MACQUARIE FIELDS PS SCHOOL PLAN 2014 LITERACY Increased level of overall literacy achievement for all students in line with state and regional targets Strategies to achieve this target include: Implementation of the K-6 English scope and sequence, based on the NSW National Curriculum, by all staff Continuation of L3 across Early Stage 1 and awareness raising for Stage 1 Continuation of Best Start, Learning Plans and continuum tracking in ES1 and S1 Continuation of the Focus on Reading Comprehension program in Phase 2 training with increased use of the continuum tracking in Years 3-6 Utilisation of Focus on Reading resources and teaching and learning programs Development of stage based comprehension and writing assessment Improvement of guided reading resources Year 2 – 4 Improvement of modelled reading and multimodal resources Implementation and regular review of Personal Learning Plans (PLPs) for all Aboriginal students and other students at risk Implementation of the policy document ‘Mandatory Guidelines for the Implementation of Literacy at Macquarie Fields’ Implement a series of parent workshops on reading and vocabulary in Years 3-6 (including comprehension strategies, super six strategies, accessing technology and supporting students at home) Allocate stage meeting time to allow for increased collaborative planning, building of consistency of judgement, programming support and sharing of resources and assessment strategies Revise school’s ‘Supervision of Programming Policy’ to ensure teaching and learning programs in reading include: o An explicitly stated focus o Grouping for instruction o Explicit comprehension teaching strategies o A range of literary, factual, visual and multimedia texts Continuation of the ‘Minilit’ program in the Year 1 Literacy Support class Development and implementation of programs and resources to support the teaching and learning of Visual Literacy Our success will be measured by: 60% of Kindergarten students achieved cluster 4 in Reading Texts 45% of Kindergarten students achieved cluster 4 in Comprehension 77% of Year 1 students achieved cluster 6 or above in Reading Texts 65% of Year 1 students achieved cluster 6 or above in Comprehension 77% of Year 2 students achieved cluster 8 or above in Reading Texts 75% of Year 2 students achieved cluster 8 in Comprehension Increase the percentage of students in Year 3 so 100% of students achieve at or above the minimum standard in NAPLAN reading in 2014. In Year 3, 100% of students achieve at or above the minimum standard in NAPLAN writing Increase the percentage of students in Year 3 achieving in the proficiency bands in NAPLAN reading from 49% in 2013 to 51.5% by 2014. 65% of Year 3 students achieved cluster 9 or above in Comprehension 65% of Year 4 students achieved cluster 10 or above in Comprehension Maintain the percentage of students in Year 5 achieving at or above the minimum standard in NAPLAN reading at 98% in 2014. Increase the percentage of students in Year 5 achieving in the proficiency bands in NAPLAN reading from 26% in 2013 to 28% by 2014. Increase the percentage of all Year 5 students who achieve greater than or equal to expected growth between Year 3 and Year 5 in NAPLAN reading from 68% in 2013 to 72% by 2014. Achieve growth in 95% of Year 5 students in NAPLAN writing. 65% of Year 5 students achieved cluster 11 or above in Comprehension 65% of Year 6 students achieved cluster 12 or above in Comprehension Plan for 2014 Leader – Kellie & Kate Team – Belinda (K), Amrita (K), Amanda R (1), Sam (2), Eva (3), Bev (4), Amanda T (4), Danielle (6), Sharon M (6), Ann (RR), Sharon T (ESL), Ava (ESL), Radhika (ESL), Leanne (LST) Area – Literacy 2014 Target: Increase levels of overall literacy achievements for all students in line with state and regional targets Outcomes Strategies Implement K-6 Literacy Scope and Sequence by all staff Continuation of L3 across ES1 and awareness raising for S1 Continuation of Best Start and Learning Plans in ES1 & S1 Continuation of the Focus on Reading Comprehension program (Phase 2) Development of Focus on Reading resources and teaching and learning programs Optional implementation of tracking of continuum markers for whole school using PLAN software Conduct a survey of staff in Term 2 to see the usefulness and usability of the scope and sequence Supervisors regularly monitor the implementation of the scope and sequence within teaching and learning program Full implementation of L3 in all Kinder classes with supervisors regularly monitoring its implementation Professional learning for 3 Kinder team members to participate in school based learning around L3 (Term 1 fortnightly after school meetings, Term 2 & 3 meeting 3 times within the term, Term 4 as required) Provide opportunities for staff to watch other team members who are using the L3 program effectively Full implementation of explicit teaching lessons of continuum markers with evaluation at the end of the year Effective and ongoing tracking and monitoring of students