Psychology Syllabus - Arlington Public Schools

Psychology Syllabus
Ms. Rogers
Yorktown High School
Contact Information
Social Studies Office – (703) 228-5371
E-mail –
Room 330
Course Website
Course Description and Objective:
This course focuses on the examination and analysis of key historic events, eras, and themes that have shaped United
States and Virginia History over the last several centuries. The course theme is “Perspectives” and our class will
examine how American society’s perspectives can influence people, governments, geography, technology, and
The ultimate goal of this course is to provide you, the student, with the following:
 The ability and confidence to analyze and fully comprehend complex American historic events and themes
 The skills and knowledge needed to pass the course end-of-year SOL exam
The course is designed to follow our state and national history chronologically through time.
Units of study will follow this general timeline*:
European Exploration and Settlement
The Revolutionary Era 1763-1780
The Constitutional Period 1781-1800
The Early Republic (1790-1825)
Jacksonian America and Reform (1825-1850)
Early October
Mid October
Late October
Early November
Civil War and Reconstruction (1850-1877)
Industrial Development (1877-1914)
Imperialism and WWI (1890-1920)
Roaring 20s, Great Depression, New Deal (1920-1940)
World War II (1939-1945)
The Cold War (1945-1989)
Civil Rights (1950-Present)
America Since 1989 (1989-Present)
Late November-Early January
Mid January
Late January-Early February
Mid February
Late February-Early March
Mid March
Early April
Late April
*Timeline subject to minor adjustments
Class Expectations and Structure:
The class will consist of a mix of lecture, discussion, video clips/documentaries, movies, presentations,
simulations and various class activities, mostly done in pairs or groups. History can be an interactive course
that involves discussion and hands-on activities. Everyone will be expected to participate on a regular
Course Website:
I have created a website specifically for my classes to be used by students and their parents. It is accessible
via Yorktown’s main website under “Departments” and then under “Social Studies”. The website includes
grades, course information, weekly assignments, online activities, etc. Please refer to it often, especially
when you are absent as I will post assignments on a weekly basis.
The website is:
I will follow the Yorktown grading scale that you should be familiar with (see student handbook). Any
quarter grade with a value of .5 (ex. 89.5) will be rounder to the higher letter grade. Student grades will
reflect student achievement and not student behavior.
Letter Grade
90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100
87, 88, 89
80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86
77, 78, 79
70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76
67, 68, 69
60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66
Quality Points
Quality Points
In addition to achievement, work habits as noted in the report card comments will be evaluated for each
course using the following symbols:
Surpasses Expectations
Meets Expectations
Approaching Expectations
Needs Improvement
The types of graded assignments will be broken-out in approximately the following way. (The following is
subject to minor adjustments per quarter.)
Class Participation and Discussion
Class Activities and Notebook
Homework Assignments
Percentage of total grade
Final Grades:
Final grades are calculated based on quarterly and final exam grades. Each quarter will be worth 20% of the
total grade, year-end. The final exam/project will be 20% of the total, year-end grade. Students who have
averaged an A for quarter grades will be exempt from the final exam.
Extra Credit:
Extra credit will be given at the teacher’s discretion when deemed necessary. Extra credit will not be given
with all assignments and it will not be given simply because it was requested.
You are required to have a notebook (or binder) in the class. You are expected to take notes with each
lesson and keep hand-outs in your notebook in the order in which they were received. Ms. Rogers will
periodically display a table of contents, which will serve as a guide for the general order of your notebook.
The notebook’s purpose is to help boost your grade. If you keep up with your notebook in class, you will
almost surely receive a high grade on it.
Late work:
All assignments are due on the assigned day. Assignments turned in on time should be place in the “IN”
folder for your class. If you do not have an assignment to turn in on the given due date, you must complete
a late slip and give it to me in place of the assignment. You may hand in an assignment one day late for
partial credit. Please do not place late work in the “IN” folder. Unless you are sick or absent, you will not be
able to hand it in for credit after the 2nd day that it was due. All late work must be handed to me directly
for approval. Do not place it on my desk.
Required Reading:
The textbook is available online via Blackboard. If you’d like a hardcopy for home, you may check out a
book with me. If it gets lost or destroyed, you will be required to pay for a replacement. You are expected
to read each chapter when it is assigned. The textbook is:
The American Vision. Columbus, Ohio: Glencoe, McGraw-Hill, 2003
You will need the following supplies for this class:
 Notebook: 3 ring binder or spiral notebook. (If you use a spiral notebook, it is your responsibility to
make sure handouts stay in place, in order in the notebook. This will require gluing, stapling, or
taping down. I cannot always supply glue or tape.)
 Folder
 Lined notebook paper
 Pens
 No. 2 pencils (for tests)
 Colored pencils
What You Can Expect from me (the teacher):,
My responsibility to you as students is to make sure that you learn the material and have every opportunity
to participate in class, ask questions, and get help when you need it. I will treat you with respect at all
times, and expect the same in return. I will be available many days before and after school to answer any
questions, address concerns, or give you guidance and extra help. My goal is to see you learn and grow
throughout the school year and enjoy all that the subject of US History has to offer. I will do my best to
make sure that you have a good year academically. All major assignments will be announced well in
advance and I will grade papers, quizzes, and tests within a reasonable amount of time. I will be available
after school in room 265 or room 227 or the 3rd floor teacher’s lounge.
Cell phones:
As per Yorktown’s student handbook, cell phones are strictly prohibited in my class. A student may not use
his or her cell phone under any circumstances (cases of extreme emergency should be brought to the
teacher’s attention before class). Nor should the cell phone be visible to the teacher in any way, at any
point in the class.
Other Expectations:
*Respect: Please respect differences in the classroom. It is important to recognize each individual’s right to
express him/herself. You may not agree with everyone, but please disagree respectfully.
*Electronic Devices: Please put away electronic devices (ie. cell phones, iPods) before you have walked into
the classroom. They will be confiscated immediately and given to an administrator if they are used during
class time. You will then need to come after school to pick them up. On rare occasions, we may use our cell
phones as part of a class activity or experiment. Before and immediately after the activity, the phones are
to be turned-off, out of sight.
*Appropriate Language: Please use school appropriate language
*Daily attendance: Please arrive on time! Your attendance is paramount to your success. You are part of a
community of learners and are vital to our progress! Points missed will NOT be allowed to be made up if
you are tardy.
*Prepared: Please arrive prepared both mentally and physically to work. In order to avoid the attraction of
bugs/rodents as well as messes, I ask that you refrain from eating and drinking in the classroom; however,
water is acceptable.
*Responsibility: Please be responsible for your own learning by giving each activity your best effort,
completing your own assignments, asking for help when needed, and getting assignments/notes you have
missed due to being tardy/absent (send me an e-mail to set up a meeting).
*Plagiarism: Please respect other people’s work by remembering to give credit where credit is due. There
is zero tolerance for plagiarism-your grade will be significantly deducted.
I have read the course syllabus given to me by Ms. Rogers. I agree to abide by the policies and procedures as a
student of Ms. Rogers’. I understand that I am responsible for my own actions.
Student Name_________________________________________________________________
Student Signature_______________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name__________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature_______________________________________________________