The Institute of Internal Auditors LONG ISLAND CHAPTER NEWSLETTER Volume 15 * * May 2015 * * In This Issue 1. President’s May Message 2. LI Chapter Annual Conference ~ revisited & photos ~ 3. 2015 IIA Leadership Academy ~ LI Represented at National Event ~ 4. Call For Volunteers Help your Chapter ~ Grow your skills 5. Certification & Training News 6. Internal Audit Awareness Month 7. Chapter Silver Anniversary ~ Update & Call for Sponsors ~ 8. Program Schedule/Site Info ~ 2015/2016 Planning Underway ~ 9. Your Chapter Website 10. Audit Employment Opportunities ~ Open Positions & Contact Information ~ 1. Issue 9 n Up Coming Events IIA International Conference July 5 - 8, 2015 Vancouver, BC, Canada * * * Chapter Silver Anniversary Gala Friday, October 23, 2015 Rare 650 Restaurant Syosset, Long Island ~ save the date ~ ____________________________ For more information go to: Local Career Opportunities Visit the website above and click on News and Jobs Long Island Chapter Presidential Message May 2015 What a SPECTACULAR way to end our 2014-2015 Chapter Event Program schedule with a recordbreaking turnout at the “Annual Conference”. In attendance were 154 members, non-members, and guests, an incredible feat! We the Board of Governors (BOG) thank you, our members, for your support and active participation throughout the year. April’s “Annual Conference” morning sessions were packed with value-added presentations from Christopher Wright, Protiviti, Inc., Jennifer Esterheld, Wolters Kluwer, Rod Smith and Jonathan Vinas, Crowe Horwath, and Dr. John Rizzo, Long Island’s Chief Economist. The afternoon session was a fun filled gathering of presentations and role playing “Lead with Your Whole Brain” by Graceworks. The Annual conference survey continues to show that our “Event Team Leaders” are doing a fabulous job selecting quality topics and subject matter experts to present. Page | 1 The Institute of Internal Auditors LONG ISLAND CHAPTER NEWSLETTER Volume 15 * * May 2015 * * Issue 9 Presidential Message – May 2015 - - continued - - 1. Our BOG met in May and we are now planning our 2015-2016 Chapter Event Program based on your input. We are in the process of identifying “Event Team Leaders” and topics for 2015-2016. Remember, it is extremely important that you all complete the post-event survey. This is your opportunity to recommend any topic(s) and or speaker(s) that our membership would want to see in future programs. As a token of our appreciation, all completed survey submittals are automatically entered in a raffle for a prize. Our Chapter Officers will attend a Transition Meeting in mid May to transfer roles, responsibilities, and authorities to our incoming team. We ensure you that our Chapter Leaders will not skip a beat. Thanks to our membership, committee members, and our BOG, the national IIA Chapter Achievement Program has honored the Long Island Chapter with “Platinum Status”, which is the highest honor that can be received. Our momentum continues to head in the right direction: Our attendance is up and we all experienced an exciting year. However, there is always room for improvement! If you wish to suggest a topic or speaker, make a recommendation, or would like to consider joining one of our committees, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or any of our Officers, BOG or Committee members. We are all connected at Kind regards, Robert C. McNair CIA, CRMA, MBA, MS President, Institute of Internal Auditors-Long Island 2. April Annual Chapter Conference Revisited ~ Chapter Year 2015-2016 Election of Officers & Board of Governors held ~ Annual Conference Event Summary The 2015 Annual Conference focused on several topics, including: the New Revenue Recognition Rules; trends and best practices in Audit Committee Reporting; global leading practices in Third Party Risk Management; and, the Economic Outlook for the upcoming year. Participants obtained an understanding of how individual and team thinking preferences can impact their skills relating to communication, teamwork, leadership, problem solving, decision-making and creativity, utilizing the “Whole Brain Thinking” tool. Page | 2 The Institute of Internal Auditors LONG ISLAND CHAPTER NEWSLETTER Volume 15 2. * * May 2015 * * Issue 9 April Annual Chapter Conference - - continued - - Active participation of attendees gave a ‘hands-on’ approach to the training sessions at he afternoon presentations. Presented below is a brief synopsis of the day’s programming: • “The New Revenue Recognition Rules: What CAEs Need to Know” – Christopher