- the Journal of Information, Knowledge and Research in

(Structure Engineering) Student/ Dept. of Structure engineering/ Birla
vishvakarma mahavidyalaya/ Gujarat technical university/ VallabhVidyaNagar City/
VallabhVidyaNagar / Gujarat/ India.
2Associate Professor Dept. of Structure engineering/ Birla vishvakarma mahavidyalaya/
Gujarat technical university/ VallabhVidyaNagar City/ VallabhVidyaNagar / Gujarat/
3Director of Lakhlani associates / Rajkot/ Gujarat/ India.
nileshgautami@gmail.com , contect@lakhlanil.com
ABSTRACT : Tall building developments have been rapidly increasing worldwide and also in India. Steel has a
more advantages material in world today it gives innovative framing systems, easy to assembling, high strength
to weight ratio availability of various strength and wider selection of sections and it is a environment friendly so
steel is being used in worldwide tall building. In past designers are only considering a gravity loads for the
design of building. But now improvisation in seismic and wind study, lateral forces are added in design of
Objective to fined the economical structural systems for tall buildings in Indian scenario. In this paper reviews
the various steel structural systems – moment resisting frame systems, Braced frames systems, Outrigger belt
truss systems, Shear wall frame systems, Framed tube systems, Truss tube systems, The bundled tube systems for
tall buildings.
Keywords: Moment resisting Frame, Cross-Braced Frame, Outrigger belt truss system, Shear wall frame,
Framed tube, Truss tube, The bundled tube.
According to last population survey 1.21 billion
peoples are counted with a increase growth of
1.344%. If Indian population growing this speed
many problems are obtain in which one of the
problem is to provide shelter facility to all. In metro
cities land prizes are very high so we are forced to
constructing our city vertically. In India we are
starting a multi-story or High-rise building
construction just last 20 years. In India generally we
are using a concrete as a construction material.
Steel is a common building material used throughout
the construction industry. It primary purpose is to
form a skeleton for the building or structure
essentially the part of the structure that holds
everything up and together. Steel has many
advantages when compared to other structural
materials such as concrete, timber, plastics and newer
composite materials. Steel is one of the friendliest
environmental building material-steel is 100%
recyclable [1]. In India we are using steel in
industrial building. Using steel in Tall building
construction is now in starting stage.
Development in the structural systems of tall
buildings has been a continuously evolving process
since the growth in tall buildings began in1880s.
From structure engineer’s point of view tall buildings
may be defined as one that, because of its height, it is
affected by the lateral forces due to wind or
earthquake to an extent that they play an important
role in the structural design. The factors are
responsible for the high-rise building development
are availability of urban land, advances in
construction technology and high strength materials,
efficient structural systems and computational
techniques etc.[2].
In case of tall structure, stiffness is more important
than its strength. It is necessary to ensure that the top
storey displacement, lateral drift and human comfort
level in tall structure are within the permissible limit.
To satisfy these design requirements different
structural systems are developed for high-rise
building as shown in Fig 1 It is also important to
ensure that in the selected system structural members
can be utilized up to the full design capacity with
design requirements [2].
ISSN: 0975 – 6744| NOV 11 TO OCT 12 | Volume 2, Issue 1
Page 78
The overall moment due to lateral load is resisted by
the couple generated by the axial tensile and
compressive forces in the columns, this type of
deformation has flexural configuration as shown in
Fig 3. Generally deflected shape of a high-rise
moment resisting frame has a shear configuration as
shown in Fig 4.
Fig.1: Classification of Tall building by Fazlur khan
Fig. 2: Shear deformation of structure
Behavior of different structural systems is unique and
each system is having different load transferred
mechanism. Generally in case of high-rise structures,
stiffness requirement in terms of inter storey drift and
top storey displacements are important criteria to
control. Therefore selected structural system should
be such that the design requirement should satisfy
along with the full utilization of the structural
Fig. 3: Bending deformation of structure
Moment resisting frame
Moment Resisting Frame is an assembly of the
columns and girders, connected by the moment
resistant connection. The main advantage of this
system is that the internal planning is not obstructed
because of its rectangular arrangement. Lateral
stiffness of the system depends on the bending
stiffness of the girders, columns and connections [2].
Moment resistant connection is costly in steel
building compare to concrete building. This system
can be economically used up to 25 stories. As the
number of storey increases drift of the structure
become difficult and costly to control. Lateral loads
are resisted by the rigid frame action that is by the
development of the shear forces and bending
moments in the frame members and joints. Storey
shear is generally resisted by the columns by the
bending in double curvature with points of contra
flexure at approximately mid storey height levels.
The moments acting on a joint are resisted by the
bending of the attached girders in double curvature
with points of contra flexure at approximately mid
span. This type of deformation generally has shear
configuration as shown in Fig 2.
