S_200_249 - StealthSkater

Table of Contents - "S_200_249.doc"__
S-200. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding correspondence with Aerocopter
S-201. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding correspondence on UNITEL'sMedical applications
S-202. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding correspondence on possible investors
S-203. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding correspondence to Tom Bearden similar on design
influences from the 1981 Eugene
UFO encounter
S-204. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding correspondence on business & research climate in
S-205. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding correspondence "Ponderomotive Force"
S-206. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding more technical detail on MQT
S-207. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding misc & posed messages
S-208. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding UNITEL computer game
S-209. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding contact with a Soviet UFO research organization
S-210. from Dr. Jadczyk regarding Tom Bearden's theories of mind-body quantum interactions
S-211. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding a Soviet magazine article on the Tunguska incident
S-212. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding more correspondence with a Soviet UFO research
S-213. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding published magazine interview with UNITEL's Mike
S-214. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding alternative propulsion technologies
S-215. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding Russia's family of Flanker Fighter Aircraft
S-216. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding correspondence to Dave Froning of Boeing
S-217. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding correspondence to seek production for UNITEL's
S-218. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding 1979 Oregon UFO sighting
S-219. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding lack of domestic press coverage
S-220. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding physicists' skepticism towards UNITEL
S-221. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding background info on UNITEL consultant Yoshsinari
S-222. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding similar tunneling BEC experiments by other
S-223. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding problems facing all entrepreneurial ventures
S-224. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding dealing with mainstream skepticism
S-225. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding Lazar's claims
S-226. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding corporate financial pitfalls
S-227. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding finding a Television Producer
S-228. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding corresondence on a quantum computer business firm
S-229. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding corresondence on requesting a prototype construction
S-230. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding follow-up correspondence to Cincinnati Machine
S-231. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding alert to a new book on Macroscopic Quantum
S-232. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding new Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling book
S-233. from Andrew Potter regarding UNITEL and his own website
S-234. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding quantum tunneling and "extra" dimensions
S-235. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding latest comment from Jack Sarfatti
S-236. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding a side project on Ghana's airport expansion
from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding offer to work on the Ghana airport project
from Dr Arkadiusz Jadczyk regarding claims of Tom Bearden and UNITEL
from Andrew Potter regarding his association with UNITEL
from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding a potential Medical project
from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding correspondence on a proposed joint video project
from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding "making the news"
from Bob King regarding his Black Hole theory
from Andrew Potter regarding writing UNITEL's interactive computer game/simulation
from Bob King regarding black holes
from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding friends of UNITEL
from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding a new medical team to network with
from Bob King regarding Dark Matter-Energy and universal expansion
from Andrew Potter regarding mailing a back-up CD of my on-line UFO site
S-200. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding correspondence with Aerocopter
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Fwd: RE: UNITEL Aerospace & Electronics
Date : Mon, 11 Feb 2002 19:19:07 -0800
>At 11:51 AM 2/11/02 -0500, you wrote:
>> Hi Larry,
>> Our VC team is interested to hear more about this technology. Per my previous
discussions, would you be interested to present more technical materials about this
technology via teleconferencing?
>> Please let me know.
>> Regards
>> Siamak
> Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 11:43:31 -0800
> To: siamak@aerocopter.com
> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
> Subject: RE: UNITEL Aerospace & Electronics
> Hi Siamak,
> Yes, that would be excellent. We need to make sure that our team will be able to meet so that
there isn't a conflict with their schedules. We have a great technical team to discuss the technology
that we advance. They are always anxious to talk about our technology and hopefully we will be
able to work together with YAS to construct and test a prototype of our patented design. Once we
have our prototype in place, we have large, deep pocket firms such as Lockheed-Martin coming in to
provide funds to market our aerospace and other technology applications. Let's stay in touch so we
can set up a teleconference meeting as soon as possible. Thanks,
> Sincerely,
> Larry D. Maurer, Principal& Director, Engineering
> UNITEL, Inc.