on the continuum Develop professional learning activities and resources to support the training of staff and the implementation of strategies within teaching and learning programs Conduct professional learning with staff to complete Phase two training Provide opportunities for staff to watch other team members who are implementing the Focus on reading program Develop resources and a teaching and learning program to cover the ‘Super Six Strategies’ from the Focus on Reading program K-2 teachers tracking of all aspects of the Literacy Continuum Provide professional learning for all staff on the new PLAN software Years 3 – 6 teachers begin tracking (optional) Comprehension, Reading Text and Vocabulary to support Focus on Reading program and guide teaching and learning programs Years 3 – 6 teachers begin tracking aspects of writing and aspects of speaking to support and guide teaching and learning programs Supervisors regularly monitoring tracking of students based on Literacy Continuum Time Frame Responsibility Term 2 Kate Ongoing Stage Supervisors Term 1 Cass D 3 Casual Days Term 1 Cass D 4 Casual Days Ongoing Cass D 6 TPL Ongoing K-2 Staff 2 Casual Days Ongoing K-2 Staff Ongoing Kellie /Sharon 3TPL Term 1 – 2 Term 2 – 4 Kellie /Sharon All Staff 4TPL Term 1 – 2 Kellie Ongoing Term 1 By Term 2 K-2 Teachers Kellie / Kate Yr 3 – 6 Teachers By Term 3 Yr 3 – 6 Teachers Ongoing Stage Supervisors Resource Allocation 2TPL $300 (School Budget Teaching Resources) & 2TPL Development of electronic class based tracking system of reading levels with room to annotate student growth, to be tracked termly Provision of resources for the implementation and assessment of reading level tracking folders for each class Development of grade based comprehension assessments based around the Probe Assessment Analysis of reading levels each term to provide data on student growth, informing teaching and learning (Stage Supervisors to collate Stage Data) Stage supervisors identify students at risk of not meeting reading expectations, referring them to STLA for support i.e. multilit, reading recovery Implement a guided reading group proforma to be implemented within each classroom and completed on a weekly basis Stage supervisors to monitor the effective use of guided reading proformas within term based program reviews Provide professional learning on how to correctly administer a running record (ECT) Provide professional learning on how to correctly level students based comprehension at 3 levels (literal, inferential and evaluative) (ECT) Provide staff with opportunities to watch Reading Recovery and ESL lessons Purchase 1 PM Benchmark Kit (stage 2) Purchase reading resources to support modelled and guided reading programs within Stage 2 Purchase interactive reading resources & software Purchase of home reading program, ‘Bug Club’ for K-2 students Purchase of reading texts for S1 (early chapter books), Level 26 onwards and factual texts for S2 Purchase of 2 ‘Reading Box’ reading resource kits (1 x Blue / 1 x Red) Purchase 3 spelling mastery teacher manuals All Aboriginal students, OOHC and students receiving funding support, have a personalised learning plan Plans developed in consultation with parents and caregivers Plans regularly reviewed with parents and caregivers Students are supported in their learning Awareness raising of document with staff STLA and Literacy committee conduct workshops for parents An increased number of parent volunteers help with reading at MFPS Provision of electronic class based guided reading level tracking systems and implementation of whole school guided reading group proformas Provide professional learning on assessing reading and comprehension Improvement of English resources resources Implementation and regular review of Personal Learning Plans (PLPs) for all Aboriginal students and other students at risk Develop and implementation of the policy document ‘Mandatory Guidelines for the Implementation of Literacy at Macquarie Fields’ Implement a series of parent workshops on reading and vocabulary in Years 3-6 (including comprehension strategies, super six strategies, accessing technology and supporting students at home) Term 1 Kate Ongoing Primary Staff Term 1 Kellie Ongoing All Staff / Kate Ongoing Stage Supervisor Term 2 Kellie / Kate Ongoing Stage Supervisor Term 2 RR/STLA Term 2 RR/STLA Term 1 – 2 RR/STLA Kellie / Kate 1TPL 2TPL 3TPL $465 (School Budget Learning Resources) $3000 (School Budget Learning Resources) $2000 (School Budget Learning Resources) $2700 (School Budget Learning Resources) $3000 (School Budget Learning Resources) Marie Mitchell $1600 (School Budget Learning Resources) $750 (School Budget Teaching Resources) Term 1 Term 1 Ongoing Ongoing Classroom Teacher Term 2 Literacy Committee Term 2 and 3 Ongoing STLA / Radhika STLA $400 (School Budget Learning Resources) Allocate stage meeting time to allow for increase collaborative planning, building of consistency of judgement, programming support and sharing of resources