Chapter – 2 (Manual-1) Particulars of Organisation Functions and Duties: 01. Objectives / Purpose of the Public Authority: The Public Authority of this office is designated as Assistant Registrar, Co-operative Societies, Balasore Circle, Balasore having the area of operation of the Balasore District except Simulia and Khaira Block. The very purpose of this Public Authority is to register Co-operative Society in Rural Areas as well as in Urban Areas under Odisha Co-operative Societies Act. 1962 as has been delegated and conferred. The very objective of creating Co-operative Society is for the amelioration of the economic condition of the people mainly for agriculture and its credit flow through Financing Banks and etc. 02. Mission / Vision Statement of the Public Authority: The very mission of this Public Authority is to register the Co-operative Societies under OCS Act. 1962 and to exercise the Administrative Control over such institutions through Inspection, Visit and Constitution of the committee of management through democratic means. To administer the policy and programme of the Govt. for creating awareness among the members for their betterment so far as the vision is concerned. 03. Brief History of the Public Authority and context of its formation: The office of the Assistant Registrar, Co-operative Societies, Balasore Circle, Balasore is formed on 14.05.1965 by the Govt. of Odisha for the purpose to register the Co-operative Societies and to look to its management. 04. Duties of Public Authority: (A) As a Registering Authority- To register the Co-operative Societies. (B) As a Inspecting Authority – To conduct inspection of the Co-operative Societies u/s 64 of OCS Act. 1962. (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) 05. As a Court – To arbitrate and hear the cases between the Societies and the members u/s 68 of OCS Act. 1962. As a Principal Officer – To enforce the decree for realization of dues of the societies u/s 103 of OCS Act. 1962. As a Drawing Authority – To draw and disburse the salary of the staff. As a Liquidator – To liquidate the society u/s 72 of OCS Act. 1962. And Miscellaneous. Main activities / Functions of the Public Authority: As above mentioned in Sl.04. 06. List of Services being provided by the Public Authority with a brief write-up on them: 316 Nos. of Co-Operative Societies have been registered by this Public Authority out of which 136 Nos. of Co- operative Societies have been liquidated and 180 Nos. of Co-Operative Societies are in working condition. 07. (a) Organisational Structure Diagram at various level namely State, Directorate, Region District, Block etc. whichever is applicable:Organisational Structure: Finance: 1. Co-operative Societies Block Level CEO for Administration (Primary Level) -do Branch Bank for Financial Matter Secy. as Chief Executive 2. Balasore Bhadrak CentralDistrict LevelARCS for Administration Co-operative Bank -do Secy. BBCC Bank for (Central Level) Financial matter 3. Odisha State Co-operative Bank (State Level) For Financial Matter (b) Assistant Registrar Co-operative Societies (District Level) for Administration. Deputy Registrar Co-operative Societies (Division Level) for Administration. Registrar Co-operative Societies, Odisha (State Level) for Administration. (Directorate) 08. Expectation of the Public Authority from the public for enhancing its effectiveness and efficiency: This Public Authority has relation with the members of Co-operative Societies only. The members through Election chose their representatives to constitute the committee of management of the Co- operative Society. The members of the committee elect one as a President among themselves to manage the affairs of the society. so far effectiveness and efficiency this Public Authority has direct relation with the President (Elected) and with the Secy. (paid employee). 