Celebrate the ministry of your national church family via Twitter (@mennochurch) and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/MennoniteChurchCanada) Willard Metzger, Executive Director of Mennonite Church Canada, shares why he is proud of his church on his blog at http://www.mennonitechurch.ca/tiny/2477. Mennonite World Conference is coming to North America (July 21-26 2015 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania) and MWC is encouraging congregations to learn about our Anabaptist global family. “What We Believe Together: Exploring the ‘Shared Convictions’ of Anabaptist-related Churches” by Alfred Neufeld is a good starting point and includes questions for discussion. For more info, go to mwccmm.org/pa2015 and click on “Journey to PA” under the Resources tab. PrayerNet: Pray for peace in Nigeria as the country prepares for elections this month. Ask God for strength, mercy, and patience in very trying times as the churches—and others—are victimized by brutal violence. Prayer Concerns (For your prayers during the week) CHARLESWOOD MENNONITE CHURCH February 8, 2015 Education Hour 9:30 English Worship Service 10:45 am | Korean Worship Service 1:30 pm Worship Leader: LeAnn Friesen Song Leader: Rebecca Harder Reflection: James Friesen Speaker: Jeff Friesen Pianist: Velma Braun Ushers: Mike & Val Smith & Family GATHERING Welcome and introductions Hymn Call to Worship Have we not known? Have we not heard? Has it not been told to us since the beginning? Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles; They shall run and not be weary; They shall walk and not faint. Hymn Prayer of Confession God, you are everlasting, The creator of all that is. Your understanding is beyond measure. We confess to you that we have Sinned against you and our neighbours. In your compassion, forgive us, For we place our hope in your steadfast love. Words of Assurance Hymn John’s Office Hours: Tue-Fri mornings Please submit announcements/order of worship Jeff’s Office Hours: Tue-Thur 9:00 am-2:00 pm to Anita by Thursday morning Anita’s Office Hours: Thur & Fri mornings at cwoodmc@mymts.net or 204-837-7982. Church Office........................................................... cwoodmc@mymts.net; 204-837-7982 Church Website ................................................................................. www.mts.net/~cwoodmc John Braun – Pastor (john.p.braun@mymts.net) ................................................. 204-895-4567 Jeff Friesen – Associate Pastor (jeffdafriesen@gmail.com) ................................. 204-996-0398 Heemyeong (Paul) Kang – Associate Pastor ........................................................ 204-219-1918 Anita Epp – Office Admin Assistant ..................................................................... 204-837-7982 Deacons: Titus Guenther (chair)........ 204-488-9747 Sarah Claassen ................... 204-996-6594 Trevor De Ryck ................. 204-477-1669 Ron & Wendy Dueck ........ 204-896-5057 Jennifer Kim ......................... 204-291-1320 Hwang Lee ........................... 204-261-5029 Charlotte Martens ................. 204-477-1669 Edna Peters ........................... 204-889-4959 HEARING THE WORD Story Scripture: 1 Corinthians 9:16-23 Isaiah 40:21-31 Hymn Sermon: “What are we doing when we give?” Hymn RESPONDING Offering Reflection: James Friesen Sharing and Prayer Announcements SENDING Hymn Benediction YOUTH Announcements Youth Council Meeting: TONIGHT, 7:30 pm at Jasmin’s house ~ Please return hymnbooks to the shelves at the back of the sanctuary. Thank you. ~ THIS WEEK TODAY, Sat, 6:30-8:00 pm – Venture Clubs Gym Night at the Winnipeg Mennonite Elementary School Bedson Campus (250 Bedson in St. James). Please wear suitable indoor attire (including runners). If you have any questions, please contact Byron Neufeld or Andrea Goertzen. UP-COMING EVENTS NEXT SUNDAY, 9:30 am – Catechism Class will meet in John’s office Feb 22 (Sun), 7:00 pm – Annual General Meeting CHURCH FAMILY NOTES John & Velma Braun and Paul Kang are leading worship at Lindenwood Manor and Terrace this afternoon. POWER of CHANGE: Adults (to date): $111.67. Youth and Young Adults: $12.55. Thanks for your support. MENNONITE CHURCH MANITOBA/CANADA & COMMUNITY Everyone is welcome to attend the Friday evening worship service, part of Mennonite Church Manitoba Annual Gathering at Douglas Mennonite Church, 7:00 pm, Feb. 27. Worship features speaker Chuck Neufeld. See poster. Will you be part of it? Hundreds of persons from Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe have already registered for PA 2015, Mennonite World Conference in Harrisburg, PA July 21-26. An opportunity to make new friends, listen to the stories of their lives and congregations, pray for each other, and take courage from these fellow believers from around the world. Five days of great music, workshops, small sharing groups, tours, inspirational sermons from many lands, and much more! To register today, go to www.mwc-cmm.org/pa2015. We hope to meet you there. It’s a chance of a lifetime! Mennonite Church Canada is having Spring Leadership Assembly from March 4-7 (Wed-Sat) at CanadInns-Fort Garry, 1824 Pembina Hwy and seeking for billets (for a couple of nights stay) and rides for those who are coming from outside of Manitoba. If anybody is interested, please contact Kara Ledohowski (204-888-6781 ext 109). It helps us to reduce the cost and would be much appreciated. Lent-At Home family resource booklets produced by Mennonite Church Canada are available for pick-up in the foyer. You can also