Unit I Race to the Test

Unit I Race to the Test
Define political culture.
Identify three aspects of American political culture.
How is a nation’s political culture developed?
Why is religion not a part of our political culture? Why do some feel it should be?
How have religious institutions reinforced our political culture?
What is the difference between political culture and political ideology?
How do Americans think our political system should operate?
How do Americans think our economic system should operate?
Define the culture war and identify 2 policies that Americans fight over. Why is there
conflict over these issues?
10. Why is class a sticky subject in America?
11. Define political socialization and identify 2 agents of socialization.
12. Identify 2 reasons why the numbers of Americans who trust government has declined.
13. Why do some political scientists claim we should not be worried about the declining trust
in government numbers?
14. What is the relationship between declining trust numbers and declining external efficacy?
15. Define efficacy, internal efficacy, and external efficacy.
16. What relationship do current events have to trust numbers? Provide an example.
17. Define cross-cutting cleavages and identify 3 types of cleavages.
18. What type of issues do women and men differ on?
19. What race is typically most liberal?
20. Which is a more powerful cleavage, race or class? Provide evidence/example.
21. Which group most greatly influences public policy?
22. Identify 3 beliefs of the traditional Republican Party.
23. Identify 3 beliefs of the Democratic Party.
24. Why might the Tea Party be detrimental to the Republican Party?
25. What relationship do education levels traditionally have with political ideology?
26. Identify the major regional and political change that has occurred in the last 50 years.
27. What is the difference between the voting age and the voting eligible population?
28. Define the motor voter law – did it work?
29. Identify 3 tactics used to discourage or prevent voting in the past.
30. How do Americans participate that is different from other nations?
31. Identify 3 reasons for declining voting participation.