World History 2 Test: STUDY GUIDE Art You should be able to identify some famous artwork of the Renaissance. Chronology & Cause/Effect You should know the order in which events happened and how they relate to each other in a cause/effect manner. See chronology chart. Themes/Big Pictures Questions You should be prepared to discuss how the topics we’ve studied relate to the seven key themes of history (see theme charts) and the Big Picture Questions we’ve used during this unit. Controversies You should be prepared to discuss any controversies that we have discussed in class. You will likely be asked to offer an opinion using the facts that we’ve studied to support your argument. In conjunction with the four points mentioned above, you should be familiar with the following key terms and people, their historical significance, and the actions/events that relate to them. Italian Renaissance causes of the Renaissance Italian city-states: Venice, Florence, Milan humanism Dante – Divine Comedy/Dante’s Inferno Petrarch vernacular secularism Renaissance man Machiavelli – The Prince individualism spirit of the Renaissance Renaissance art patron Leonardo da Vinci - The Last Supper, Mona Lisa Michelangelo - David, Pieta, ceiling of Sistine Chapel/The Creation of Adam Raphael - The School of Athens, The Sistine Madonna/Raphael’s Cherubs Northern Renaissance causes (why did it spread north?) diffusion Sir Thomas More - Utopia William Shakespeare Julius Caesar Macbeth Hamlet Christine de Pisan - The City of Women block printing movable type printing press Johannes Gutenberg Gutenberg bible Protestant Reformation Christian humanism scholarly Erasmus Catholic Church icons, relics Church teachings causes of the Reformation indulgences Martin Luther 95 Theses excommunicated Diet of Worms Edict of Worms Protestant, Protestantism, Lutheranism main effects of the Reformation Counter-Reformation Catholic/Counter-Reformation Inquisition heresy – heretics Jesuits Council of Trent Index of Forbidden Books Charles V- Holy Roman Empire Peace of Augsburg Huguenot St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre Henry IV (Henri de Navarre) Edict of Nantes