Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 Call for tenders – N° FL/GENAFF14 Tender submission form Submitted by [Name of tenderer: ] In order to facilitate the submission of tenders and the evaluation, as well as to minimise the risk of errors or omissions, tenderers are asked to draw up their tenders using this Tender submission form. This tender submission form must be completed in the editable spaces of all its sections, printed out and duly signed wherever required. It must be sent by the deadline and according to the other instructions stated in the invitation letter and specifications which you will find on the Translation Centre’s website (www.cdt.europa.eu). All information updates resulting from questions asked by tenderers will be published on the same website. Please number all the pages of your tender and fill in the corresponding page number of each chapter in the attached index of each file! Page 1 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 WEB REGISTRATION FORM Tenderers must register their intention to tender for this call for tenders by completing the Web Registration Form on our website at: www.cdt.europa.eu Please print and sign this page and attach it to your tender with your cover page Tenderers please make sure that all the data required for the tenderer’s identification and the informat ion about the lots applied for are filled in - After the electronic application form has been filled in, the tenderer must submit it by clicking on the button “Submit”. The Translation Centre’s server will send an automatic delivery receipt that can be printed out by selecting the option “File-Print” (NB: Please note that the layout of the printed form may be different from that of the electronic form). Once the electronic application has been completed, the tender submission form must be printed out, signed and attached hereafter. Page 2 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 PART A This part A must be submitted in a separate file assembled in a coherent fashion with continuous page numbering and with an index. Page 3 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 INDEX Cover page: 1. Tender's web registration form (as printed out from tender portal after having filled in data) ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS OF TENDERER AND EXCLUSION CRITERIA No. Documents 1.1 Name and legal address of tenderer 1.2 Legal status of tenderer (+ VAT register) 1.3 Type of tender (+signed power of attorney in case of joint tenders or subcontracting declaration in case of subcontractors) 1.4 Tenderer's legal identity (filled in form + evidence) 1.5 Tenderer's financial identification (filled in form + evidence) 1.6 Declaration on honour with respect to the exclusion criteria and absence of conflict of interest Recent Extract from the judicial record for the tenderer as a natural person OR for the tenderer as legal person and its company directors Recent Certificate issued by the competent authorities regarding the payment of social security contributions by the tenderer Recent Certificate issued by the competent authorities regarding the payment of taxes by the tenderer 1.7 1.8 1.9 2. EVIDENCE REQUIRED FOR THE SELECTION CRITERIA (POINT 3.2 OF THE SPECIFICATIONS) No. Documents 2.1 Status and legal form of tenderers (+evidence) 2.2 Legal representation of tenderer (+evidence) 2.3 Economic and financial standing of tenders (evidence) 2.4 Technical capacity of tenderers (filled in form) 3. Page no. Page no. TECHNICAL AND FINANCIAL OFFER (POINT 3.3 OF THE SPECIFICATIONS) No. Documents 3.1 Technical offer Page no. 3.1.1 Linguistic Resources (filled in form) 3.1.2 Working Methods and Quality Control Questionnaire 3.2 Financial offer (filled in and signed form) Page 4 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 1. ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS OF TENDERER AND EXCLUSION CRITERIA Concerns all legal and financial information needed to process the tender and to award a contract. 1.1 Name and legal address of tenderer 1.2 Legal status of tenderer Please check one of the boxes below, as appropriate Private company . Public entity . Natural person/self-employed . Tenderers who have checked “natural person/self-employed” and don’t have indicated their VAT number in the legal identity form under point 1.5, please use the following editable space to state a) the reasons for which they are not liable to VAT for the provision of the services covered by this contract b) the applicable provisions of their country of establishment according to which they are not liable c) that they are in compliance with the relevant national provisions applicable in their country of establishment as regards tax and social security contributions related to their professional activity in the field of this invitation to tender. Page 5 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 1.3 Type of tender The tender is submitted by a single tenderer Tenderers who have checked this box, please go to point 1.4 The tenderer envisages subcontracting of activities if a contract is awarded Tenderers who have checked this box, please indicate Name(s) of subcontractor(s) Lot(s) for which they will be providing their services Reasons why subcontracting is envisaged Proportion