User guide to the CAS - University of South Australia

User guide for the Casual Administration
System (CAS)
Written and distributed by
HR Payroll Services
CAS System User Guide
Contact for Enquiries and Proposed Changes
If you have any questions regarding this document contact:
Carey Edge
HR Payroll Officer
8302 1671
8302 1812
Located at:
Web address of
this document:
Revision History
Description of Revisions
Tracy Dickens
Update to ensure Audit Compliant,
accuracy and up to date information.
Carey Edge
Update screens and wording in line with
new features.
Carey Edge
Updated in line with new look and feel
CAS system
Carey Edge
Final Updates – to be checked by Paul
Carey Edge
More updates to wording and format
Carey Edge
Updated in line with new work choices
Carey Edge
Updated Cost Centre Manager reporting
with On-line Casual Acknowledgements
CAS System User Guide
USER GUIDE FOR THE CASUAL ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM (CAS) ............................................... 1
CONTROL SHEET .............................................................................................................................. 2
SECTION 1: OVERVIEW OF THE CASUAL ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM ......................................... 6
INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND ............................................................................................. 7
Development of the CAS system and links to other systems.............................................................. 7
Purpose of this document ................................................................................................................ 7
Audit Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 7
BROWSER REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................ 8
What is a Browser? ......................................................................................................................... 8
Adjusting the browser ...................................................................................................................... 8
Limitations of the browser................................................................................................................ 8
Screen resolution ............................................................................................................................. 9
SUPPORT NETWORKS ..................................................................................................................... 9
CAS user support ............................................................................................................................ 9
Technical system support ................................................................................................................ 9
Further resources related to the administration of CAS .................................................................. 9
SECTION 2: SYSTEM ACCESS TO CAS ........................................................................................... 10
SECURITY ACCESS ......................................................................................................................... 11
Application for Access to the Casual Administration System ........................................................ 11
New users ...................................................................................................................................... 11
HOW TO ACCESS CAS.................................................................................................................... 12
Storing the CAS address in a browser using Internet Explorer ..................................................... 13
SECTION 3: NAVIGATING & SEARCHING IN CAS ........................................................................... 15
NAVIGATION IN CAS ....................................................................................................................... 16
Appearance of the main menu ...................................................................................................... 16
The CAS header ................................................................................................................................ 17
Searching in CAS .......................................................................................................................... 17
Using Date Fields .......................................................................................................................... 18
Using the Calendar Icon ................................................................................................................ 19
Using Lists/ Lookups ..................................................................................................................... 19
Logging out of CAS ....................................................................................................................... 21
MAINTAINING A CASUAL ADMINISTRATOR TEMPLATE ............................................................. 23
SWITCHING TEMPLATES................................................................................................................ 25
DISCIPLINES .................................................................................................................................... 27
Creating disciplines (reporting fields) ............................................................................................ 27
Deleting disciplines ........................................................................................................................ 29
Changing disciplines ...................................................................................................................... 30
SECTION 5: CREATING CONTRACTS .............................................................................................. 31
CREATING A CONTRACT................................................................................................................ 32
Audit Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 32
Payroll services cut off times ......................................................................................................... 32
CAS System User Guide
What information does a contract provide? ................................................................................... 32
Employee personal details confirmation in CAS ........................................................................... 33
Contracts overlapping January 5, 2002 ............................................................................................. 33
Entering the contract ..................................................................................................................... 33
My Defaults .................................................................................................................................... 34
Personal Details ............................................................................................................................ 35
Employment Arrangements ........................................................................................................... 39
Entering a Timetabled Work Type ................................................................................................. 40
Entering a Work Type of Student Assessment.............................................................................. 44
Entering a Work Type that is Not Timetabled or Student Assessment ......................................... 46
Final Details of Entering a Contract ............................................................................................... 51
Method of Recruitment .................................................................................................................. 52
Resources...................................................................................................................................... 53
Finish ............................................................................................................................................. 54
Printing a contract .......................................................................................................................... 56
Updating a contract ....................................................................................................................... 58
Activate contracts .......................................................................................................................... 60
PERFORMING REVERSALS................................................................................................................ 66
Printing a timesheet proforma ....................................................................................................... 67
1) Via Enter/Update Claims, Print Timesheet................................................................................ 67
2) The employee can print their own timesheet from the UniSAinfo Staff Section ...................... 71
ENTERING CLAIMS .......................................................................................................................... 73
Search by employee id, employee name or school/unit ................................................................ 74
Search by contract id ..................................................................................................................... 75
Overtime ........................................................................................................................................ 78
Overtime rates ............................................................................................................................... 78
Review claims for this pay ............................................................................................................. 79
Reverse claims .............................................................................................................................. 82
MANUAL PAYMENTS AND CLAIM REVERSALS ........................................................................... 85
Manual payments .......................................................................................................................... 85
Reversal of manual payments because of an overpayment ......................................................... 85
Overpayment recovery is complete. .............................................................................................. 86
CORRECTING, REPORTING VALUES ................................................................................................ 87
CONTRACTS .................................................................................................................................... 88
Closing a contract .......................................................................................................................... 88
Closing a contract line/arrangement .............................................................................................. 88
Closing an entire contract .............................................................................................................. 94
Bulk closure of contracts with zero commitment ......................................................................... 100
Suspending a contract ................................................................................................................. 102
Reactivating a suspended contract ............................................................................................. 107
Deleting a contract ....................................................................................................................... 109
Correcting contract reporting details ........................................................................................... 111
SECTION 8: ENQUIRIES AND REPORTS........................................................................................ 117
AUDIT REQUIRMENTS .................................................................................................................. 118
REPORTING OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................... 118
AUDIT REPORT (COMPULSORY) ................................................................................................. 118
OTHER REPORTS .......................................................................................................................... 120
CAS System User Guide
View contracts ............................................................................................................................. 120
Data selection guidelines ............................................................................................................. 121
View contracts in excel ................................................................................................................ 122
View claims .................................................................................................................................. 123
Data selection guidelines ............................................................................................................. 123
View claims in excel .................................................................................................................... 125
THE CASUAL PAYMENT REPORT ............................................................................................... 125
SECTION 10: APPENDIX .................................................................................................................. 126
APPENDIX 1 adjusting screen resolution ....................................................................................... 127
APPENDIX 2 definitions and terminology ....................................................................................... 129
APPENDIX 3 buttons and hyperlinks .............................................................................................. 131
Appendix 4 primary campus ............................................................................................................ 132
CAS System User Guide
Section 1: Overview of the Casual Administration System
CAS System User Guide
In 1997 a search was commenced for a new Human Resource Information System (HRIS) to replace
the then “in-house” developed WANG HR system. The Empower HR package from Empower
International was selected and subsequently implemented on 1st July 1998.
One of Empower HR shortcomings was that it did not facilitate the administration of casual staff. The
Casual Administration System (CAS) was proposed in response to various Divisions’ request for
provision of greater control, tracking and reporting of casual employment.
Development of the CAS system and links to other systems
The Casual Administration System was developed by Information Strategy and Technology Services
(ISTS) staff. CAS links to a number of other systems in the University, including the finance software
“Finance 1”, and the University corporate data warehouse “UniSAinfo”.
The process of how CAS acquires its information is briefly outlined below:
Payroll Services Staff enter information into the EmpowerHR system.
The information in EmpowerHR downloads overnight to UniSAinfo.
UniSAinfo downloads relevant information to CAS.
CAS pay data is transferred to EmpowerHR to facilitate payments.
The information is automatically transferred from EmpowerHR to Finance 1 at the completion
of each pay cycle.
Finance 1 provides EmpowerHR (and in turn UniSAinfo) with current valid area and cost
centre codes.
CAS contract data is transferred to UniSAinfo overnight and in turn commitment data is
transferred to Finance 1.
Payroll Officers manually use EmpowerHR to extract claims from CAS for fortnightly
Purpose of this document
The purpose of this User Guide is to provide clear documentation for system users (ie CAS
This document is also a resource for the purpose of user training for CAS.
It is intended that this document will be the first point of call when assistance is required using CAS.
Audit Requirements
It is the responsibility of UniSA Management and CAS administrators to ensure that all casual
payments are accurate and bona fide. The section on CAS reporting, in this document, outlines in
detail the CAS reports that are required fortnightly.
It is the responsibility of each school to ensure that appropriate procedures are developed,
so that CAS reports are printed, checked and appropriately filed in order to meet minimum audit
CAS System User Guide
What is a Browser?
A program that allows a user to find, view, hear, and interact with material on the World Wide Web.
Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer are examples of popular browsers
Access to CAS is via the web browser Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Adjusting the browser
By adjusting the Browser the amount of information displayed can be increased.
To reduce/increase the amount of viewing space on the page, follow these instructions:
Place the curser in the grey menu bar at the very top of the browser (top of the page), and then right
A drop down box will appear. The items in the drop down box need to have the ticks () removed.
Do this by clicking on each item with the tick next to it. The browser is now adjusted with maximum
screen space.
Limitations of the browser
When using CAS, do not use the “Back” button located in the top left corner of the browser. This can
result in viewing inaccurate historical information. Users are encouraged to adjust the browser
immediately after accessing CAS to hide the Back button and provide maximum screen size for
increased usability.
