COWPER PUBLIC SCHOOL PLAN 2014 SCHOOL CONTEXT Cowper Public School is a PP5 school and is located in the Clarence Valley, 25 kilometres northeast of Grafton. The school provides education for students drawn predominantly from rural areas of Brushgrove, Tyndale and Cowper. Cowper is a school where students feel supported and respected, and where school staff actively work the ensure students are engaged and able to learn in a positive environment and thrive in the 21st century. Strong emphasis in placed on literacy and numeracy using a wide range of resources. We have an effective discipline policy with a focus on nurturing student responsibility and building self-worth and resilience. We enjoy spacious, well-equipped classrooms. Our grounds are well maintained with extensive playground equipment, vegetable garden and where a sustainable school environment is encouraged. Cowper Public School is a friendly welcoming school, where students are provided with a quality education. SCHOOL IDENTIFIED PRIORITY AREA/S Literacy Numeracy Engagement and Attainment Leadership and Management Organisational Effectiveness Aboriginal Education INTENDED OUTCOME/S Improved student learning outcomes for all students in literacy and numeracy Provision of professional learning support to guide the implementation of the Australian curriculum syllabus documents Revise school based management processes and policies with the view to achieving greater alignment with DEC policy expectations and Local Schools Local decisions implications Develop structured transition to school and to high school programs to ensure a supported transition ensuring success for all students. Broaden the provision of learning opportunities and engagement through technology. Implement aspects of the L3 framework within Kindergarten to Year 2 programs. Enhance teacher quality through professional learning focusing on the quality teaching framework. Support student access to a broad and differentiated curriculum TARGET/S 60 % of students in Year 3 achieving at or above cluster 9 on the literacy continuum in writing, and achieving at or above in aspect 2 and aspect 4 of the numeracy continuum 60 % of students in Year 5 achieving at cluster 11 on the literacy continuum in writing, and achieving at aspect 3 and aspect 4 of the numeracy continuum Revise current policies and operational processes to enhance the effective management of the school, including preparing for the implementation of Local Schools Local Decisions Achieve quality partnerships between home, school and community Build leadership capacity at Cowper Public School through an increase in staff knowledge, understanding and implementation of Professional Learning Plans and Principal Professional Learning & Leadership Plans PRINCIPAL’S SIGNATURE SED ENDORSEMENT DATE School leadership Team to embed quality teaching and learning systems focused on evidence-based literacy practices across all programs and key learning areas TARGET/S OUTCOME/S SCHOOL IDENTIFIED PRIORITY - Literacy 60 % of students in Year 3 achieving at or above cluster 9 on the literacy continuum in writing 60 % of students in Year 5 achieving at cluster 11 on the literacy continuum in writing STRATEGIES INDICATORS Provide professional learning in teaching literacy – best practice linking to the Quality Teaching model. Teacher capacity in literacy is enhanced leading to improved teaching and learning. Implement programs to support teaching L3 PLAN, Kindergarten assessment Super Six comprehension strategies Stage 1 teacher trained in L3 Improved results in L3 data PLAN results put into classroom practice Increased student results in comprehension School scope and sequence evident in programming Develop a school-based scope and sequence for New English Syllabus Examine current available resources, both physical and human, and source new resources to support teaching and learning literacy programs - SLSO working with targeted children and with Stage One teacher with L3 Consolidation of Focus on Reading (3-6) program Improved results in NAPLAN and classroom assessments Principal & CRT to organise and present Numeracy workshop during National Literacy & Numeracy Week Students engage and participate in Premier’s Reading Challenge Parents report a greater understanding of and ability to assist their child at home 100% students involved in Premier’s Reading Challenge Improved results in NAPLAN and classroom assessments TIMEFRAME 2014 RESPONSIBILITY FUNDING SOURCE/BUDGET Principal Global $2000 ES1 - S1 Teacher CRT Global $750 Principal CRT Nil CRT Global $2000 CRT Nil Principal CRT Nil CRT Nil School leadership Team to embed quality teaching and learning systems focused on evidence-based numeracy practices across all programs and key learning areas TARGET/S OUTCOME/S SCHOOL IDENTIFIED PRIORITY - Numeracy 60 % of students achieving at or above in aspect 2 and aspect 4 of the numeracy continuum 60 % of students achieving at aspect 3 and aspect 4 of the numeracy continuum STRATEGIES INDICATORS Teaching staff participated in PL in New Mathematics Syllabus All New Mathematics Syllabus modules completed Develop a school-based scope and sequence for New Mathematics Syllabus School Scope and Sequence evident in programming NAPLAN teaching strategies are utilised Improved automatic recall of basic number facts across four operations Support G & T students through Tournament of the Times Improved automatic recall of basic number facts in multiplication Principal & CRT to organise and present Numeracy workshop during National Literacy & Numeracy Week Parents report a greater understanding of and ability to assist their child at home School based training in Teaching Early Numeracy Improved students numeracy (TEN) results in classroom assessments CRT implement and monitor Mathletics program Implementation and monitoring of Mathletics program completed TIMEFRAME 