TRE I V SEMESTER Q Explain the necessity and objects of highway planning Q What are the various requirements of an ideal highway alignment? Discuss briefly. Q Briefly explain the engineering surveys needed for locating a new highway. Q Explain Jaikar committee reports and development of 1st road plan. Q Explain briefly the various aspects investigated during parking studies. What are uses of these studies? Q What are the objectives of planning for road development in India? Discuss Nagpur Plan at length. Also comment on its shortcomings. Q Explain the following with their significance a)Passenger car unit b)Spot speed Studies Q Explain with neat sketches five regulatory and warning signs. Q Explain various methods of origin and destination studies. Q What are the various types of Traffic signs? Q What is super elevation? On what factors the value of super elevation depends Derive the super elevation expression Q Find the safe overtaking dist for a highway having a design speed of 120 kmph assume all data suitably Q It is proposed to align a two lane highway in an urban area, it was necessary to provide a horizontal circular curve of radius 300m .The design speed of vehicle is 90kmph .Length of wheel base of largest truck 6.1m Design a)Super elevation b)stooping sight dist c)Intermediate sight dist d)Extra widening Q (1) Explain a) ESWL b)CBR method of pavement design (2) Following data refers to a pavement carrying heavy traffic of 300 commercial vehicles/day. Soil portion passing 0.074 sieve =50%, liquid limit =40%, plastic limit =20%, Estimate group index of soil. Q A national highway passing through a flat terrain has a horizontal curve of radius equal to the ruling minimum radius. If the design speed is 100 kmph, calculate absolute minimum sight dist, super elevation, extra widening, and length of transition curve, assume necessary data suitably. Q write notes on a)group index b)softening point test on bitumen c)Geotextiles d ) Impact test on aggregate Q a) Enlist the various tests to be performed on bitumen. Discuss any three with their significance in road construction. b) Explain the construction of WBM road. Draw neat sketch. Q a) Derive an expression for finding SSD at level and at grades. b) A valley curve is formed by a descending gradient of 1 in 40 which meets an ascending gradient of 1 in 30. (1)Find the length of valley curve for a design speed of 80 kmph. (2) Find the position of the lowest point of the valley. Q Write notes on (1) traffic characteristics (2) regulatory signs (3) pavement unevenness (4) transition curve Q Describe the ductility test on bitumen. What are IRC specifications for same also describe construction of cement concrete pavement. Q Write short notes on (1) Maintenance of WBM road (2) Los Angeles abrasion test (3) Cutback and emulsion Q What are the various factors which affect the design of a pavement structure? Discuss briefly Q Design pavement for new carriageway with the following data, (1) Initial traffic in each direction in the year of completion of construction = 2800 CV/ day (2) Design life =10yrs. (3)Design CBR of sub –grade =5% Q Give the analysis of overtaking sight distance. Comment on overtaking zone. Q Explain with neat sketches various failures of flexible and rigid pavement. Q Explain the construction procedure of bituminous roads. SECTION B Q. Explain how the bridges are classified. Comment on numbering of bridges. What are the factors considered while selecting the site for a proposed bridge? Q. A bridge is proposed to be constructed across an alluvial stream carrying a discharge of 250 cubic meter/second. Assuming value of silt factor f=1.00. Determine maximum scour depth when the bridge consists of 4 spans each of 20m. Q. What are preliminary investigations & data required to be collected for deciding the length & the type of bridge for a major bridge project? Q. Explain with neat sketch Deck type, Through type & Semi-through type bridges. Q. What do you understand by the term caisson? With the help of a neat sketch, describe the open caisson foundation. Q. Enumerate the loads and forces that are considered in the design of bridge abutment. Write a short note on bridge bearings. Q. (a) Explain with neat sketches various types of bridge superstructure. (b)Explain with neat sketches ‘Well Foundation’ for bridges. Q. Define bearing and mention the purposes of providing bearings in a bridge, with neat sketches. Explain fixed bearings. Q. Write short notes on: 1) Movable bridges 2) Repairs and maintenance of bridges. Q. (A) Explain the following terms: 1) Launching of bridges 2) Aesthetics of bridges 3) Rating of bridges. (B) What is meant by bridge superstructure? What are its various types? Discuss in brief. Q. a) Explain seismic forces for bridges. b) What are cofferdams? Explain with neat sketches various types and requirements. Q. Explain various forces to be taken into account in the design of pier and an abutment of Road Bridge. Illustrate with neat sketches, where they act in each case. Q. What are ‘Return-Walls ‘and ‘Wing-Walls’? Discuss the purpose for which they are provided. Q. What is the Causeway? How do they differ from other type of cross-drainage work? Q. Explain with neat sketch various types of bridge superstructure for R.C.C. bridges. Q. Write short notes on: A) Economic span of a bridge. B) IRC loading class AA specification. C) Culvert. Q. Derive an equation for Economic span. Q. Explain the term Afflux. Q. What are bridge bearings? Discuss their suitability. Q. Write short notes on: A) well sinking. B) Bridge identification. C) Clearance and free board. Q. Estimate the minimum depth of foundation of a bridge from the following data: (i)Maximum flood discharge = 942 cumecs. (i) Lacey’s silt factor = 0.72 (iii) Bridge openings = 3 no. of 20 m each. Q. What are the various methods of estimating flood discharge of a bridge? Explain any one in detail. Q. Write short notes on: (i) Movable bridges (ii) Pneumatic cassions (iii) Cantilever and suspension bridge. Q. Enumerate the factors affecting the selection of site for a bridge. Q. A catchment area of 30 sq. kilometer recorded a severest rainfall of 300 mm obtained from data of past 50 years over a period of 3 hours. Farthest point on catchment from the bridge site lie at 3.5 km. Average ground slope is 1 in 100 with a run off co-efficient of 0.85. Compute the amount of water inflow may occur under the bridge.