09. Arrangements and methods made for seeking Public Participation / contribution: No, Public Participation / contribution is sought for by this authority. The participation of the members is made through their representation elected to the committee of management of the Co-operative Society. The decision of committee of management is being scrutinized by this authority through the Administrative yardstick. 10. Mechanism available for monitoring the service delivery and Public Grievance resolution: So far as the mechanism available with this Public Authority is concerned, the Secy. of the Co-operative Society, the CEO at Block Level, the Branch Manager of the Branch Bank and other Executive Officers working in the office monitor the service and solve the grievances of the members and the service is extended as such to yield any resolution / decision. Furthermore the management of the Co-operative Society is competent enough to render necessary service and to resolute the grievances at their level. 11. Address of the Main Office and other offices at different levels. (Please categorize the addresses district wise for facilitating the understanding by the user) Addresses: (a) A.R.C.S., Balasore Circle, Balasore, At/Po/Dist: Balasore (b) D.R.C.S., Balasore Division, Balasore, At/Po/Dist: Balasore (c) Secretary, BBCC Bank Ltd., Balasore, At/Po/Dist: Balasore (d) CEO of Blocks – 10 Blocks, vacant 06 Nos. of Blocks of Balasore District. (e) Branch Managers of BBCC Bank in 10 Branches of 10 Blocks under Balasore District. 12. Morning Hours of the Office: Closing Hours of the Office: (a) For the Public Authority Morning Office starts from 7am. to 1pm. (without lunch break). Day Office from 10am. to 5pm. (lunch break 1pm. to 1.30pm.) (b) For BBCC Bank Ltd. and Societies: From 10am. to 5pm. with lunch break from 2pm. to 2.30pm. Chapter – 3 (Manual-2) Powers and Duties of Officers & Employees: 01. Power of Officers: (a) The A.R.C.S. is the head of the office and he is administrative head. (b) Other Executive Officers working in the office have the delegated powers to exercise for the purpose for which it is delegated for certain works viz-Inspection, Verification, Arbitration, Execution , Election, Enquiry in to the petitions and etc. Such Executive Officers have no financial powers. Where as the A.R.C.S. is having the financial powers to draw and disburse the salaries of the staff of this office only. (c) Except the above staff some ministerial staff are working in the office having the duty to prepare the bill, budget, maintenance of service profile of all the staff. Duties of Officers: (a) The A.R.C.S. is having the duty of overall charge of the office management and in his designation the office runs. He monitors all the official works as assigned to him by the Directorate and by the Govt. (b) He also distributes the work among the executives for its execution and necessary action. The duties are more quasi judicial in nature then administrative. Chapter – 4 (Manual-3) Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual and Records for Discharging Functions: As the A.R.C.S. is the Registering Authority of the Co-operative Societies, the Management of such Societies is done as per OCS Act. 1962, OCS Rule 1965 & election to committee of management