of work for each subcontractor (by lot/language combination) Each of the entities listed above must fill in and sign the letter of Intent on page 7 (see also point 1.8.2 of the specifications). All letters of intent must be attached to the tender after this page. The tender is a joint tender submitted by a group of tenderers Tenderers who have checked this box, please indicate Name of main tenderer 1) Names of the other entities participating in the joint tender 2) …) Please add the names of all members of the group. Each of the entities listed above must fill in and sign the power of attorney on page 8 giving mandate to the main tenderer to represent the group for the purposes of this contract (see also point 1.8.1 of the specifications). All powers of attorney must be attached to the tender after this page. Page 6 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 This part needs only to be filled in and attached to the tender by tenderers intending to use subcontractors. If you do not intend to subcontract, please go directly to point 1.5. LETTER OF INTENT BY SUBCONTRACTOR The undersigned: Legal representative of (name of the company/organisation): Address: Hereby declares her/his intent to collaborate in the tasks subject to the aforementioned invitation to tender, in accordance with the terms of the tender to which this form is annexed, if the contract is awarded to (name of the tenderer) And Hereby declares that she/he has read and accepts all conditions of these specifications and of the draft framework contract enclosed to this invitation to tender. Full name: Date: Signature: Page 7 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 This part needs only to be filled in and attached to the tender by entities participating in a joint offer. Tenderers who are not submitting a joint offer, please go to point 1.4 AGREEMENT/POWER OF ATTORNEY DESIGNATING ONE OF THE ENTITIES OF THE GROUP AS LEADER AND GIVING THAT ENTITY A MANDATE We the undersigned: Signatory 1 (Name, Function, Organisation, Registered address, VAT number) Signatory 2 (Name, Function, Organisation, Registered address, VAT number) Signatory N (Name, Function, Organisation, Registered address, VAT number) Each having the legal capacity required to act on behalf of his/her organisation, HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: (1) If the Translation Centre awards the contract described in the above mentioned invitation to tender FL-GENAFF14 (“the contract”) to entity 1 , entity 2 and company N (“the group members”), based on the joint offer submitted by them on for the translation and/or revision of texts in the aviation field relating to the work of the various bodies and institutions of the European Union" (“the service”), as co-signatories of the contract all the group members: (a) Shall be jointly and severally liable to the contracting authorities for performance of the contract; (b) Shall comply with the terms and conditions of the contract and ensure proper execution of their share of the services. (2) To this end, the group members designate as group leader. [N.B.: The group leader must be one of the group members.] (3) Payments by the contracting authorities related to services shall be made through the group leader’s bank account. (4) The group members grant to the group leader all the necessary powers to act on their behalf in connection with the service. This mandate involves the following tasks in particular: (a) The group leader shall sign any contractual documents — including the contract and amendments thereto — and issue any invoices relating to the service on behalf of the group members; (b) The group leader shall act as the sole contact for the contracting authorities in connection with the service to be provided under the contract. He/she shall coordinate provision of the service by the group members to the contracting authorities and shall ensure proper administration of the contract. Any changes to this agreement/power of attorney shall be subject to the Translation Centre’s express approval. This agreement/power of attorney shall expire when all the contractual obligations of the group members towards the contracting authorities in connection with the service to be provided under the contract have ceased to exist. The parties may not terminate it before that date without the Translation Centre’s consent. Name Function : Organisation : Date and signature: Page 8 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 1.4 Tenderer's legal identity A duly filled in, signed and dated legal entity form appropriate to the tenderer's legal form (individual – private company – public entity) must be downloaded from http://ec.europa.eu/budget/contracts_grants/info_contracts/legal_entities/legal_entities_fr.cfm and attached hereafter together with the applicable documents proving legal status and VAT as required by the appropriate legal entity form. Page 9 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 1.5 Tenderer's financial identification A duly filled in, signed and dated financial identification form must be downloaded from http://ec.europa.eu/budget/contracts_grants/info_contracts/financial_id/financial_id_en.cfm and attached hereafter together with a recent bank statement providing the same information