> (503) 232-2740
> www.unitelnw.com
S-201. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding correspondence on UNITEL'sMedical
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Fwd: UNITEL Aerospace & Electronics
Date : Thu, 14 Feb 2002 13:26:22 -0800
> Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 01:09:10 -0800
> To: alcyone@webzone.net
> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
> Subject: UNITEL Aerospace & Electronics
> Dear Charles:
> FYI, we thought we would also bring to your attention the fact that the world record magnet
300,000 times stronger than Earth's magnetic field. This was done this last year at Berkeley Lab's
Superconducting Magnet Group whereby their electromagnet reached an unprecedented fieldstrength of 14.7 Tesla:
> http://enews.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/14-tesla-magnet.html
> According to the research group physicist Steve Gourlay with the Accelerator and Fusion Research
Division (AFRD) who lead the team: "These forces are enormous. About 3 million pounds or more
than the combined thrust of more than a dozen 747 planes".
> The design of our "smartskin" exterior charged hull of our proposed all electric space vehicle is
composed of similar materials -- Niobium-Tin superconductor (Nb3Sn) -- except we have NiobiumTin-Titanium-Indium-diamond.
> Research Philomath, OR for several years. Monte was formerly with Teledyne, Wah Chang
Division, Albany, OR for 30 years as Senior Engineer&Metallurgist before starting Niobium
Research. Monte was introduced to the Oregon State University Alumni Assoc. guest speaker (the
late William Lear, founder of the Lear Jet Corp.) -- as "the best metallurgist in the whole World" as
Monte played the tape recording of the speech to Michael Miller and I.
> Monte gave us a tour of the facilities when we first met and showed us pictures of the rocket
exhaust cones of the Apollo 11 sitting on the surface of the Moon, which were composed out of
Niobium manufactured by Niobium Research (note: the rocket exhaust cones were eventually
replaced byTtitanium cones). That makes 2 individuals that were involved with the Apollo-11 Moon
shot working with us to design and improve our proposed space propulsion system and vehicle. The
first being Arnold Limberg (formerly Senior Engineer with design Hughes Aircraft Co.) who was
Senior Engineer on the Apollo-11 mission. Arnold is responsible for the {______} of the tail piece
located at the stern area of our proposed space vehicle that will prevent cavitation or pitting of the
surface of the exterior charged vehicle. Monte has given us much input throughout the years on the
best methods to construct our proposed space vehicle's smart skin composite hull.
> We have also included Applied Sciences of Cedarville, OH to construct and test the smartskin hull
with the last layer being composed of a layer of synthetic diamond whereas Niobium Research
would oversee the project in a consulting capacity. Applied Sciences and UNITEL were under
contract to construct and test our smartskin design with 1 sq.cm. with 2 embedded SDE charge pins
with Rolls Royce for improvements on conventional jet engines to reduce heat and lower radar and
infrared signature. The project was put on hold until funds are available.
> We are grateful that the research group at Berkeley Labs has provided valuable proof of one
important aspect of UNITEL's proposed space vehicle propulsion system design. It is easy for
anyone to see how important this evidence is concerning the incredible strength of the electromagnet
and how it can be compared to the design of our space vehicle since the electromagnet and the
spaceship hull are composed out of nearly the same materials. This is only one aspect of UNITEL's
basic design that is unprecedented proof of the capability or feasibility of our design that concerns
the exterior charged hull.
> We look forward to further discussions concerning our patented aerospace propulsion system
design. Thank you,
> Sincerely,
> Larry D. Maurer, Principal&Director, Engineering
> UNITEL, Inc.
> (503) 232-2740
> www.unitelnw.com
> At 11:08 PM 2/12/02 -0800, you wrote:
>> Hi Larry,
>> Thanks for your information. The link you provided me below on the Bose-Einstein
condensates didn't work. Could you send another or different one? Looks like you guys may
be working along the right track. I have forwarded your information to our CEO and
engineers to take a look at.