Wright: Regional Managing Director, Eastern United States - Protiviti, Inc. • • “Audit Committee Reporting: Trends and Best Practices” Jennifer M. Esterheld: Director of Market Development Wolters Kluwer • “The Best of the Best – Global Leading Practices in Third Party Risk Management” Rod Smith, MBA, CISA, CGEIT, CPA: Senior Manager, New York Crowe Horwath; Jonathan Vinas: Staff • “The U. S. and Long Island Economic Outlook” – Dr. John Rizzo: Chief Economist, Long Island Association • “Lead with Your Whole Brain” - Carol Doscher: President & CEO Graceworks; and, Rich Swingle Trainer and Coach Graceworks The tone of the day’s events are seen in the pictures that follow – the earning of 8 CPE’s is not always just a long-hard-day ! – Appearing from left – to right – are: Lauren Nichols, John Rostern, Bob McNair, Ron Goldman, and Lucille Brower. All are attendees participating at the Annual Conference. Appearing on left is Larry Karp, Computer Associates and Christ Wright, Protiviti, Inc who presented an excellent presentation on“The New Revenue Recognition Rules: What CAEs Need to Know” Page | 3 The Institute of Internal Auditors LONG ISLAND CHAPTER NEWSLETTER Volume 15 2. * * May 2015 * * Issue 9 April Annual Chapter Conference - - continued - - Appearing on left is:Bob McNair, IIA Chapter President and Dr. John Rizzo, Chief Economist, Long Island Association and Professor at SBU. Two past Presidents of the Long Island IIA Chapter enjoy a break during the seminar – Pictured on the left is Prabhat Kumar and Mike Lanning. Chapter Year 2015-2016 Election of Officers & Board of Governors held A very important task at our annual meeting is the election of Officers and members of the Board of Governors for the 2015-2016 Chapter Year. Our nominating committee published and circulated the proposed slate to members via Email on 17 March this year. The election was held at approximately 8:30AM on April 17, 2015, immediately preceding the Chapter’s Annual Conference at the Melville Marriott. The results of the election are as follows. Note that only those members who are new to the slate this year, or whose terms have expired were up for election – incumbents are not up for election until their terms expire – and thus incumbents are not named here. Nominated Officers Elected: President: EVP and Treasurer: VP & Asst. Treasurer VP & Operations Office: VP Professional Services: VP & Chief Information Officer VP & Secretary: Mr. Ernest Patrick Smith Ms. Maria Michaelson Ms. Nicole Sullivan Ms. Ellen Caravella Mr. James Shively Mr. Marco Dias Mr. Brian Austin Page | 4 The Institute of Internal Auditors LONG ISLAND CHAPTER NEWSLETTER Volume 15 * * May 2015 * * Issue 9 April Annual Chapter Conference ~ Elections ~ - - continued - - 2. Board of Governors Elected: (Term Ending May 2018) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Mr. Robert Skirkanich Ms. Lauren Agunzo Ms. Biju Beegum Mr. Marshall Lieberman (replaced Deepali Adhikari) Mr. Roy Garbarino Mr. Brian Blisard Ms. Andrea Reece Mr. Rocky Shankar (Term Ending May 2017) 1. Ms. Annette Welsh (replaced Geraldine Brennan) 2. Mr. Pinak Guha (replaced Karen Amato) 3. Ms. Joyce Larson Congratulations to all ! . . . . A thank you from the membership goes out to the hard work, and wise recruitment of candidates, by our Nominating Committee – who are: Mr. Robert McNair, President; Mr. Ron Goldman, Past President; Ms. Megan Scotti, Member; Ms. Dawn Scala, Member; and, Mr. Mitch Blickstein, Member. 3. CHAPTER REP’s ATTEND IIA 2015 LEADERSHIP ACADEMY NOTE: The following information is supplied by Ellen Caravella, our Chapter’s current VP Assistant Treasurer. Her summary of attending the National IIA 2015 Leadership Academy is informative and highlights the support IIA National affords our Chapters throughout the country and internationally. I was fortunate to attend the Institute of Internal Auditors’ 2015 Leadership Academy (LA) from Sunday, April 19, 2015 through Tuesday, April 21, 2015. Sessions were packed with information, vendors, discussion groups and networking opportunities. They covered important changes in the profession as well as within the IIA organization. A scavenger hunt utilizing the app Scavify was also held, which was a fun way to meet other IIA members or learn trivia related to auditing. The LA provided opportunities for the volunteer members of the Long Island IIA to meet representatives we communicate with on a routine basis. We also met with the outgoing and incoming IIA District Representatives. The Long Island chapter will gain