Turner Fenton Secondary School Semester 1 Final Evaluation Instructions for Students January 26, 2016 – February 1, 2016 IMPORTANT INFORMATION All students must complete all final exams. The Peel District School Board protocol states “It is expected that there will be a final evaluation in each course and each student will complete this final evaluation. No exemptions are permitted from final evaluations”. Schools are required to provide make-up final exams for authorized missed final exams. If a student misses the final exam and the reason is legitimate and authorized by a vice-principal, the school must provide the student with a “make-up” final exam. If the reason is not legitimate the student will receive a mark of zero for the missed exam. A student who will be absent from a final exam, for any reason, must notify Mr. Banhan @ 905.453.9220, ext. 613 prior to the start time of the exam. The student must provide a medical note within 24 hours after the missed exam to be able to write a make-up exam on Monday, February 1, 2016. If the school bus is late, students must sign in at the office and obtain a late slip which will entitle them to additional time. If a student arrives late for any other reason he/she is to go directly to class. No time extensions will be granted to students who arrive late for any other reason. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES It is the responsibility of each student to: know the day, time and location of each evaluation. attend and complete each exam to the best of their ability. provide the necessary equipment for the exam. Check with the subject teacher to determine what is needed or allowed. follow the procedure outlined by your teacher for textbook collection. RETURN TEXTBOOKS, BOOKS, NOVELS ETC. TO SUBJECT TEACHERS SCHOOL CLOSING If the school must be officially closed (i.e. inclement weather), the exams scheduled for that day will be written on Monday, Fbruary 1st at the same time and in the same room as they were originally scheduled. Students can check for an official closing by listening to the official radio stations. QUIET STUDY AREAS AND OUT OF BOUNDS AREAS The North Hall Library and the North Hall Cafeteria will be open for QUIET STUDY until 11:00 am daily during exams. The cafeterias will not be open for business. The hallways are OUT OF BOUNDS during examinations as they must be kept quiet. EVALUATION ROOM PROCEDURES Students are to bring a valid TFSS ID (student ID card) with them to the exam, as they may be asked to produce it, in the event that the supervising teacher is not their regular classroom teacher. Students should be at their assigned exam room 5 minutes prior to the exam. Students must write the exam in the area or room designated by the teacher. Books, bags and notes should be placed in a separate area of the room, typically at the front of the room. Once an exam begins, students are not to leave their seat for any reason. Students who require assistance, paper etc… will notify the teacher by raising their hand. Students who notice a mistake on the exam question paper should raise their hand to make their concerns known to the presiding teacher. Students who make an attempt to cheat or communicate with another student will receive a mark of zero and may face further consequences. Students must remain for at least the first hour of the evaluation. When a student is ready to leave, they must raise their hand and have a teacher collect their paper. Students may only leave the exam room on the hour or half hour to minimize disruptions.