>> Thanks,
>> Charles L. Bunch
>> ----- Original Message ---->>> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
>>> To: <alcyone@webzone.net>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 11:14 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Your Site
>>> Dear Charles:
>>> I will send you what I can as soon as possible. We are very busy meeting with
funders so please give me a little time to respond. Our physicist Mike Miller is 150 miles
away and having computer problems. See my insert answers to your questions:
>>> At 02:23 AM 2/12/02 -0800, you wrote:
>>>> Gentlemen,
>>>> I am the V.P. of Media and Productions at 1000 Planets, Inc. We are interested in
commercial space development in the private sector (non-government) I was referred to
your site by one of our associates. I found your proposal for the FTL concept quite
interesting. It was not very clear how you proposed to generate a Bose-Einstein effect in
the macro environment from what I saw on your site. Exactly how do you propose to
produce coherence in the subatomic wave fields of the atoms of the space vehicle, so that
they will act as one unified field?
>>>>> See
>>>>> "Sound Waves and Supernovas in Bose-Einstein Condensates". We have
been corresponding with HTC Stoof (and Gerard t'Hooft, Univ. of Utrecht) who has
successfully performed quantum tunneling with a mMacro BEC. The most famous is
Andre Mysrywiczs at Univ. of Paris who suggested a BEC out of ecitonic gasses as
excitons are synthetic hydrogen atoms. We are using excitons in our laser plasma.
>>>> Perhaps you could explain this a bit more or send me a copy or link to your
research in this area?
>>>>> Yes.
>>>> You also mentioned using scalar waves associated with acoustic waves to treat
cancer tumors. How are you directing and focusing the scalar waves and linking them to
the acoustic?
>>>>> Yes, the sound field is important for disruption of invasive pathogens.
>>>> How do you determine what frequencies to use for the specific atoms found in the
>>>>> Much work in frequency mapping has been done by Dr. Royal Rife in the
1930s along with our associate T.W. Barrett who carried on with mapping at Los
Alamos Labs.
>>>> I am looking forward to your reply.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Charles L. Bunch
>>>> V.P. Media & Productions
>>>> 1000 Planets, Inc.
>>>> <mailto:alcyone@webzone.net>alcyone@webzone.net
S-202. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding correspondence on possible investors
From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To: stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Fwd: Re: touching base
Date : Wed, 20 Feb 2002 23:10:53 -0800
> At 09:20 PM 2/20/02 -0800, you wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been wiped out by the flu for several days and am just coming out of it. (I went back
to work and got worse so spent the weekend and today in bed). Since I've missed a few days
of work, my boss is breathing down my neck to produce like crazy. Anyway, just writing to
say I am still working on the chapters and hope I get some time to finish things soon.
>> How are things on your end?
>> Best, Paul
> Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 22:52:23 -0800
> To: pkirsh@ucla.edu
> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
> Subject: Re: touching base
> Hi Paul:
> U 2? We all have been thru a bout with the nasty flu bug the last week or so ourselves
(meaning Andy Moore and myself) in our humble, tiny office/abode. Life goes on though,
aye Paul?
> I've got some good news for you, though. Even though the fat lady hasn't sung yet, it looks
like we will be funded to start our prototypes, book, and film by Jody Delgiorno, Producer,
movie-maker. I have talked to Jody on the phone last Friday and Gary Dean (Finder) called
me today after I had talked to him earlier this morning to say that Jody is indeed interested in
putting up the deniro to get our projects under way. Gary said that Jody (who has approx.
$40 million) wants to get started immediately on UNITEL's prototype and film projects
ASAP. But Jody is worried about putting all his eggs in one basket (so to speak) when he
> So we plan on working his investment out with our corporate attorney Dennis Tripp so that
Jody's money is earmarked for the various areas of investment. That will allow Jody to bring
in other outside investors to produce the films (such as "Tunnel Time" along with other
enlightening and potentially lucrative technical films) we want to take part in creating.
> The bottom line, Paul, is that Jody is for real in that he does have money and he sincerely
wants to assist us in bringing our projects to fruition. In the telephone conversation I had
with Jody, he said he is very good at presenting a good "schpiel" to an interested potential
investor and is willing to join us in our efforts to get money to do a movie. Jody says he flies
out to L.A. all the time. He told Gary today that he is willing to put the money in to UNITEL
so that Mike, Starfield, Andrew, and I can fly to meet the various entities we need to meet
with to get UNITEL funded.
