AP Exam Review #1

Mr. Nino
AP Euro
AP Exam Review #1
Unit 1 – Renaissance, Reformation, and Religious Wars
Using your textbook or other sources (computer), review each section of material.
Here are some handy websites to help you prepare and review
AP Central – TONS of Info about the exam. MAKE SURE TO LOOK THROUGH THIS ONE!
Past Exams Essay Questions and DBQ’s
Practice Quizzes – TONS OF THEM!!
http://college.cengage.com/history/west/mckay/western_society/8e/ace/ace1.html (choose the
chapter on the top left…start with chapter 13, and then click ACE the test on left, then ACE
Practice Test in the middle of the page)
These are just some of the websites you can use. If you find some others that have great info,
please bring the links to share with others!
Terms, Concepts, People
Italian Renaissance
Artists (Michelangelo, Da Vinci)
Medici Family
Northern Renaissance
What as the Renaissance, where, why and how did it begin?
How did artists work reflect Renaissance ideals and society?
How did the Renaissance contrast with the later Middle Ages?
Did women have a Renaissance?
How was Renaissance society structured?
Past Thematic Essay Questions
2006 – Compare and contrast the relationship between the artist and society in the
Renaissance/Reformation period to the relationship between the artist and society in the late nineteenth
2004 – Analyze the influence of humanism on the visual arts in the Italian Renaissance. Use at least
THREE specific works in your analysis.
2003B – To what extent and in what ways did women participate in the Renaissance?
1998 – Discuss how Renaissance ideas are expressed in the Italian art of the period, referring to specific
works and artists.
Terms and Concepts
Martin Luther
John Calvin
Diet of Worms
Council of Trent
Sir Thomas More
95 Theses
St. Ignatius
Why do the ideas of the Protestant reformers reflect the ideas of Christian humanists?
What were the basic tenets of each of the major Protestant faiths? How did these differ from Catholicsm?
Why was there a stronger reformation in Germany and England that the rest of Europe?
What were the long term political and social effects of the Reformation in Europe?
Past Thematic Essay Questions
2006 – Analyze the aims, methods, and degree of success of the Catholic Reformation(Counter
Reformation) in the sixteenth century.
2002B – To what extent did political authorities influence the course of the Protestant Reformation in the
sixteenth century?
2001 – Discuss the political and social consequences of the Protestant Reformation in the first half of the
sixteenth century.
1998 – Compare and contrast the Lutheran Reformation and the Catholic Reformation of the 16th century
regarding the reform of both religious doctrines and religious practices.
Religious Wars
Terms, Concepts, People
Phillip II
Elizabeth I
French Wars of Religion
Spanish Armada
Act of Supremacy
Thirty Years’ War
Treaty of Westphalia
Edict of Nantes
What causes religious turmoil in France and how was it alleviated?
How would you describe Phillip II and his policies? Was he an effective leaders?
What steps did Elizabeth I take to solidify the standing of the Church in England?
Past Thematic Questions
2002 – Compare and Contrast the religious practices of TWO of the following:
Elizabeth I
Catherine de Medici of France
Isabella I of Spain
2000- “Leadership determines the fate of a country.” Evaluate this quotation in terms of Spain’s
experience under Phillip II.