CAS System User Guide
Screen resolution
If you have a 17 inch monitor or bigger, CAS is best viewed using a screen resolution of 1024*768
(Refer to Appendix 1 for adjusting screen resolution).
CAS user support
Casual Administration System user support will be provided by the Payroll Services Team.
Support contact details: any enquiries made through this email will be forwarded to the
appropriate person.
Payroll Services Helpdesk: 22911
Technical system support
Technical System Support is provided by members of the Information Management team as well as
the Payroll Services team.
Further resources related to the administration of CAS
Procedures for employing Casual Academics
Industrial Instruments
Casual Employee Form HRIS 003C
Casual Employee Pay rates
CAS System User Guide
Section 2: System Access to CAS
CAS System User Guide
Access to the Casual Administration System (CAS) is only provided to University staff that are
required to administer casual employment.
Access to the CAS requires approval from Heads of Schools or Unit Directors or Managers
and the local HR Officer.
Access to CAS will only be provided once potential CAS Administrators have attended CAS
If required, CAS Administrators may have access to more than one School or Unit depending on the
requirements of the Administrator position. A Casual Administrator who is responsible for writing
contracts for more than one school / unit requires authorisation from each School / Unit that they
administer, before access can be provided.
View access is provided to all users.
Application for Access to the Casual Administration System
The Access form is located on the Human Resources Web Site at;
An Application for Access to CAS form is sent to Human Resources.
The Senior CAS Administrator (in Central HR) ensures that access has been approved and signed by
the Cost Centre Manager, and also obtains the HR authorisation.
Note: All data entered in CAS has an audit log created to identify the operator and time of entry.
New users
Prior to gaining CAS access, all prospective CAS users require system training. The training is
usually delivered by a staff member from Payroll Services. To register for CAS training, please fill out
the Casual Administration System Access Form available from the Human Resources web site and
forwarded via internal mail to
CAS Administrator
Human Resources
Level 3/ 101 Currie St
City West
CAS System User Guide
The Casual Administration System is accessed with a web browser through the University's corporate
data warehouse: UniSAinfo. An icon similar to the one below will be visible on the computer desktop.
Start the browser by double clicking on the icon.
Go to the UniSA home page. If the browser (does not automatically default to the UniSA home page,
type in the “Address” field along the top of you page and hit enter ( ) on your
Look to the top right hand side of the page and click on Resources for Staff.
Click on UniSAinfo
Click on UniSAinfo Staff Section
A Username and Password dialog box will appear.
User Name
Enter your Network User Name (the same as you use to log onto your computer)
Enter your UniSAinfo password (the same as you use to log onto your computer)
CAS System User Guide
Click on OK
If access is denied: contact the ISTS Help Desk on extension 25000 for a new password.
NOTE: To reduce the opportunities for fraud, do not allow anyone to use your logon/password to
CAS. Likewise, for security purposes do not leave your system logged on if you are not using CAS or
are not at the desk.
Once you have gained access to UniSAinfo click on CAS Casual Administrator
Storing the CAS address in a browser using Internet Explorer
For easy access to CAS in the future, you can save the CAS location as a favourite. To do this, click
on the menu item “Favorites” and scroll down to Add Favorites as shown below and click.
CAS System User Guide
CAS has now been saved as a favorite. Now CAS can be started from the Favorites menu.
CAS System User Guide
Section 3: Navigating & Searching in CAS
CAS System User Guide
Navigating between text fields in CAS is best achieved using Tab () on the keyboard. When Tab
() is used to position the cursor over an icon or button, push Enter (  ) or Return (  ) on the
keyboard for selection. Alternatively use the mouse and click the selected field required.
Important: You only need to click icons once – double clicking can cause multiple pages to appear
which increase the risk of overpayment because of duplicate time sheets. When a button is clicked,
watch the status bar at the bottom of the window, and wait until it displays “Done” before proceeding.
Appearance of the main menu
After successfully logging in, a screen similar to the one below is presented. This is referred to as the
Main Menu.
The Main Menu displays the current School/Unit available for entering or updating casual contracts.
All the functions available to the Casual Administrator will be displayed on this screen.
CAS System User Guide
The CAS header
main menu - click on this link from anywhere in the system to return to the main menu screen.
module - the module identifies this page in the CAS system. (You may need to quote this to
the CAS Systems Support Officer should any problems arise).
user - is the user name of the person currently logged into this session of CAS.
accessed - returns the system date and time the screen was last refreshed by the user.
A. main menu
b. module
c. user
d. accessed
When in any of the screens you will see one of the above CAS headers; you should NEVER use the
“BACK” button and always click on the Main Menu link which will take you to the CAS Main Menu.
From the Main Menu you should go the “long way” back to the screen you were in to check the
information you entered.
Searching in CAS
All search screens in CAS behave in the same way. Search parameters (your requirements or
criteria) are entered and lists of records that match the parameters are retrieved. Generally, the more
specific the search parameters, the quicker the search, and the fewer records returned. If very
specific parameters are entered such as Employee ID only one employee record will be retrieved.
Click on
to start a search.
Using text fields
Text searching is not case sensitive so either upper or lower case can be used in any text field.
CAS System User Guide
Refer to the table below for Employee Name search guidelines:
Field Name
Search Guideline
Enter the first few characters in the field. (Eg Entering an Employee Name of
smi will retrieve all employees whose family name begins with smi - Smith,
Smithson, Smiley and so on.)
Employee Name
Use the wildcard character (the percent sign) to further enhance the search. Eg
Entering an Employee Name of %William% will retrieve all employees who have
William somewhere in their name. Eg. McWilliams, Williams, Williamson.
Searching for Mc and Mac in CAS
Surnames such as McDonald and Mac Donald may have been entered in EmpowerHR in various
forms. It may have been entered with a space after the Mc and Mac: for example Mc Donald or Mac
Pherson or with no space as in McDonald or MacPherson. In order to retrieve all records of these
surnames, no matter how they have been entered, enter Mc or Mac as the search parameter. This
will return all Mc or Mac surnames. The returned result may be lengthy so administrators will need to
scroll through the list to locate the correct record.
Searching for ‘O’ Surnames
Surnames such as O'Neil could also be entered into the HR/Payroll system in a variety of ways O'Neil, O Neil, or ONeil Enter O as your search parameter and scroll through the list to retrieve the
record you require.
Using fields with a Drop Down List
Drop down boxes are indicated by the
button attached to the text field. Drop down
lists indicate that you are required to select a pre-defined value. Typing within the field is not possible.
If a value is not required, select the “blank” field.
Clicking on the
will display the value options to be displayed. Scroll down and click to
select the required value. Alternatively type the first letter of the required value into the blank field and
the values that commence with that letter will rise to the top of the list.
Using Date Fields
Dates may either be typed directly into the field or the calendar may be used to select the appropriate
Dates must be entered in one of the following formats:
CAS System User Guide
Remembering that the year must always be in 4-digit format.
DD represents the day, MM represents the month number, MMM represents the first three letters of
the month name and YYYY represents the year.
Using the Calendar Icon
Click on the calendar icon
the current date.
beside or underneath the date field. The calendar will always default to
Click on
to change the year.
Click on
to change the month.
Click on numbered boxes to choose the date.
After clicking on the day, the date will be placed in the date field on the screen you are working on.
Using Lists/ Lookups
Lists are used to find information related to Area & Cost Code, Classification/Level,
Course/Work/Project, School/Unit, and Disciplines. Lists are available for use by clicking on either the
list icon
or the magnifying glass icon
in CAS.
CAS System User Guide
The following describes the procedure to search and select an account code within a list. The same
procedure applies for searching and using any of the other list types.
Click on the appropriate look up icon in the relevant screen, either the list icon
or the magnifying
glass icon
located next to the Account Code field. The list displays all the Account Codes
To refine the search, enter part of or the entire name of the Account Code Description. Searching is
available on the description only. Use the % symbol at the both the beginning and the end of your
search. % is used as a “wild card” and requests any information that may have data before, or after
the search parameter
The example below uses: %manage%.
Click on Search.
The example below retrieved two records from the value of ‘manage’ within the description.
To select the appropriate code, use your mouse to click on the underlined account code.
CAS System User Guide
Logging out of CAS
Click on
in the top right corner of all open browsers to ensure that the session is closed.
Note: The session with CAS will not be finished until all browsers on the workstation are closed.
CAS System User Guide
Section 4: Administrative Functions, Templates and Disciplines
CAS System User Guide
The CAS Template contains standard information that is printed on all contracts.
Casual Administrators will have different templates for each School/Unit (Org2) for who they are
Casual Administrators. A Senior CAS Administrator (in HR) will set up a CAS Template for the local
CAS Administrator and will ensure that only authorised Schools/Units are included on the template.
From the Main Menu, Click on Maintain Casual Administrator Template. The following screen
The left side of the screen lists all the School/Units the Casual Administrator has access to (and has
authorisation to have access to).
Clicking on the underlined School/Unit will enable the details for that particular school/unit to be
displayed on the right.
School/Unit Code:
Division/Portfolio Code:
These details cannot be changed.
Contact Name for Contract
Update/change the name of the person whose name should appear as a contact on the CAS contract.
CAS System User Guide
Contact Extension Number for Contract
Enter the internal UniSA extension number that the CAS User can be contacted on.