a new District Representative to replace Gary Jendras, who has been our liaison for many years. Our new District Representative is Neil Frieser, who is the Vice President of Internal Audit at Frontier Communications in Stamford, CT. It was great to meet Neil and we hope to have him come to one of our future Long Island IIA meetings. Richard F. Chambers, President and CEO of the IIA, opened the meeting with a presentation on the “Pulse of the Profession.” He discussed the results of the 8th Annual Survey of the profession and spoke about how its everchanging nature forces us to remain current and technically competent. He favors the phrase “Auditing at the Speed of Risk” because it emphasizes this dynamism in our environments. He is aware of the challenges we face and how important it is for us to link risks identified with audit coverage. He encouraged us to promote the Internal Audit profession and stressed the importance of investing in oneself with certifications. Page | 5 The Institute of Internal Auditors LONG ISLAND CHAPTER NEWSLETTER Volume 15 3. * * May 2015 * * Issue 9 IIA 2015 LEADERSHIP ACADEMY - - continued - - There were discussions with other IIA staff regarding Diversity & Inclusion and Advocacy. Focus on these areas helps chapter leaders to address the global needs of the profession while raising awareness of our legal and ethical commitments. I was shocked to hear the demographic planning indicates that in five years, most IIA chapter Board and Executive Board members will be “Generation Y” members. Emphasis was placed on the importance of reaching out to these members of our chapter and making them feel more integrated. Some chapters have started a committee to facilitate their involvement. I took away a lot of information from the LA, as well as new and exciting ideas on how to help engage chapter members to learn, participate and network. As we plan the meeting schedule for next year, I will see where we can fit in some of these new ideas. Thank you again for allowing me to participate in this meaningful program! 4. COMMITTEE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR LONG ISLAND CHAPTER Volunteers for the Long Island Chapter of the IIA are still needed, no special skills required, though be prepared to sharpen your existing skills and develop new professional capabilities. A list of the committees seeking help are supplied below, please select any you are interested in, note them in an Email to: Alice Seoylemezian <> and we will forward a mission statement on that committee to you for your review as well as further contact information if you are interested. Alice can also be reached by phone at: (516)782-1225 if you have any questions. Our Chapter’s committees presently seeking YOUR aid are: · Technology · Speakers Bureau · Newsletter/Public Relations · Academic Relations · Nominating Committee · Program Committee · Government Relations · Standards Committee · Hospitality /Meeting Arrangements /Membership We look forward to hearing from you. (information via Alice Seoylemezian ~ Chapter Awards Chair) 5. Certification & Training News Chapter Member Receives CIA Certification John Helldorfer from CA Technologies recently received the CIA ( Certified Internal Auditor) designation. The Long Island Chapter of the IIA board and membership wishes him the best of luck and future success in his career. ® Prepare to Pass - the IIA's CIA Learning System Are you looking for the best way to prepare for the Certified Internal Auditor® (CIA®) exam? The Institute of Internal Auditors’ CIA Learning System teaches the entire global Page | 6 The Institute of Internal Auditors LONG ISLAND CHAPTER NEWSLETTER Volume 15 5. * * May 2015 * * Certification & Training News Issue 9 - - continued - - CIA exam syllabus. The study tools offer customization, convenience and mobility so you can make the most of your valuable study time. Begin your studies today! Study on-the-go with interactive online study tools that are optimized for your mobile device – Look for discounts offered to IIA members only – IIA’s CIA LEARNING SYSTEM FEATURES Choose the study option that best suits your schedule and study preferences. Create a customized SmartStudy™ plan based on your areas of strength and weakness. Learn the entire global CIA exam syllabus in a concise and easy-to-understand format. Travel light and access your reading materials via your e-reader device. For more information visit the IIA Website at: to explore this learning system and a host of related hardcopy research papers, books and