Propose a CAS Research 2015 Fellowship Project

Propose a CAS Research 2015 Fellowship Project
The fields indicated with an asterisk (*) are required; other fields are optional.
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: the fields marked with blue in your submission are viewable by
the public if your project is accepted. These are:
Title of the proposal
Proposal Abstract
References Relevant to this CAS Research project
All the other fields can be only viewed by the evaluators.
All project proposals become the property of IBM when they are submitted. The submitter
warrants that the parties named in the proposal are aware that they are named in the proposal and
that they have agreed to be part of the submission. Project proposals are stored for a minimum of
1 year and may be stored longer at CAS Research's discretion.
The data collected will only be used for the stated purpose.
Title of the Proposal: *
Enter the name(s) of the project participant(s), their affiliation, role, and email.
The CAS Research Fellowship candidate should be listed immediately after the
Principle Investigator.
IBM Employee
Principle Investigator
Lead Student
Proposal Abstract for Public View*:
This plain language abstract will be made available on our public
website if your project is accepted.
Detailed Project Objectives*:
Please provide additional proposal details as necessary including:
Describe the proposed work. How will the interaction with
IBM development enhance the funded student's thesis
How do you and your student plan to collaborate with the
lab development people?
How would you use the CAS Research’s 4P criteria to
evaluate the success of the proposed project from your
Research Plan for Upcoming Year*:
How do you plan to stage the project in terms of short term versus
long term goals, milestones, items that might be done during the
term at the lab and those that might be done at the university (this is
particularly important for PhD students)?
Research Plan for Future Years:
How do you plan to carry out your research plan?
(Examples: build prototypes, implement ideas in specific products,
field or user studies, etc.)
References relevant to this CAS Research proposal (include
HTML links, where applicable):
These references will be available on our public website if your
proposal is supported.
Relation to Other CAS Research Projects:
Please indicate relationships between this project and any projects
that CAS Research is currently supporting
Issues Anticipated and Special Requests:
Please describe any potential issues and special needs for hardware,
software or data:
How the funding will be leveraged with government funding
Technology Theme:
Please underline the Technology Theme for the proposal:
Business Intelligence and Business Analytics
Cloud Computing and Infrastructure
Smart Services and Web Application Framework
Big Data
Next Generation Systems
Mobile and Smart Interactions
Security Platform and Tools
Social Business and Social Computing Technologies
Risk Analytics
By submitting this form, you agree that IBM may process your
data as described in Privacy.
<End of Form>