download this free resource at http://www.commonword.ca/SelectDownloadFormat/43/17427. A Place in the Kingdom: Paintings and Stories Celebrating Farm Animals by Manitoba artist Lynda Toews. Mar. 13-Jun. 20 at MHC Gallery. Opening Reception Mar. 15, 2:30 pm. Free admission, storytelling, refreshments, 100 free story booklets. For Gallery info, call Connie Wiebe at 204 888 6781, extension 194. View entire exhibit online at: http://gallery.mennonitechurch.ca/sites/ gallery.mennonitechurch.ca/files/APlaceInTheKingdom.pdf. Directory Update: Loren Braul – 204-995-5347 Lori Dueck – 204-291-1941 MCC - MENNONITE CENTRAL COMMITTEE MANITOBA/CANADA WESTGATE MENNONITE COLLEGIATE (86 West Gate; 204-775-7111) Westgate Parent Association Fruit & Cheese Fundraiser - offering boxes of pink grapefruit, navel oranges and 14 varieties of Bothwell Fine Manitoba Cheese. Contact person: Vaughn Rempel Snider. Deadline for orders and payment: TODAY! Products available for pick-up at church on March 1. Westgate appreciates your support in this fundraising effort. Westgate Mennonite Collegiate invites applications for a teacher for our first class of Grade Six students, to begin Sept. 2015. The full time position will include teaching Christian Studies in addition to Manitoba Curriculum. Interested applicants should direct résumé (incl. 3 references) and cover letter by Feb. 27 to: Ozzie Rempel, Vice Principal, Westgate Mennonite Collegiate, 86 West Gate, Wpg MB R3C 2E1, orempel@westgatemennonite.ca, Fax: 204-786-1651. Quilting & sewing volunteer opportunities with MCC. If you're interested in sewing or quilting throughout the year with MCC in Manitoba, or would like to help plan MCC's annual Quilt Show & Sale, give us a call! MCC Manitoba has a variety of opportunities to fit your schedule and individual interests. For details, call Sophia at 204-261-6381 or email sophiakutsiuruba@mennonitecc.ca. Thrift shop job opening: The Kildonan MCC Community Assistance Centre (KMTS) invites applications for Chief Operating Officer (COO). Further info at: http://thrift.mcc.org/shops/winnipeg-kildonan-thrift MCC Manitoba’s 50th anniversary benefit concert: Apr. 18, 7:00 pm at Knox United Church. Keynote speaker: The Right Honourable Joe Clark. Get your tickets by visiting mccmanitoba.ca/50 or calling 204-261-6381. (Tickets for the rescheduled November event are not valid.) MCC Furniture Thrift Store AGM: Wed., Feb. 25, 7:30 pm at Portage Avenue Mennonite Church. This is meeting is open to anyone interested in attending. CAMPS WITH MEANING (895-CAMP or www.campswithmeaning.org) Camper Registration Forms are here! Pick one up on the table under the mailboxes. Register early as spots fill up quickly! Ropes/Wall Climbing Instruction: Camps with Meaning will provide training in ropes instructing & wall climbing, May 2 & 3 at Camp Assiniboia. This is free in exchange for working throughout the year when needed! A nice balance of CwM staff [for summer] and seniors ready for adventure [throughout the year] is VERY welcome! Please email risaak@mennochurch.mb.ca with any level of interest! Camps with Meaning Challenge to churches: Can your church provide support staff for a week of service at camp? Please see poster or call 204-895-2267. CANADIAN MENNONITE UNIVERSITY (www.cmu.ca) Face2Face Community Discussion Series: You Lost Me: The Church and Young Adults. Feb 10, 7-8:30 pm, Marpeck Commons. Many young Canadians have stepped away from institutionalized religion, a trend that has been growing for the past 25 years. Join us as we investigate young adult perspectives and convictions related to church and faith. Co-hosted by CMU faculty Irma Fast Dueck and Graduate Student Peter Epp (article), join in conversation with a diverse panel of young adults including Kirsten (Hamm) Epp, Danielle Morton, Mike Wiebe, and Lukas Thiessen. All are welcome; admission free. Details at cmu.ca/face2face. Xplore: Keep Thinking at the Intersection of Faith & Life: A 55-Plus Enrichment Program offers courses investigating dimensions of Christian faith, our world, and life in it. Wed mornings (six-weeks) in Spring. cmu.ca/xplore/. Guided Tour of Marpeck Commons in Feb and Mar. To reserve a spot and for more details call 204-487-3300 ext. 625 or email development@cmu.ca. Canadian School of Peacebuilding, June 15-19 & 22–26. Info available at csop.cmu.ca or csop@cmu.ca. CMU invites applications for full-time salaried position of Assistant Director of Facilities & Hosting (start date Mar. 16). Applications should be submitted immediately and will be accepted until position is filled. Direct inquiries to Dianna Robson, Dir. of Human Resources: drobson@cmu.ca; 204-594-0532. WIDER COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Jeff Halper, an American-born anthropologist, author, lecturer, and political activist who has lived in Israel since 1973; the co-founder and Director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions; UNJJPI (United Network for Justice and Peace in Palestine and Israel), and coordinator of the national tour and working with IJV (Independent Jewish Voices), will be giving an analysis of the current situation in Israel & Palestine and speak about the Current Crisis in Israel-Palestine: - Feb. 8, 7:00 pm, at Crescent Fort Rouge United Church, 525 Wardlaw at Nassau. - Feb. 9, 10:30-11:30 am: Academic Freedom and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict at University of Manitoba, Concourse Lounge, University College. 12:30 1:30 pm, at University of Winnipeg, Room 1L11, Lockhart Hall. See bio on bulletin board in the foyer.