notices on upcoming training events. Start now – and – PREPARE TO PASS Last Chance to Enroll in Boston CIA Review Seminars, June 9-12. Don't miss this opportunity to kick-start your CIA preparations with a live, instructor-led CIA exam review seminar in Boston! Enroll in Part 1 (June 9), Part 2 (June 10), Part 3 (June 11-12) or all three! Get a high level introduction and overview of the topics covered on the CIA exam. Reinforce your CIA knowledge, clarify exam topics, and build exam-day confidence. Enjoy expert instruction and discussion led by a CIA-certified expert instructor. Work through practice exam questions. Learn test taking tips. Receive Version 4.0 of The IIA's CIA Learning System including self-study printed books, e-book, online software access and a slide book for each part. For more information, visit or contact Gleim Offering Discount for 2016 CIA Study Materials Gleim is offering a15% discount for pre-ordering their 2016 edition of CIA study material. Please check Gleim on the web for particulars. ~ (information via Biju Beegum ~ our Chapter Certifications Chair) ~ Page | 7 The Institute of Internal Auditors LONG ISLAND CHAPTER NEWSLETTER Volume 15 6. * * May 2015 * * Issue 9 International Internal Audit Awareness Month May has been designated ‘ INTERNATIONAL INTERNAL AUDIT AWARENESS MONTH’. A letter to our chapter’s Board of Governors explaining International Internal Audit Awareness Month’, and inviting our Chapter to celebrate this event follows below. ( On April 21, 2015 Biju Beegum, our Chapter Certifications Chair, received the following letter) : Dear Biju: To build awareness about the important role of internal auditing around the world, the month of May is designated as International Internal Audit Awareness Month. This is when members of our profession have an enhanced opportunity to advocate for the profession within their organizations and out in their communities. Throughout the month, The Institute of Internal Auditors’ Headquarters seeks to support your chapter’s efforts to promote the importance of the internal audit profession. The IIA has developed an array of resources for chapters to use to initiate dialogue and other interactions that can lead to a greater understanding among stakeholders and the general public about the value that internal auditing brings to organizations in both the public and private sectors. We invite you to also participate in the Building Awareness Champion program, which will recognize chapters that actively engage in International Internal Audit Awareness Month activities. Chapters that successfully complete this program will receive the Building Awareness Champion digital award, which can be posted on your chapter website and used in marketing materials. Your participation in the program’s activities also earns CAP points for your chapter. We sincerely hope that you will consider engaging your members during May and throughout the year in initiatives that aim to build greater awareness of the value of internal auditing, and we look forward to hearing about your successes. Thank you for your leadership, and for your service to The IIA and the profession. Regards, Richard F. Chambers, CIA, QIAL, CGAP, CCSA, CRMA President and Chief Executive Officer, The Institute of Internal Auditors John W. Wszelaki, CIA, CRMA 2014-15 Chairman of the North American Board, The Institute of Internal Auditors Page | 8 The Institute of Internal Auditors LONG ISLAND CHAPTER NEWSLETTER Volume 15 7. * * May 2015 * * Issue 9 Chapter SILVER ANNIVERSARY Information Page SAVE THE DATE – CHAPTER 25TH ANNIVERSARY PLANNING UNDERWAY ~ ~ ~ SILVER ANNIVERSARY MEMBER YEARS: CHAPTER ANNIVERSARY MEMBER INFORMATION: - As our Chapter's 25th anniversary year continues members wonder how long they have been an IIA member - how soon we forget ! Fortunately, there is a speedy way to get your IIA starting date with the IIA. To obtain this information send an Email, titled: 'ANNIVERSARY INFORMATION', with your full name, to: Your info will be by return-Email, thus provisioning accurate cocktail banter for your participation in our on-going Silver Anniversary year celebration, of which you are a part ! October 23, 2015 The Conservatory Room at Rare 650 650 Jericho Turnpike , Syosset, NY 7pm – 11pm The ‘Save-The-Date’ notices will go out to all members, by the end of this month. We are looking for sponsorships for the event and we encourage all Chapter members to contact their employers to see if they want to be a part of this event by becoming a sponsor. Sponsorships are