Rules 1992. Such Act and Rules are available in legal miscellany and other book stores to purchase with other legal documents. For office management the Odisha Service Code, Pension Rule, TE Rules, CCA Rules, Provident Fund Rules are being referred. Chapter – 5 (Manual-4) Particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation there of: Implementation of Policy: No There is no provision to seek the consultation and participation of public or its representatives for implementation of policies. Mainly the policies meant for the Co-operative Societies and for its members are decided at Directorate and Govt. level and this office is just to execute as per the directions of the Higher Authorities. Chapter – 6 (Manual-5) A Statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control: Mainly members oriented documents are available with the Co-operative Societies, Policy Matters are available with the R.C.S., Odisha, Bhubaneswar. One can get same documents under application or any mode in vogue. Chapter – 7 (Manual-6) A Statement of Boards, Council, Committees and other Bodies constituted as its part: No, Board, Council, Committees and other Bodies are related to this Public Authority. Further, so far as the Co-operative Societies are concerned they are having their own committee of management independent to each other and function as per the powers and duties conferred upon them as per OCS Act. 1962. On the other hand those committees are not the committees of this Public Authority and this Public Authority during the course of inspection and visit look to its due consonance with the law which does not affect the law and Govt. principles. Chapter – 8 (Manual-7) The Names, Designations and other particulars of Public Information Officers: Name of the Asst. Public Information Officer: Sri Basanta Ku. Pradhan, Inspector of C.S. as on date. Name of the P.I.O. : Sri Niranjan Mohanty SARCS(O) as on date. Name of the 1st Appellate Authority : Sri S.N.Jena (OCS-II) ARCS Balasore Circle, Balasore,Ph.-269767 All Secretaries of Co-operative Societies have been declared as P.I.O. for their Co-operative Societies under ARCS Balasore Circle, Balasore. (List of Co-operative Societies is attached) Chapter – 9 (Manual - 8) Procedure followed in Decision Making Process: 9.1: So far as the procedure to take decision is concerned the legal matters are decided with reference to O.C.S. Act. and Rules, the matters relating to staff regarding salary, T.E., Pension and disciplinary action all are decided as per Odisha Service Code, T.E. Rules, Pension Rules, C.C.A., Rules and etc. 9.2: So far as the levels for decision making process is concerned the executive matters are routed from the dealing Inspector to the authority of this office through the Group Officer. Likewise the Establishment matters are been initiated from the Dealing Assistant to the Authority through the Head Clerk. In critical matters senior and experienced officers are being consulted to arrive a particular decision. 9.3: In case of legal matters, decisions are pronounced in open court, in other matters it is sent through post for communication. 9.4: The dealing Inspector of concerned section and the group officer next to his higher rank are being consulted in the process of decision making if required, during crisis management period, so far as the executive line is concerned. For establishment matters, regarding staff management, the Dealing Assistant and the Head Clerk are being consulted at times. 