Fig. 4: Deformation of rigid frame under lateral
Moment resisting frame can be solved by two cycle
moment distribution, portal or cantilever method to
get approximate member forces caused by horizontal
loading. Storey drift and total drift is the sum of three
components i.e. storey drift due to girder rotation,
storey drift due to column rotation and storey drift
due to overall bending. The girder rotation and
column rotation are a part of shear deflection. Drift
component due to shear deflection is generally more
compared to overall bending component. The
contribution due overall bending deformation is
approximately 15 to 20%, due to girder rotation is 50
to 60% and due to column rotation is 15 to 20 % of
ISSN: 0975 – 6744| NOV 11 TO OCT 12 | Volume 2, Issue 1
Page 79
the total drift. Additionally there is a forth component
which also contributes to the drift is a deformation of
joint. In moment resisting frame the sizes of joints
are small compared to length of column and beam
therefore drift component due to joint rotation is
generally neglected. But is case of very tall structure
consisting of closely spaced columns and deep
spandrels, the effect of joint deformation is taken into
account. This effect is called panel zone deformation.
Braced frame
When the number of storey is more than 25 to 30
then it is uneconomical to provide the moment
resisting frame because of the large member sizes
required to control the drift. In such case the simplest
and economical way to increase the structure’s lateral
stiffness is by introducing bracings in the building.
Historically, bracings have been used in the most of
the world’s tallest building as a lateral load resisting
system. Different types of bracings can be used in the
structures i.e. single diagonal, double diagonal, V,
inverted V, K bracing, eccentric bracing, bucklingrestrained bracing etc as shown in Fig 5.
In this structural system diagonals and girders act as a
web and columns act as a chord of the vertical truss.
Lateral loading on a building is reversible therefore
bracing will be subjected to both tension and
compression, but they are usually designed for the
compression and checked for the tension. Horizontal
shear is resisted by the axial forces in the diagonals
and girders, and external moment is resisted by the
axial tensile and compressive actions in the columns.
Due to the axial deformations in the columns under
lateral loading frame will deflect in flexural
configuration and due to the axial deformations in the
girders and diagonals frame will deflect in shear
configuration. The resulting deflected shape is a
combination of both flexure and shear deformation.
Major disadvantage of this system is the obstruction
of the bracings in the internal planning and the
location of windows and doors. Generally bracings
are provided internally along with walls around the
elevator, stair, and service shafts. Braced bent can be
approximately solved by using method of sections or
by method of joints. The total drift is the sum of
three components i.e. drifts due to the column axial
deformation, drift due to diagonal deformation and
drift due to girder deformation. The diagonal and
girder deformation are part of shear deformation. The
shear deformation is more compare to column axial
deformation (flexural deformation).
(b) Eccentric
Fig. 5: Types of Bracings
In this structural system diagonals and girders act as a
web and columns act as a chords of the vertical truss.
Lateral loading on a building is reversible therefore
bracing will be subjected to both tension and
compression, but they are usually designed for the
compression and checked for the tension. Horizontal
shear is resisted by the axial forces in the diagonals
and girders, and external moment is resisted by the
axial tensile and compressive actions in the columns.
Due to the axial deformations in the columns under
lateral loading frame will deflect in flexural
configuration and due to the axial deformations in the
girders and diagonals frame will deflect in shear
configuration. The resulting deflected shape is a
combination of both flexure and shear deformation.
Major disadvantage of this system is the obstruction
of the bracings in the internal planning and the
location of windows and doors. Generally bracings
are provided internally along with walls around the
elevator, stair, and service shafts. Braced bent can be
approximately solved by using method of sections or
by method of joints.
The total drift is the sum of three components i.e.
drifts due to the column axial deformation, drift due
to diagonal deformation and drift due to girder
deformation. The diagonal and girder deformation are
part of shear deformation. The shear deformation is
more comparing to column axial deformation
(flexural deformation).
Outrigger belt truss
Outriggers have been historically used in the sailing
ships to resist the wind loading and the same concept
has been used in the high-rise structure as a lateral
load resisting system [3]. Outrigger structural system
consists of a central core either of braced frames or
shear walls and horizontal cantilever outrigger trusses
or deep girders connecting the core to the periphery
columns. In case of lateral loading, the rotation of the
central core will be restrained by the deep outrigger
by producing tension in the windward columns and
compression in the leeward columns as shown in Fig
The restraining action of columns will produce the
restoring moment in the structures. This restoring
moment reduce the bending moment in core and
lateral displacement of the structure. If this outrigger
(a) Concentric
ISSN: 0975 – 6744| NOV 11 TO OCT 12 | Volume 2, Issue 1
Page 80
truss is assumed to be infinitely rigid then axial
deformation of the columns is equal to rotation of the
core multiplied by their distances from the center of
the core.
Fig. 6: Outrigger-braced structure
Diagonals (bracings) are very effective in resisting
the lateral forces in high-rise structures. In diagrid
system the diagonal’s mesh is located along the entire
exterior perimeter surfaces of the building that forms
an exterior tube which maximize the lever arm to
resist overturning moment. Diagrid structures are
more effective to reduce the shear deformation
because diagonals in this system carry shear by axial
force action as shown in Fig 7.