Contact Campus for Contract
Using the drop down box, choose the campus where the Casual Administrator is located by clicking on
relevant field.
Current Template
If this template has a “yes” in it, look to the left of the page and notice that the school/unit with a “yes”
next to it is the one you currently have open.
A template can be made current by changing this field to YES.
CAS System User Guide
Where a Casual Administrator has access to more than one School/Unit, it is possible to switch
between templates. A Casual Administrator will not be able to enter or update contract details if the
template does not match the School/Unit of the contract
From the Main Menu, click on Switch Template.
Only one template is current at a time as indicated by Yes in the current column.
For the desired template, click on No adjacent to the desired School/Unit.
CAS System User Guide
The template order will be rearranged and the School/Unit that has been selected will show "Yes" as
the current template.
CAS System User Guide
Disciplines provide a school with the opportunity to input additional information when creating a
contract. Disciplines assist the school to collect additional data for reporting purposes. For example,
a School that was formed by merging two or more Schools may wish to continue reporting costs by
individual Schools. In this case, Disciplines are created for each School and the Discipline code is
entered each time a contract is created for an employee to distinguish the School that the costs are
Once a discipline (or new field) is created it is not easily deleted, particularly if there is an ongoing
requirement to report. Consequently, casual administrative staff should carefully consider whether an
additional field is required. If it is decided that an additional discipline is required, the casual
administrator will need to establish appropriate codes and definitions for the ongoing use of the
Please seek advice from the Senior CAS Administrator in the Human Resources Unit before creating
a discipline.
Creating disciplines (reporting fields)
Each School/Unit should carefully consider whether the compulsory fields meet the reporting needs
before creating disciplines.
From the Main Menu, click on Maintain Disciplines and the following screen displays:
Click on New.
CAS System User Guide
Create a code for the discipline with a maximum of 10 characters. The code is used when entering
contract details for an employee.
Write a description of the discipline.
Use the drop down list to select a School/Unit. Only the School/Units the Casual Administrator is
authorised to access will display.
CAS System User Guide
Enter details and click on Save. The disciplines are displayed in the format shown below.
Deleting disciplines
Disciplines should not be deleted where they have been used against a contract. When disciplines
exist, an extra field name labeled Delete? is displayed.
CAS System User Guide
Click the check box adjacent to the Discipline required for deletion. Click on Save.
Changing disciplines
Only the description of the discipline can be changed.
Changes to the description are made by typing over the description and then clicking Save.
CAS System User Guide
Section 5: Creating Contracts
CAS System User Guide
Audit Requirements
Contracts may only be activated once it has been authorised by an appropriate VC delegate.
Contracts must be created prior to the commencement of the staff member.
All requests for changes to casual contracts are to be provided in writing and authorised by an
appropriate VC delegate. Supporting documentation is required to be attached to the original contract
to ensure that an adequate audit trail is maintained. It’s important to ensure that a consistent practice
is applied across the University.
Payroll services cut off times
Payroll Services work to a tight fortnightly schedule. There are cut off times that need to be adhered
to when entering data or submitting claims to Payroll Services. Please familiarise yourself with the
pay schedule cut off times, if cut off times are not adhered to, there is a risk that casual staff are not
paid during the required pay fortnight.
What information does a contract provide?
The contract function provides an employment contract for the casual employee. Details include:
An agreed salary
A period for the contract, or specific body of work or project as agreed. Contract start and end
dates should cover the whole period of time that the employee is required to undertake their
work, not just when “delivering/performing” their work (eg. Preparation and Marking time)
Total hours to be worked (including those associated with additional hours for specific
academic rates).
The terms and conditions under which the contract is to be performed.
The Division/Portfolio and School/Unit description of the template currently in use can be viewed
across the top of the Main Menu. The default values held against the template, are the values that will
be printed on the contract being created (refer to Creating Templates).
There are 6 different statuses that a contract can be in.
Values are; Being Entered, Entered, In Progress, Active, Suspended, or Closed.
Being Entered: A contract that has not been submitted. The contract will need to be submitted
before it can be printed. Contracts in Being Entered status can be deleted.
In Progress: A contract that has been accepted by a Casual Administrator as their
responsibility. The employment package has been printed and sent out for authorisations.
Entered: A contract awaiting to be activated by the Casual Administrator. Contract details
may be changed or entirely deleted in this state if the contract is set up against the School/Unit
in which you have a template for.
CAS System User Guide
Active: Payments against contracts can only occur while the contract has an Active Status.
This will also allow Information Technology to see that the staff member is current and can
grant them systems access.
Suspended: Payments cease but contracts can be reactivated for payments to resume.
Closed: Payments cease and the contract has no further commitment.
Employee personal details confirmation in CAS
When entering a contract into CAS, ensure the employee personal details are up to date.
The following scenarios require a HRIS 003c form to be submitted to Payroll Services:
Existing employee details require updating (Employee Status on CAS will be CURRENT)
The employee is new (The employee will not be found on CAS when searching for an
employee ID)
The employee has previously left the university or does not have an occupancy record in
UniSAinfo, they require recommencement on Empower (Employee Status on CAS will be
The employee is not a currently paid employee but should be (Employee Status on CAS will
Once the details on the HRIS 003c form is entered into Empower (and downloads overnight), the
Casual Administrator will have access to the updated or new employee personal details in CAS
(generally the next working day).
NOTE: Due to Payroll Services daily workload, forms submitted after 3:00 pm may not enable
adequate input time so that the new details are available the next working day (see Payroll Services
cut off times ).
Availability of data in CAS is dependent upon successful completion of the UniSAinfo download each
Contracts overlapping January 5, 2002
CAS commenced January 5, 2002.
CAS will not accept a start date for a contract prior to January 5 2002 therefore all casual contracts
that overlap January 5 2002 will have a start date of January 5, 2002 in CAS.
Entering the contract
From the Main Menu, Click on Create, Update, Print Contracts. The following screen displays.
CAS System User Guide
This screen automatically displays contracts that need to be actioned, ie; contracts that are in
“entered”, “being entered” or “in progress” status (the contract hasn’t been activated).
My Defaults
When entering a contract the person who entered the contract will automatically default to the person
who requested the contract, If entering a contract on behalf of a manager/ supervisor/ course
coordinator you can change the requestor name but still reflect that you entered the contract,
To do this click on the My Defaults link at the top of the page
. The following screen will
CAS System User Guide
The Requestor ID defaults to the staff member logged on. Should this need to be changed, either
enter the Requestor’s employee ID or click on the magnifying glass to search for the employee ID.
Click Save and Continue.
This will automatically take you to the Personal Details screen, the first screen of setting up a contract.
From the My Request screen click the green Add a new request link to set up a new contract.
Personal Details
When “Add a New Request” has been selected or the “My Defaults” has been changed, the following
screen displays;
CAS System User Guide
Contracts can be set up for anyone, whether they have worked at the University previously or not. The
person the contract is for does not need to be set up on the central HR system prior to entry of the
contract onto CAS.
The 4 questions at the top of the Personal Details screen need to be answered before continuing.
Is this person enrolled as a full-time higher degree student at UniSA?
If the person you are employing is enrolled as a higher degree student the system will track if
the person works more than 8 hours per week. This is the maximum they can work.
Has this person worked at UniSA before?
If unsure – search for the person using the magnifying glass first.
Yes – the mandatory fields change to only complete the Family Name and Given Name. Note:
Change of address for a current staff member can be entered here so it will automatically print
on a 003c.
No – the mandatory fields change to complete all fields except for Work Phone Number.
Family Name, Given Name, Address, Suburb, Post Code and Home Phone Number all need
to be completed before continuing.
Unknown – the mandatory fields change to complete all fields except for Work Phone Number.
Family Name, Given Name, Address, Suburb, Post Code and Home Phone Number all need
to be completed before continuing.
Does this person require a Temporary Visa to work in Australia?
Yes – the HR system checks the Visa details are recorded to ensure a valid Visa is held to
enable employment.
No – no change to contract
Is this person required to attend Teaching at UniSA induction?
CAS System User Guide
This is an information question only. Ideally If Yes answered the extra hours can be added to
the contract before activation.
Description of fields on Personal Details Screen;
Employee Id
Unique identification number assigned to the employee by Human Resources: Payroll Services. Can
search for the employee ID by clicking on the magnifying glass icon.
Family Name
If Employee Id not entered, enter the Family Name (remembering upper and lower case as this will
show on the contract and letter of offer).
Given Name(s)
If Employee Id not entered, enter the Given Name/Names (remembering upper and lower case as this
will show on the contract and letter of offer).
If new employee (ie; hasn’t worked at UniSA before) you will need to enter the address details. Or if
has worked at UniSA before you can enter a change in address (remembering upper and lower case
as this will show on the contract and letter of offer).
If entering address enter Suburb.
Post Code
If entering address and suburb enter Post Code.
Home Phone Number
If new employee (ie; hasn’t worked at UniSA before) you will need to enter the home phone number.
Or if has worked at UniSA before you can enter a change in home phone number.
Work Phone Number
Enter the work phone number – if provided.
Once all relevant fields completed click
The next screen to complete is the contract details.
