
Matching. Please place the correct letter corresponding to the character next to the description.
1. _______
2. _______
3. _______
4. _______
5. _______
6. _______
7. _______
8. _______
9. _______
10. _______
11. _______
12. _______
13. _______
14. _______
15. _______
The minister of Salem’s church. The Reverend is a
paranoid, power-hungry, yet oddly self pitying figure.
A local farmer who lives just outside town. He had sinned
and cheated on his wife.
Reverend Parris’s ten-year-old daughter. Her illness and
that of Ruth Putnam fuel the first rumors of witchcraft.
A young minister reputed to be an expert on witchcraft. His
arrival sets the hysteria in motion, although he later regrets
his actions and attempts to save the lives of those accused.
A man from Salem who acts as clerk of the court during the
witch trials. He is upright and determined to do his duty for
This character is supremely virtuous, but often cold. She
believes she lead her husband to cheat.
He uses the witch trials to increase his own wealth by
accusing people of witchcraft and then buying up their
The marshal of Salem.
A wise, sensible, and upright woman, held in tremendous
regard by most of the Salem community. She falls victim
to the hysteria when the Putnams accuse her of witchcraft
and she refuses to confess.
The servant in Thomas Putnam’s household. She runs
away at the end of the play.
Her reading habits along with accusations of placing spells
lead to her arrest and conviction for witchcraft.
Reverend Parris’s niece. This character is smart, wily, a
good liar, and vindictive when crossed
Reverend Parris’s black slave from Barbados.
The Deputy Governor of Massachusetts and the presiding
judge at the witch trials. Honest and scrupulous, at least in
his own mind, he is convinced that he is doing right in
rooting out witchcraft.
The servant in John Proctor’s household and a member of
Abigail’s group of girls. She is a timid girl, easily
influenced by those around her.
A. John Proctor
B. Abigail Williams
C. Reverend John Hale
D. Elizabeth Proctor
E. Reverend Parris
F. Rebecca Nurse
G. Judge Danforth
H. Thomas Putnam
I. Tituba
J. Mary Warren
K. Betty Parris
L Martha Corey
M. Ezekiel Cheever
N. Herrick
O. Mercy Lewis
Multiple Choice. Please write the correct answer in the space provided. Make sure your letters are clearly readable.
16. _______ Where and when does the play take place?
A) Salem, Fall
B) Andover, Fall
C) Andover, Spring
D) Salem, Spring
17. _______ In the Overture you learn all of the following about the Puritan society except:
A) The didn’t celebrate holidays
B) They feared the Native Americans and thought they were working for the devil
C) They were a loving community that didn’t judge eachother
D) They were hard working
18. _______ What is the paradox that the Salem tragedy developed from?
A) The theocracy was created to keep the community in a balance between order and freedom.
B) If there is an exception to every rule, then every rule must have at least one exception, excepting this
C) Man learns from history that man learns nothing from history.
D) None of the above
19. _______ What did the witch-hunt allow the Puritans to do that hey had not been able to in the past?
A) Interact socially with their neighbors
C) Speak of revenge
B) Celebrate their religion in public
D) Further the educational system
20. _______ What did the Reverend catch Betty and Abigail doing?
A) running
C) sinning
B) dancing
D) swimming naked
21. _______ What does Reverend Parris mean when he says to Abigail “Your name in town-it is entirely white, is it not?”
A) That her name is pure in the town
C) That her name is known throughout the town
B) That her name is been cleared in the town
D) None of the above
22. _______ What does Goody Putnam (aka Mrs. Putnam or Goody Ann) say that Betty did?
A) Sing to the devil
C) Dance in the woods
B) Praise the Native American’s gods
D) Flew over the barn
23. _______ What has happened to Ruth?
A) She will not wake up at all
B) Her eyes open but it seems like she is asleep
C) She is seeing delusions
D) She has turned on the other girls
24. _______ Mrs. Putnam begins to point the blame on whom?
A) Sara Good
C) Tituba
B) Sara Osburn
D) Abigail
25. _______ How does Mrs. Putnam’s claim gain momentum or strength?
