Suggested Review for Exam II

Please review all class notes and pay particular attention to overlap between the notes and
readings. This is just a general rule that I have personally found helpful. Another helpful
strategy is to formulate your own potential exam questions. I have done that with a few of the
chapters listed here but not all. I also didn’t get the Crain and Perkins chapters on this review but
students will still be responsible for them. Good luck!
Exam II: Suggested Review from Readings
Patterson Chapter 6: Public Opinion and Political Socialization: Shaping the People’s
public opinion
public opinion poll
sampling error
population and sample
probability sample
political socialization
primacy tendency
structuring tendency
age-cohort tendency
agents of socialization
party identification
Understand the differences between conservatives, liberals, populists, and libertarians.
What “frames of reference” influence how Americans think politically?
Patterson Chapter 7: Political Participation and Voting: Expressing the Popular Will
political participation
voter turnout
civic duty
prospective voting
retrospective voting
social (political) movements
Identify the various ways engage in political participation.
Understand the various factors in voter turnout and how the U.S. differs from other countries.
What does Patterson mean by the middle class bias of conventional participation?
Know the history of the expansion of suffrage rights – i.e. the chronological order of the various
Constitutional Amendments related to voting rights.
Chapter 8: Elections and the Two-Party System: Defining the Voters’ Choice
political party
two-party system
multiparty system
party competition
grassroots party
party realignment
split-ticket voting
straight-ticket voting
single-member districts
proportional representation
party coalition
Chapter 9: Political Parties, Candidates, and Campaigns: Contesting Elections
candidate-centered politics
party-centered politics
party organization
primary election
money chase
hired guns
air wars
hard money
soft money
service relationship
Chapter 10: Interest Groups: Organizing for Influence
single-issue politics
interest group
economic groups
private (individual) goods
material incentive
citizens’ (noneconomic) groups
purposive incentive
collective (public) goods
free-rider problems
inside lobbying
iron triangles
issue networks
outside lobbying
grassroots lobbying
political action committee (PAC)
interest-group liberalism
Distinguish between the types of citizens’ groups.
Understand how groups lobby legislative, executive, and judicial officials.
Recognize the flaws in the pluralist argument.
Chapter 11: The News Media: Communicating Political Images
press (news media)
partisan press
objective journalism
interpretative reporting
descriptive reporting
singnaler role
agenda setting
common-carrier role
watchdog role
public representative role
Crain and Perkins Chapter 3 and 4
Taking on the Kennedys – on reserve
The Thirty Second President – on reserve
Free Speech for Sale (on reserve in library under Dr. Jasperson’s name)