49 Questions you will find on the Global Studies 10 Regents

49 Questions you will find on the Global Studies 10
Tribal loyalty is stronger than a sense of nationalism and is a cause of disunity.
The geography of Africa is varied and has isolated the people across the
Current borders along with much of foreign culture in Africa is the result of
European imperialism.
The caste system along with other traditions break down in urban areas.
The partition of India was based on religious(cultural) differences between
Hindus and Moslems.
The monsoons are the most important aspect of South (India) and South East
Asia's well being.
While China was isolated for much of her history she influenced Japanese
Both Confucius and Mao Zedong believed in order and structure and the group
over the individual. Confucius however believed strongly in the importance of
the family.
Mao Zedong received the support of the peasants because he promised them
Japan is an archipelego off the coast of Asia that has been influenced by China
but has created a very distinct culture.
Japan has virtually no natural resources. She must trade to survive. Her people
are her greatest natural resource.
Japan's feudal system was similar to Europe's in that both showed decentralized
power. The samurai were similar to the knights of Europe.
Japan modernized quickly after a long period of isolation because she was
forced to open to the West (Perry opened Japan in 1854).
Japan mixes the ways of the West with her own traditions.
Latin America:
The geography (Andes and Rain Forests) of Latin America has isolated the
people of the continent.
The power in most Latin American nations lies with the landowners and the
American policy toward Latin America has changed from Teddy Roosevelt's "Big
Stick" policy (U.S.intervention in Latin American) to Franklin Roosevelt's "Good
Neighbor Policy" and Kennedy's "Alliance for Progress".
The O.A.S. is an organization which tries to bring about hemispheric
The nations of Latin America suffer from huge foreign debt (Argentina, Brazil
and Mexico), drug trafficking (Colombia) and environmental concerns (Brazil).
Costa Rica - democratic state in Latin America
Commonwealth of Independent States, Soviet Union and Russia:
Marx predicted industrialized nations would have communist revolutions but
agicultural nations turned to communism. Russian Revolution 1917. China 1949
and Cuba 1960.
Gorbachev's idea of perestroika was to restructure the Soviet political system.
The Soviet domination of E. Europe after WW II (Iron Curtain) was arranged at
Yalta and Potsdam.
Middle East:
The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) desires a homeland in current day
The Islamic (Moslem) religion is monotheistic and unites the people of the' Arab
Iran and other Islamic nations are attempting to combine traditional Islamic
beliefs with the technological advances of the modern world.
Oil is a major resource' of the Midde East and OPEC has tried to control its price.
Water is scarce in the Middle East and determine's where people live.
W. Europe:
Feudal time's saw the decentralization of power and the' power of the church.
The Renaissance period saw man question established beliefs and rely more on
reason and science.
The causes of WWI were (M.A.I.N.) militarism, alliances, imperialism and
The Nuremburg Trials ludged the leaders of Germany were responsible for ther
The Marshall Plan (U.S. aid) rebuilt W. Europe after WW II. N.A.T.O. is the
military alliance (U.S. and W. European allies) that tried to contain communism
after WW II during the period known as the cold war.
The European Economic Community is trying to reduce trade and other barriers
between the nations of Europe.