and assessment strategies Revise school’s ‘Supervision of Programming Policy’ to ensure teaching and learning programs in reading include: 1. An explicitly stated focus 2. Grouping for instruction 3. Explicit comprehension teaching strategies 4. A range of literary, factual, visual and multimedia texts Implementation of the ‘Minilit’ program in the Year 1 Literacy Support class Development programs and resources to support the teaching and learning of Visual Literacy Ongoing Executive Increased professional dialogue regarding the teaching of reading Increased consistency in the teaching of reading across and within stages Teachers share and discuss evidence of student achievement in reading, linking this to the relevant continuum and K-6 syllabus Increased sharing of resources and strategies Increased use of assessment strategies New programming requirements are developed Teachers are supported with the changes in programming requirements Teachers trial new programming formats Teaching and learning programs meet the requirements of the school policy Term 2 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Kellie / Kate Executive All staff Executive Continued implementation of the Minilit program Parents trained as helpers with the Minilit program Ongoing Term 2 Sam B STLA Purchase small group size (8 books) sets of books useful in teaching visual literacy Develop teaching and learning guides and resources for visual literacy books Provide professional learning to staff around visual literacy Term 1 Term 1 Term 1 Megan Megan Megan TOTAL STAFF MEETINGS PLAN Software (Term 1) FoR PL Visual Literacy (ECT Meeting) [Run by Megan] Running Record & What’s in a good English session (ECT Meeting) [Run by ESL / STLA] - $300 (School Budget Teaching Resources) $2000 (School Budget Learning Resources) 2 Casual Days $1350 (School Budget Teaching Resources) $15165 (School Budget Learning Resources) 11 Casual Days 23 TPL Days Mathematics 2014 Targets 1. Increased levels of numeracy achievement for every student consistent Increase the number of Year 3 students in NAPLAN Bands 5 & 6 by 2.5% and decrease the number of Year 3 students in NAPLAN Bands 1 & 2 by 2% with national, state and regional directions Increase the number of Year 5 students in NAPLAN Bands 7 & 8 by 2.5% and decrease the number of Year 5 students in NAPLAN Bands 3 & 4 by 2% 2. Continue to implement a whole school tracking strategy that shows growth of individual students K-6 utilising SENA and NEWMANS assessments and strengthen numeracy learning through the effective use of the full range of diagnostic assessments 100% of teachers assessing students in SENNA and Newman’s and performance 100% of staff utilise the school developed tracking sheet tracking student 3. Identify and support students working at or below minimum standard in the NAPLAN assessment All students in Bands 1,2,3 (Year 3 2013) and Bands 3, 4 or lower (Year 5 2013) to be identified and receive STLA support each day 4. Improve problem solving skills and strategies, while developing ‘Working Mathematically’ outcomes 100% of staff using problem solving strategies as a part of daily drill in mathematics. 75% accuracy of students 5. Provision of ongoing support and resources to teachers to improve the ‘Metalanguage’ & mathematical comprehension skills of students and enhanced CRT mathematics programs and teacher understanding of quality teaching and assessment strategies All staff K- 6 has copies of maths CD’s and Minute Maths resources. All New Scheme teachers and newly appointed teachers to receive professional learning in Key Into Maths, Minute Maths, Newman’s Error Analysis and Question a Day 100% of students participate in set drill each day 6. Ongoing tracking of student progress in automatic number recall through the collection and collation of student data 5% improvement in student automatic recall of number facts in each class 100% of students achieve growth in the automatic recall of number facts Mathematics 2014 Targets 7. Increase hands on and interactive maths lessons Purchase and deployment of mathematics based interactive resources Replenish and add to existing mathematics resources Ensure that every class has a core set of mathematics resources and each stage has a comprehensive resource kit Purchase a Problem Solving Kit 8. 