
Name: __________________________
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Plants Study Guide
Modified True/False
Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the
sentence or statement true.
1. In plants, sexual reproduction occurs when a sperm cell and an egg cell unite to form a zygote.
2. During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water combine to produce sugar and oxygen.
3. A moss is a type of vascular plant. _________________________
4. Nonvascular plants use rigid stems for support. _________________________
5. The gametophyte generation of a moss has structures that look like roots, a stem, and leaves.
6. Scientists use hydroponics to alter a plant's genetic material and make the plant produce more food.
7. The seed coat is the young plant that develops from a fertilized egg. _________________________
8. A gymnosperm is a seed plant that produces naked seeds. _________________________
9. Two characteristics of angiosperms are that they produce flowers and fruits.
____ 10. Monocots include grasses, lilies, and tulips. _________________________
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 11. The raw materials of photosynthesis are
a. sugar and water.
b. sugar and oxygen.
c. carbon dioxide and oxygen.
d. carbon dioxide and water.
____ 12. The energy that powers photosynthesis comes from
a. water.
b. chemicals.
c. oxygen.
d. the sun.
____ 13. The adaptation that helps plants retain water is the
a. vascular tissue
b. zygote
c. leaf
d. cuticle
____ 14. What stage produces the egg cells and sperm cells during the life cycle of a plant?
a. gametes
b. gametophyte
c. sporophyte
d. zygotes
____ 15. The spores that plants produce develop into the
a. gametes.
b. zygotes.
c. sporophyte stage.
d. gametophyte stage.
____ 16. Nonvascular plants differ from vascular plants in
a. how they make food.
b. where they obtain water and nutrients.
c. how they transport water and nutrients.
d. how they reproduce.
____ 17. All of the following organisms are nonvascular plants EXCEPT
a. mosses
b. liverworts
c. lichens
d. hornworts
____ 18. The part of a moss plant that has leaflike structures is the
a. rhizoid.
b. sporophyte
c. capsule.
d. gametophyte.
____ 19. Which of the following is NOT a reason why mosses are important?
a. gardening
b. food
c. fuel
d. forest regrowth
____ 20. Which two characteristics do ferns and their relatives share?
a. vascular tissue and spores
b. vascular tissue and seeds
c. vascular tissue and leaflike structures
d. vascular tissue and underground stems
____ 21. What parts of a fern grow underground?
a. roots and fiddleheads
b. roots and stems
c. stems and leaves
d. stems and fronds
____ 22. Why must ferns live in moist environments?
a. to transport spores to new locations
b. to transport water to all cells
c. so that egg and sperm cells can join
d. so that fiddleheads develop for food
____ 23. Which of the following is NOT a major source of food for people on Earth?
a. wheat
b. soy beans
c. rice
d. corn
____ 24. Both seed plants and seedless plants have
a. microscopic gametophytes.
b. microscopic sporophytes.
c. complex life cycles.
d. vascular tissue.
____ 25. What happens in phloem?
a. Water moves up.
b. Food moves down.
____ 26.
____ 27.
____ 28.
____ 29.
____ 30.
____ 31.
____ 32.
____ 33.
____ 34.
____ 35.
c. Food moves up.
d. Water moves down.
Which of the following is(are) NOT a device for dispersing seeds?
a. insects
b. wind
c. water
d. large animals
What is NOT a function of the leaf's veins?
a. to bring water to the leaf's cells
b. to connect the leaf with the rest of the plant
c. to trap the energy of sunlight
d. to transport food to the rest of the plant
What part of a woody stem forms rings that indicate the tree's age?
a. xylem
b. phloem
c. pith
d. inner bark
What is NOT a root function in plants?
a. to absorb water
b. to store food
c. to anchor plants
d. to produce food
Root hairs help a plant
a. transport food to the root.
b. absorb water and nutrients.
c. protect the root.
d. store food.
What characteristic do gymnosperms share?
a. They live only in hot, dry climates.
b. They produce naked seeds.
c. They are trees.
d. They grow cones.
Which phrase describes pollination?
a. the development of pollen grains
b. the development of mature cones
c. the transfer of pollen from male to female reproductive structures
d. the joining of sperm and egg cells in an ovule
Which is NOT a way that angiosperms are useful to people?
a. as a source of food
b. as a source of clothing
c. as a source of medicine
d. as a source of turpentine
Flowers are
a. structures for photosynthesis.
b. vascular tissue structures.
c. structures for seed dispersal.
d. reproductive structures.
An example of a negative plant tropism is
a. stems growing up.
b. leaves turning toward light.
c. stems wrapping around poles.
d. roots growing down.
Complete each sentence or statement.
36. A(n) ____________________ is a group of similar cells that perform a specific function in an organism.
37. In a plant's life cycle, a spore develops into a stage known as the ____________________.
38. Without ____________________ tissue, mosses cannot grow very large.
39. The ____________________ generation of a moss consists of a slender stalk with a capsule at the end.
40. A fern's spores develop in tiny cases on the underside of its leaves. These leaves are called
41. In some plants, food is stored inside seed leaves called ____________________.
42. All gymnosperms have ____________________, and most also have needlelike or scalelike leaves and
deep-growing root systems.
43. Two characteristics of angiosperms are that they produce flowers and ____________________.
44. Together, the anther and the filament make up the ____________________ of a flower.
45. A flower is pollinated when a pollen grain falls on the ____________________ at the tip of a pistil.
Short Answer
46. What types of cells are the structures labeled C in the diagram?
47. How are the structures labeled D and E in the diagram different?
48. Identify the structures labeled A and B in the diagram. Are these male or female reproductive structures?
49. Identify the structures labeled C, D, and E in the diagram. Are these male or female reproductive
50. The diagram shows only three of the flower's six petals. Did a monocot or a dicot produce this flower?
Explain your reasoning.