at several levels: Platinum $2k; Gold $1k; Silver $500; and, Bronze $250. Please contact any of the 25th anniversary committee members, or, Bob McNair if you have any questions about sponsorships. A Sponsorship Letter and Sponsorship Response Form follow on the next two pages – Please copy-out and use this information as an aid to seeking sponsorship support. Our 25th anniversary committee members are: Gary Jendras, William Mannix, Kitty Craig, Vincent Colletti, Fred Piulson, Carolyn Leahy and Christopher Vergamini. Page | 9 The Institute of Internal Auditors LONG ISLAND CHAPTER NEWSLETTER Volume 15 * * May 2015 * * Issue 9 The 25th Anniversary Celebration of The Long Island Chapter of the IIA SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION LETTER For the last 25 years, the Long Island Chapter of the IIA has been providing excellent, low cost educational and networking programs for internal auditors and other professionals on Long Island. On Friday, October 23, 2015, the Chapter will mark its 25th Anniversary with a grand celebration. We look forward to celebrating with all those who support the Chapter and volunteer their time and effort to make this such an excellent organization. We would like you, and your organization, to be a part of this exciting event. As a not for profit organization, we are looking for assistance from our member companies in supplementing the costs of this event. All individuals and company sponsors will be recognized in our Anniversary Program. In addition, all Platinum sponsors will be offered advertising space on our Chapter website. The sponsorships that are available include the following: Platinum Sponsorship $2,000 Gold Sponsorship $1,000 Silver Sponsorship $750 Bronze Sponsorship $500 Page | 10 The Institute of Internal Auditors LONG ISLAND CHAPTER NEWSLETTER Volume 15 * * May 2015 * * Issue 9 The 25th Anniversary Celebration of The Long Island Chapter of the IIA SPONSORSHIP RESPONSE FORM Please indicate your willingness to sponsor this special event by completing the form below. I/we want to participate by sponsoring the gala celebration as follows: ___________ Platinum Sponsorship $2,000 ___________ Gold Sponsorship $1,000 ___________ Silver Sponsorship $750 ___________ Bronze Sponsorship $500 ___________ Total Amount Submitted Company or Individual Name _____________________________________ Company Representative or Individual Printed Name _____________________________________ Company Representative or Individual Signature _____________________________________ Company Representative or Individual Phone Number _____________________________________ Please notify Gary Jendras at or call (516) 349-6721 of your intent to sponsor the event and include this sponsorship form along with a check made payable to the IIA Long Island Chapter and mail to: Gary Jendras c/o Bethpage Federal Credit Union 899 South Oyster Bay Road Bethpage, New York, NY 11714 Fax :(516) 349-6765 Page | 11 The Institute of Internal Auditors LONG ISLAND CHAPTER NEWSLETTER Volume 15 8. * * May 2015 * * Issue 9 Long Island Chapter Program Schedule 2015 PROGRAM VENUE – SCHEDULE – PRICING DETAILS / COMMENTS The following information is supplied to aid in use of the Chapter Program schedule. Please note that every effort is made to accommodate the needs of all attendees. Contact any Chapter officer/Board Member with your comments and needs to make programs a professional experience. Continental Breakfast - is served at 8:00 AM Lunch - is usually served at 12:30 PM Dress - is Business Casual Venue – All program events are held in MELVILLE, LONG ISLAND, at the Melville, Marriott. There is ample on-site parking and the Marriott is convenient to Old Country Road, the Northern State Parkway, Long Island Expressway and Route 110. This site has been chosen to be convenient to the busy schedules of program attendees, for the professional tone of presentation areas and the quality of dining facilities and services. Program Cancellation - Over the years, only a few cancellations have taken place – (hurricanes, snow days). A direct telephone number to the Marriott, provided to avoid trips to a closed facility, is (631) 423-1600. All events are rescheduled. Registration for individual events - Generally opens 20 days before each event. Registration information is emailed to Chapter members and will appear in the Chapter Newsletter. For more information go to OUR Chapter website: Page | 12 The Institute of Internal Auditors LONG ISLAND CHAPTER NEWSLETTER Volume 15 * * May 2015 * * Issue 9 Program