A) Abigail says that Tituba and Ruth were conjuring up spirits
B) Ruth comes through the door and strangles Tituba
C) Betty wakes up and says it is Tituba that cast a spell on her
D) None of the above
26. _______ What does the conversation in Act 1 between Abigail, Mercy, and Marry Warren reveal about the their
A) Abigail is the boss of the group
C) Mercy Lewis follows what Abigail says
B) Marry Warren is easily pushed around
D) All of the above
27. _______ What is the main reason Abigail wants to kill Goody Proctor?
A) She is upset because Goody Proctor fired her
B) She wants to have a relationship with Goody Proctor’s husband
C) She is jealous of the family and children that Good Proctor has had
D) She is jealous of her pretty hair
28. _______ What can you infer about the relationship between Abigail and Proctor by their discussion in Act 1?
A) They have had a intimate relationship
C) John Proctor hates Abigail
B) They will end up together in the end
D) Abigail is like a daughter to Proctor
29. _______What does Rebecca Nurse say is wrong with the girls?
A) They have gone crazy from the lack of sunlight
B) They have been taken over by witchcraft
C) They have seen the devil
D) They are just acting like teenagers. Give them some time and they will come around.
30. _______ When Proctor is talking to Parris about the fraction of the church which is against him he says “Why, then I
must find and join it.” What tone or literary device is he using?
A) Verbal irony
C) Figurative language
B) Humor
D) None of the above
30. _______ What was the outcome of the girl in Hale’s parish that was afflicted, or had originally cried witchcraft?
A) The woman she accused was hung for all to see
B) With some attention given to her she changed her mind and said there was no witchcraft.
C) She ended up going blind a mute, a true sign the devil was around.
D) None of the above
31. _______ What motivated Miller to write The Crucible when he did?
A) World War II was just ending
C) The Red Scare was going on in the United States
B) JKF had been shot
D) It was around Halloween
32. _______ What does Giles say that his wife does?
A) Read something other than the Bible
B) Cast spells on people in the neighborhood
C) Pray aloud and in different languages
D) Dance in the forest
33. _______ What does Abigail say had jumped into the soup while they were dancing?
A) A rabbit
C) A squirrel
B) A grasshopper
D) A frog
34. _______ What does Abigail claim that Tituba makes her do?
A) Cast a spell
C) Drink blood
B) Conjure spirits
D) Drink the soup
35. _______ Parris tells Tituba that she must do what or he will “take you out and whip you to death”?
A) Clean up after Betty
C) Tell the truth
B) Confess to witchcraft
D) Tell on other people
36. _______What is most likely Abigail’s motivation to “open” herself?
A) She thinks it will make her popular
C) She doesn’t want people to say she is a witch
B) She wants to be close with God
D) She has gone crazy and she can’t control herself
37. _______From the first conversation we read about between John Proctor and his wife Elizabeth, what can you infer
about their relationship?
A) They have a strong loving relationship built on trust.
B) Their relationship is strained due to a lack of trust and honesty.
C) Their relationship is over and they can’t stand each other any more.
D) They have been married a long time and can read each other’s thoughts.
38. _______What gives Mary Warren the ability to tell Goody Proctor (Elizabeth) what she is going to do?
A) She is now a member of the court
C) She has turned 18 and is a legal adult
B) She has found a new job
D) She is going to leave town so it doesn’t matter.
39. _______If a person doesn’t confess what is the consequence?
A) He/She is drown
C) He/She goes to prison
B) He/She is shot
D) He/She is hung
40. _______ Elizabeth calls her husband out on his hesitation on going to Salem to try and stop the trial. What does she
think is stopping him from going?
A) His fear of crowded places
C) His fear of being called a witch
B) His love of Abigail
D) His concern for his wife’s health
41. _______What motivation does the court seem to have?
A) To see that justice is done
B) To make sure the whole truth and nothing but the truth is exposed
C) To do the work of the Bible
D) To scare people into confessing crimes they did not commit
42. _______How does Mary Warren decide that Goody Osburn is a witch?
A) Mary feels like Goody Osburn is choking her.
B) Mary got sick after Good Osburn came to the door asking for food. As Goody Osburn walked away from her
she mumbled.
