Vol - Springfield Heights Mennonite Church

This week at SHMC
9:30 am Gottesdienst
9:30 am Youth Sunday School
11:00 am Worship Service
Sunday School Graduation
Summer Office Hours Begin (9am-12pm)
9:00 am Staff Meeting
Wednesday: 8:00 am Breakfast Program
@ Betrun E. Glavin – Group 1
7:00 pm Praise & Worship Group
7:00 pm Pastoral Team Wind Up – at Vic Toews
5:00 pm Matheson Island Staff Training
9:30 am Gottesdienst
11:30 am Church Picnic – Birds Hill Park (Site 5)
Financial Update
Budget income for June 8, 2014:
Total Budget income for June:
Monthly Requirement for June:
Other income for June 1, 2014:
Matheson Island Support to date:
Springfield Heights Mennonite Church
June 15, 2014
“Be eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”
Ephesians 4:3
“Seid fleissig zu halten die Einigkeit im Geist durch
das Band des Friedens.”
Epheser 4:3
$ 8,150.30
$ 15,020.62
$ 39,000.00
SHMC, a Christian community,
growing and serving together in the spirit of Jesus
SHMG, eine christliche Gemeinschaft,
wo wir zusammen wachsen und dienen im Geiste Jesu
Springfield Heights Mennonite Church 570 Sharron Bay Winnipeg, MB R2G 0H9
Lead Pastor Jack Dyck shmcjack@mymts.net 204-663-5035
Associate Pastor Ivo Penner shmcivo@mymts.net 204-663-5036
Associate & Youth Pastors Terrell & Janna Wiebe
shmcterrell@mymts.net, shmcjanna@mymts.net 204-663-7273
Administrative Assistant Amanda Krahn shmcoffice@mymts.net 204-663-7273
Custodian Lolita Dyck nldyck@mymts.net 204-667-5034
Vol. 50 No. 24
June 15, 2014
We warmly welcome each person here today and are happy
that you’ve come to worship with us.
Wir freuen uns zu jedem Gottesdienstbesucher und heissen
besonders Gäste recht herzlich willkommen bei uns
Call to Worship – 1 Corinthians 12
15.Juni, 2014, 9:30 a.m.
Leader: No one can say, “Jesus is Lord”, except by the Holy Spirit. There
are different kinds of gifts,
„Darum: Ist jemand in Christus, so ist er eine Kreatur; das Alte ist
vergangen, siehe, Neues ist geworden.“ (Korinther 5: 17)
Leitung: Stanley
Predigt: “Gott ruht nur am 7ten Tag-er pensioniert nie”
Schriftlesung: Johannes 3:1-6; 2. Korinther 5:17
Gesangleiterin: Lolita
Klavierspielerin: Brigitte
Musik: Trio - Hildy, Lolita & Brigitte
Instrumentalisten: Brigitte, Nick, Nina & Jeremy
All: but the same Spirit.
Leader: There are different kinds of service,
Ivo Penner
All: but the same Lord.
Leader: There are different kinds of working, but the same God who works
all of them in all people.
All: So to each one the Spirit is given for the good of all.
Leader: Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.
Litany of Thanks for our Christian Education workers
Worship Service
June 15, 2014, 11:00 a.m.
We thank God, for all our Christian Education workers
who help us learn God’s Way,
who show by your example
how we can serve and pray,
who find great joy in service,
who listen with concern;
for in your loving witness,
you help us want to learn.
We thank God, for children
and older people, too,
who value times of learning
and want to grow in you,
who seek your precious kingdom
and wisdom from above;
for wise ones of all ages
still seek to learn your love.
We thank God, for churches
that welcome one and all,
that nurture every person
in answer to Christ’s call.
To all our faithful Christians Education workers
may you enjoy summer rest.
With thanksgiving to the Lord,
for giving your very best.
“Where can I go from your spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence?”
(Psalm 139:7)
Worship Leading: Jack
Sermon: “Hide and Seek”
Scripture: Jonah 1
Song Leader: Hildy
Piantist: Brigitte
Children’s Feature: Reinhold
Music: Trio - Hildy, Lolita & Brigitte
Instrumentalists: Brigitte, Nick, Nina &
June 22, 2014
Church Picnic at Birds Hill Park (Site 5)
Theme: “Come, let us worship!”
Scripture: Psalm 95: 1-7 & Psalm 33: 1-9
Predigt: Vic
Sermon: Terrell
SHMC Events & Announcements
Ivo Penner is on a two week study leave – June 16 – June 30. He is
taking a course at CMU – “Peace Skill Practices” through the
Canadian School of Peace Building.
You’re all invited to the SHMC Annual Church Picnic! – next Sunday,
June 22, 2014, 11:30 am at Birds Hill Park (Site 5). The English
service will take place in the park followed by lunch and games. It will
be a great afternoon! Please bring your own lawn chairs!
See you there! 
The Church Council is happy to inform that the vote to affirm Rachel as
our interim youth pastor was overwhelmingly positive. We look forward to
a mid-August start date and wish Rachel God’s blessings as she prepares
for this ministry.
Der Gemeindrat ist dankbar mitteilen zu können dass die Wahl zur
Bestätigung von Rachel als Interimjugendpastorin sehr positiv ausgefallen
ist. Sie hofft Mitte August ihren Dienst hier anzutreten, und wir wünschen
Gottes reichen Segen in der Vorbereitung darauf.
