Best Marketing Initiative Entry Form

Category: Best Marketing Initiative
Who should enter?
Entries are invited from organisations (private/public/voluntary) that have undertaken an
effective marketing campaign using several elements of the marketing mix. This campaign
needs to have demonstrable positive results. Marketing mix activities include Advertising (TV,
Radio, Outdoor and Press), Digital Advertising, PR, Social Media, Sales activity, promotional
activity, Trade etc. This list is not exhaustive.
Category Criteria
Please put all your answers in the boxes provided
Responses should not exceed 500 words per question
NB: Please read the General Notes for Guidance and Best Practice Guidelines for further
judging criteria to include in your entry.
Please provide as much detail as possible when illustrating your response to the
following questions/topics to help facilitate judging of your entry:
1. The development and implementation of a clear and effective marketing strategy.
2. How did you effectively use elements of the marketing mix including social and digital
media to implement your strategy?
3. Who did you engage with to implement your strategy and achieve objectives?
4. Campaign Results including relevant social and digital metrics.
In addition, under each question on the entry form we have provided examples of the type of
information that would help to strengthen your answer.
Shortlisted entries in this category will be further assessed by presentation to the judging panel
to decide final winners.
Email Submissions should be sent to by the closing
date which is Monday 22nd February at 5pm.
Or Enter online via
Applicant Information – These Questions are compulsory
Contact Name:
Telephone Number:
Mobile Number:
How did you hear about these
Company Information – These Questions are compulsory
Total Number of Employees:
Number of Employees in
Owner/Management Roles:
Number of Full Time Staff:
Number of Part Time Staff:
Type of Organisation:
Small Private Business (less than 10 employees)
Medium Private Business (11-50 employees)
Large Private Business (51+ employees)
Association or Information Partnership
Multinational or Subsidiary
Community Organisation
Public Sector
Description and Nature of Business:
Number of years in business:
Question 1
The development and implementation of a clear and effective marketing strategy.
Example: Why did this campaign come about? What was the need? What macro and micro
environmental factors were considered? What were your SMART objectives and how were
these developed? How did they link to overall Business/Corporate Objectives? How did you
segment your market? How did you utilise any market/segment research? Describe the
campaign’s strategy?
NB: Each answer must not exceed 500 words
Question 2
How did you effectively use elements of the marketing mix including social and digital
media to implement your strategy?
Example: Describe here the various elements of the marketing mix employed, which channels
were used and why they were selected to implement your strategy, against budget. How did
you monitor implementation / performance? How did you achieve effective marketing mix
integration between offline and online tactics?
NB: Each answer must not exceed 500 words
Who did you engage with the implement your strategy and achieve objectives?
Example: Did you use third parties such as clustering with other local businesses/
organisations/ stakeholders? How did you manage or develop key customer relationships?
Give examples of any trade / industry partnerships that may have helped this campaign.
N.B: Each answer must not exceed 500 words
Question 4
Campaign Results including relevant social and digital metrics
Example: Describe the campaign results relating back to the SMART objectives. Detail how
each element of the marketing mix delivered for overall success. How did your results positively
impact on your business? How did your results and learnings feed into future marketing
planning? Evaluate the campaign using quantifiable measurements such as return on
investment, changes in customer behaviour, sustainable added value to the organisation, to
demonstrate success.
N.B. Each answer must not exceed 500 words
I declare that the information supplied is correct to the best of my knowledge at the time
of entry and agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions found on the website.
I accept the terms and conditions of this application as stated above.
PRINT/TYPE NAME: ____________________________________________________
Also enter online at: