer of Love”
107. Tet Offensive
118. My Lai Massacre
109. Pentagon Papers
110. The Weathermen
111. Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg
Board of Education
112. EPA
113. Roe v. Wade
114. University of California v. Baake
115. Vietnamization
116. War Powers Act
117. Civil Liberties Act of 1988
118. Jerry Falwell
119. Americans With Disabilities Act
120. Defense of Marriage Act