9.5: 9.6: The A.R.C.S., Balasore Circle, Balasore is the Final Authority in decision making. Answer: 01. Subject on which the decision is to be taken: 01. Expect normal official work decision is being taken on all other matters like filed situation, disciplinary action, in court matter etc. 02. Guidelines/ Direction if any 02. As per Acts & Rules of the Govt. in vogue. 03. Process of Execution 03. As per Rules subject to the warranty of the situation. 04. Designation of the officer involved in decision making 04. Assistant Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Balasore Circle and sometimes the advice of the D.R.C.S., Balasore Divison, Balasore is being taken. 05. Contact information of 05. 06782 – 269767 above mentioned 06. If not satisfied by the 06. The D.R.C.S., Balasore Division, decision where and how to Balasore then to R.C.S., Odisha, appeal Bhubaneswar. Chapter – 13 No subsidy is received by this Authority Chapter – 14 (Manual – 13) NIL Chapter – 15 (Manual – 14) So far as the norms and standards for execution of various programmes set by the Department is concerned this Public Authority deals with the Registration of Co-operative Societies, the Inspection, the Inquiry, the Election of the committee of Management of Co-operative Society, visits and verification of cash and stocks, Arbitration of award cases, execution of decrees and winding up of the Co-operative Societies under the provisions of the OCS Act. 1962 and OCS Rules 1965. All the norms & standards set by the Department are executed through the Principles of OCS Act. & Rules. Chapter – 16 (Manual – 15) Information Available in an Electronic Form: No such scheme is available on this Public Authority to be incorporated in the Electronic Format. Chapter – 17 (Manual – 16) Particulars of the Facilities available to citizens for obtaining information (1) (2) Notice Board System of issuing of copies : of documents As per the procedures of R.T.I. Act.05 Chapter – 18 (Manual – 17) Other useful Information: So far as this chapter is concerned the followings are narrated for the benefit of the information as required herein. This Public Authority has no reference to Chapter 18(3), 18(4), 18(6), 18(7) & 18(8). So far as 18(1), 18(2) & 18(5) is concerned it is stated that only the members of Co-operative Societies are having the right to ask for any information for the concerned society in which the applicant is a member. Any non member has no right to seek for any information from the Co-operative Societies. The Secretary i.e. the Chief Executive Officer of a Cooperative Society has been declared as the P.I.O. of his Co-operative Society and the Appellate Authority rests with A.R.C.S., Balasore Circle, Balasore. Seeking information by a member is as per the procedures of R.T.I. Act. & Rules. So far as the information related with 18(5) concerned, it is stated here, Objective – That, the main objective for forming a Co-operative Society mainly based on the amelioration of Socio Economic Condition. Eligibility – That any person or group of persons adult (more than 18 years of age) having the power to sign any contract under Indian Contract Act. persuing the same occupation residing within a limit area are eligible to apply for forming a Co-operative Society under the provision of O.C.S. Act. 1962. The application form for this purpose is as prescribed in O.C.S. Rule 1965. To form a Co-operative Society minimum 51 members are required out of which 17Nos. of applicants shall be the women and the applicants should be from all categories. Application Fee: No fee is required to file any application for Registration of a Co-operative Society. Enclosures: So far as the enclosures with the application form are required, the following documents are required. 