9. Improved results and identification of Aboriginal students Implement TEN Program as required in Stage 2 10. Implement K-6 Scope and Sequence Teachers are supported to develop Personalised Learning Plans for every aboriginal student Identify all aboriginal students in the bottom two bands of NAPLAN and apply for Norta Norta All Stage 2 teachers to implement Phase 1 of TEN Program 100% of all staff using K-6 Scope and Sequence as per the new Mathematics Syllabus 100% of students having individual needs met K-2 through Early Learning Plans Outcome 1 1 1 STRATEGIES Identify the targets and teaching strategies from NAPLAN Utilise assessment data to effectively group students to meet individual needs All students are exposed to problem solving strategies and at least one written word problem per day INDICATORS Increasing proportions of students meeting or exceeding proficiency standards in numeracy Teaching and learning programs demonstrate effective grouping of students based on data gathered All staff members are implementing ‘Question a Day’ flip books within the classroom Students are strategies 1 1 utilising RESPONSIBILITY BUDGET T1 Maths Committee Stage Supervisors 1 TPL Days Classroom Teachers Stage Supervisors T1 K-6 Teachers Maths Committee Stage Supervisors T1 – T4 K-6 Teachers Maths Stage Supervisors Nil T1 – T4 K-6 Teachers Maths Stage Supervisors Nil Newman’s Implement quality teaching and Teaching/Learning Programs reflect the K-2 learning programs in mathematics Continuum and the MFPS Scope and based on the school scope and Sequence Years 3-6 sequence and mathematics continuum Every student K-6 completes a set in Ensure the implementation of current Minute Maths during the drill session mathematics resources including in every maths lesson. DENS and Count Minute Maths, times table CD, Me In activities form the basis of most Patterns and Algebra, Teaching hands on teaching/learning activities Measurement, Space and Geometry as reflected in teaching/learning and DENs resources programs WHEN Outcome 2 2 2 2 WHEN RESPONSIBILITY Terms 1-4 Classroom teachers Share with staff the findings based on results gathered each term Terms 1 and 4 Classroom teachers Teaching/learning programs differentiate mathematics to meet the needs of individuals, groups and whole class Terms 1-4 Classroom teachers Stage Supervisors Term 4 Karen to add to Tracking card CRT’s to add information each year STRATEGIES INDICATORS Implement the tracking system 2-6 (K-2 already printing out 5 weekly) Teachers K-6 gather information each developed to identify individual term to assess the growth of students in student, class, stage and school Number growth in Number, using SENA and Newman’s Error Analysis Data from each class is gathered in Terms One and Four and recorded on an electronic data collection spreadsheet Utilise information / results gathered each term based on SENA and Newman’s to further develop teaching and learning programs Add a section on the K-6 Tracking cards that enables staff to record Minute Maths levels at the end of Term 4 each year The differentiation of the Minute Maths Program, enables students to work at their own individual levels and teachers to record each child’s level at the end of Term 4 each year BUDGET Outcome 3 3 Outcome 4 4 STRATEGIES INDICATORS Utilise previous years NAPLAN assessments to assess Yr 2 and 4 students to grade them across Bands to identify students working at or below minimum standard A comprehensive list of students Identify students receiving BAND requiring additional support is compiled 1, 2 or lower 3 in Yr 2 or 3 (2012), and those receiving BAND 3, 4 or lower 5 in Yr 4 or 5 (2012) RESPONSIBILITY Maths Committee STLA Terms 1-4 STLA/additional staffing WHEN RESPONSIBILITY Stage supervisors monitor as a part of the TARS process Terms 1-4 Classroom Teachers Stage Supervisors Teachers using Question a Day as a part of their drill and student improvement in interpreting problems Terms 1-4 Terms 1-4 INDICATORS BUDGET 1 Casual Day Term 1 Develop a Stage 2 and Stage 3 numeracy group to support student Students improvement in numeracy learning (within support classrooms skills as a result of daily withdrawal/in& small withdrawal groups) – Daily class support STRATEGIES Ensure Mathematics teaching and learning programs have ‘Working Mathematically’ outcomes embedded within them Provide classroom teachers with a ‘Question a day’ flip book resource, to support student development of problem solving strategies. Supervisors to monitor in stage meetings through sharing and feedback and share with Principal as a part of the TARS process WHEN BUDGET Outcome 5 5 Outcome 6 6 STRATEGIES INDICATORS Provide teacher professional All staff demonstrate an understanding learning about ‘Key into Maths’ in of ‘Key Into Maths’ and this is reflected staff meetings in their teaching/learning programs and pedagogy Provide new scheme teachers and newly appointed teachers with resources to support the Whole school programs to support implementation of quality teaching METALANGUAGE & programs and assessment strategies Comprehension, such as Key into including ‘Key into Maths’, Maths, Question a Day, Newman’s, are Newman’s Error Analysis, Question embedded into teaching and learning a Day, Teaching Measurement, programs. Minute Maths, tables CD’s, DENS, Number Patterns and Algebra and Space and Geometry lesson plans STRATEGIES INDICATORS Distribute Mentals Mastery to Years Collation and comparison of results will 1-6 in Week 3 Terms 1 and 4 indicate growth Teachers to include Minute Maths daily K-6 as a part of daily Improved student results in Minute mathematics sessions Maths WHEN RESPONSIBILITY Term 1 Mathematics Committee BUDGET $300 (School Budget teaching Resources) Terms 1-4 Mathematics Committee WHEN RESPONSIBILITY Terms 1 and 4 Mathematics committee Classroom Teachers Stage Supervisors BUDGET Outcome 7 7 7 Outcome 8 8 8 8 STRATEGIES Purchase mathematics based interactive whiteboard lessons / activities / resources ($1500) Replenish and build upon classroom resources and equipment Encourage students to use online resources such as at home to further enhance mathematical understanding STRATEGIES Support teachers in developing effective Personalised Learning Plans for identified Aboriginal students Ensure Personalised Learning Plans (PLP / IEP) are being implemented to support Aboriginal students Gather and analyse the results of Aboriginal students individually in relation to SENA, Best Start and NAPLAN Identify all aboriginal students in the bottom two Bands in years 3 and 5 and implement Norta Norta INDICATORS WHEN RESPONSIBILITY BUDGET $1 500 Interactive activities utilised in classrooms, greater student engagement Term 2 Students able to access hands on resources as needed to further understanding of mathematical concepts Term 2 Mathematics Committee Terms 1 to 4 Classroom Teachers WHEN RESPONSIBILITY Term 1 Stage Supervisors Terms 1 to 4 Stage Supervisors Student s are identified and their areas o achievement and areas for development are available for CRT’s to address needs Term 2 STLA Students identified receive additional support Term 2 STLA Students participate in engaging maths learning activities at home INDICATORS Teachers are able to develop and implement plans Individual plans developed and implemented are in PRC’s and CRT programs Mathematics Committee $ 500 BUDGET Outcome 9 9 Outcome STRATEGIES New K-2 teachers participate in professional learning K-2 teachers implement the TEN Program STRATEGIES 10 K-6 Scope and Sequence based on the new mathematics syllabus to be implemented 10 K-2 Numeracy Continuum distributed to all K-2 staff 10 K-2 teachers implement Numeracy Continuum and ELP’s for all students in their classes INDICATORS K-2 teachers demonstrate an understanding of the TEN Program through their teaching/learning programs and classroom practice during the numeracy session Student improvement in numeracy INDICATORS Each teacher is using the new scope and sequence to guide their daily mathematics planning and implementation Each student K-2 will have an ELP developed through effective teacher observation and tracking. K-2 teachers demonstrate an understanding of the K-2 Numeracy Continuum through their teaching/learning programs and classroom practice during the numeracy session. Individual student needs being met WHEN RESPONSIBILITY Term 3 - 4 K-2 teachers DEC Facilitator Terms 1 to 4 K-2 teachers WHEN RESPONSIBILITY Terms 1-4 K-6 teachers Term 1 - 4 K-2 teachers Term 1 - 4 K-2 teachers BUDGET BUDGET Plan for 2014 Area – Technolgy Team – Amy Cassy, Candice Outcomes Strategies 1. Increase the usage and purposefulness of the MFPS website Increase the ‘hits’ on the school website by a further 25% to an average of 2000 ‘hits’ per week. Providing workshops for staff on how to update and upload photographs and files on the website Ensuring all notes and newsletters are published on the website Ensuring homework tasks and assignments are posted on the school website weekly for student access at home Creating an e-mail distribution list for parents who wish to receive newsletters/ notes electronically Evaluating the success of the email distribution list and the increased number of ‘hits’ on the school website 2. Increase student usage of technology Maintaining the computer lab and AV room for learning timetable to accommodate all classes within the Increase average student usage of school. technology to an average of 90 minutes per week minimum with an additional 3.5 hour exposure per day (i.e. IWB). Increase staff confidence in using the connected classroom technology to increase student expose to a connected classroom or virtual excursion to once per semester Evaluate the DEC data relating to the number of connected classroom calls made and increase Time Frame Responsibility Resource Allocation expectation of using the technology once a term Sharing teacher resources and programs to ensure a variety of technology skills are being consistently taught Ensuring students have access to desktops within their classroom and are given opportunities to utilise them Evaluating the use of classroom desktops 3. Increase student technology skills with greater implementation of the MFPS ICT scope and sequence 95% of students achieving appropriate ICT skill Updating the technology Scope and Sequence and trailing it Administer high quality assessment tasks to analyse the implementation of the Scope and Sequence Corporately programming lab ICT and classroom computer programs Evaluate the implementation of the scope and sequence and corporately programmed lessons Trail the use of 4 computers in the library for student access Second computer lab within the school