given under “account name”,”bank” and ”IBAN”. Page 10 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 1.6 Declaration on honour with respect to the exclusion criteria and absence of conflict of interest This declaration on honour MUST be filled in and signed by all tenderers (and also by all members of a joint offer and all subcontractors) The undersigned (name of the signatory of this form, to be completed): in his/her own name (if the economic operator is a natural person or in case of own declaration of a director or person with powers of representation, decision making or control over the economic operator 1) or representing (if the economic operator is a legal person) official name in full (only for legal person): official legal form (only for legal person): official address in full: VAT registration number: declares that the company or organisation that he/she representes or he/she a) is not bankrupt or being wound up, is not having his affairs administered by the courts, has not entered into an arrangement with creditors, has not suspended business activities, is not the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or is not in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations; b) has not been convicted of an offence concerning his professional conduct by a judgement which has the force of res judicata; c) is not guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authority can justify including by decisions of the EIB and international organisations; d) has fulfilled his obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which he is established or with those of the country of the contracting authority or those of the country where the contract is to be performed; e) has not been the subject of a judgement which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the Union's financial interests; f) has not been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with their contractual obligations following another procurement procedure or grant award procedure financed by the Community budget and is not subject to an administrative penalty referred to in Article 109(1) of the Financial Regulation. 1 To be used depending on the national legislation of the country in which the candidate or tenderer is established and where considered necessary by the contracting authority (see art. 143(a) of the Implementing Rules). Page 11 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 In addition, the undersigned declares on their honour that: g) that the tenderer/legal representative of the tenderer and the staff proposed for this tender is not subject to any conflict of interest. h) they will inform the contracting authority, without delay, of any situation considered a conflict of interest or which could give rise to a conflict of interest; i) that neither the tenderer nor any member of its staff (where applicable) is an official or other agent currently employed by an European institution or body or a former official or other agent of an European institution or body in receipt of a pension or a monthly allowance paid from the budget of an European institution or body, k) that the information provided to the Translation Centre within the context of this call for tenders is accurate, complete and true; By signing this form, the undersigned acknowledges that they have been acquainted with the administrative and financial penalties described under art 141 and 143 of the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1268/2012 of 29 October 2012 on the rules of application of Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, which may be applied if any of the declarations or information provided prove to be false. Full name Date Signature Page 12 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 1.7 Recent Extract from the judicial record for the tenderer as a natural person OR for the tenderer as legal person and its company directors See Point 3.1.1 of the Tender Specifications Recent shall mean for the purposes of this point, issued not more than 12 months prior to the date for submission of tenders. In case of joint offers by group/consortia of tenderers or of subcontracting, the exclusion criteria will apply both to the group and to each member of the group or both to the tenderer and to each its subcontractors. Each party (including subcontractors) must therefore provide the signed declaration on honour and the related evidence requested. ONLY IN CASE WHERE NO SUCH CERTIFICATE OR DOCUMENT IS ISSUED IN THE COUNTRY CONCERNED, it may be replaced by a recent sworn or solemn statement made by the person concerned in the presence of a judicial or administrative authority, a notary or a qualified professional body of the Member State/country concerned. Page 13 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 1.8 Recent Certificate issued by the competent authorities regarding the payment of social security contributions by the tenderer See Point 3.1.1 of the Tender Specifications Recent shall mean for the purposes of this point, issued not more than 12 months prio r to the date for submission of tenders. In case of joint offers by group/consortia of tenderers or of subcontracting, the exclusion criteria will apply both to the group and to each member of the group or both