C) Goody Osburn could not recite her Ten Commandments.
D) All of the above
43. _______After Mary Warren tells the Proctors of how Goody Osburn was convicted, what does Mr. Proctor
point out that there was none of?
A) Sanity
C) Justice
B) Proof
D) Milk
44. _______What could be motivating Mary Warren to want to continue with the trial?
A) She is enjoying the feeling of being important in the court.
B) She is afraid that if she tells the truth Abigail and the other girls will turn on her.
C) She doesn’t like working for Proctor and this was a good way to get away from the house.
D) All of the above
45. _______Elizabeth Proctor believes that who called out her name?
A) Abigail Williams
C) Mary Warren
B) Susan Walcott
D) Mercy Lewis
46. _______What does Elizabeth want her husband to do to try and keep her safe?
A) Move their family to another community
C) Confront Abigail and tell her he hates her
B) Buy a gun and a guard dog
D) Bribe the court
47. _______What does the metaphor “The promise that a stallion gives a mare I gave that girl!” suggest about Proctor
and Abigail’s relationship?
A) He gave her a promise that he would leave his wife for her.
B) He gave her no promise of a future, it was purely physical.
C) They loved each other deeply
D) He promised that he would give her many children
48. _______What does Hale go around doing after the first day of court proceedings?
A) Checking out the families of those whose names were mentioned in court
B) Handing out Bibles
C) Preaching about witchcraft
D) Asking for everyone’s forgiveness
49. _______What does Hale looks at all of the following to decide if the Proctor’s have a Christian home except?
A) If they knew their Ten Commandments
C) If they owned a copy of the Bible
B) If they go to church on a regular basis
D) If their children were baptized
50. _______What question does Elizabeth contest and give Hale the answer he is NOT looking for?
A) Is she a Puritan?
C) Does she believe in witchcraft?
B) Does she know her Commandments?
D) Does she follow the rules of the church?
51. _______ What is Rebecca Nurse charged with?
A) Murdering Mrs. Putnam’s babies
B) Not telling the truth
C) Contempt of court
D) Trying to overthrow the court
52. _______How has Mary Warren set up Elizabeth Proctor?
A) She tells the court she sees Elizabeth dealing with the devil.
B) She tells the court she sees Elizabeth reading things in secret.
C) She gives Elizabeth a kettle and soup
D) She gives Elizabeth a poppet with a pin in it.
53. _______What does Proctor say is walking around Salem?
A) Vengeance
B) Silence
C) Revenge
D) Death
54. _______What does Proctor mean when he says that “We are only what we always were, but naked now?”
A) They are the same except they have lost all of their material goods.
B) The total truth about everyone is going to be exposed.
C) They can not advance in society now so they should try and be al natural like Adam and Eve
D) None of the above
55._______Whose trial is going on at the beginning of Act 3?
A) Rebecca Nurse
B) Abigail Williams
C) Martha Corey
D) John Proctor
56. _______What does Giles mean when he says that he has “broke charity” with his wife?
A) He has betrayed her trust
C) He has given her money to charity
B) He has spent her money
D) He now pities his wife and sees her as charity
57. _______All of the following say they have proof that the girls are frauds except:
A) Giles Corey
C) Francis Nurse
B) John Proctor
D) Reverend Parris
58. _______ All of the following are offered as proof that the girls are frauds except:
A) A petition signed by the community stating that Rebecca Nurse, Martha Corey, and Elizabeth Proctor are good
women and have not done anything to indicate that they have dealings with the devil.
B) A deposition sating that Thomas Putnam was having his daughter cry witchcraft in order to gain land from
C) Mary Warren’s deposition stating that the girls are not telling the truth.
D) John Proctor’s deposition stating that he had an affair with Abigail Williams.
59. _______How does Parris react to Proctor in the court during Act III?
A) Paris points out Proctor’s flaws and says that he is there to overthrow the court.
B) Parris is relieved to see Proctor’s friendly face.
C) Parris is furious because he thought Proctor was locked away.
D) Parris is happy that he has a friend in the court.
