Artist Call & Application Detroit, MI + Whole Foods Market + Midtown

BUDGET: $7,500 per project panel, plus $1,000 for materials (details below)
DEADLINE: October 15, 2012
Whole Foods Market Detroit, in partnership with Midtown Detroit Inc. is currently accepting
proposals for the Detroit store’s external art murals.
This Whole Foods Market store, located at the corner of Mack Ave. and John R., will include a
series of four (4) art installations. Artists, or an artist team, are encouraged to include a variety of
media and will be chosen for their ability to design a Detroit-themed mural that addresses Whole
Foods Market’s primary themes—including the issues of local foods, healthy living, community
support, and environmental responsibility with a memorable, thought-provoking approach. The art
installations may be changed, or it may be removed entirely, at the discretion of Whole Foods
The goal of this project is to engage community in artistic and cultural expression that will help
support the positive neighborhood and city identity, and serve as a catalyst to connect residents to
local business, contributing to the economic vitality of Detroit.
The artists, or artist team, will be chosen by a committee (the “Mural Committee”) of individuals,
which are named below. No restrictions in terms of content are imagined, nor will be used in the
selection process.
Mural Committee:
Susan Mosey; Midtown Detroit, Inc.
Red Elk Banks, Whole Foods Market
Amanda Musilli, Whole Foods Market
Nancy Sizer, Detroit Artist Market
Larry Marantette, RAM Development
Jannie Smith, Detroit Resident
Simone DeSousa, Re:View Gallery
George N’Namdi, N’Namdi Gallery
John Paul Harang, City of Detroit
Curtis Smith, Detroit Resident
Laura Grimshaw, Detroit Resident
Alethea Belfone, Detroit Resident
The project is open to Detroit-based artists. Any determination regarding artist's eligibility shall be
decided by the Mural Committee, and their decision is final. Up to four (4) artists, or artist teams,
will be chosen.
All works of art submitted must be the original artwork of the applicant and he or she must hold the
copyright. Additionally, any photograph featuring an identifiable person must include a copy of the
signed model release.
Artist(s) are encouraged to view the exterior elevations/architectural drawings prior to application,
which can be found at the Whole Foods Market office at 3670 Woodward Avenue in Detroit.
Please take note that media will be applied to panels provided by Whole Foods Market at the
artist's off site location then will be transported to the Detroit store location for installation.
The mural area consists of four (4) panels that are 23’-4”W x 14’-4”H. These panels will be located
on the exterior, east facing façade of the store.
They are removable panels that will be installed in a standard framing system anchored directly to
the concrete screen wall and will be weather protected with a clear powder coating, which will be
applied prior to installation. Each panel will be divided into eight (8) smaller panels for easy
transport and installation, which will be 6’-9” high and 5’-6” wide. The panels are Mapes Corelite
composite spandrel panels, and are smooth with a white primed or porcelain finish. For more
details on this material, please visit These panels will
be provided to artist(s) by Whole Foods Market.
The building’s exterior wall and panel have weight limitations; therefore the media must be twodimensional, with a maximum weight of each panel, plus applied materials at or below 50 pounds
per 23’4” x 14’4” panel, with a max of 10 pounds per individual applied object and a maximum
projection of 6” from the surface of the Mapes Corelite composite spandrel panels. Failure to work
within limitations will lead to refusal of final product.
Artists must present ALL of the following information in the format indicated below. Please submit
all documents via email, in PDF format, and all images in JPG format (PC & Mac Compatible).
Applicants who fail to submit all of these items may be disqualified.
1) CONTACT COVER SHEET. Please provide the artist’s name, address, telephone, e-mail,
and a brief bio (< 200 words). Please reference the project name (Whole Foods Mural) on all
correspondence, including envelopes.
2) LETTER OF INTEREST, including a description of your past work, your approach to this
project, and an overview of your concept for the Whole Foods mural.
3) RESUME of artist or for each artist if a team is submitting.
4) THREE REFERENCES with contact information. Letters of recommendation not required.
3) DIGITAL IMAGES. Please observe the following guidelines for submission of digital images:
 Submit a maximum of three (3) digital images of past applicable artwork. Include an image
list that includes location, budget, year completed, and description of artist’s role (e.g., lead
artist, assistant artist, project manager).
 Submit a maximum of two (2) digital images of proposed design for mural.
* Submitted images must be limited to no larger than 1MB per image
** Please attach these files to a single email and send to
*** Images submitted during application and not chosen for the project will not be returned
to applicant, and will not be used for any future purpose.
 Application Submissions: Application due Monday, October 15, 2012, 5 pm. There is a 24hour grace period for all applications. Applications received after 5 pm on Tuesday,
October 16, 2012 will not be reviewed.
 Confirmation of Finalists: All applicants (including those not selected) will be notified of the
committee’s decision via email by January 15, 2013.
 Installation: Panels must be completed off-site and prepared for physical installation at
Whole Foods Market-Detroit, no later than April 22, 2013.
Four artists or artist teams (one for each exterior wall panel) will be determined by the Mural
Committee. Additionally, submissions may be put on public display for community input during the
month of December, 2012.
The four (4) artists, or teams, will meet with the Mural Committee by the end of January, 2013.
Each artist will then be asked to present two (2) sketches of their revised and updated mural
concepts during the meeting with the Mural Committee. Artists must also be prepared to discuss
the materials they will need and the time it will take them to complete the mural, from sketching to
installation. Each artist will use the funds provided by Midtown Detroit, Inc. for all materials and
other expenses. The funds provided by Midtown Detroit, Inc. will need to cover all cost of
materials; no additional funds will be provided.
If chosen by the Mural Committee, artist(s) will willingly release all rights to their work product, as
detailed in the Services and Confidentiality Agreement.
The total budget for the mural is $1,000 per project panel for materials, plus a $7,500 fee to the
artist or artist team, per panel, for a total of $8,500. This budget must include all artist fees,
materials, travel, fabrication, and other project costs. Whole Foods Market will provide the Mapes
Corelite composite spandrel panels to the artists. No other award(s), monetary or non-monetary,
will be given out other than public recognition for the artist(s). The budget is funded by Midtown
Detroit, Inc. A separate agreement between Midtown Detroit, Inc. and the artist(s) will be executed
to outline the payment and funds distribution.
• The work submitted in application by the artist is original, solely owned by the artist and
reproduction will not violate the rights of any third party. The artist shall not make any
additional, exact duplicate reproductions of the final design and dimension, nor shall the
artist grant to a third party the right to replicate the artistic designs and dimensions of the
artwork, without the permission of Whole Foods Market and Midtown Detroit, Inc.
• The artist will release all rights to final designs to Whole Foods Market and Midtown Detroit,
Inc. to be used for any purpose, including but not limited to brochures, media, publicity or
other similar marketing and promotional publications.
• In regards to a formal contract for work performed, a Services and Confidentiality
Agreement will be provided. The artist(s) will be referred to as “Artist” and agree to all
terms outlined in the Services and Confidentiality Agreement.