File phylum porifera guided notes

Phylum Porifera
Is there anything about Sponge Bob that is accurate?
What is inaccurate about Sponge Bob?
There are ____________________, but they are more rare than ____________________.
• Marine Sponges
• Very __________Animals
• __________Feeders
__________ as adults
attached to bottom
– are __________mobile
Filter Feeding
They eat ____________________, ____________________ and ___________________
Food in water is carried via water ____________________,
and is filtered out with ____________________ or ____________________of the
feeding animal.
• Up to _____________efficient in capturing all bacteria in the water!!
Incoming water also provides ____________________.
Can filter over _________________their volume in a single 24 hour period.
Regulate the amount of flow by constricting ____________________.
Water enters through the ____________________ , goes into the
____________________, and exits the ____________________.
____________________ – flagella pumps water, cone traps food particles.
____________________– can become any cell they need to. Digest food
____________________– make up the pores or openings into the sponge
Chonocytes beat flagella ________________________________________________
Water flowing ________________________________________
________________________________________are captured in mucus inside sponge.
Feeding Methods in Porifera
Primarily ____________________
But some species have various adaptations to obtain additional food
Symbiosis =
Symbiosis in Porifera
Mutualism =
Mutualism in Porifera
• Shallow water sponges live in ____________________where photosynthesis can
• These species can harbor ________________________________________.
• As these cells photosynthesize, they provide further ____________________for
Feeding Modes in Porifera
• ____________________
• . ____________________
• . ____________________
Carnivorous Species
• Cladorhizidae ________________________________________.
• They capture small ____________________ (like Velcro when they come in
contact with the crustacean exoskeletons.)
• Cells then ________________________________________.
Skeletal Support
Porifera skeletons can be made of
Combination of the Two
• ____________________skeletons
Sponges may have various types of spicules
Spicules ____________________
Glass Sponges
Called glass sponges because of ____________________
• Spicules may have ____________________
• ____________________shaped
• Live between ____________________
• Often contain ____________________