1. 5 copies of Bye-Laws. 2. 2 copies of Application Form. 3. 4. 5. Preliminary resolution copies for formation of the Co-operative Society. Original Bank Challan for deposit of share in suspense a/c prior to registration. List of Applicants, in the full address. 6. The list of members of the Preliminary Committee. 7. No Objection Certificate from the Bank to which the society is to be affiliated. After receipt of the application with the above enclosures the Registering Authority shall required a feasibility reports by appointing an officer to do so. The Registering Authority shall take 30days time either to Register or to refuse to registration with reasons thereof. When a Co-operative Society will be registered it shall contain a registration certificate with its no. & date with seal of the Registering Authority as per procedures of O.C.S. Act. & Rules. Chapter – 12 (Manual – 11) The Budget Allocated to each Agency (Particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursement made). For Public Authorities Responsible for developmental, construction, technical works: The Budget allocated to this Public Authority is meant for the salary, T.E., R.C.M. and contingencies for office management except this no allotment is being made for developmental construction and technical works. However, whatever the amount for developmental construction is received, it is directly received from the R.C.S., Odisha, Bhubaneswar meant for the PACS only and this Authority is only to look after the utilization of the same. Block wise list of Co-operative Societies under A.R.C.S., Balasore BALASORE SADAR BLOCK Sl. No. 01 Name of the Co-operative Society Regd. No. Rasalpur SCS 1179/BL dt.26.12.69 02 Sasanga SCS 1156/BL dt.04.06.71 03 Jayadev Kasba SCS 04 Saragaon SCS 1030/BL dt.21.01.64 05 Ranasahi SCS 1104/BL dt.02.06.67 06 Sekpatana SCS 1171/BL dt.26.12.69 31/BL dt.26.02.70 07 Khan Nagar SCS 183/C dt.12.02.57 08 Nagram SCS 86/BL dt.25.12.54 09 Haladipada SCS 1118/BL dt.08.06.68 10 Kasipada SCS 1170/BL dt.26.12.69 11 Chhanua SCS 26/BL dt.16.05.61 12 Sartha SCS 13 Srirampur SCS 14. Parikhi SCS 15 Kasaphal SCS 16 Olanda Saragaon SCS 17 T.G.Pur SCS 21/BL dt.31.01.57 18 Sindhia SCS 86/BL dt.31.01.57 19 Haladipada M.E.School C.C.Store 1319/BL dt.23.04.82 20 Gudupai CC Store 1197/BL dt.08.07.71 21 Dr. J.N.College CC Store 1348/BL dt.19.11.83 22 Budhabalanga Urban CC Store 1405/BL dt.24.02.01 23 Sadar Block PTECS 1347/BL dt.19.11.83 1172/BL dt.26.12.69 36/BL dt.31.03.62 1201/BL dt.28.07.71 772/C dt.24.04.38 1182/BL dt.26.12.69 REMUNA BLOCK Sl. No. 01 Name of the Co-operative Society Regd. No. Srijang SCS 1105/BL dt.09.06.67 02 Barunasing SCS 1225/BL dt.26.09.72 03 Kuruda SCS 1100/BL dt.18.05.67 04 Sergarh SCS 1106/BL dt.19.06.67 05 Haripur SCS 1180/BL dt.26.12.69 06 Nijampur SCS 1099/BL dt.25.04.67 07 Remuna SCS 1224/BL dt.30.06.72 08 Narahari Pur SCS 67/BL dt.08.12.54 09 Badapala SCS 58/BL dt.29.05.57 10 Patripal SCS 61/BL dt.29.05.57 11 Nuapadhi SCS 162/BL dt.01.06.67 12 Durgadevi SCS 50/BL dt.09.12.54 13 Remuna Block PTECS 1386/BL dt.22.06.93 14. Indian Oil Corp. (LPG) Workers LCCS 1376/BL dt.22.06.93 15 Anchalika LCCS 16 Somanathpur Industrial Estate 1398/BL dt.07.01.2000 1415/BL dt.01.05.08 Workers LCCS BASTA BLOCK Sl. No. 01 Name of the Co-operative Society Regd. No. Basta SCS 148/BL dt.07.05.55 02 Bhagabati SCS 1139/BL dt.24.12.69 03 Raghunathpur SCS 20/BL dt.23.10.62 04 Mathani SCS 80/BL dt.26.12.69 05 Routpada