World Literature Writing about Selections from Early Medieval Literature: The Song of Roland, How Siegfried Was Slain from the Nibelungenlied, Perceval by Chretien de Troyes, The Lay of the Werewolf by Marie de France, and Dante’s selections from the Divine Comedy from the Inferno. Focusing of traditional themes: Loyalty, Betrayal, Tragic Flaw, and Symbolism: (Textbook Pages 557 to 617) Name _____________________________________ Date _______ Guidelines to Remember: This is a literary essay writing assignment. Please do a rough draft and hand it in with your final copy. Please also provide a title page. Be sure to double-space your final copy, and use headers and footers. Since any specific references to works we have studied should be written in literary style, you must write in third person and present tense whenever you refer to a work of literature! Additionally, use at least two quotations in each paragraph. (Do not use the pronouns I, me, my, we, us, you or yours.) Option A: (100 points) Literary Style Explanation and Interpretation For this project, you should decide what message or theme the Medieval authors of at least three of the selections we have read (The Song of Roland, How Siegfried Was Slain from the Nibelungenlied, Perceval by Chretien de Troyes, and The Lay of the Werewolf by Marie de France) are conveying, illustrating, and in a sense teaching through their various narratives, both poetry and prose. You need to formulate your own interpretation of any three of these selections, but you are required to include in your analytical focus the traditional Medieval Germanic, Frankish and Celtic themes of loyalty, betrayal, tragic flaw, and symbolism. Base your interpretations, analysis and explanations on carefully selected quotations from the readings to express your point of view about each author’s message. Include relevant facts and events from Medieval History when useful and appropriate. Your essay should be at least three and a half pages long. The Visual Aid Also, you need to create a very nicely done colored visual aid that is at least 11’ by 14’ in size that shows effort and thought, or for extra credit you can create a six slide power point presentation including relevant and appropriate graphics and text based on the time period we are studying. Always provide the required APA documentation on each slide and in your essay whenever you borrow graphics or textual quotes or ideas from outside sources, such as web sites or reference books. Provide an outline or a content frame to organize your ideas Criteria for Assessment Ask yourself; Have I: made this a high quality document? checked your spelling and followed directions? provided a title page and used headers and footers? edited your sentences? used at least two quotations from the readings in your paragraphs? been detailed, clear and specific in your explanations provided the required APA documentation in textual citations? provided necessary documentation for outside sources?