to the tenderer and to each its subcontracto rs. Each party (including subcontractors) must therefore provide the signed declaration on honour and the related evidence requested. ONLY IN CASE WHERE NO SUCH CERTIFICATE OR DOCUMENT IS ISSUED IN THE COUNTRY CONCERNED, it may be replaced by a recent sworn or solemn statement made by the person concerned in the presence of a judicial or administrative authority, a notary or a qualified professional body of the Member State/country concerned. Page 14 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 1.9 Recent Certificate issued by the competent authorities regarding the payment of taxes by the tenderer See Point 3.1.1 of the Tender Specifications Recent shall mean for the purposes of this point, issued not more than 12 months prior to the date for submission of tenders. In case of joint offers by group/consortia of tenderers or of subcontracting, the exclusion criteria will apply both to the group and to each member of the group or both to the tenderer and to each its subcontractors. Each party (including subcontractors) must therefore provide the signed declaration on honour and the related evidence requested. ONLY IN CASE WHERE NO SUCH CERTIFICATE OR DOCUMENT IS ISSUED IN THE COUNTRY CONCERNED, it may be replaced by a recent sworn or solemn statement made by the person concerned in the presence of a judicial or administrative authority, a notary or a qualified professional body of the Member State/country concerned. Page 15 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 2. EVIDENCE REQUIRED FOR THE SELECTION CRITERIA Information and evidence to be provided in this section are required to prove the tenderers economic, financial and technical. For complete requirements please see point 3.2 of the Specifications Page 16 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 2.1 Status and legal form of tenderer Official document (VAT register, trade register, copy of acts of foundation, photocopy of identity card, or passport…). Page 17 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 2.2 Legal Representation of tenderer An official document proving the name and the position of the person(s) empowered to represent the tenderer and entitled to sign the contract. Page 18 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 2.3 Economic and financial standing of tenderers To prove their economic and financial standing, tenderers must attach here ONE of the following items. Appropriate statement from a bank: a letter issued and signed by a bank attesting the good accountability of the tenderer OR Evidence of professional risk indemnity insurance OR Financial and economic overview for the last two years for which accounts have been closed OR Statement of overall turnover for the last three years and for the type of services covered by this call for tenders Page 19 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 2.4 Technical capacity of tenderers Concerning the technical capacity, all following technical requirements are mandatory. Tenderers checking NO under any of the requirements below will not be selected. Name of tenderer Operating system Microsoft Windows XP Microsoft Windows Vista Microsoft Windows 7 Microsoft Windows 8 You must reply YES to at least one of the following: YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO Mandatory Other operating systems (if any) Text processing software Microsoft Word 2003 for Windows Microsoft Word 2007 for Windows Microsoft Word 2010 for Windows You must reply YES to at least one of the following: YES NO YES NO YES NO Mandatory Other text processing software (if any) Web Browsers Internet Explorer 6.0 or later version YES NO Mandatory Other web browsers (if any) Email address Mandatory Fax Number Page 20 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 HARDWARE PCs Please, specify Server (if any) Please, specify: Network (if any) Please, specify: Back up storage media Please, specify: Disaster recovery solutions Please, specify: SOFTWARE Translation memory software Which translation memory software do you use? Please also give the version number. Please indicate the type and /or number of licences Please indicated the Volume of work (standard pages, done using the tools listed Does the software handle TMX format? YES NO Handling of HTML/ XML files Which software do you use to edit/translate HTML or XML files? Please also give the version number. What other file formats do you support? (e.g. rtf, wpf, pdf, tmx, vss, tiff, jpg, InDesign etc.) File compression software Please, specify: YES NO Which software do you use? Other relevant software Antivirus program Page 21 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 3. TECHNICAL AND FINANCIAL OFFER The technical offer shows the technical quality of the services offered and the financial offer for each lot (language combination) tendered for. For complete requirements please see point 3.3 of the Specifications Page 22 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 3.1 Technical offer 3.1.1 Linguistic Resources Please list, in each of the below categories below, your most important/relevant linguistic sources for this tender, in the relevant language combination. Please, provide any supplementary information you consider useful, e.g. the