SCS 1140/BL dt.26.12.69 06 Mukulisi SCS 1141/BL dt.26.12.69 07 Paunshapulli SCS 1187/BL dt.26.12.69 08 Sri Sitala SCS 1184/BL dt.26.12.69 09 Amarda Road SCS 1188/BL dt.26.12.69 10 Santoshpur SCS 1135/BL dt.26.12.69 11 Sahada SCS 1092/BL dt.10.09.66 12 Naikudi SCS 1142/BL dt.26.12.69 13 Basta Block PTECS 1354/BL dt.22.10.84 BALIAPAL BLOCK Sl. No. 01 Name of the Co-operative Society Regd. No. Baliapal SCS 81/BL dt.28.12.54 02 Madhupura SCS 94/BL dt.28.12.54 03 Kudmansing SCS 58/BL dt.28.01.60 04 Badhapala SCS 1168/BL dt.26.12.69 05 Devog SCS 1163/BL dt.26.12.69 06 Nepura SCS 1161/BL dt.26.12.69 07 Govindpur SCS 82/BL dt.14.08.51 08 Pratap Pur SCS 09/BL dt.15.07.55 09 Dagara SCS 1123/BL dt.26.05.72 10 Baniadiha SCS 1160/BL dt.26.12.69 11 Balikuti SCS 12 Balichatara SCS 13 Bolanga SCS 14/BL dt.15.01.61 14. Bodas SCS 14/BL dt.15.01.01 15 Ratei SCS 112/BL dt.30.06.70 16 Jagatipur SCS 17 S.R.College C.C.Store 1326/BL dt.05.10.82 18 Kashipur CC Store 1259/BL dt.03.01.76 19 Baliapal Block PTECS 1414/BL dt.05.05.04 11/BL dt.15.07.58 1159/BL dt.26.12.69 176/C dt.01.05.22 JALESWAR BLOCK Sl. No. 01 Name of the Co-operative Society Regd. No. Raibania SCS 73/BL dt.01.08.67 02 Olamara SCS 71/BL dt.20.12.69 03 Khuard SCS 75/BL dt.31.07.67 04 Teghari SCS 1149/BL dt.26.12.69 05 Chafla SCS 109/BL dt.20.07.67 06 Kalama SCS 01/BL dt.26.12.69 07 D.P.Pur SCS 1081/BL dt.26.12.69 08 Laxmannath SCS 55/BL dt.09.12.54 09 R.N.Patana SCS 06/BL dt.26.12.69 10 Gobarghata SCS 42/BL dt.26.12.69 11 R.R.Pur SCS 1113/BL dt.20.07.67 12 Paikasida SCS 112/BL dt.26.12.69 13 Bartana SCS 1152/BL dt.26.12.69 14. Inkida SCS 1151/BL dt.26.12.69 15 Paschimabad SCS 87/BL dt.26.12.69 16 Nampo SCS 70/BL dt.22.08.67 17 Jyotijangam SCS 31/BL dt.20.01.67 18 Ambiliatha SCS 1150/BL dt.20.12.69 19 Alalpur SCS 1061/BL dt.26.12.69 20 D.K.College Student C.C.Store 1255/BL dt.27.09.85 21 D.K.College ECS 1387/BL dt.10.12.93 22 Alaka Women MPCS 1408/BL dt.02.07.01 23 Subarnarekha Women MPCS 1410/BL dt.07.03.02 24 Jaleswar RCMS 14/BL dt.15.01.58 BHOGRAI BLOCK Sl. No. 01 Name of the Co-operative Society Regd. No. Sankhari SCS 02 Sradhapur SCS 1184/BL dt.26.06.70 03 Purusottampur SCS 1102/BL dt.30.05.67 04 Nimatpur SCS 05 Guneibasan SCS 1202/BL dt.02.09.71 06 Bhograi Chakpatasia SCS 1178/BL dt.20.12.69 07 Bada Mandarini SCS 176/BL dt.21.01.71 08 Tukrihazira SCS 1133/BL dt.10.09.68 09 Deula SCS 10 Dahunda SCS 11 Antarai SCS 38/BL dt.18.06.67 12 Mahagab SCS 12/BL dt.20.05.67 13 Kasba Kamarda SCS 51/BL dt.09.12.54 14. Randei Chak SCS 02/BL dt.29.05.67 15 Kharid Pipal SCS 70/BL dt.19.05.67 16 Jayrampur SCS 17 Baharda SCS 44/BL dt.17.05.67 18 Baunsadiha SCS 19/BL dt.31.05.67 19 Dehurda SCS 13/BL dt.20.12.64 35/BL dt.28.12.54 39/BL dt.16.03.63 79/BL dt.20.12.54 1103/BL dt.01.06.67 1120/BL dt.15.02.68 20 Hoogli CCS 1313/BL dt.06.06.81 21 Baba Chandaneswar P.T.ECS 1404/BL dt.15.01.01 NILGIRI BLOCK Sl. No. 01 Name of the Co-operative Society Regd. No. Matiali LAMPCS 1272/BL dt.25.07.77 02 Nilgiri LAMPCS 1269/BL dt.25.01.77 03 Nilgiri College C.C.Store 1344/BL dt.03.11.83 04 Nilgiri Womens College C.C.Store 1394/BL dt.01.01.97 05 Nilgiri Sub-Divn. HBCS 1292/BL dt.20.09.79 06 Nilgiri Engg. C.S. 1185/BL dt.29.09.70 07 Maa Jagadhatri LCCS 1397/BL dt.05.03.99 08 Nilgiri Quarry Workers Inte. C.S. 1390/BL dt.26.05.95 OUPADA BLOCK Sl. Name of the Co-operative Society Regd. No. No. 01 Badapokhari SCS 1110/BL dt.20.06.97 02 Talakia SCS 1112/BL dt.15.07.67 03 Gopinathpur SCS 04 Nizgarh SCS 1111/BL dt.29.06.67 05 Iswarpur SCS 1107/BL dt.19.06.67 06 Fatepur SCS 1108/BL dt.19.06.67 35/BL dt.11.10.50 07 