` Numeracy Operational Plan 2014-2015 Literacy Operation Plan Our Beliefs How do our students learn best? What do we value and emphasise in our teaching? Can all students be successful learners? What is the cultural and linguistic background of our students? Have we analysed our data? Do we know which students are of concern? Learning: The learning program should recognise that: Children learn by moving from the concrete to the abstract. Children learn at their own pace and in different ways. Children learn best in an environment which is supportive and positive. Instruction: The organisation of programs for effective mathematical instruction should: ( Expose, encourage, provide, develop) Cater for individual abilities by using a variety of instructional strategies and structures (individual, small group and whole class). Provide explicit teaching of mathematical processes and language. Provide opportunities to apply mathematical learning to real life situations. Develop positive attitudes towards numeracy. Assessment: Teachers use a variety of assessments which are related to student learning. Assessment should examine both accuracy and conceptual understanding. Assessment should be ongoing and provide students with the opportunity to display understanding at individual levels. Reporting Reporting should include a range of formal and informal formats. Reporting should be timely and ongoing. This is of particular importance with regard to SAER. Reporting should be consistent with the Bibra Lake Primary School CAR Policy Document1 . Pedagogy (Teaching and Learning) How do we plan for a balanced approach across all aspects within each outcome? Are teaching blocks embedded in classroom practice? How do we allocate sufficient time? How is this LA incorporated in other Las? How do planning decisions recognise difference? How are groupings determined; do all students have the opportunity to learn individually, in groups and in a whole class?, How do we achieve consistency in teaching practice from year to year? How are lessons structured to scaffold learning? How do we use explicit instruction? How do we know the language of these LAs is taught? How do we ensure connection and challenge? Implement the Australian Curriculum with an awareness of cross curriculum priorities and general capabilities. Use of Fragenheim Strategies to increase mathematical reasoning Implementation of the Early Years Framework in the mathematical context Use of First Steps in Mathematics to support teachers in planning appropriate learning experiences Use of MTSonline to support teachers in planning appropriate learning and assessment opportunities. Opportunity to participate in The Australian Mathematics Competition (4-7) Use of texts as selected by teachers Explicit teaching of all aspects of Mathematics Use of targeted groups Cross setting Leadership, Co-ordination and Resource Management How do we share knowledge, responsibility and ownership of our whole school programs? What processes support collaboration and reflection? How are coordinators supported? How are collaborative teams supported? What support staff are in the school to assist teachers; how are they deployed? How are texts selected?, What materials are provided for students? Do texts take account of student levels? Maths Committee coordinated by Deputy Principal. Representative of the Maths Committee will attend the CCEN Network Meetings. Collaborative planning at year levels. Continue labelling of Mathematics equipment. Mathematics equipment stored in blocks as appropriate. Budget to be utilised for equipment and teacher resources including membership to MTSonline. Document1 Professional Learning and Staff Support How do we determine PL need? How do our priorities for PL match school priorities? Are there specific phases of schooling requirements? How do we ensure that support staff have the capacity to undertake their roles? Implementation of the Leadership for Numeracy Learning Program. Participation in the CCEN professional learning program (28th April 2014). Participation in the CCEN mathematics network Collaboration at year levels sharing knowledge and experience including design of learning experiences and moderation. Provision of Professional development on the Australian Curriculum. White board Professional development including Multemaths. Identification, Intervention, and Case Management What evidence do we draw on when screening with Lit/ Num nets? What lines of enquiry emerged from our analysis of NAPLAN/SAIS? What monitoring tools will we use? What areas of need have emerged for individuals and groups? How are individuals and groups supported through our mainstream program? What intervention plans do we have in place? Whole school assessment for non NAPLAN years. NAPLAN analysis to identify target groups in Year 4 and 6. SAIS data analysis. Diagnostic tests as selected by teachers. Teachers made assessments. Focus areas include: (PP and Year 1) Statistics and probability (Year 2/3)Number-fractions Measurement of area Interpreting data (Year 2/3) Probability (Year 4/5) Basic operations, recall of facts and problem solving skills Space –symmetry, translations, rotations, flips, scale, 3D models and POV Number Problems involving more than one step, Money calculations, 2-way tables (Year 6/7) Measurement and chance and data TAs, mentors and parent helpers work one on one with children on maths goals and intervention as directed by teachers Document1 Community Partnerships How do we build shared understanding with our community? What opportunities are provided to share information with parents? How do we encourage parents to share their knowledge of their children with us? Class meetings and newsletters Individual interviews Reporting to parents Literacy and Numeracy Week Newsletter Bi-annual maths game afternoon Standards, Targets, Monitoring and Assessment What aspects are being assessed? What evidence is collected? How is our analysis undertaken? How are diagnostic tools used? How do we ensure consistent judgements? What are the schools targets (ie % of students attaining NAPLAN standards etc). Target: Increase the number of students in the top 20% Develop and implement a whole school approach to monitoring in Mathematics using diagnostic tasks for key points in Mathematics learning. Use of On Entry testing for pre-primary students. Document1