type and size (in number of terms) of proprietary terminology collections, any document corpora you have compiled, etc.. Name of tenderer Lot EN/ Monolingual dictionaries (Paper/electronic dictionaries) Monolingual dictionaries (Paper/electronic dictionaries in the target language) Bilingual dictionaries source => target language (Paper/electronic dictionaries) Terminology databases (including databases on the Internet) Document corpora/ archives/databases (including those on the Internet) Other sources (including websites) Page 23 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 3.1.2 Working Methods and Quality Control Questionnaire In this section describe your working methods and how you handle the workflow from the moment you receive work until you deliver the product. Please note that, In accordance with the point 2.1.1 of the tender specifications, tenders must be submitted in one of the official languages of the European Union. Please answer the questions below as concisely as possible and preferably in English. Your answers to all questions should not exceed 1500 words. At the award stage this description will be considered in relation to the proposed team. Tenderers should demonstrate that each assignment under this contract will be performed by the most experienced and qualified members of the proposed team. Name of tenderer Lot EN/ 1) How do you decide whether to accept a translation job or not? 2) How do you handle peaks in workflow/temporary staff shortages and how do you ensure strict compliance with deadlines and cope with unpredictable circumstances? 3) Describe your working methods, paying particular attention to how and when reference material is provided, how and when translations are checked by colleagues and/or experts, etc. 4) Describe your method used to revise the translation work? 5) How is feedback from the clients handled? 6) Describe your backup methods, and make sure to mention how often (daily, weekly or monthly) you back up your files, and on what medium. 7) Do you have any quality control measures not already mentioned? Page 24 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 3.2 Financial offer Tenderers must indicate here their price for the lots tendered for. Please fill in N/A for the lots you are not bidding for. Conditional offers are not permitted. Price offer cannot be not crossed out. CALL FOR TENDERS: FL/GENAFF14 SERVICE PROVIDER DATA TENDERER SOURCE LANGUAGE TARGET LANGUAGE English Arabic English Irish English Croatian English Icelandic English Norwegian English Russian English Turkish PRICE2 PER STANDARD PAGE IN EURO NAME OF THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE ACTING AS DATE, SIGNATURE AND STAMP NB: The tender MUST be signed. Unsigned tenders are not valid! 2 The price must be expressed in euro (EUR) without VAT with up to two decimal places. Page 25 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 PART B This part B must be submitted in a separate file assembled in a coherent fashion with continuous page numbering and with an index. Page 26 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 INDEX 4. EVIDENCE REQUIRED FOR PROFESSIONAL CAPACITY OF THE TENDERER (POINT 3.2.4 OF THE SPECIFICATIONS) No. Documents 4.1 4.2 Detailed Organisation Chart Detailed description of the organisation Page no. FOR THE LANGUAGE COMBINATION “X” 4.3 Qualifications and table for the experience of the proposed Translation Team FOR EACH TRANSLATOR/REVISER PROPOSED FOR THE LANGUAGE COMBINATION “X” 4.4 For each translator/reviser proposed in the team: 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 Curriculum Vitae Diploma(s) Evidence as regards the professional translation experience FOR THE LANGUAGE COMBINATION “Y” 4.3 Qualifications and table for the experience of the proposed Translation Team FOR EACH TRANSLATOR/REVISER PROPOSED FOR THE LANGUAGE COMBINATION “Y” 4.4 For each translator/reviser proposed in the team: 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 Curriculum Vitae Diploma(s) Evidence as regards the professional translation experience Etc. for the each language combination submitted Page 27 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 4. PROFESSIONAL CAPACITY OF TENDERERS Tenderers must show they have the professional competence to enable them to carry out the work which will be provided under this contract in accordance to point 3.2.4 of the Specifications. . Page 28 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 4.1 Detailed Organisation Chart (except for the natural persons) For the persons responsible for managing work, the translators/revisers and the other staff members involved in this project. Page 29 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 4.2 Detailed description of the organisation (including members of joint offers or subcontractors where applicable) A detailed description stating the tasks carried out by each member. Page 30 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 4.3 Table for the qualifications and professional experience of the Translation Team (Internal and/or External) FOR EACH LOT SUBMITTED BY THE TENDERER Name of tenderer Name of translator 1 Lot: EN/ Internal/External 2 With tenderer since Relevant translation experience Degree Number of pages 3 Subject matter 4 Reference(s) from clients 5 1 2 3 4 5 Tenderers must provide, for each staff member listed here and wherever appropriate as a minimum, a recent CV (point 2.4.2), including signature of the translator, a copy of his/her diploma, evidence of minimum required translation experience. 