Schedule – 2015 - - continued - - 8. CPE/CPD Certifications – Attendees who participate in a program will receive a CPE/CPD certificate and be registered to receive credit for use in their certification needs as appropriate. Long Island Chapter Program Schedule 2015 Date/Location Format Topic Prices -CPE/CPDs October 23, 2015 Friday Evening Dinner Event - - Programming to be announced Long Island Chapter 25th Anniversary Gala * * * ~ Seeking Sponsors – Please see section ‘7’ for info ~ Prices to be announced – (no CPE’s) Rare 650 Restaurant Syosset, NY 2015/2016 LONG ISLAND SEMINAR SCHEDULE: PLANNING IN PROCESS – WATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS OTHER ON & OVER THE HORIZON IIA CONFERENCE & EVENT SCHEDULES Following are schedules for typical IIA professional conferences/events, some in exotic places! IIA International Conference; July 5 – 8, 2015, Vancouver, BC, Canada – (See following page for registration information and registration saving opportunity). LI Chapter 25th Anniversary Gala; October 23, 2015, Rare 650 Restaurant, Syosset, NY (See ‘25th anniversary’ section for latest planning information/updates/sponsorship). Anyone attending the above – or in fact any – IIA conferences/events are asked to submit comments on their experience to our Chapter’s newsletter – please note items from conference/event that may be of interest to chapter membership. Email: CHAPTER NEWSLETTER - to . Page | 13 The Institute of Internal Auditors LONG ISLAND CHAPTER NEWSLETTER Volume 15 8. * * May 2015 * * Issue 9 Program Schedule – 2015 - - continued - - IIA International Conference; July 5–8, 2015, Vancouver, BC, Canada The following letter extends an invitation to save on registration for the IIA International Conference that will be held July 5th thru 8th this year in Vancouver, British Columbia. Please note the cut-off date for the offer, and if registering from our Chapter – take notes to report a summary of events on your return. The venue appears to be very exciting, and the technical program superb! Subject: Support IIA-Vancouver and Attend 2015 International Conference Dear Fellow North American Chapter Member, On behalf of IIA–Vancouver Chapter and IIA–Canada, we invite you to join us in Vancouver, British Columbia, for the 2015 International Conference, July 5–8, 2015. We are excited to represent North America and our fellow chapters by hosting this annual event that draws more than 2,000 of our colleagues from around the globe for rich educational and networking opportunities. Join us to explore the Mountains of Change … Oceans of Opportunities for the internal audit profession through 65+ career-spanning sessions plus exciting pre-conference workshops. In recognition of International Internal Audit Awareness Month, you can enjoy an additional savings of CAD$150 when you register using source code MAY2015 before May 31. We hope that you will accept our invitation and register today. Sincerely, Brett Naiden, CIA, CCSA, CRMA 2015 International Conference Co-chair Director, Financial Compliance & Audit Encana Corporation 9. Jeremy Picco, CIA 2015 International Conference Co-chair Incorporated Partner PRAGroup Long Island Chapter Website Check your Chapter website for the entire 2015 Events Schedule. Also, remember to check the website prior to attending our events. Many speaker presentations will be posted online for your convenience. Stay connected through our website where you can find complete information on our upcoming seminars and activities. .Of course, access IIA National, for information also. Remember, IIA members should go to the IIA webpage and update personal/professional information – place of work, e-mail, etc. as appropriate. Our Chapter webmaster, Mindy Kaplan, is always available if you have comments/questions/contributions to our website. Page | 14 The Institute of Internal Auditors LONG ISLAND CHAPTER NEWSLETTER Volume 15 * * May 2015 * * Issue 9 JOB OPENINGS as of May 2015 issue of the IIA LONG ISLAND CHAPTER NEWSLETTER 10. Positions listed below are open for your inquiry – Please access the Chapter website, (, for the most current offerings. If you have questions, or wish to list a Job Offering, contact Russ Safirstein at:, or by phone at: 516.927.7923 for the most current information. STERLING BACKCHECK – Sterling Backcheck IA Risk Management ACCUME PARTNERS – Senior Auditor & Audit Manager Positions available DEALERTRACK – Internal Audit Manager, ASTORIA BANK – Senior Compliance Analyst xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Page | 15