CIA Review Program Student Expectations

CIA Review Program
Student Expectations
Students are encouraged to enroll early in the review program in order to receive the printed
course materials and access to the online tool sin a timely manner, and to also complete the
recommended pre-study activities.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this review course, students should:
• Acquire an understanding of the internal audit activity’s role in organizational
governance, internal control,
• and risk management.
• Establish a risk-based plan to determine the priorities of the internal audit activity,
including risk assessment and resource requirements.
• Evaluate plan engagements and risk and control knowledge elements.
• Demonstrate compliance with The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Attribute Standards,
Practice Advisories and Code of Ethics.
Self-study Time
Students should generally expect to spend an average of 100 hours of self-study time
(depending on experience and background) in addition to the instructor-led classroom hours if
preparing for all four parts of the CIA® examination. Upon completion of the review sessions, it
is recommended that students also spend additional time self-studying and achieve a score in
the upper 80th percentile on the online practice exams from The IIA’s CIA® Learning System™
before sitting for the exam. To further help students identify how much time they may need to
study for each exam part, is available. Based on a series of questions
answered, the Study Tracker Tool will help students set a goal to successfully complete the
CIA® examination and create a detailed study plan to achieve those goals. Interactive online
quizzes and practice exams are also provided as supplemental learning tools for selfassessment purposes only.
Pre-study Recommendations
Similar to many professional exam reviews programs, the instructor-led sessions are taught as
a “review and reinforcement” of the material versus a first-time learning experience. Thus,
students should be well-versed in the internal auditing topics that are covered on the CIA®
Exam. In addition, students who have not taken college-level courses in general business
management should purchase a current standard textbook covering these topics or complete
relevant courses to" brush up" in these areas. Students should also complete the below prestudy activities prior to the first class session:
Evaluate their knowledge with the online pre-test questions. This pre-test will help you
and your instructors identify potential areas to focus your studies on.
Complete at least 20 hours of additional pre-study reviewing the online materials.