2 In the case of internal staff working part-time, please also state how much they work (25%, 50%, 75%, etc.) 3 1 page = 1500 characters, without spaces OR for internal staff: 1000 pages equivalent to a year’s full-time work as a translator. 4 If relevant, choose one of the following: legal, intellectual property, finance/economics, medical/health, natural sciences (including the environment), technical (including IT), or other. 5 For internal staff only, evidence of work experience issued for the tenderer for the projects in which the translator in question has participated will be accepted. Self declarations or evidence not endorsed by a third party will not be accepted as means of proof. 1 Page 31 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 4.4 For each translator/reviser A signed CV is required for each translator/reviser (internal or external) involved in the project Photocopies of diplomas and of attestation as regards the professional experience of the translator must be inserted just after his/her CV. Tenderers shall provide the following documentation in order, for each lot they tender for: The table for the qualifications and professional experience of the translation team The Curriculum Vitae for each translator The photocopies of their diplomas The photocopies of their attestations as regards professional translation experience (letters of reference, certificates, etc.) It is in the tenderer’s interest to give as many details as possible in the Curriculum Vitae and supporting documents with regard to experience. No changes may be made to translation staff listed in the tender without the prior agreement of the Translation Centre Page 32 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 4.4.1 Curriculum Vitae Curriculum vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Name Nationality Date of birth [ Please state your mother tongue ] MOTHER TONGUE LANGUAGES READING WRITING SPEAKING Please use the following indications: elementary – fair – good – very good – excellent EDUCATION AND TRAINING (RELEVANT ITEMS ONLY; STARTING WITH MOST RECENT) PERIOD DIPLOMAS/QUALIFICATIONS OBTAINED UNIVERSITY, INSTITUTES, ETC. COUNTRY TRANSLATION EXPERIENCE [Please also calculate the time spent working as a translator (in case of part-time work, recalculate to give the appropriate full-time amount) and/or the number of pages translated, both in total, and for the current tenderer.] Translation currently accounts for 100%, >50% or <50% of my total income ] TECHNICAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES [Please mention all relevant skills, in particular, regarding use of tools relevant to translation (CAT, terminology, databases, search tools, data archiving, speech recognition, etc.) For natural persons only Date and signature of the person concerned (translator/reviser) For translators working for a tenderer Signature of the person concerned (translator/reviser) I hereby declare that I am prepared to accept translation jobs from [name tenderer] Page 33 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 4.4.2 Diploma(s) - Any translation staff member who does not have the minimum level of qualifications and experience required will be disregarded for the purpose of this call for tenders. In case of doubt as regards their qualifications, tenderers should check the level of their degree with the competent national authorities. Page 34 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 4.4.3 Evidence as regards the professional translation experience - - For experience to be taken into account it must be accompanied by some acceptable form of proof, such as reference letters or certificates, all of which must clearly indicate the volume of work done, the tasks executed, the language combination concerned, the field and the person involved in order to be considered as valid. Letters of reference and certificates must contain letterhead and must be signed and the contact details of the signing person must be indicated therein. In this context, self-declarations or evidence not endorsed by a third party cannot and will not be accepted. One standard pages = 1,500 characters, excluding spaces; One year's full-time work as translator is equivalent to 1,000 pages. Page 35 Tender submission form Nº FL/GENAFF14 Tenders must be submitted in duplicate, one ORIGINAL and one COPY. The original and the copy of the tender must be placed inside two sealed envelopes. The inner envelope, addressed to the section designated in the letter of invitation to tender, should be marked: Invitation to tender - Reference Call for Tenders N° FL/GENAFF14 - Not to be opened by the internal mail service Appel d’Offres – Référence Call for Tenders N° FL/GENAFF14 – À ne pas ouvrir par le service courrier With on the outer envelope the following address: Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union Legal Affairs Section Ref: Call for Tenders N° FL/GENAFF14 Bâtiment Drosbach 12 E, rue Guillaume Kroll L-1882 Luxembourg Gasperich Page 36