CAS System User Guide
Description of fields on Contract Details screen;
Contract Start Date
Select a Study Period (indicated by SP1 SP2 etc) which automatically default the Study Period
dates with an additional 3 weeks either side, this allows for additional access outside of study
Or select the start date from the calendar icon or type in.
Remember the dates used should be the earliest date the staff member will need access to
the Uni’s systems.
End Date
The latest date the employee will need system access and will be working. If a Study Period is
selected the end date will automatically default in, however it can be changed by typing over or
selecting a date from the calendar icon.
Position Title
Enter the position title for the employee relating to the contract. NOTE that the position title needs to
commence with a capital letter, and lower case is used for the rest of the word ie; Administrator. Or
click on the magnifying glass to select a standard position title. The Position Title entered will be
displayed on the employee’s staff home page, hence spelling and format will need to be correct.
This is the campus where the employee will do most of their work. Use the drop down list to insert the
required campus. The Primary Campus entered will be the campus location displayed on the
employee’s home page.
CAS System User Guide
This field will automatically default to the person entering the contract’s Division/Portfolio. This can be
changed and a contract can be set up for any Division/Portfolio in the University. This will determine
the School/Unit and Sub Unit. (Org 1 Code)
This field will automatically default to the person entering the contract’s School/Unit. This can be
changed and a contract can be set up for any School/Unit in the University. This will determine the
Sub Unit. (Org 2 Code)
Sub Unit
This field will automatically default to the person entering the contract’s Sub Unit. This can be changed
and a contract can be set up for any Sub Unit in the University. This will drive the available cost
centres that pay the contract. (Org 3 Code)
Once screen is completed click
Employment Arrangements
The Employment Arrangements screen displays;
Work Type
By selecting a work type CAS will lead you down the relevant path. By this for example, if you select
Lecturing (Timetabled) you will only be able to pay lecturing rates and you will only be able to pay
CAS System User Guide
against courses that have been timetabled in Medici as lectures. By selecting a Work Type this also
pre determines the DEST code for the University’s DEST statistics.
Please ensure the correct Work Type is selected when setting up a contract otherwise the incorrect
rate could be paid or the DEST data the University reports on could be skewed. Contact the Central
Human Resources Unit if there is not a Work Type that suits your needs.
Enter the 6-digit code according or select the code by clicking on the list icon. Note: You can select
any Course, Work or Project code from any School or Unit, ie a contract could be paid from a Human
Resources cost centre but for work performed in a course that is related to the School of Marketing.
Payment Method
Certain Work Types will either display or remove the Payment Method (if removed you can select
further down the entry path of the contract).
Auto Claim is used where an employee is contracted to work regular hours on a regular basis. For
example, an employee may be required to work every Tuesday and Thursday, where the number of
hours on each day and is unlikely to change. Days to be paid are automatically generated at the
activation of the contract. Auto Claim saves time as the completing, authorisation and entering of
timesheets each fortnight is not required.
Timesheet Claim is used where the work is irregular and unpredictable. For example, an employee
may work on an ‘as required’ basis. The employee documents the hours worked on a timesheet
proforma. The employee and the supervisor sign the timesheet. The timesheet is then forwarded to
the Casual Administrator for entry into CAS to initiate the payments.
Entering a Timetabled Work Type
If a work type that is Timetabled is selected you will be returned to the below screen that is linked to
Medici. All classes during the contract period for the course number and work type that have been
timetabled on Medici will be displayed.
CAS System User Guide
This displays the class number as defined in Medici.
Put a tick in the box of the class or classes you wish to set the contract up against.
Will the employee teach all lectures for this class?
For the same line you selected the class you have to answer yes or no.
Yes – will calculate all days timetabled for the contract and payment
No – will let you select the days that should be included in the contract and be paid
Study Period
This displays the study period number in which the class is set up on Medici.
Class Dates
This field displays the actual class start and end date.
This field displays the day of the week the class is scheduled to be held on Medici.
Class Time
This field displays the time the class is scheduled to be held on Medici.
CAS System User Guide
This field displays the University campus in which the class is scheduled as held on Medici.
This field displays if any other staff member is assigned to run this class in the Medici system. If a staff
member’s name is in this column it will not stop you from entering a claim for the same class.
Once relevant boxes are checked click
Payment Details – Timetabled
This screen will appear more than once if you selected two classes for the same course. The class
details will appear at the top of the screen, to verify the class you are entering the payment details for.
Classification Code
Enter the classification by selecting the appropriate rate from the drop down list
Rate Per Delivery Hour
This will automatically display if an award rate has been selected. If a Negotiated rate is selected then
manually enter the amount to be paid per hour. Remembering of you are using a negotiated rate you
can only pay above the award rate, not below.
Account Code
The account codes identify the source of funding for a contract. Enter the area and cost centre code
(7 digits), as per the University Chart of Accounts into the text box or use the magnifying glass to
CAS System User Guide
return the cost centre codes of the School/Unit you the contract is being entered for. If the code is not
shown, check you are entering the contract against the appropriate School/Unit or check with your
Finance Officer that the area and cost centre has been allocated to the School/Unit.
Discipline Code
This field will only appear if you have disciplines associated with your School/Unit. Disciplines provide
extra reporting that may meet the specific needs of a School/Unit. Use the magnifying glass icon to
make a selection using the values that are available. (Refer to section 4 of this document to add a
Payment Method
Auto claim will automatically pay your employee each fortnight for hours and days worked.
Timesheet Claim is used where the work is irregular and unpredictable, the employee documents the
hours worked on a timesheet proforma. The employee and the supervisor sign the timesheet. The
timesheet is then forwarded to the Casual Administrator for entry into CAS to initiate the payments.
Once all information completed click
Selecting Classes - Timetabled
If not all classes are being taught by the casual staff member the following screen will appear;
All information entered so far displays at the top of the screen.
Select the dates to be paid by putting a tick in the relevant box.
CAS System User Guide
Lecture/Tutorial Date
Displays the actual dates set up in Medici.
At least one date must be selected before continuing.
Once all days to be contracted and worked have been selected click
Arrangement Summary – Timetabled
You would automatically be taken to this screen if all classes are being taught.
This screen displays a summary of arrangements (contract lines) entered so far. Note that if an
academic rate with associated additional hours have been selected (Lecturing, Tutoring or Clinical
Teaching) the system will calculate the total time commitment for the contract.
At this stage by clicking on the Edit button at the end of the arrangement line you can go back and
change any of the details.
Also further arrangements can be added to the contract by clicking on the green Add another
Arrangement link.
Entering a Work Type of Student Assessment
If the work type Student Assessment is selected you will be returned to the below screen;
CAS System User Guide
This screen displays the 3 different categories of marking outlined by the applicable industrial
Assessment Category
There are three categories of marking based on word count.
Rate per unit/hour
This field displays the rate payable per each assessment marked and the total rate payable per hour.
Number of Minutes per Assignment
This field displays the maximum amount of time allowed to mark each assessment.
Account Code
The account codes identify the source of funding for a contract. Enter the area and cost centre code
(7 digits), as per the University Chart of Accounts into the text box or use the magnifying glass to
return the cost centre codes of the School/Unit the contract is being entered for. If the code is not
shown, check you are entering the contract against the appropriate School/Unit or check with your
Finance Officer that the area and cost centre has been allocated to the School/Unit.
Number of Assignments
Enter the number of assignments to be marked per category.
Discipline Code
CAS System User Guide
This field will only appear if you have disciplines associated with your School/Unit. Disciplines provide
extra reporting that may meet the specific needs of a School/Unit. Use the magnifying glass icon to
make a selection using the values that are available. (Refer to section 4 of this document to add a
Once the cost centre and number of assessments are entered click
Further arrangements can be added to the contract by clicking on the green Add another Arrangement
Changes can also be made at this stage by clicking the Edit button at the end of the arrangement line
you want to update.
Entering a Work Type that is Not Timetabled or Student Assessment
If Other Academic Activity has been selected please note that at the Employment Arrangements
screen you will need to enter a description of the activity in the comments box.
CAS System User Guide
If a Work Type has been selected that is not timetabled or student assessment and Auto Claim is
selected as the Payment Method, the screen below will be displayed.
If a Work Type has been selected that is not timetabled or student assessment and Timesheet Claim
is selected as the Payment Method, the screen below will be displayed. Note; This screen has the
additional fields Hours and Minutes that will need to be entered.
CAS System User Guide
Enter the classification by selecting the appropriate rate from the drop down list
Select the relevant level associated with the classification from the drop down list.
Rate Per Delivery Hour
This rate per delivery hour will automatically display if an award rate has been selected. If a
Negotiated rate is selected then manually enter the amount to be paid per hour. Remember if using a
negotiated rate you can only pay above the award rate, not below.
Total Delivery Time
**Note: This field only appears if Timesheet payment method is selected
Enter the Estimated Total Hours and Minutes to be worked and paid for this arrangement.
Account Code
The account codes identify the source of funding for a contract. Enter the area and cost centre code
(7 digits), as per the University Chart of Accounts into the text box or use the magnifying glass to
return the cost centre codes of the School/Unit the contract is being entered for. If the code is not
shown, check you are entering the contract against the appropriate School/Unit or check with your
Finance Officer that the area and cost centre has been allocated to the School/Unit.
