AMM 101 – Fashion Industry M/W/F 8:00 AM – 9:05 AM Fall 2011 Bldg 45 - 102 Instructor Alejandra Parise Phone (909) 869-4950 Office Bldg. 45- 255 E-mail Office Hours M/W 12:15 – 2:45 pm By appointment Note- If these office hours are not convenient for you please e-mail or call me to set up a separate appointment time. I will do my best to accommodate your needs. Please do give a 24 hour window. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Text Stone: The Dynamics of Fashion, Fairchild Books Inc., Third edition, 2008 Description Introduction to development and scope of the global fashion pipeline: textile and apparel production, design, retail merchandising, marketing, distribution, and promotion. Understanding of apparel business organizations and planning. Introduction to career opportunities. Oral and written reports on current topics relevant to the fashion industry. 4 lectures/problem-solving .Goals A. To understand the impact of fashion and style trends on merchandising; B. To identify influential national and international designers, their key designs and impact on the fashion business; C. To understand the scope of and steps in the entire process of apparel from raw goods, through production and merchandising, and finally to the consumer. D. To identify career opportunities in the fashion business Assignments and Requirements A – There will be 3 individual assignments: What’s in the News, fashion terms, and career investigation report B- There will be 2 group projects: designer report and a business plan project and 1 project that will be done in teams of 2 people (trend forecasting). C- There will be 1 midterm and 1 final exam D- In-class assignments for class credit will be randomly assigned (group and/or individual) All assignments (with the exception of in-class activities) need to be typed with proper headings, double spaced, normal/typical margins 1”. You are expected to read the assigned chapters prior to the class meeting and come prepared to ask questions and add to the lecture activity. This is an interactive class. You are also expected to frequently check our class Blackboard site as well as your Cal Poly e-mail account for Page 1 announcements etc. You will find it challenging to pass the class without purchasing a text and taking detailed notes. Plan time out side of class for reading, studying, projects, group meetings so plan your time wisely. Resources: Blackboard site, (additional resources) Fashion websites (, fashion blogs, etc.) Trade publications such as WWD and CAN LA Times Image section, fashion magazines (Vouge/Elle/W/In Style, etc.) Cal Poly library (books, periodicals, online forecasting services (WGSN) Course Policies Attendance/Professionalism Attendance is evaluated in the same manner as it is in the industry, that is why it is also referred to as professionalism. Therefore, attendance in scheduled classes is mandatory. 1 point for each day of class will be offered for a total of 30 points. All unexcused absences will be penalized. You are expected to come to the class in a timely manner, and to stay all class time. Remember, class participation is more than just physically being in the class. You should be prepared to discuss the subject matter and get involved in class activities. This class is heavily dependent on class discussion, and it is extremely important that you have completed assigned reading, and be ready for discussions. If a student has more than 4 absences the faculty member has the right to drop them or exclude them from the classroom and record an F grade at the end of the quarter. A single (50 minute) lecture class or single (50 minute) activity class is considered to be one absence. A double lecture, activity or labs class (up to 3 hours) is considered to be two absences. Attendance will be indicated by: the student’s valid signature on the class roll or their presence during a roll call or test (e.g. quiz). To obtain an excused absence – you must provide documentary evidence e.g. a doctor’s note on an official form with contact information Also, unprofessional behavior such as talking, texting, etc. will also result in loss of points. If you are absent from class, you are responsible for material covered. Make sure to get notes from a classmate and review your Blackboard site. Lecture notes and other class material: Students will be responsible for all materials presented in class lectures and other class materials given in class. NO HARD COPIES OR ELECTRONIC COPIES WILL BE MADE FOR STUDENTS WHO MISS CLASS Tardiness All students are expected to be in class on time for the start of the class. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class. If a student fails to be included on the attendance list (by way of tardiness or other reason) it will be designated as an absence. After 5 minutes the instructor may close the classroom door to prevent late entries from disrupting the class. Traveling across Campus For students that have a class on the main campus that precedes a class they are attending in Building 45 by 10 minutes, they should speak with the AMM instructor at the beginning of the quarter and provide them with the preceding class info. Page 2 Students traveling across campus will be allowed 5 minutes of extra time to get to class without being considered tardy or absent. Leaving class early If a student leaves the class early without prior permission from the instructor, it will be designated as an absence. Anyone who leaves a 50 minute lecture class early e.g. to go to the bathroom will not be able to return. For classes that continue beyond 50 minutes – breaks may be taken after the first 50 minutes. Excused absences Students may obtain excused absences for illness, personal or family emergencies. However – you must be able to provide documentary evidence to obtain an excused absence. Routine health appointments scheduled during class times that are not related to an existing ailment e.g. annual check-up will not be treated as excusable. Late Work No late work will be accepted for any AMM Course. All late work will receive a grade of zero. Exceptions will only be granted for instances of illness or family emergency where the student can support with documentary evidence. Laptops/ tablets and Textbooks No laptops/tablets to be used in class - except by permission of the instructor. No textbooks to be open in class - except by permission of the instructor Cell phones and Other Electronic Devices All cell phones and other electronic devices to be switched off and put away completely. Devices to take an audio recording of a class may be used with the permission of the instructor. Communications/Blackboard The official communication method in this class will be through Blackboard and emails. It is your responsibility to make sure that you check and clean email account. Please CHECK YOUR EMAIL ON A DAILY BASIS AND DO NOT LET YOUR EMAIL GET OVERLOADED. Blackboard: Students are responsible for accessing and using course materials provided on the Blackboard. Course materials and announcements will be posted. Blackboard manual is available online at For technical questions about Blackboard, please contact Help Desk ( Academic Dishonesty Academic Honesty: plagiarism [except specific quantitative information] will result in receiving no credit for the report. You must rephrase all material in your own words and/or use quotation marks [“mmm”] and endnote all material taken from another source. Be sure to include a works cited page with your research papers. Follow appropriate academic standards. Check with reference librarian for assistance. Cheating and/or plagiarism will not be tolerated. Should this be uncovered, the professor will deal with the problem, which may result in the student being dropped from the class. The incident will be reported to the Department Chair and the Dean, which may result in further disciplinary action Page 3 Disability Any student who feels he/she may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the instructor privately to discuss your specific needs.Cal Poly Pomona, as a learning-centered university, is committed to student success. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact me privately or the Disability Resource Center (909869-3333, Building 9 Rm103)to coordinate course accommodations. Drop/withdrawal from class: it is the student’s responsibility to drop classes. Failure to officially drop a class will result in receiving an “F” in the class. Extra Credit: No extra credit will be given in this course at this time. Something might be assigned in the future. Evaluation Assignment Total Points Whats New in the News 15 Fashion Terms 20 Career Investigation Report 20 Designer Presentation 40 Trend Research Project 50 Business Plan Final Project 75 Midterm 50 Final Exam 50 Professionalism/Participation 30 Total 350 Your Score Grading scale Evaluation A = 93-100% A- = 90-92% B+ = 87-89% B = 83-86% B- = 80-82% C+ = 77-79% C = 73-76% C- = 70-72% D+ = 65-69% D = 60-64% Below D is Failing Word of Advice “Never take shortcuts. Make sure your work is ace before you ever put it in the eyes of the public.” – Devin Taylor (owner/designer of Bleeding Star Clothing) “Don’t whine, don’t complain, and don’t make excuses.” – John Wooden (Former UCLA basketball coach) Page 4 Tentative schedule: Professor has the right to make modifications as needed. Week Dates F – 9/21 1 Topics Due Introduction /Overview Student Survey on BB by 10 CH 1- Century of Fashion pm M -9/24 CH 1- Century of Fashion W- 9/26 CH 2- Nature of Fashion F – 9/28 2 M -10/1 Ch 3- Fashion Environment M - WNITN #1 W- 10/3 Ch 4- Movement of Fashion W- WNITN #2 F – 10/5 3 M -10/8 Ch 5 – Business of Fashion M - WNITN #4 W- 10/10 CH 6 - Textiles W- WNITN #5 F – 10/12 F- Terms Assignment due M -10/15 M - WNITN #6 W- 10/17 4 F- WNITN #3 F – 10/19 Ch 8 – Product Development Overview Ch 9 Womens Apparel W- WNITN #7 F- WNITN #8 F- Career Investigation Reports Due M -10/22 5 Overview Ch 11,12,13,14,15 W- 10/24 F – 10/26 M - WNITN #9 W- WNITN #10 Midterm exam F- Midterm Exam Bring Scantron 882 6 M -10/29 Major Designer Group M/W/F – Designer W- 10/31 Presentations Presentations M -11/5 Ch 16 – Global Markets M- WNITN #11,12 W- 11/7 Ch 17 – Global W- WNITN #13, 14 F – 11/9 sourcing/merchandising F- Veterans Day Holiday M -11/12 M- Holiday M- Happy Veteraln’s Day W- 11/14 Ch 18 – Fashion retailing W-WNITN #15, 16 F – 11/16 Ch 19- Retail strategies F-Trend Research F – 11/2 7 8 Assignment Due 9 M -11/19 Ch 20 – Auxiliary Services M- WNITN #17 W- 11/21 Review of careers/development W-WNITN #18 F – 11/23 F- Holiday F-Happy Thanksgiving! M -11/26 10 W- 11/28 M/W/F Business plan presentations F – 11/30 Finals Friday Final Project: Business Plans Presentations 9:10 AM – 11:10 AM 12/7 Final Exam Bring Scantron 882 Page 5