2014 RESPONSIBILITY Principal CRT FUNDING SOURCE/BUDGET Nil Principal CRT Nil CRT Nil CRT Nil Principal CRT Nil Principal CRT Joint allocation with Maclean PS and Palmers Is PS CRT Global $600 SCHOOL IDENTIFIED PRIORITY - Leadership and Management Enhance teacher quality through professional learning focusing on the quality teaching framework. To build leadership capacity at Cowper Public School through an increase in staff knowledge, understanding and implementation of Professional Learning Plans and Principal Professional Learning & Leadership Plans TARGET/S OUTCOME/S To adopt best practice performance management and staffing arrangements that articulate a clear role for the Principal as mentor and leader STRATEGIES INDICATORS TARS Quality Teaching Framework evident in practise PLP’s developed Continuation of effective staff and Principal communication Effective and highly skilled teachers and Principal. Professional Learning Plans/ Principal Professional Learning & Leadership Plans Introduce evidence based criteria for accreditation during staff meetings Increased professional understanding and discussion around the framework. Teachers aware of what the standards loo and sound like. TIMEFRAME 2014 RESPONSIBILITY FUNDING SOURCE/BUDGET Principal Nil Principal Nil Principal Nil To embrace and inform staff and community on Local Schools, Local Decisions framework TARGET/S OUTCOME/S SCHOOL IDENTIFIED PRIORITY - Organisational Effectiveness To use the CVCOSS to ensure the efficient use of resources, to enhance professional learning opportunities, to promote professional dialogue and to provide collegial support Revise current policies, operational processes and accountability pathways to enhance the effective management of the school, including preparing for the implementation of Local Schools Local Decisions STRATEGIES INDICATORS Dimensions of Quality Teaching Framework examined in weekly staff meeting Increased professional discussion around the framework. PL SAM & Principal on RAM Increased understanding with allocation of resources and implications of LMBR. Shared resources and planning Principal to attend PPA Meetings/ CVCoSS each term Principal to attend State Conference Liaison within DEC to support and align resources with regional priorities Update Work Health & Safety to align with new format Shared and strengthened professional Learning opportunities. Staff and community well informed on the DEC reforms within Local School, Local Decisions through P & C meetings, assemblies, newsletter and Website. All WHS mandatory elements reassessed and in place. Cowper Public School Emergency Management Plan completed TIMEFRAME 2014 RESPONSIBILITY FUNDING SOURCE/BUDGET Principal CRT Nil Principal SAM Global $1000 Principal Principal Relief Days $2000 Principal Nil Principal Nil Support student Access to a broad and differentiated curriculum TARGET/S OUTCOME/S SCHOOL IDENTIFIED PRIORITY - Engagement and Attainment To identify high achieving students, and ensuring that differentiated teaching practices are in place STRATEGIES INDICATORS Ensure that classroom programs display high levels of Intellectual Quality and Significance Students have access to various multimodal strategies Ensure classrooms offer high level of Social Support and that expectations are high Few incidences of behaviour issues K - 2 GATS small group focus during Literacy sessions GATS children extension evident in achievements Professional Learning in New Science & Technology and History Syllabuses Students complete research assignments and Science investigations Success in Premier’s Debating Challenge Assemblies Implementation of music teacher terms 3 and 4 Inter School Debates & Public Speaking Survey with community on CAPA Curriculum Initiate multiple modes of communication used between home, school and community Kindergarten Transition to School Program & Year 6 participation in high school transition activities Implementation of iPads and quality apps Revised website, permission notes included on website (greater return of notes), Google calendar Transition programs support students transitioning into Kindergarten and Year 7 Students having access to quality apps with differentiated learning capabilities TIMEFRAME 2014 RESPONSIBILITY FUNDING SOURCE/BUDGET CRT Nil Principal CRT Nil CRT Nil Principal CRT Nil CRT Nil Principal Global $1200 Principal SAM Nil CRT Global $5000 Principal CRT Global $2000 Teaching and Learning strategies strengthened through implementation of quality evidence based programs and initiatives. Increased Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parental engagement in supporting their child’s learning. To achieve quality partnerships between home, school and community TARGET/S OUTCOME/S SCHOOL IDENTIFIED PRIORITY - Aboriginal Education To improve literacy and numeracy achievement levels in classroom assessments STRATEGIES INDICATORS Data used to create PLP for identified Aboriginal students Parents involved in the development and review of PLP’s and Yarn Ups Classroom teacher involved in joint planning for successful implementation of PLP’s Local Aboriginal cultural knowledge and perspective integrated into Key Learning Areas within New Australian Curriculum SLSO employed to work with Aboriginal students to enhance student learning outcomes Provide and conduct suitable activities for all students, parents and the wider community to develop a deeper understanding of Aboriginal histories, culture and experiences. All Aboriginal students have PLP’s. TIMEFRAME 2014 RESPONSIBILITY CRT FUNDING SOURCE/BUDGET Nil CRT Evidence of PLP outcomes are clear in teaching programs. Evidence in teaching program and classroom activities. Parent/Carers Nil Principal CRT Nil Increased confidence and improved achievement outcomes. Indigenous students feel culturally safe at school Principal SLSO RAM Equity $2900 Principal Nil