Start Date
CAS System User Guide
The earliest date the employee will be paid for. The Start Date will default from the date entered on
the contract details screen. It may be overwritten by typing in or selecting from the calendar icon, but
the date must fall within the contract period.
End Date
The latest date the employee will be paid for. The End Date will default from the date entered on the
contract details screen. However it may be overwritten by typing in or selecting from the calendar
icon, but the date must fall within the contract period.
Discipline Code
This field will only appear if you have disciplines associated with your School/Unit. Disciplines provide
extra reporting that may meet the specific needs of a School/Unit. Use the magnifying glass icon to
make a selection using the values that are available. (Refer to section 4 of this document to add a
Will the employee continue to work during study breaks?
**Note: This field only appears if Auto Claim payment method is selected
This will determine if the staff member is paid for dates that fall in a study period break.
No – the system will remove all days scheduled during a study break
Yes – the system will automatically pay days scheduled during a study break
Will work coinciding with Public Holidays be rescheduled for another day?
**Note: This field only appears if Auto Claim payment method is selected
This will determine if the staff member is paid for dates that fall on a Public Holiday.
No – the system will not calculate payment for work days on a Public Holiday
Yes – the system will pay staff member for Public Holiday **Note the day to be made up for being paid
the Public Holiday will need to be decided at the local level.
When all fields are completed click
Should the Auto Claim payment method be selected the following screen will be displayed;
CAS System User Guide
As Auto Claim payment method has been selected the schedule of work that will be performed on a
weekly basis needs to be entered.
Day of Week
Use the drop down list to select the day of the week to be worked, or enter the first character of the
Start Time
Enter the start time using the 24-hour clock format. For 1.00pm, entry must be in the following format:
13 00. The time will automatically default to 9.00am.
End Time
Enter the end time using the 24-hour clock format. For 5.00pm, entry must be in the following format:
17 00. The time will automatically default to 5.00pm (17 00).
The total time to be deducted for an unpaid break. IE, if working an 8 hour day 9.00am – 5.00pm a half
hour unpaid break is to be taken making the total time payable 7hours and 30minutes. Note: a break
must be taken for work exceeding 5 hours.
This field will automatically calculate the total amount of hours payable for the day worked when the
button is hit.
CAS System User Guide
Number of Days
This field will automatically calculate the number of work days to be paid between the contracted dates
when the
button is hit.
Total Hours
This field will automatically calculate the total amount of hours payable for the contract when the
button is hit.
To add the day worked to the contract click the
button. This will calculate the total hours to be
paid etc. Once the
button is selected the button changes to a
button to remove an auto claim day set up.
button. Use the delete
Once all Auto Claim entries are completed click
This is the summary screen and listed are two arrangements – both an auto claim and a timesheet
Once the arrangement summary screen looks correct select the
Final Details of Entering a Contract
CAS System User Guide
If a contract has been set up that has additional hours associated with the rate (eg Lecturing, Tutoring
or Clinical Nursing) the below screen will appear.
At least one agreed duty will need to be selected by putting a tick in the box of the appropriate duty
before continuing. Additional comments can be typed in if desired.
The duties and any additional comments will display on the printed contract.
Note: If Other is selected it is compulsory to type in a comment to display on the contract what the
agreed duty is.
When at least one agreed duty is selected click
Method of Recruitment
CAS System User Guide
A method of recruitment must be selected before continuing. To do this click in the relevant circle.
If Other is selected a comments box appears that must be completed.
Once the appropriate method of recruitment has been selected click
CAS System User Guide
The tick boxes will drive which IT access forms will be printable as part of the employment package.
The screen will default with all boxes being ticked.
Note: If you select a UniSA email account you must select network account.
To continue, both of these questions will need to be ticked regardless if it is an academic contract or a
professional, document services or security and grounds staff contract.
These questions should only be ticked for academic contracts if they have been discussed and
The two questions will still need to be ticked for contracts that don’t require qualifications or additional
CAS System User Guide
Once this screen appears a notification email has been sent to all CAS Administrators in the
School/Unit so paperwork (contract, letter of offer, AWA etc) can be printed and actioned.
From this screen you can view the complete summary, displaying all details entered by clicking on the
link will take you to the Personal Details screen to start setting up a new
If you are the Casual Administrator you have access to view more details including the Existing
Arrangements and the Employment Package.
CAS System User Guide
Printing a contract
From the CAS Main Menu click on Create/Update/Print Contracts.
Click on the staff member’s name of the contract you wish to print.
CAS System User Guide
**Note: Only Casual Administrators can print contracts
Scroll down in the Summary screen to Employment Package.
Select the documents to print by clicking on the name of the document.
CAS System User Guide
The contract will be returned to the screen in a printable format;
Updating a contract
Any details of a contract can be changed at any time prior to it being activated (ie a contract in Being
Entered or Entered status). Once a contract has been activated the contract details can no longer be
modified. When changes are made to a contract it is important to ensure that the contract is reprinted
and authorised.
Once a contract has been authorised it should be activated so that further changes cannot occur.
However reporting information can be changed after activation by using the function Correct Contract
Reporting Values.
It is important that the Casual Administrator has the correct template active when changing a contract
to ensure that the correct values are defaulted into the appropriate fields.
The division/portfolio and school/unit descriptions of the currently active template can be viewed
across the top of the main menu.
From the Main Menu, Click on Create, Update, Print Contracts. The following screen displays.
CAS System User Guide
Select the employee for whom the contract is to be changed by clicking on the Employee’s name of in
the For column.
The following screen displays showing a summary of the contract for that employee.
CAS System User Guide
To change a contract, click the links on the top left-hand side of the page, this will take you to the
selected screen to update.
Activate contracts
Activating a contract is required before any payments can be made to the employee in relation to work
specified on the contract. Activation of a contract signifies that the contract has been approved by the
HOS/Cost Centre Manager and accepted by the employee.
Once the contract has been printed and authorised, it can be activated.
From the Main Menu, Click on Activate Contracts.
All contracts within the School/Unit that the Casual Administrator has the authority to access and are
in “Entered” status are displayed.
There are four different types of links that will appear on the Right-hand side; Activate Contract,
Search/Match and Non-Current – awaiting HRIS003c or Employee is Non-payable.
Only a contract with the Activate Contract link can be activated.
Should the employee be showing a Non-Current – awaiting HRIS003c or Employee is Non-Payable
link this means they are not a current employee, are not on the HR system or do not have their pay
CAS System User Guide
flag turned on and will need to be re-activated or set up on the HR system. Payroll will set employees
up on the HR system with a completed 003c form. The HRIS003c form will need to be printed,
completed, signed by employee and sent to payroll. Once payroll have either re-activated or set up the
employee on the HR system, the link will change to an Activate Contract link after the overnight
download into CAS from the HR system.
If the link displays Search/Match, this means the person entering the contract answered “yes” to the
question about Previously worked at UniSA in the Personal Details screen (see Entering a Contract
section) but did not enter or search for the employee id. You need to link the employee you are trying
to activate the contract for to their employee id with the University, to do this click on the Search/Match
This screen will automatically return any employee’s that match the name that has been typed in.
If the employee is not displayed double check the spelling of both the surname and the first name. You
can change the search criteria by clicking in the Family name or Given name field and typing, once
criteria changed click the
button. If the employee you are trying to activate the contract for
still doesn’t return to the screen, they are not set up on the HR system and they will need to complete
a HRIS003c form (the link is on the page) and send through to Payroll to be set up on the system
before activation can take place.
To “match” the employee set up against the casual contract with that of the employee set up in the HR
system click the
Once the Accept button is selected you are returned to the Activate Contract screen.
CAS System User Guide
However it would not appear that anything has changed. To now activate the contract you need to
refresh your screen. To refresh the screen either select the refresh button
on your keyboard or from the tool bar click on View and then Refresh.
, press the F5 button
CAS System User Guide
You will see that the name has moved from the bottom of the list to alphabetical order and the Activate
Contract link has appeared.
When the contract is ready to be activated and the Activate Contract link is displayed, click on the link.
CAS System User Guide
To activate the contract click the Activate Contract button.
A warning message will be displayed.
Once a contract is activated no changes can be made, by clicking OK to this message the contract will
be set to active.
The following screen confirms activation or displays an error message to instruct the user to complete
the appropriate requirements before contract activation.
CAS System User Guide
Click on Close
The browser returns to the selection screen, and the activated contract is no longer available in the
If there are no more contracts to be activated. Return to the Main Menu by using the hyperlink in the
CAS System User Guide
Section 6: Claims: Entering, Amending, Reviewing Printing,
Timesheets, Performing Reversals
CAS System User Guide
Printing a timesheet proforma
A timesheet proforma can only be printed once the contract has been set to “active” and can only be
printed for contracts that have timesheet payment arrangements. The timesheet proforma is used to
record the days and times an employee works.
There are two ways to print a timesheet proforma.
1) Via Enter/Update Claims, Print Timesheets.
2) The employee can print their own timesheet from the UniSAinfo Staff Section.
1) Via Enter/Update Claims, Print Timesheet
From the Main Menu, click on Enter/Update, Print Timesheets. The following screen displays.
Enter the Contract Id or Employee Name to select the contract. Click on Find.
If the employee ID or employee name is entered and the Employee has more than one contract then a
list is displayed. Select Print according to the contract that the timesheet is required.
