Degree School/Location Major

Biographical Information Template –
2010 HEN DPG Ballots
Name and Credentials:
Rebecca Liebes, PhD, MPH, RD, LD
Years a member of DPG: 5
Current Position, Title, & Location: Director of Nutrition and Wellness, Area Office on
Aging of Northwestern Ohio, Toledo, Ohio
Previous Positions (limit to 3): Principle, Nutrition Solutions, LLC; Instructor, Bowling
Green State University; Textbook consultant, Mosby
Degree School/Location Major
Ohio State University
Bowling Green State University
University of Toledo
University of Toledo
Human Nutrition
Public Health
Biology, Chemistry, Psychology
ADA/DPG Offices/Activities:
Public Policy Committee, member
State or Local Dietetic Association Offices/Activities
Northwest Ohio Dietetic Association – Program Development Chair, Council on Practice
Committee Chair.
Older Ohioans Nutrition Network - Member at large, Board member.
Other Professional Organizations:
Zonta Club of Toledo I, an international professional women’s service organization.
Secretary, Vice-President, President-elect, President
White House Conference on Aging Delegate.
National Association of Farmers’ Market Nutrition Programs - Legislative Committee
National Association of Nutrition & Aging Services Programs - Board member, Secretary of
the Board, Conference Chair.
Twenty Under Forty. Young leader in the community award.
Community Partnership Award from Ohio Association of Area Agencies on Aging.
Obtained national recognition, from Jeanette Takamura, Assistant Secretary for Aging at the
Department of Health and Human Services, for administrative changes made in nutrition
Hazel Williams Lapp Fellowship Recipient: Ohio State University.
Council of Graduate Students: Ohio State University. Abstract chosen in a judged
competition for presentation.
Virginia Vivian Fellow: Ohio State University. Projects worked on: Myocyte preparation,
Protein Quantitation in Cardiac Explants Compared with Normal Controls, and Mineral and
SOD Quantitation in Cardiac Myopathic Tissues Compared with Normal Controls.
Phi Upsilon Omicron, Ohio State University, National Honor Society in Home Economics.
Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society, University of Toledo.
Position Statement: please answer the following statement in 75 words or less;
responses will be included in the published candidate biographical information.
 What is your leadership philosophy and future direction for HEN DPG?
Continuing the current direction of HEN guiding principles by building upon the foundation
already set by past HEN leaders of providing leadership both within the American Dietetic
Association and outside as the preferred educators on issues of food security and sustainable
food systems. As Treasurer, using skills learned from growing the Senior Farmers’ Market
Nutrition Program, I will work to ensure the annual budget, contracts and service agreements
are cohesive with HEN values and principles.
Please provide a brief statement on the future direction you envision for the HEN DPG and
how you can contribute to that direction:
As a rapidly growing organization, HEN DPG has the potential to transform ADA into an
association that recognizes sustainable agriculture as the ultimate direction for food and
nutrition. HEN DPG has already made great strides and is expediently working within the
system to shape the underlying philosophy of ADA. I envision HEN providing guidance to
ADA for future position papers, evidence analysis library documents, and FNCE
presentations and exhibitors. Outside of ADA, HEN’s ability to educate members and the
food community and directly influence sustainable food policy is the direction where I
would like to see HEN continue. By successfully administering the Senior Farmers’
Market Nutrition Program for nine years, I have learned how the community truly values
locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables. My experience with advocacy, policy writing,
and national conference planning will make a significant contribution towards HEN’s
guiding principles.