60. _______What does Proctor find out about his wife from Danforth?
A) She is going to hang
C) She is pregnant
B) She has been pressed
D) She has confessed to witchcraft
61. _______What does Proctor tell Mary Warren to try and calm her?
A) “Do that which is good, and no harm shall come to thee”
B) “Follow your heart and you will find the truth”
C) “Those who trust will see the light”
D) “Things happen, stay strong and see it through”
62. _______What happens to Giles Corey?
A) He is hung
B) He is pressed
C) He is shot
D) he is beheaded
63. _______What reasons does Mary Warren give to Hawthorne to explain why she said saw spirits?
A) The rest of the girls seemed to see and feel something.
B) He seemed to react so she thought she was doing what he wanted her to do.
C) Both A and B
D) Neither A or B
64. _______What does Abigail do when confronted by Hawthorne about the cries of witchcraft being lies?
A) She acts offended that he would even question her.
B) She attempts to leave the room
C) She pretends to see Marry Warren’s spirit in the form of a yellow bird.
D) All of the above
65. _______What does Proctor end up confessing about himself?
A) He still loves Abigail
C) He doesn’t’ believe in God
B) He had an affair with Abigail
D) He has divorced his wife
66. _______How does Danforth check Proctor’s story?
A) He asks Abigail to tell the truth and he trusts her story
B) He takes a poll of the people standing in the courtroom to see if they believe him
C) He brings Elizabeth in and asks her why she fired Abigail
D) He brings Martha Corey in to second his story
67. _______How does Mary Warren react under the pressure of the girls?
A) She breaks down and points her finger at John Proctor saying he is with the devil.
B) She gets so upset that she runs out of the room crying hysterically.
C) She stands strong and the judges believe what she is saying
D) She sticks to her story and doesn’t falter with the trught.
68. _______Act 4 is set in what location at what time?
A) Salem, Fall
B) Andover, Fall
C) Andover, Spring
D) Salem, Spring
69. _______What does Parris reveal about Abigail and Mercy Lewis in the beginning of Act IV?
A) That they have been lying this whole time in order to gain attention from the community.
B) That they want to confess that they have seen the devil.
C) That they have run away and stolen all of Parris’s money.
D) All of the above
70. _______What does Parris say he believes motivated Abigail and Mercy?
A) They heard there was rebellion in Andover
C) They were free spirits so it was time for them to go
B) They were afraid of John Proctor
D) They wanted a new clean start in another town
71. _______What does Parris say about John Proctor and Rebecca Nurse in Act IV?
A) That they are deserving of the punishment they are about to receive
B) That they are like saints and they should not be hung
C) That they are of high statuette in the community and this would be different than hanging those who were
already outcasts.
D) None of the above
72. _______What does Parris request happens?
A) The hanging is broadcast
B) The hanging is finished quickly
C) The hanging is canceled
D) The hanging is postponed
73. _______What is Danforth’s reason that they must be hung?
A) They are guilty of witchcraft
C) It is the law that they are hung within 24 hours
B) Twelve other have hung before them
D) To show others what happens when you challenge the court
74. _______All of the following confessed to avoid hanging except:
A) Sara Good
C) John Proctor
B) Tituba
D) Giles Corey
75. _______ What does the conversation that John and Elizabeth have reveal about their feelings and thought of one
A) They have a strong, loving relationship and a deep understanding and respect for one another
B) Their relationship is strained due to a lack of trust and honesty
C) Their relationship is over and they can’t stand each other any more.
D) They have been married a long time and can read each other’s thoughts
76. _______What does Proctor do after signing his confession?
A) Embrace Elizabeth and tell her he will never stray from her again.
B) Break down crying and beg everyone for their forgiveness
C) Rip up the confession so that it cannot be hung on the church door
D) All of the above
Short answer. Please pick on of the following statements and describe how it relates to The Crucible.
1) Confessing to a crime you didn’t commit in order to avoid punishment is wise.
2) It is better to die for what you believe in rather than to lie to save your life.
3) That which doesn’t destroy us only makes us stronger.
4) Courage means doing something even though it can be difficult and fearsome.
Statement # ___________________________