CAS System User Guide
The timesheet proforma will be displayed.
CAS System User Guide
Select File – Print or click the Print button
in the browser menu.
If the Contract Id is selected or the employee has only one contract then a screen similar to the
following is displayed.
CAS System User Guide
Click the Print Timesheet button
CAS System User Guide
Select File – Print or click the Print button
in the browser menu.
2) The employee can print their own timesheet from the UniSAinfo Staff Section
From the UniSAinfo Staff Section Main Menu click on the My Details link. The following screen
CAS System User Guide
Click the Print Timesheet link at the end of the row for the relevant Contract.
The proforma is displayed.
CAS System User Guide
You will notice it is slightly different to that of the timesheet that can be printed from CAS, both
timesheets are acceptable for payment.
Select File – Print or click the Print button
in the browser menu.
From the Main Menu, click on Enter/Update Claims, Print Timesheets.
CAS System User Guide
Enter the search criteria and click Find. CAS will navigate and display different information depending
on the search criteria and whether claims have already been entered for the contract.
Search by employee id, employee name or school/unit
If searching by Employee Id, Employee Name, or School/Unit, a list will be displayed if there is more
than one contract applicable to the search.
The following screen displays an example of a search by School/Unit.
CAS System User Guide
Click Enter to enter claims. Click Update for claim amendment or Click Print to Print the Timesheet
proforma. Follow the steps above for Entering or Updating Timesheets.
*Note: Update does not display if there are no claims entered.
Search by contract id
Searching by Contract Id can produce two different scenarios. If no claims have been entered then
the following screen displays for claim entry.
CAS System User Guide
Description of fields on Enter/Update Claims, Print Timesheets
Line No
Enter the Line No that identifies which contract line the claims are to be made against.
Date Worked
Enter the date for work claimed as indicated on the timesheet. Where the contract line is identified as
being an Auto Claim, the date may be in the future. Timesheet claims must have a historical work
Hours and Minutes
Enter the number of hours and minutes for work claimed as indicated on the timesheet.
Pay Code
The pay code depicts the rate of pay for the work claimed.
Alternatively, if claims already exist then the following screen displays showing the claims already
entered. Check to ensure that the claims to be entered have not already been entered to avoid
CAS System User Guide
to add further Claims. The following screen displays.
CAS System User Guide
Enter the claim details and click Save.
Overtime is applicable in the instances identified in the applicable industrial instrument and a different
payment code needs to be selected when entering the payment on CAS.
Casual academic staff are not entitled to overtime.
Refer to the relevant Industrial Instrument to calculate overtime payments for professional, security
and grounds or document services staff members.
Overtime rates
A list of pay codes and their description are available by clicking the list icon next to pay code.
Casual Ordinary Payment
Casual Overtime @ 1.5
Casual Overtime @ 2.0
Casual Overtime @ 2.5
Pay Code
Enter the claim details and click Save.
CAS System User Guide
Click Enter to enter claims. Click Update for claim amendment or Click Print to Print the Timesheet
proforma. Follow the steps above for Entering or Updating Timesheets.
*Note: Update does not display if there are no claims entered.
Review claims for this pay
This functionality enables the viewing of all claims for the current pay for employees with contracts in
School/Units held within the Casual Administrators’ templates.
From the Main Menu, click on Review Claims for this Pay.
Enter query criteria to refine the search or click on Find to view all claims the Casual Administrator has
access to.
CAS System User Guide
Click on the check box below the header Okay to Pay to stop payment for a specific claim.
Click Save.
The following screen displays the changes and a message with the number of rows updated.
CAS System User Guide
CAS System User Guide
Reverse claims
If a claim has been incorrectly entered and subsequently paid then a reversal is required. Reversals
will only be completed when there are outstanding claims to cover the amount to be reversed. These
claims may exist on other contracts for the employee. Where there are no future claims to cover the
reversal then overpayment recovery procedures need to be initiated. Until the overpayment has been
recovered the cost centre will still show the expenditure. Notify payroll to initiate process with details
of overpayment. Refer to the Manual Payments and Claim Reversals procedure in the Procedure
section of the manual to clarify further details.
From the Main Menu, click on Reverse Claims.
Enter the Contract Id that the claim had been paid against.
The following screen displays and lists all the claims that have been paid.
CAS System User Guide
Select the claim to reverse by clicking the check box beneath the header Reverse (alongside the
required claim).
Click Save.
CAS System User Guide
The following screen displays minus the claim reversed in the previous step which includes a
message with the number of rows updated.
If the amount was incorrectly paid then the claim needs to be re-entered with the correct value. Go to
Enter/Update Claims, Print Timesheets to re-enter the claim. If the entire amount was incorrectly paid
then go click Return to Query Screen to continue reversing or click Main Menu to return to the Main
CAS System User Guide
Manual payments
Payments made where a timesheet entry was missed or late getting into CAS:
Casual Administrator – Enters missed claims in to CAS (as per “Claim” procedures) then advises
Payroll Services that manual payment is required.
Payroll Services Officer – Logs onto CAS and verifies the claim entry that the Casual Administrator is
referring to for payment. Enquiry Functions – View Claims.
Reversal of manual payments because of an overpayment
Reversal of claim to recover payment made to an employee incorrectly:
Casual Administrator - Establishes whether there are future claim entries from which to recover the
incorrect payment
If transactions are still to be paid to the employee for the contract line in question the Casual
Administrator uses the Reverse Claims function. Refer to section “Reversals” in the “Claims”
Three scenarios have been identified that will impact on how the Reverse Claims function works.
Scenario A
A negative balance appears in CAS due to an overpayment in a previous payment. The payment is
manually reversed to repay the overpayment – even if the total dollars to be paid to the staff member
does not adequately cover the overpayment.
For example:
Balance is -$100 (overpayment from a previous payment)
Payment due this fortnight is $60
$60 is reversed out and the balance remains at -$40
No payments are processed to Empower HR until the overpayment has been completely recovered.
Scenario B
Transactions are still to be paid, however only over a period of more than one pay fortnight will the
total dollars to be interfaced and paid be greater than or equal to the timesheet reversal total dollars Employee A was paid 10 hours and $275 on the pay date of pay period 20. This payment is found to
be in error once payment has been made.
The Casual Administrator uses the Reverse Claims function to recover payment. When the interface
to Empower HR is performed CAS totals the dollars to be paid on the pay date of pay period 21 as 5
hours and $100.
The timesheet reversal exceeds this value and a rejection occurs, appearing on the CAS interface
output page generated from the interface process run by Payroll Services.
CAS System User Guide
Both the reversal and the normal payment have the “Transfer to Payroll Date” left blank.
However, there are payments to be made for pay period 22 and 23 for 5 hours and $100 in each
period. These transactions are claim records that can be seen on Enquiry Functions – View Claims.
When the extract data occurs for the pay date of pay period 22 the total outstanding to be paid is 10
hours $200 (5 hours and $100 from the previous pay period and 5 hours and $100 for the current pay
The timesheet reversal again exceeds this value and a rejection occurs, appearing on the CAS
interface output page generated from the interface process run by Payroll Services.
Both the reversal and the normal payment have the “Transfer to Payroll Date” left blank.
When the extract data occurs for the pay date of pay period 23 the total outstanding to be paid is 15
hours $300 (5 hours and $100 for pay period 21, 5 hours and $100 for pay period 22 and 5 hours and
$100 for the current pay period).
The reversal is exceeded by the total value of transactions still to be interfaced where the “Transfer to
Payroll Date” is blank and payment is made to the employee for a total of $25.
The reversal and the unpaid normal claim records have the “Transfer to Payroll Date” updated.
Payments are processed and the reversal is complete.
Scenario C:
If there are no future transactions to be paid to the employee for the contract line in question an
overpayment has occurred and the following procedure applies:
Casual Administrator
Informs Payroll Services Officer of situation, identifying the timesheet line in question so as to enable
calculation of the overpayment.
Payroll Services Officer
Calculates overpayment values (including all components of pay) and generates overpayment letter
for the employee.
When the payment is received in full, the overpaid entries are amended on both CAS and
EmpowerHR. Until the recovery payment is received in full, the overpayment will remain in the cost
centre where the overpayment was generated.
Overpayment recovery is complete.
Until the overpayment is complete and the “Transfer to Payroll Date is updated through the Manual
Payments function in CAS the interface error relating to this record will continue to show on the CAS
interface output page generated from the interface process run by Payroll Services.
CAS System User Guide
Section 7: Contracts: Closing, Suspending, Reactivating, Deleting,
Correcting, Reporting Values
CAS System User Guide
Closing a contract
A contract needs to be ‘closed’ when there is no further commitment and all payments have been
made against it or where no further payments are to be paid against the commitment. A contract can
only be closed if it has an active status. Contracts that have entered status need to be deleted.
Closing a contract reduces all commitments to zero.
Claims cannot be entered against a closed contract. It is necessary to ensure that all claims related to
the contract have been transferred to payroll prior to closure.
There are two ways to close a contract:
1. By selecting individual contracts where commitments still exist
2. Bulk closure of contracts where no commitment exists.
It is possible to close an entire contract or just a line/arrangement within a contract.
Closing a contract line/arrangement
From the Main Menu, click on Close Contract and The following screen displays.
