Monday 27th April 2009 - Lancaster Christ Church

Monday 23th April 2009
Dear Parents,
Welcome back and I hope you have all had a good break. The children have all made a
great start back and are fresh, keen and ready to learn again! For the next three weeks we
will be putting the finishing touches to the SATS revision in preparation for the tests
which will take place in the week beginning 14th May and you will be receiving a letter
about this soon. The children have all worked very hard in preparation for the tests and
we will all be happy when they are over! We have lots of fun things planned, not least the
visit from the Chernobyl children and the Year Six production of Titanic in the second
part of the term.
This term in Literacy we will be basing most of our work in the first half around the book
“Holes” and moving onto a focus on Slavery in the second half of the term. This is linked
to our Geography topic, which will be the River Lune. We will use this topic to link
together the teaching of the various speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. This
themed approach will help capture the children’s imagination and keep levels of interest
high .We will look at the full range of genres including explanation, narrative writing and
In Maths we will be focussing on number and calculations including decimals, shape,
space measures, problem solving and data handling. We will also complete a secondary
school bridging unit on algebra. In Science we will working on a range of topics
including electricity, health and animals. Our ICT focus is on control and monitoring. We
will also have some ICT sessions at LGGS in the second half of the term.
The Art topic is landscape and in Design and Technology we will be planning a healthy
lunchbox for our visitors from Chernobyl .In Music Mrs Edwards will be composing,
creating and performing music with the class, as well as helping out with the music for
the Titanic musical. In P.E our focus will be athletics and ball games. In R.E we will be
looking at Ideas about God, Ascension and Pentecost and will also focus on Prayer.
We will be returning to the normal homework days after the half term. Number fact
books will come home on Tuesdays, spellings on Wednesdays and either Literacy or
Maths homework on Fridays. The homework should be returned on the same day the
following week. There will be a bigger project to complete in the second half of the term.
I like to keep relationships with parents as open as possible and hope that you would not
hesitate to come and see me if you have any concerns at all. I am usually available every
morning for a quick word. If you need to discuss something in private which needs more
time then we can arrange a time to do this.
Thank you for your support
Susie Stewart