English 9 syllabus 2010

Walsingham Academy
Introduction to Literature (English 9)
US 220
Mrs. Olsen, Room 113
email: bolsen@walsingham.org
Quia Page –w ww.quia.com/pages/bolsen/eng9
Grammar Mastery – for Better Writing, Workbook Level 2
The Center for Learning, Curriculum Unit, Mary Louise Wanamaker
Thurman, Susan, The Only Grammar Book You’ll Ever Need: A One-Stop Source for Every Writing Assignment [Paperback],
Adams Media, ISBN-13: 978-1-58062-855-6
Supplemental Readings, in no particular order: I recommend you order all of these from Barnes and Noble. Some are not
available from Amazon.
Sophocles, Antigone. Translation by Paul Woodruff,
Hacket Publishing Co., Inc. ISBN-13: 9780872205710
Stevenson, Robert Louis, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,
A Norton Critical Edition, ISBN0-393-97465-0
Golding, William, Lord of the Flies
Penguin Group, ISBN #0399501487
Gawain and the Green Knight, Editor and Translator Burton Raffel
Signet Classic edition, ISBN 0451-52818-2
Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
(Signet Classic, ISBN# 0-451-52686-4)
Lee, Harper To Kill a Mockingbird
(Warner Books, ISBN 0-446-31078-6)
Supplemental booklets of short stories and poetry will be distributed in class as needed.
Materials: Being organized helps in being prepared. Organize notes so that you may study for tests and exams. Organize your
information chronologically, adding notes from homework and classwork to your notebook each day.
In addition, you will need:
 A notebook for notes and assignments – you may use a spiral with pockets or a section in a three-ring binder.
 A separate small spiral notebook—70 to 100 sheets-- for writing practices and vocabulary work – this may be
turned in – you will have vocabulary most days, start your list from the back of the spiral.
 A jump drive to save and maintain your work,
 3X5 cards – 200 to start
 A Virginia library card – I will check for these after Labor Day!
In Mrs. Olsen’s Classroom:
 Homework provides practice and preparation and, as such, is an important part of the learning process. Reading the
novels and texts as well as completing writing practices and drafts will be the homework in this class. This work is so
important it will be 50% of your grade! Homework is done in your best interests and much of your learning will
happen here.
 Vocabulary Powerpoint presentations will be assigned to each student to present on specific date; the Powerpoint must
be turned in or e-mailed to Mrs. Olsen BEFORE the day of presentation. You will complete 3 or 4 each quarter.
 Each day will begin with presentations; keep a running list of vocabulary words, beginning at the back of your Writing
Practice Notebook.
Syntax exercises – writing sentences from models – will be assigned regularly, usually weekly, and completed in the
Writing Practice Notebook. Date each assignment and copy the model with any need explanations of the pattern.
These are to be completed each Friday, unless otherwise noted by Mrs. Olsen. Mrs. Olsen is available after school each
day if you need help with any of these assignments.
Quizzes tend to test your reading comprehension, your completion of assigned homework, your understanding of a
particular lesson, and your knowledge of vocabulary. Quizzes are checks and so count as part of your homework.
Quizzes may be given without warning.
Except in case of absence, homework assignments will not be accepted late. I may check or collect a homework
assignment without warning.
TESTS = 50%
 Tests will check for mastery of content and skills that have been discussed, practiced and reviewed. Tests will always be
scheduled in advance.
 A formal, well-crafted, revised paragraph or paper may count as a test!
All tests and quizzes must be completed in pen; essays and paragraphs should be completed with a word processor and correctly
formatted – we will cover this before your first essay is due.
When absent, on the day of your return,
a. Check assignments on the Student –Parent Access Page (SPA);
b. Ask a reliable classmate for notes or clarification of the assignments;
c. Schedule make-up quizzes and tests with me.
You are responsible for scheduling make-up work with me according to the guidelines in the Student-Parent Handbook
1. Completed assignments are turned in as a class or into your box in my classroom. You place an
assignment on my desk or in my hands in the hall at your own peril.
2. Students are expected to be part of the community of learners during class time – joining in
discussions, participating in group activities, taking notes on relevant information, etc. Students who
disrupt the learning process will be given demerits. After three demerits your parents will be notified
and a detention assigned.
A special note about computers:
Computers are wonderful tools in learning, writing, and researching. However,
1. If any outside source, research or collaboration is used in completing any assignment, bibliographic information about
the source must be noted at the end of the paper or assignment; otherwise, the work will be considered plagiarized. It
is considered plagiarism to cut and paste material from the internet into your own paper without acknowledging the
source by using quote marks and correctly citing the material.
2. I encourage the use of grammar and spell checks; even so, proofread papers carefully. You are responsible for all
spelling and grammar NOT THE COMPUTER!
3. Computer error is NOT an excuse for a late assignment.
a. Save your work in TWO places: jump drive, hard drive, on-line, etc.
b. On any PowerPoint project, I recommend a practice run on the school computer in advance of the due date.
c. Print out papers in the morning in my room if you need to. E-mail me a back-up copy, and print it out that
d. IF you e-mail me, I will send a reply; if I do not send a reply, I haven’t received it.
e. We will run a test of computer communications and collaborations in the first weeks of school. During this
process we ensure that all the kinks are out of the system.