Mennonite Church Canada’s Assembly 2014 is fast approaching. This
year’s assembly features the theme “Wild Hope: Faith for an Unknown
Season.” The Assembly is being held at Canadian Mennonite University
in Winnipeg from July 3 – 6. We as a congregation can send ten
delegates to this assembly. We now have three delegates. Please let
Jack or Amanda know as soon as possible if you are willing to attend as a
delegate. This year there are excellent keynote speakers, as well as a
fascinating array of workshops. There is more info. on the bulletin board.
The North American Mennonite Church Native Assembly will be taking
place on the Canadian Mennonite University campus from July 28 –31.
Volunteers are strongly needed for tasks such as set up and clean up,
shuttle service, registration assistance, donations of firewood, child care
provision, health care provision, and general maintenance. Melanie
Kampen is on the organizing committee for the assembly and will also be
speaking on Wednesday July 30th, in the morning. Each of you are
encouraged to take the morning off and come hear what Melanie has to
say. If you are interested in attending or volunteering at the assembly
please talk to Terrell Wiebe or Melanie. More information can be found at
this link. http://home.mennonitechurch.ca/event/NativeAssembly2014
Amanda’s summer office hours will begin on Monday, June 16th.
The office will be open from Monday – Friday - 9:00 am – 12:00 pm.
Community Announcements
Building Bridges Fundraising BBQ - Building Bridges BBQ at Westgate on
Thursday, June 26th to raise the funds needed to bring ten students from
Mar Elias School in Northern Israel to Westgate in October. The meal will
begin at 6 p.m. with a program and dessert to follow. Tickets are $20 each
and can be purchased by emailing Karl Wiebe at
kwiebe@westgatemennonite.ca . Further donations are welcome (cheques to
be made out to Westgate Mennonite Collegiate with Building Bridges in the
memo line)
You are invited to Westgate's Alumni and Friends Golf Tournament
Tuesday, August 26th - Bridges Golf Course - Registrations is at 9:30 a.m. Tee-off at 11:00 a.m. - Golf registration fee include registration package,
green fees, golf cart, lunch, dinner and prizes - All donations go to support
Westgate's capital campaign. - If you're interested in registering, please
contact Karina Fast at kfast@westgatemennonite.ca .
M.C.C.'s 12th annual Golf Tournament is July 9 at Bridges Golf Course.
Register your team now! $175 per person (with $60 tax receipt available).
Earlybird registration deadline: June 13. Register online at
mccmanitoba.ca/golf or phone 204-261-6381.
Masterworks Summer Dance Camp! Come enjoy a week of dance,
learning about God and making great friends at Masterworks Dance Studio, a
program of Youth For Christ. Dance camps available for ages 5-18. Summer
kids camp themes are ‘Super Heroes’ and ‘Around the World in 5 Days’. To
register call 204-946-5617 or come in person to 333 King St.
Keenager Spring Concert – Braeside E.M. Church (1011 Munroe Ave.) on
Thursday, June 19, 7 pm. A collection will be taken to support the MCC LowGerman program in Mexico. Join us for a good evening of Choir Singing.
Cake and Coffee will follow the concert.
Eden Health Care Services is looking to hire a fulltime Housing and
Community Supports Manager to provide leadership and program
supervision for their new supportive housing project, Concordia Village IV
located at 1055 Molson Street, Winnipeg. Please contact Bev Dyck at 204325-6585 or bdyck@edenhealth.mb.ca. More information at
MHC (Mennonite Heritage Centre) Gallery Opening: June 26, 7pm (600
Shaftesbury Blvd.) An exhibition with two shows (June 26 to September 13):
Moved by the Spirit, works inspired by events in the life of Jesus, and
Awakenings, paintings by Faye Hall. The opening features singer Steve Bell.
Artist tours with Faye, Sun. June 29, 2-4pm; Thurs. July 10, 7-9pm; Fri. Sept
12, 7-9pm (including a special showing of 32 paintings for a new children's
book for the Mully Children's Family.)
Deutscher Gottesdienst
den 15. Juni, 2014; 9:30 Uhr
Gemeindelieder: Ich bin durch die Welt gegangen
Jesus, Heiland meiner Seele
English Service
June 15, 2014 - 11:00 a.m.
# 422
# 424
Congregation Songs: O worship the Lord
Call to Worship & Prayer
Begrüssung und Aufruf zur Andacht
HWB #124
Jack Dyck
Congregation: The Wellspring
Trio: Das du mich einstimmen lässt
Recognizing our Sunday School Graduates
Gemeindelied: Schönster Herr Jesu
Thanking our Christian education workers
Congregation: I want to walk as a child of light
HWB #95
Announcements & Prayer Concerns
Beileidslied: So wie ich bin
# 323
Pastoral Prayer
Trio: Meine Seele ist stille in dir
Offering & Congregational Song: I will sing unto the Lord
Gebet für Kollekte
Children’s Feature
Gemeindelied und Kollekte: Was kann es schönres geben
# 347
Scripture Reading: Jonah 1
Schriftlese: Johannes 3:1-6; 2. Korinther 5:17
Predigt: „Gott ruht nur am 7ten Tag-er pensioniert nie“
Message: “Hide and Seek“
Congregation: O God, how we have wandered
Gemeindelied: Selge Gewissheit
SS #58
# 345
Schluss und Segen
Congregation: Siyahamb‘
Gemeindelied: Geh unter der Gnade
*Ushers, Please hand out Sing the Story and
Sing the Journey Song books!*
Thank You 