材料力學(一)課程內容大綱 任課教授 褚晴暉 Chapter 1 Stress 1.1 Equilibrium of a deformation body 1.2 Stress 1.3 Average normal stress in an axially loaded bar 1.4 Average shear stress 1.5 Plane stress transformation (Chapter 9.1) 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 General equations of plane stress transformation (Chapter 9.2) Principal stresses and maximum in-plane shear stress (Chapter 9.3) Mohr’s circle - plane stress (Chapter 9.4) Equilibrium equations* Chapter 2 Strain 2.1 Deformation 2.2 Strain 2.3 Plane strain (Chapter 10.1) 2.4 Mohr’s circle - plane strain (Chapter 10.3) 2.5 Mathematical definition of strain (strain-displacement relations)* 第一次期中考 Chapter 3 Mechanical Properties of Materials 3.1 The tension and compression test 3.2 The stress-strain diagram 3.3 Hooke’s law 3.4 Poisson’s ratio 3.5 The shear stress-strain diagram 3.6 Material-properties relationships (Chapter 10.6) Chapter 4 Axial Load 4.1 Saint-Venant’s Principle 4.2 Elastic deformation of an axially loaded member 4.3 Principle of superposition 4.4 Statically indeterminate axially loaded member 4.5 The force method of analysis for axially loaded members 4.6 Thermal stress Chapter 5 Torsion 5.1 Torsional deformation of a circular shaft 5.2 The torsion formula 5.3 Angle of twist 5.4 Statically indeterminate torque-loaded members 5.5 Thin-walled tubes having closed cross sections 第二次期中考 Chapter 6 Bending 6.1 Shear and moment diagrams 6.2 Graphical method for constructing shear and moment diagrams 6.3 Bending deformation of a straight member 6.4 The flexure formula Chapter 7 Transverse Shear 7.1 Shear in straight members 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 The shear formula Shear stresses in beams Shear flow in built-up members Shear flow in thin-walled members Chapter 8 Deflections of Beams 8.1 The elastic curve 8.2 Slope and displacement by integration 8.3 Discontinuity functions 8.4 Method of superposition 8.5 Statically indeterminate beams - method of integration 8.6 Statically indeterminate beams - method of superposition 期末考 Note: The notes of the articles marked by * will be handed out in the class. Textbook: R. C. Hibbeler, “Mechanics of Materials”, 7th edition, Prentice Hall, Inc., New Jersey, USA, 2008. 計分方式:小考、二次期中考、期末考各佔 25%。