Science Method Vocab Quiz

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Quiz #1 Scientific Method Vocabulary (2 pages)
1. What is at the center of all scientific questions and discoveries, and the guide to personal decision
a. variables
b. experiments
c. problems
d. observations
2. As a result of observations, a question may arise that requires scientific investigation. Such a question is
called a(n)….
a. variable
b. problem
c. hypothesis
d. experiment
e. treatment
c. hypothesis
d. experiment
e. treatment
c. qualitative
d. treatments
Something that changes or can be changed is called a….
a. variable
b. problem
4. What kind of observations result in data?
a. quantitative
b. repeated trials
e. analysis
5. What is an educated guess to answer a problem, written in an “If __________, then ____________,
because ___________ .” statement called? ( It suggests a cause and effect).
a. variable
b. problem
c. hypothesis
d. experiment
e. treatment
c. conclusion
d. experiment
e. treatment
6. The test of the hypothesis is called…
a. variable
b. problem
7. The “guessed cause” being tested in an experiment and changed on purpose by the experimenter is
(It also comes after the “If” in the hypothesis)
a. treatment
b. trial
c. control
d. independent variable
e. dependent variable
8. The “expected effect” stated after the “then” in the hypothesis is called
a. treatment
b. trial
c. control
d. independent variable
e. dependent variable
9. Each variation (change) of the independent variable in the experiment is called a … (hint: When strength
acid was changed three times in the tooth the tooth dissolving experiment, each change was called a…)
a. treatment
b. trial
c. control
d. problem
e. hypothesis
10. The number of times an experimental treatment is tested is called a(n)…….
a. treatments
b. repeated trial
c. controls
d. problems
e. hypothesis
11. In an experiment, what is a comparison group called which has no treatment, or has an unchanged
treatment, and is used to see if changes in the independent variable really have an effect.
a. treatment
b. trial
c. control
d. problem
e. hypothesis
12. Making sense of data gathered in an experiment, which may involve graphing is called a(n)….
a. conclusion
b. repeated trials
c. control
d. treatments
e. analysis
13. After data has been reviewed for patterns, what tells if the hypothesis was correct or incorrect, and also
tells if there could have been errors in the experiment procedures or data gathering?
a. quantitative
b. repeated trials
c. qualitative
d. treatments
e. analysis
14. As an experimenter, would you want to have more or less repeated trials? Explain why
15. You have just complete analysis of data in an experiment and have concluded the data and qualitative
observations were correctly gathered and they suggest the hypothesis is incorrect.
What would be the next step.
a. change the data to make the hypothesis correct.
b. there is no next step, the experiment failed.
c. review all observations and suggest a different hypothesis
d. redo the same experiment over until you get the right data