Diagrid system has higher tensional rigidity because
exterior diagonal mesh acts as a single unit. In this
system all the conventional vertical columns can be
eliminated because the diagonal members can carry
gravity loads as well as lateral loads due to their
triangulated configuration in uniform manner. In
diagrid structure central core is not always required
because diagrid provide both bending and shear
rigidity to the building. The diagrid segments can be
prefabricated and properly planned to minimize
onsite connection difficulties. Diagrid structure does
not obstruct the internal planning of the building and
it is most suitable for the twisted external facades.
Many tall buildings have used diagrid system on the
external facade.
Framed -tube
The framed tube is one of the most significant
modern developments in high-rise structural form.
The frames consist of closely spaced columns, 2 - 4
m between centers, joined by deep girders. The idea
is to create a tube that will act like a continuous
perforated chimney or stack. The lateral resistance of
framed tube structures is provided by very stiff
moment resisting frames that form a tube around the
perimeter of the building. The gravity loading is
shared between the tube and interior columns. This
structural form offers an efficient, easily constructed
structure appropriate for buildings having 40 to100
storey. When lateral loads act, the perimeter frames
aligned in the direction of loads act as the webs of the
massive tube cantilever and those normal to the
direction of the loading act as the flanges. Even
though framed tube is a structurally efficient form,
flange frames tend to suffer from shear lag. This
results in the mid face flange columns being less
stressed than the corner columns and therefore not
contributing to their full potential lateral strength.
Aesthetically, the tube looks like the grid-like façade
as small windowed and is repetitious and hence use
of prefabrication in steel makes the construction
Braced tube
Further improvements of the tubular system can be
made by cross bracing the frame with X-bracing over
many stories. This arrangement was first used in a
steel structure, in Chicago's John Hancock Building,
in 1969. As the diagonals of a braced tube are
connected to the columns at each intersection, they
virtually eliminate the effects of shear lag in both the
flange and web frames. As a result the structure
behaves under lateral loads more like a braced frame
reducing bending in the members of the frames.
Hence, the spacing of the columns can be increased
and the depth of the girders will be less, thereby
allowing large size windows than in the conventional
framed tube structures. In the braced tube structure,
the braces transfer axial load from the more highly
stressed columns to the less highly stressed columns
and eliminates differences between load stresses in
the columns.
Fig. 7: Load path (a) under gravity loading (b) under
lateral loading
This is a type of framed tube consisting of an outerframed tube together with an internal elevator and
service core. The inner tube may consist of braced
frames. The outer and inner tubes act jointly in
resisting both gravity and lateral loading in steelframed buildings. However, the outer tube usually
plays a dominant role because of its much greater
ISSN: 0975 – 6744| NOV 11 TO OCT 12 | Volume 2, Issue 1
Page 81
structural depth. This type of structures is also called
as Hull (Outer tube) and Core (Inner tube) structure.
For finding a economical structural system for tall
building in Indian condition taken a 50 storey
building of 180 m. height with moment resisting
frame system, cross bracing system, shear wall
system and outrigger belt truss systems.
For the analysis and design of all this structural
systems as per IS-800 (2007) using a STAAD Pro.
V8i. Software, for wind calculation using a IS-875
(1987) and Draft code of IS-875, and for seismic
loading calculation using a IS-1893 (2002).
In this study considering a building location at
V.V.Nagar (Near VADODARA), live load at roof 1.5
KN/m2 and at floors 3.0 KN/m2, Floor finish at roof
2.0 KN/m2 and at floors 1.0 KN/m2, wall are taken at
only outer periphery of the building.
[1] Gary S. Berman, “Structural Steel design and
construction”, Greyhawk North America, LLC.
[2] MohammedShahid S. Saiyed
[3] R. Shankar Nair, “Belt Trusses and Basements as
“Virtual” Outriggers for Tall Buildings”, 140
/ 1998.
[4] Mir M. Ali and kyoung sun moon, “Structural
Developments in tall buildings: Current trends and
future prospects” Review paper june-2007.
[5] IS: 800-2007. General construction in steel - code
of practice. Bureau of Indian Standard, New Delhi.
[6] IS: 875(part 3)-1987. Code of practice for design
loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and
structures, wind loads. Bureau of Indian Standard,
New Delhi.
[7] Subramanian N. Design of Steel Structures.
Oxford university press. New Delhi, 2008.
[8] IS: 875(part 3) – Draft code, IITMProjects on building codes, IIT Roorkee.
Typical plan
In braced frame system and shear wall frame system
considering a Cross bracing at outer frames. And in
Outrigger belt truss system take a two outriggers one
at 1/3rd height (17th storey) and second at 2/3rd height
(33rd storey) with two storey deep, cross bracing are
provided at core.
From study of wind load and earthquake
load effect on tall building finding a more base shear
due to wind load. So in tall building design wind is
necessary to consider.
From study of displacement finding a less
storey displacement in outrigger belt truss system.
Comparison of moment resisting frame,
braced frame, outrigger belt truss system and shear
wall system finding outrigger belt truss system is
economical for 50 storey building.
ISSN: 0975 – 6744| NOV 11 TO OCT 12 | Volume 2, Issue 1
Page 82