Shyamsundarpur SCS 1109/BL dt.20.06.67 08 Narasinghpur SCS 1130/BL dt.23.04.68 09 Oupada Block P.T.ECS 1400/BL dt.22.06.00 SORO BLOCK Sl. Name of the Co-operative Society Regd. No. No. 01 Uttareswar SCS 1079/BL dt.30.06.66 02 Nadigaon SCS 1095/BL dt.17.01.67 03 Sajanpur SCS 119/BL dt.10.01.67 04 Adanga SCS 1078/BL dt.30.06.67 05 Anantapur SCS 1081/BL dt.04.08.66 06 Mahumuhan SCS 1083/BL dt.04.08.66 07 Gopinathpur SCS 1082/BL dt.04.08.66 08 U.N.College ECS 1311/BL dt.25.03.81 09 Soro Block P.T.ECS 1413/BL dt.16.12.03 10 Soro NAC ECS 1388/BL dt.15.12.93 11 U.N.College Students C.C.S 1258/BL dt.23.12.75 12 Durgamata C.C.S. 1289/BL dt.31.05.79 13 Kasturaba G.L.C.S. 22/BL dt.24.01.57 BAHANAGA BLOCK Sl. No. 01 Name of the Co-operative Society Bahanaga SCS Regd. No. 1186/BL dt.24.11.70 02 Panapana SCS 1192/BL dt.21.01.71 03 Khantapada SCS 1103/BL dt.23.10.67 04 Gopalpur SCS 1187/BL dt.24.11.70 05 Baripada SCS 1189/BL dt.24.11.70 06 Kalyani SCS 1174/BL dt.26.12.69 07 Sahaspura SCS 08 Chittol SCS 09 Saud SCS 57/BL dt.30.12.54 10 Alada SCS 1338/BL dt.24.11.70 11 Kasba Jaypur C.C.S. 124/BL dt.02.07.74 12 Gopalpur College C.C.S. 1328/BL dt.30.10.02 13 Bls. Dist. 4th Grade Veternary ECS 1327/BL dt.05.10.82 14 Bahanaga Block P.T.ECS 1381/BL dt.22.06.98 15 Bahanaga Block Secondary School Teachers ECS 1395/BL dt.31.07.98 16 Bahanaga Block U.P.(M.E.) School ECS 1141/BL dt.25.02.02 97/BL dt.24.11.70 1190/BL dt.24.11.70 BALASORE MUNICIPALITY Sl. No. 01 Name of the Co-operative Society Regd. No. 6/BL dt.24.09.56 02 Balasore Bhadrak Central CoOperative Bank Ltd. Balasore RCMS Ltd. 03 Balasore Wholesale Co-Op.Store Ltd 1086/BL dt.02.08.66 04 Bls. Dist. Co-op Union 1282/BL dt.20.09.78 05 Bls. Card Bank Ltd. 15/BL dt.23.12.60 06 Bls. Urban Co-op. Bank Ltd. 44/BL dt.06.04.45 07 Bls. Sadar Sub-Divnl. HBCS 1294/BL dt.18.10.79 4/BL dt.16.07.45 08 Bls. Town HBCS 157/BL dt.23.05.55 09 ITR Defence Employees HBCS 1363/BL dt.25.01.90 10 Proof Employees HBCS 1379/BL dt.04.06.93 11 Bls. Railway Porters LCCS 1375/BL dt.25.08.91 12 East Coast Engg. Const. LCCS 1377/BL dt.10.03.92 13 Bls. Central Govt. Postal Empl. C.S. 14 Bls. Municipality ECS 1013/BL dt.19.02.72 15 Bls. Central Govt. Telecom ECS 1272/BL dt.26.05.73 16 Bls. Central Govt. Proof Empl. CS 1209/BL dt.23.10.71 17 Bls. DCCB Empl. CS 1200/BL dt.03.08.71 18 Central Govt. MES ECS 1301/BL dt.21.04.80 19 F.M. College ECS 20 K.K.S. Women’s College CCS 1324/BL dt.15.09.82 21 Proof Empl. Cons. Co-op. Store 1070/BL dt.19.02.66 22 F.M.College C.C.Store 1121/BL dt.25.03.63 23 Bls. Mahila College C.C.Store 1968/BL dt.06.04.91 24 Balasore College C.C.Store 1372/BL dt.07.06.91 25 Bls. Divn. MPCS 1383/BL dt.30.07.93 33/BL dt.09.02.63 3/BL dt.13.01.56 Chapter 10 & 11 (Manual 9 & 10) Directory of Officers and Employee / the Monthly Remuneration received by each of its Officers and Employees, including the system of compensation as provided in Regulations. Sl. No. 01 Name of the Present Staff 02 Designation STD Code Phone No Office Home FAX Email Address Monthly Remuneration Compensation / Compensatory Allowance The procedure to determine the remuneration as given in the Regulation 11 12 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 A.R.C.S. 06782 269767 - - - 38,195 Rama Chandra Mohanty Niranjan Mohanty S.A.R.C.S. -do- -do- - - - Office of the A.R.C.S., Balasore Circle, Balasore -do- -do- -do- -do- - - - -do- 37,455 Madhusudan Mohapatra Subrat Bhusan Tripathy Sarat Chandra Parida C.E.O. -do- -do- - - - 29,387 -do- -do- -do- - - - -do- -do- -do- - - - -do- -do- -do- - - - -do- -do- -do- - - - 09. Sanjeeb Kumar