**Parents: Please go to my Webpage (Dina Neuman) on the BHS website and complete my Policy Form Stating that you have read this. Brunswick High School Expectations for Mrs. Neuman's Chemistry Classes Chemistry: Is like a math class, foreign language class and science class all rolled together. Material we will cover: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Properties of Matter Metric System, Significant Figures, and Multi-Step Conversions Structure of the Atom Nuclear Chemistry Periodic Trends Chemical Bonding/Nomenclature Chemical Reactions Stoichiometry Gas Laws Solution Chemistry Equilibrium Acids and Bases Class Rules: 1. Be punctual, in your seat, and ready to work when the bell rings (notebook out, homework out, pencils sharpened, having a writing implements, having textbook, etc.) at the start of the class. If you fail to meet this task possible consequences are: points deducted, homework over the weekend or to possibly serve a detention with the instructor. (The choice will be made by the instructor) 2. No talking without permission of instructor. Raise your hand. 3. Bring supplies and do daily assignments which includes classwork and homework. Every week we will have our “Week at a Glance” that you will record in your assignment notebook from my website. Please have this completed for each Monday. This will give you the opportunity to know in advance when assignments will be due, when the labs are planned, and when we will have tests or quizzes. * I reserve the right to make changes when necessary. 4. You are to have respect for yourself, others, and for property (which include desks, lab desks, and displays on the walls). 5. Observe all safety rules during labs. (Points will be deducted for failing to follow the rules.) Example: ALWAYS WEAR GOGGLES IN LAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6. Observe all school policies as stated in the handbook such as: a. Students will remain in their seats until the teacher dismisses them at the end of the period. b. No student will be in the hall without a teacher's pass; one student per teacher in the hall at a time. You will be able to use the passes from you own school folder to be used only for emergencies. I truly do not like giving detentions, however if you earn one (or more) you will have a cleaning detention. One reason why I do not like giving detentions is that I wonder if it will truly stop the students from doing whatever wrong they are doing. Therefore your parents will be notified if you earn more than one detention (see Detention Notification Sheet). If the behavior continues after serving the detention the administration will be notified. **I reserve the right to implement other strategies of discipline on an as needed basis. CLASSWORK: 1. Supplies needed: #2 pencils, pens (black or blue only; other colors will not be accepted), scientific calculator, three ring binder (1 inch or 1 ½ inch), loose leaf paper and index cards. ** You also need to bring in one roll of paper towels for lab. 2. Assignments: a. All assignments must be totally completed and they may or may not be counted for points. b. Always take notes when given a reading assignment. c. Assignments should be done on loose leaf paper. d. IF AN ASSIGNMENT IS LATE, (meaning after I have already collected/checked the assignment) the assignment is worth: * 50% up to the first day late (If we go over the answers in class, no credit can be earned.) ABSENCE: Unplanned Absence (ex: you are sick): If you are absent from a full day of school that was not planned, see me when Brunswick City Schools Grading Scale Gr. 3-12 A+ 100-97 A 96.9-93 A92.9-90 B+ 89.9 – 87 B 86.9 – 83 B82.9 – 80 C+ 79.9 – 77 C 76.9 – 73 C72.9 – 70 D+ 69.9 – 67 D 66.9 – 63 D62.9 – 60 F Below 60 you return. You are responsible for seeing me before or after school, NOT DURING CLASS, to see what you missed. You are responsible for all missed work, which includes missed labs. The number of days you have to make up an assignment is equal to the number of days that you are absent. You have one week to make up a lab or it’s a zero. Planned Absence (ex: you are absent from class due to a field trip, PSAT, etc.): You will not be given extra time to make up assignments. You are to be responsible and find out what you will be missing (before you are absent) and what will be due and have it done on time. Missing the day of a Test or Quiz: If you are absent the day of a test or quiz, you will be required to take whatever you missed the first day you return either during a period that is free for both you and the teacher or after school. Make sure to make arrangements for transportation if you are making up the quiz/test after school. GRADING: Grades will be based on a percentage from points on homework, labs, quizzes, tests, and presentations using the scale found in your student handbook from the school. 90% of your grade will be based from mastery of the subject matter. Examples of mastery are tests, quizzes, labs, and projects. 10% of your grade will be from work habits (effort). Examples of work habits include homework completion and participation. . Tests/Quizzes Labs/Lab Analysis Homework L-3 Honors Chemistry L-2 Regular Chemistry 65% 55% 25% 90% Mastery 35% 10% 10% Work Habits/ Effort 10% CHEATING: If you are caught cheating, whether on a test/quiz, lab report, or homework (MEANING: copying someone else's work, having or using a cheat sheet, etc.), you will receive a zero and your parent will be contacted and the person from whom you are getting the information will also be given a zero and their parent will be contacted. If I suspect that you are cheating, you will be given a zero and your parent will be contacted. LAB TIME: You will be assigned to a lab table and a lab partner (or two). You and your partner(s) are responsible for the equipment (beakers, crucible tongs, etc.) found in the labeled cabinets. Every time we have lab, you and your partner(s) need to check and see if anything is broken or missing and report the items in question immediately to Mrs, Neuman. *** If you break or lose any equipment, you will be charged a replacement fee. Where Can You Find What We Are Doing in Class for the Week: You can find my “Week At A Glance” in my webpage on the BHS website THIS SHEET SHOULD BE KEPT IN THE FRONT OF YOUR THREE RING BINDER TO BE USED AS A REFERENCE FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR. Final Note on Grading: Final grades will be replaced with the designation “credit/no credit" on report cards and transcripts on credit-bearing courses. Because GPA is calculated from semester grades, it has no effect on students. For each semester course, credit will be awarded when the student has earned BOTH a passing GPA for the course (on the scale above) and two passing grades for the semester. Semester course GPA calculation: Q1 or Q3 (40%) + Q2 or Q4 (40%) + Exam (20%) For each full-year course, credit will be awarded when the student has earned BOTH a passing GPA for the course (on the scale above) and two passing grades in the second semester. Full-year course GPA calculation: Q1 (20%) + Q2 (20%) + Exam1 (10%) + Q3 (20%) + Q4 (20%) + Exam2 (10%)