CAS System User Guide
Enter the criteria to select the contract.
Click on Find and the following screen displays.
Click on Close located to the right-hand side of the required contact.
CAS System User Guide
However if there are outstanding claims to be paid the following screen will appear; displaying contract
lines and any Unpaid Claims ready for payment in the current pay.
CAS System User Guide
Unpaid claims for the current pay are displayed in the bottom section.
wait until the claims have been processed to payroll and then close the contract line. Where the
claims are not to be paid – confirm deletion and subsequent non-payment by clicking Delete Unpaid
Claims next to the chosen contract line. The following message box appears.
Click OK for confirmation.
Pop up confirms claims have been deleted.
CAS System User Guide
Click on Return to Contract Screen.
The following screen displays minus the Claims and the Delete Unpaid Claims button has changed to
a Close Contract button.
It is now possible to close contract.
To close a contract line, click on Close this line
CAS System User Guide
Click OK to confirm line closure.
Pop up confirms contract line closure.
Click on Close.
The following screen displays with the contract line Status displaying closed.
CAS System User Guide
The contract line is now closed.
From here it is possible to continue to close contract lines, click Return to Query Screen to select
another contract to close or click main menu to return to the Main Menu.
Closing an entire contract
From the Main Menu, click on Close Contract.
The following screen displays.
CAS System User Guide
Enter the criteria to select the contract.
Click on Find.
The following screen displays.
CAS System User Guide
Click on Close alongside the required contract.
The following screen displays.
CAS System User Guide
However if there are outstanding claims to be paid the following screen will appear; displaying contract
lines and any Unpaid Claims ready for payment in the current pay.
CAS System User Guide
Unpaid claims for the current pay are displayed in the bottom section.
until the claims have been processed to payroll and then close the contract. Where the claims are not
to be paid - confirm deletion and subsequent non-payment by clicking the button Delete Unpaid
The following message box appears to confirm deletion of claims before they are paid.
Click OK to confirm.
Pop up confirms claims deleted.
CAS System User Guide
Click on Return to Contract Screen.
Click on the Close Contract
CAS System User Guide
Click OK to confirm contract closure.
Pop up confirms contract closure.
Click on Return to Query Screen to close further contracts or close the box and click on Main Menu in
the header to return to the Main Menu.
Bulk closure of contracts with zero commitment
From the Main Menu, click on Review Completed Contracts for Closing.
Only contracts with zero commitment and no claims for payment are displayed.
CAS System User Guide
The check box alongside the header Close Contract? Indicates that the contract will be closed when
Save is clicked. To omit closing a contract in a list of multiple records, de-select the contract by
clicking the check box, this will un-tick the box. Then click Save to confirm closure of remaining
contracts with Close Contract? Indicator checked. The following screen displays:
CAS System User Guide
Click Main Menu to return to the Main Menu.
Suspending a contract
Suspending a contract should be used when payments require suppressing but employment may
continue at a later date. Contract commitments are still reflected in reports.
You will not be able to process claims against a suspended contract. Therefore all claims for prior
work must be paid before suspending. A suspended contract has a suspended status and can be
reactivated again by following the Reactivate Contract procedure.
From the Main Menu, click on Suspend Contract and the following screen displays.
CAS System User Guide
Enter the criteria to select the contract to suspend.
Click on Find.
CAS System User Guide
Click on Suspend.
The following screen displays.
CAS System User Guide
If there are any unpaid claims for the current pay they are displayed in the bottom section.
Suspending the contract will suspend all unpaid claims. See below;
CAS System User Guide
TIME. Wait until the claims have been processed to payroll and then suspend the contract.
Click on Suspend Contract.
Pop up appears confirming contract suspension.
Click on Return to Query Screen or Return to List for this Employee.
CAS System User Guide
Continue suspending contracts or click on Main Menu to return to the Main Menu.
Reactivating a suspended contract
From the Main Menu, click on Reactivate Contract.
The following screen displays all employees and contracts with a suspended status for the
School/Units to which the Casual Administrators has access.
Select the contract required by clicking Reactivate located adjacent to the contract.
CAS System User Guide
The contract details are displayed. Click on Reactivate Contract.
A pop up window appears confirming activation.
Click on Return to Suspended Contracts List.
The list of contracts available to Reactivate is redisplayed minus the contract just Reactivated.
CAS System User Guide
Select Main Menu in the header to return to the main menu if no further contracts require reactivation.
Deleting a contract
Only contracts with “Entered” or “Being Entered” Status can be deleted. Deleting a contract typically
occurs when authorisation remains incomplete and the contract is not going to be activated or there is
an error with the contract and it would be easier to set up a new contract. If a contract has been
activated but it is no longer in use you must “Close” the contract. Refer to section on closing
From the Main Menu click on Create/Update Print Contract
CAS System User Guide
Contracts can only be deleted that are attached to the School/Unit in which you have access to and
are in Being Entered or Entered Status or if you actually entered or requested the contract and it is in
Being Entered or Entered Status.
Click on Delete Contract button
CAS System User Guide
No warning message is displayed – the contract is deleted and removed from the list of My Requests.
Continue to click the delete button to delete further contracts or click on Main Menu in the header to
return to the CAS Main Menu.
Correcting contract reporting details
Position Title and Primary Campus values entered against contracts are displayed on UniSA intranet
staff home pages and if required, the values entered can be changed. Additionally, End Date,
Discipline, and Semester values can be changed for reporting purposes.
A contract can also have the end date changed and also a contract that has been set to “closed”
status can be re-activated for systems access. If a contract has the end date changed, the
arrangement line dates cannot be changed, hence the payments can not go past the original date.
This is also the same for “closed” contracts that are re-activated, no payments will be able to be made
against this contract, both these processes are to extend contract dates for systems access.
From the Main Menu, click on Correct Contract Reporting Details.
CAS System User Guide
Enter the criteria to select contract required for correcting by entering the Contract ID, Employee ID or
CAS System User Guide
In the example above the employee id was entered and the system has returned all contracts in
relation to that employee.
Select Header to alter the End Date, Position Title or Primary Campus.
CAS System User Guide
Should you wish to re-activate a contract that has been “closed” the below screen will display.
Change the status to “active” and then amend the end date.
CAS System User Guide
Modify the relevant details and click on
If Discipline Code, or Semester values require changing, click on Contract Lines.
The following screen displays.
CAS System User Guide
Modify the details and click on Save.
Click on New query selection to select another contract or click on main menu to return to the Main
CAS System User Guide
Section 8: Enquiries and Reports
CAS System User Guide
It is the responsibility of UniSA Management and CAS Administrators to ensure that all casual
payments are accurate and bona fide. It is the responsibility of each school to ensure that appropriate
procedures are developed, so that CAS reports are checked, printed and appropriately filed in order to
meet minimum audit requirements.
Enquiries and reporting within CAS utilises parameters to refine selections and has the ability to utilise
the functionality of Microsoft Excel.
Enquiries can be based on the contract and thus expenditure and commitment, or claims.
All contracts held in the system can be viewed by all Casual Administrators.
Further specialised reports can be developed where the functionality provided within CAS does not fit
the requirements of the area. Please contact Human Resources, Information Management for further
Review Claims for this Pay
This report must be called fortnightly by the CAS Administrator to check that all ‘Active” contracts are
valid and that any new contracts entered in the last fortnight accurately reflect the paperwork as
supplied – this is an audit requirement. CAS Administrators may need to liaise with
supervisors/managers to complete this procedure. This report reflects all claims due to be downloaded
and paid for the current fortnight.
CAS data is picked up by Payroll Services at 5.00 pm on Thursday’s of off pay week (**may be
changed at the discretion of Payroll Services), consequently this report needs to have been printed
and checked prior to this deadline.
Once reconciled this report needs to be marked as checked and then stored with relevant
paperwork for audit purposes.
The report is available via the CAS main menu or via BI Reporting.
Via BI Reporting
From BI Reporting, navigate via Public Folders > UniSA Local > Human Resources > HR Casual
Select “Review Claims for This Pay” and select the desired Organisational Unit/s.
CAS System User Guide
Print the report and check the data against the appropriate paperwork to ensure payments are valid
and accurate.
From the CAS Main Menu, click on Review Claims for this Pay (under the Claim Function heading).
Enter the School / Unit the report is to be run for (the look up box will display the valid codes).
(Note: Only claims relevant to your School / Unit will be displayed).
Click Find.
The following screen is displayed.
CAS System User Guide
Hit the Excel button to save the information into an Excel spreadsheet - all the functionality of Excel is
available to manipulate the data into the required format.
**All claims on this report with the OK to pay box ticked will be paid in the next fortnight.
View contracts
From the CAS Main Menu, find the section titled Enquiry Functions and then click on View Contracts.
The following screen displays.
CAS System User Guide
Enter criteria in the appropriate field/s to retrieve specific contracts.
Click on Find.
Data selection guidelines
All contracts held in the system can be viewed by all Casual Administrators. It is therefore essential
that the administrator carefully restrict their selections. Entering combinations of criteria will enable
the report to be restricted to the required information.
