Pelican Bay Nutrition Nutrition and Health History Name:_______________________________________ Age: _______ Gender:_____ Date:______________ Height: ________ Weight:_____________ Has your weight changed in the past 5 years? Yes or No (if yes please explain) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Medical History (Check any that apply) sterol Surgeries Other_______________ ____________________ ____________________ Please list all medications: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Please list all nutritional supplements and meal replacements: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Do you exercise? Yes or No (If yes briefly describe your exercise program below) ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Do you smoke or use tobacco? Yes or No tobacco cessation? Yes or No Are you interested in information about What prompted you to schedule a nutrition appointment? __________________________________________________________________ What is the number one thing you would like covered in your appointment? __________________________________________________________________ Please list 1-2 things you would like to change about your eating habits and briefly explain why? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Are you currently, or have you ever, been on a special meal plan or seen a Registered Dietitian for nutrition counseling? Yes or No (if yes please explain) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Is it OK to contact you by phone and/or email? Yes or No If yes, please provide contact info: Phone: _______________________ Email: ________________________ I, ___________________________________, agree to allow Pelican Bay’s Registered Dietitian, located at 8960 Hammock Oak Dr Naples Florida 34208 to provide nutrition recommendations, wellness goals, and meal planning information with the intention of enhancing my health and wellness. I understand that Pelican Bay’s Registered Dietitian is not a physician and the information provided in our session is not to replace or supersede the information provided to me by my health care practitioner or any member of my primary healthcare team. I will be as honest as possible about my medical history, medication, alcohol and drug use, exercise routine and current eating habits so that the Registered Dietitian can provide the information that is best suited to meet my unique nutrition needs. I will not hold Pelican Bay Foundation or the Registered Dietitian liable for any problems, illness or injuries that may occur due to change in my eating or exercise habits. I do hereby intend to be legally bound for myself and waive release of any and all rights and claims for damages I may have against Pelican Bay Foundation and the Registered Dietitian providing the nutrition consultation. Signature:______________________________________ Date: __________________