CS 316 Initial Handout Spring 2004 Sebesta

CS 301
Initial Handout
Spring 2013
Dr. Sebesta
Office: Engr 243, Phone: 262-3142, Email: bobws3@msn.com
A. Text: Programming the World Wide Web, 7e, Sebesta
B. Topics to be covered: The whole book.
C. Course objective: To become familiar with and gain some experience using the
software tools used to build Web sites
D. Grading:
1. Two or three 100 point exams plus a 125-150 point final exam--approximately
75% of grade
2. Homework (primarily the project) --approximately 25% of grade.
3. Class attendance and participation--class attendance is not mandatory, although
my exams will depend heavily of my lectures. Class participation is important.
Active interest in lectures is the easiest way to learn. However, student activity
that is not directed toward the lecture material is not only a loss for the students
involved, it is also distracting for both the teacher and the other students in the
class. Such activity will be taken into account in the assigning of final grades.
E. Plagiarism: The penalty for copied homework of any kind can be immediate failure
in the course. My policy on programs is as follows: There is no reason for two (or
more) people handing in identical or nearly identical programs. I will regard such
programs as either group-written or simply copied. If I have no hard evidence of
copying, such programs will receive NO credit. More serious actions will be taken in
cases where there is evidence of copying.
F. Late programs: Unless otherwise stated, programs will lose 20% of their value for
each weekday (Monday through Friday that they are late, down to a minimum value
of 20%. The due date of a program is the latest date on which it can be run to get full
credit. Due dates will normally be class days, in which case programs are due at class
G. Dropping the course: Unless there are extreme extenuating circumstances, I will not
allow anyone to drop a course after the drop date. Poor academic performance will
never be an acceptable reason for a late drop. I will see to it that there is at least one
exam before the drop date, which will enable you to estimate your chances for
success in the course.
H. Incompletes: Unless there has been a documentable illness that caused you to miss
substantial amounts of class and computer time, I will not give an incomplete grade
in this course. Therefore, please do NOT waste my time asking about an incomplete
grade unless you have a remarkably good reason.
I. Make-up exams: I do not give make-up exams. You simply must show up and take
them at the specified times. It is your responsibility to know the dates of the exams
and be there to take them.