Panda Birendra Ku. Mohanty Smt. Urmila Das Inspector of C.S. -do- -do- - - - 10. Susama Mohanty -do- -do- -do- - - - B.D.O., Bhograi Block B.D.O., Soro Block B.D.O., Jaleswar Block B.D.O., Oupada Block B.D.O., Nilagiri Block Office of the A.R.C.S., Balasore Circle, Balasore -do- 11. Smt. Rita Sibani -do- -do- -do- - - - -do- 32,638 12. Nihar Ranjan Shaw -do- -do- -do- - - - -do- 31,675 01. Surendra Nath Jena 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 37,495 30,770 29,512 30,770 30,278 31,800 31,168 Sl. No. Name of the Present Staff 01 02 Designation STD Code Phone No Office Home FAX Email Address Monthly Remuneration Compensation / Compensatory Allowance The procedure to determine the remuneration as given in the Regulation 11 12 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Inspector of C.S. 06782 269767 - - - 31,168 Kartik Kumar Das -do- -do- -do- - - - Office of the A.R.C.S., Balasore Circle, Balasore -do- 15. Gadadhar Pati -do- -do- -do- - - - -do- 31,168 16. Sambhunath Nayak -do- -do- -do- - - - -do- 31,168 17. Damodar Khilar -do- -do- -do- - - - -do- 31,168 18. Basanta -do- -do- -do- - - - -do- 32,788 13. Mahendra Patra 14. Narayan Kumar 32,113 Pradhan 19. Susanta Kumar Das -do- -do- -do- - - - -do- 31,168 20. Rama Chandra Dhal -do- -do- -do- - - - -do- 32,113 21. Paresh -do- -do- -do- - - - -do- 31,168 -do- -do- -do- - - - -do- 31,168 Sr. Clerk -do- -do- -do- - - - 21,254 Chandra Gochhayat 22. Bijaya Kumar Roul 23. Miss. Basanti Mohapatra 24. Sukanta Kumar Sahu -do- -do- -do- -do- - - - 21,648 25. Chandramani Sahoo Steno -do- -do- -do- - - - 29,510 26. Manjulata Nayak Jr.Clerk -do- -do- -do- - - - 13,598 27. Akshaya Kumar Driver -do- -do- -do- - - - 20,043 28. Sarat Chandra Behera Peon -do- -do- -do- - - - 15,477 29. Debamani Sethi -do- -do- -do- -do- - - - 15,698 Mohanty 12.1 YEAR: 2011 – 12 PUBLIC AUTHORITY OTHER PUBLIC AUTHORITY Sl. No. Name of the Scheme / Head Activity Starting date of the Activity Planned end date of the Activity Amount proposed Amount Sanctioned 1. Non-plan Scheme Pay 06.04.11 27.02.12 66,20,600 66,20,600 2. -do- D.A. -do- -do- 37,47,230 3. -do- HRA -do- -do- 4. -do- O.A. -do- 5. -do- T.E. 6. -do- 7. Amount released disburse No. of installment Sl. No. Head Proposed budget Sanction budget Amount released/ disbursed No. of Installments Total Expenditure 65,96,904 - - - - - - 37,47,230 37,33,533 - - - - - - 5,43,000 5,43,000 5,40,634 - - - - - - -do- 17,923 17,923 17,923 - - - - - - -do- -do- 77,800 77,800 77,613 - - - - - - RCM -do- -do- 27,500 27,500 27,123 - - - - - - -do- -do- -do- 3,100 3,100 3,100 - - - - - - 8. -do- MV -do- -do- 21,000 21,000 20,944 - - - - - - 9. -do- OC -do- -do- 16,000 16,000 15,999 - - - - - - 10. -do- RRT -do- -do- 1,16,100 1,16,100 1,16,100 - - - - - - 11. -do- FA 27.05.11 -do- 1,43,800 1,43,800 1,43,800 - - - - - - 12. -do- LTC 21.01.12 -do- 8,371 8,371 8,371 - - - - - - Abstract of the list of Co-operative Societies under A.R.C.S., Balasore Sl. No. 01 Name of the Block PACS ECS LCCS 01 C.C. Store 04 HBCS - Women CS - Other CS - Central CS - Card Bank - Urban Bank - Total - Engg. CS - Balasore Sadar 18 02 Remuna 12 01 - 03 - - - - - - - 16 03 Basta 12 01 - - - - - - - - - 13 04 Baliapal 16 01 02 - - - - - - - - 19 05 Jaleswar 19 01 01 - 02 - - - 01 - - 24 06 Bhogarai 19 01 01 - - - - - - - - 21 07 Nilagiri 02 - 02 01 - 01 01 01 - - - 08 08 Oupada 08 01 - - - - - - - - - 09 09 Soro 07 03 02 - - - - 01 - - - 13 10 Bahanaga 10 04 02 - - - - - - - - 16 11 Balesore Municipality - 07 05 02 - 04 - 01 04 01 01 25 123 21 19 06 02 05 01 03 05 01 01 187 Total 23