Employee Name
Employee Id
Contract Id
Contract Status
Area & Cost Code
School/ Unit
Course/ Work/ Project
Selection Guideline
Enter all or part of the employee's name to view
all contracts for that employee
Enter the Employee ID to view all contracts for
that employee
Enter the Contract Id to view all lines for a
Values are Entered, Active, Closed, Suspended
Enter an Area & Cost Code (or use the pop up
box) to View all contracts for an Area & Cost
Enter the School/Unit code to view all contracts
that have been written against that School/Unit
Enter the Course/Work/ Project code to view all
contracts that have been written against that
CAS System User Guide
Class Code
Work Code
Contract Start Date from / to
Contract End Date from / to
Line Start Date from / to
Line End Date from / to
Course /Work/Project
Enter a Classification Code to view all contracts
that have been written with that Classification
Enter the Discipline Code to view all contracts
that have been written with that Discipline
Enter a DEST code to view all contracts with that
DEST code
Values are LEC, TUT, OTH.
Enter a date range to view all contracts that start
within that date range
Enter a date range to view all contracts that end
within that date range
Enter a date range to view all contracts that have
contract lines starting within that date range
Enter a date range to view all contracts that have
contract lines ending within that date range
Individual contracts and contract lines are presented as displayed below.
View contracts in excel
Use the Excel button to save the information into an Excel spreadsheet – all the functionality of Excel
is available to manipulate the data into the required format.
Note: In Microsoft Explorer, Excel appears within the browser itself.
CAS System User Guide
View claims
From the Main Menu, click on View Claims.
The following screen displays.
Enter criteria in the appropriate field/s to retrieve specific claims.
Click on Find.
Data selection guidelines
All claims held in the system can be viewed by all Casual Administrators. It is therefore essential that
the administrator carefully restrict their selections. Entering combinations of criteria will enable the
report to be restricted to the required information.
Contract Id
Employee Name
Employee Id
School/ Unit
Selection Guideline
Enter the contract id to view all claims for a
Enter all or part of the employee's name to view
all claims for that employee
Enter the Employee ID to view all claims for that
Enter the School/Unit code to view all claims that
CAS System User Guide
Date Worked from / to
Date Transferred from / to
Area & Cost Code
have been created against that School/Unit
Enter a date range to view all claims for work
within that date range
Enter a date range to view all claims that were
transferred to Empower within that date range
Enter an Area & Cost Code (or use the pop up
box) to view all claims for the Area & Cost Code
Individual claims are presented as displayed below.
CAS System User Guide
View claims in excel
Use the Excel button to save the information into an Excel spreadsheet – all the functionality of Excel
is available to manipulate the data into the required format.
Note: In Microsoft Explorer, Excel appears within the browser itself.
In response to Auditor General recommendations an on-line process has been created that details all
“Casual“ payments being paid per pay against each cost centre.
The report was previously distributed in paper format after each pay for review and verification by Cost
Centre Managers, this will now be available on-line.
If you are responsible for a cost centre from which payments have been made to casual employees
you will now receive an email following the close of each pay.
The Cost Centre Manager is required to review the payments and complete the online verification that
payments were made to bonafide employees.
Report Distribution
Advice that the report is available to view on-line will be sent via email to Cost Centre Managers,
detailing payments for specific pay dates. The email will contain a link to the casual payment
information within UniSAinfo and information is provided on how to acknowledge the payments.
This process occurs on a fortnightly basis.
Action required
Cost Centre managers will need to satisfy themselves that the payments listed are bona fide, and
accept the report Audit purposes.
These reports may generate queries to CAS Administrators.
CAS System User Guide
Section 10: Appendix
CAS System User Guide
APPENDIX 1 adjusting screen resolution
Click on Start – Settings – Control Panel
Double click on Display
Click on Settings tab
CAS System User Guide
Click and drag Desktop Area towards the right until it reads 1024 by 768 pixels
Click on OK.
Click on OK.
Screen Resolution successfully changed!
CAS System User Guide
APPENDIX 2 definitions and terminology
Area and Cost Code
Additional Hours
Auto Claim
Calendar Icon
Casual Academic
Casual Administrator
Casual Administrator
Casual Administrator
Casual Contract
Contract Arrangement (Line)
Contract ID
Contract Status
Date Field
Delivery Hours per Week
Drop Down List
Employee Details
Employment Contract
Represent the funding source for the contract of employment
Application Support Officer – located in the central Human Resources
The extra hours as outlined in the relevant industrial arrangement for
preparation and subsequent work which is included in the hourly rate.
Only calculated on lecturing, tutoring and clinical nursing rates
The payment method used for payment of a contract
A program that allows a user to find, view, hear and interact with
material on the World Wide Web. Netscape Navigator and Microsoft
Internet Explorer are examples of popular browsers
When selected displays the calendar function
The geographical location of the University
Casual Administration System
Casual Academic Staff should not be employed for teaching duties
(lecturing or tutoring) for more than an average 8 contact hours per
week in one study period
An authorised staff member who has access to the CAS system and
can activate contracts and enter timesheet payment details for casual
staff within their School/ Unit
A handbook maintained by central HR to assist administrative staff
with responsibility for casual administration. Available from the HR
A security template containing default information for Casual
Administrators. Casual Administrator can have a different template for
each School/ Unit they administer casual contracts for
An employment contract for staff employed between a start and end
date to undertake duties and be paid only for the hours of work
undertaken. A binding contract of employment
A field allowing upto 100 characters of text to be stored against a
A line of work is characterized by different start date, end date, type of
work, pay rate, claim method, classification, or area and cost code. A
line of work can use different start and end dates than the contract as
a whole, but must fall within the previously defined contract period
A unique number automatically generated for each casual contract
Identifies the current status of a casual contract; Being Entered,
Entered, In Progress, Active, Suspended or Closed
Identifies which course or work/project category the casual contract is
assigned to. The 6-digit course code or 3-letter work code
A field used to store contract and work dates in CAS
The hours per week to be worked on a contract with Auto Claim
payment method
Casual Administrators can create discipline codes to meet reporting
needs for their School/ Unit. Disciplines could be used to identify
where a contact relates to a specific section of a wider School/ Unit
Provides a list of values that can be used in a field
The personal details of an employee including date of birth, address,
status of employment and payment location
University staff are employed on either a Continuing, Fixed Term
Contract or Casual Basis
CAS System User Guide
Estimated Commitment
Estimated Total Hours
Hourly Paid
Okay to Pay
Org Unit 1
Org Unit 2
Org Unit 3
Payment Method
Period of Contract
Primary Campus
Public Holiday
Rate per Delivery Hour
Remaining Commitment
Remaining Hours
Study Break
Text Field
The Human Resources Information System implemented on the 1st
July 1998, which encompasses a human resource information system
and in-house payroll system
Casual Administration System function to view contract and timesheet
details on screen, based on selection criteria
The estimated dollar value of the payment expense to be incurred over
the period of the contract. This amount is reported to the Finance1
The estimated total number of hours to be worked over the period of
the contract
The term “hourly paid” refers to employees paid per hour worked
Historical Human Resources Information System – used prior to
introduction of EmpowerHR
Form available through the Human Resources website to be used
when requesting a new casual staff member or updating existing
personal details to be entered onto the central HR system. This form is
to be completed by the casual employee, forwarded to the Casual
Administrator and in turn forwarded to Payroll Services in HR for entry
onto the system
Form to be completed by supervisor or person authorized to offer a
casual contract which advises the Casual Administrator that a contract
needs to be drawn up on the system
A check box identifying that a claim is valid for payment. The check
box can be un-checked to hold payment
Overtime is applicable to professional, document services or security
and grounds staff only and conditions are in the relevant industrial
instrument. To pay overtime to a casual the pay code should be
change in the Enter/Update Claims screen
Division or Portfolio
School or Unit
Sub Unit
Casual staff can be paid by one of two payment methods; Auto Claim
or Timesheet Claim
The period in which all work will be undertaken, this also drives the
dates the casual staff member will have access to the University’s
systems and email
This is the campus where the employee will do most of their work, can
be selected from a drop down list when setting up a casual contract
A date declared by the government as a non-working day
Current rate of pay as per relevant industrial instrument
The dollar value of commitment that remains after the payment has
been made against the estimated commitment
The hours remaining on a contract after payment has been
A display that can be produced through the Enquiry function of CAS
that can reveal information based on search criteria
A period when there is no teaching in middle of a Study Period
A security template containing default information for Casual
Administrators. Casual Administrator can have a different template for
each School/ Unit they administer casual contracts for
A field allowing free form text to be stored
CAS System User Guide
APPENDIX 3 buttons and hyperlinks
Print Timesheet
Review Auto payments
Returns the user to the previous screen
Clears the data or selections entered before selecting Save
Searches the data base for data matches based on the use of
selection criteria.
Calls the print contract function.
Calls the print timesheet function.
Button that enables the schedule of work to be displayed across all
contract lines for the contract id where claim method is Auto.
Reverts overwritten data to its original state before selecting the Save
Saves the data entered.
Hyperlink used to update data records.
Hyperlink used to view data.
CAS System User Guide
Appendix 4 primary campus
This is the campus where the employee will do most of their work. Use the drop down list to insert the
required value.
In addition to UniSA campuses, the following options are available:
OFF – Offshore
NSC – Non-Standard Campus
EXT – External
ADL – Adelaide University
FLIFlinders University