FTB's New York Office and the Tax Auditor Classification


Magner Center for Career Development and Internships ♦

1303 James Hall ♦ 718 951 5696

FTB's New York Office and the Tax Auditor Classification

Location: headquarters is located in Sacramento, California. Field offices are throughout California and in Chicago, Houston, and New York.

Job of the California Franchise Tax Board: Administer California's personal income and corporation tax laws.

The New York office staff: o People are from different backgrounds from all over the world o Learn new tax concepts and about new cultures everyday o Auditors will have chances to work with senior level auditors and specialists o Senior level auditors can provide their expertise to help you develop an understanding of Federal and California tax issues o Also provide trainings periodically to keep auditors updated on tax laws

Important skills to have as an auditor:


Communication/Interpersonal- o Tax Auditors interact and work with taxpayers and representatives daily, including CPAs, Tax Attorneys, Executives and Management. o Good communications skills will allow auditors to obtain cooperation from taxpayers and communicate audit conclusion


Analytical Skills – o Tax Auditors analyze documents, including tax returns, financial statements, public filings/records, and other documents. o Good analytical skills will allow auditors to draw sound and impartial conclusions.


Organization and Time Management – o Tax Auditors have to keep detailed notes and records throughout an audit. o They also have to adapt to changing priorities.


Research – o Tax Auditors spend a great deal of time doing research, through public websites, research engines/tools, or other sources. o Auditors will research Federal and California tax laws, regulations, court cases, and published articles to support their audit position.


Work Independently and in a Team – o New auditors will typically work in a team environment in the beginning. o Must be able to work together with other auditors to accomplish tasks. o As they progress, they will likely be assigned a variety of independent and team assignments.

* The information provided here can be also be found on our public website at http://www.ftb.ca.gov

* You can also find out more about the Tax Auditor job announcement at http://jobs.spb.ca.gov/wvpos/more_info.cfm?recno=454155
