Chem 120 Formula Sheet: Midterm Exam #2 Ch5 – Electronic Structure Avogadro’s # = 6.022 x 1023 things per mole What’s Nu? (c over lambda !) or c = c = 3.00 X 108 m/s Planck’s Law: E = n h , Planck’s constant h = 6.63 X 10-34 J-s and n = # of photons Rydberg Equation: 1 / = R (1/ n12 - 1/ n22 ) R = 1.096776 x 107 m-1 Energy states for Hydrogen atom: E = -2.18 X 10-18 J (1/ n2 ) De Broglie Wavelength = h / mv for matter waves Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle x mv h /4 for location and momentum Schrodinger Wave Equation: quantum numbers specific orbitals n, l, ml , ms (each electron has a unique set of quantum numbers) orbitals: s - 1, p - 3, d - 5, f – 7 Hund’s rule: partially fill all before completing any Pauli Exclusion Principle: spin quantum number must differ for electrons in same orbital Ch6 – Periodic Properties Effective nuclear charge = Z – S (inner shell electrons) Cations are smaller than elements Anions are larger than neutral elements Atomic radius decreases across periods Left to right because of Z effective Atomic radius increases down periods because of adding shells, n gets bigger Electron symmetry decreases ionization energy (easier to ionize the second of a pair of electrons in an orbital from repulsion Electron affinities are negative, energy must be lost to put electrons on neutral atoms Ch7 – Intro to Bonding Formal charge = Valence of atom– half of bonding electrons+all non-bonding electrons) More stable molecules have lower formal charges or contrasts between atoms Dipole moment = μ = Qr , Q n x (1.60 x 10-19 C) and r in angstroms (10-10 m) for calculating charge separation. The conversion is 1D=3.34 x 10-30 C-m. D= Debyes Octet rule, stable molecules complete octets where possible. Bonding pairs = total electrons in molecule/8 Non bonding pairs = remainder/2 Treat hydrogen as if it had 7 electrons all others use group numbers to total valence shell electrons in a molecule. Don’t for get to add or subtract charges for ions