> Speaking of which, I have the contact numbers for several major investors that are
interested in funding UNITEL. One contact is with a $billionaire couple in Orange County
who I will call tomorrow to try and set up a meeting which hopefully we can all fly down
there and meet. Hopefully we can meet with you too, Paul. Jody will help considerably with
his monetary input to publish our book. We shall see!
> Tomorrow morning, we have a teleconference with the Yassini brothers at 10:00 am PST
as they are interested in funding us. I guess you can say its all systems go! Let's see what
takes shape here in the next 24 hours or so aye?!
> I am sending you a disk we burned with all chapters and scanned inserts we placed on it for
creation of our book Flying Colors. What address should I send the disk to? I will number
the scanned items to place in their respective spots. It is imperative that we complete our
book to market it ASAP.
> Get healthy, Paul. I have a feeling that everything is about to bust wide open from Art Bell
to NASA!
> Best,
> Larry
S-203. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding correspondence to Tom Bearden similar on
design influences from the 1981 Eugene UFO encounter
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 00:07:00 -0800
To: stealthskaters@yahoo.com
From: "Larry Maurer" <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
Subject: Fwd: Re: touching base
>Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 00:06:11 -0800
>To: soliton@bellsouth.net
>From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
>Subject: Fwd: Re: touching base
> FYI, looks like we are finally underway here with our projects, Tom. I thought you may be
interested in our progress as our technology is similar to your own work. I can honestly tell you that
we are much more than confident that our devices will work. Of course, when our autobiography
comes out, this will be the irrefutable truth that debaters such as Michio Kaku cannot argue against
the feasibility of our proposed propulsion system design. After all, we have the entire Eugene Police
Dept. as our witnesses if need be.
> It is for certain that they aren't buying the Federal investigator's reports. Especially since we can
prove we can instill radar stealth invisibility on our craft just as the flying craft did in early 1982 that
many people saw (including the police and ourselves) on 2 occasions (the first at 10 feet away). We
still do not know to this day Who, What, or Where the crafts came from and why we were singled
out to land their vehicle briefly in front of (the four of us) and again with Mike Miller and my Son
Jason (who was 11 years old at the time). We do have the official word that they weren't U.S.
military craft.
> Although we haven't said much about the incidents over the years, it is good to know that the
design works. There isn't much difference between what we saw back then and what we can build
now. I have been reading up on the papers on your MEG device you sent me some time ago. And I
am very interested in the time aspect of EM interactions described therein. We can't believe (nor the
Eugene police) that the FBI or the Federal Government aren't interested in our reports of our
sightings. Nor the fact that we can build the same vehicles now. After the EPD urged me to make
my official report to the FBI on their behalf, the FBI said they could not do anything because there
was "no crime committed".
> Can you imagine the consequences, Tom, if a foreign country were to build our ships before we
do? If they are hostile to us, this incredibly powerful advanced flight vehicles with unlimited
ceiling, velocity, maneuverability (that includes radar stealth capability) would represent a powerful
entity whereby our Nation's defense would be rendered virtually helpless.
> I don't know what you think of all this, Tom. But I will tell you this, it is a serious responsibility
that we have taken upon ourselves to build our prototypes as fast as possible and hope that none of
our potential enemies steal our design and use it against us. I have toyed with the idea of contacting
someone in the military for them to review the evidence we (and the EPD) have to offer in hopes
that we get a better response than we received from the FBI back in 1986.
> Please let me know if you have any suggestions concerning this matter before we publish our book
that reveals the whole incidents. I respect your opinion and I hope to hear from you soon.
> Sincerely,
> Larry Maurer
> UNITEL, Inc.
S-204. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding correspondence on business & research
climate in Oregon
From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To: stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Fwd: RE: UNITEL, Inc.
Date : Sat, 23 Feb 2002 21:16:15 -0800
> Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 21:15:06 -0800
> To: starman@unitelnw.com
> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
> Subject: Fwd: RE: UNITEL, Inc.
> Doug:
> Here is a definite example of the clashing and head-butting going on with the so-called "leaders of
technology" that we were talking about on the phone. The University of Oregon is notorious for
that and we have Dr. Hwa cold with the copy of the paper he wrote us saying that "Geometry has
nothing to do with Physics; only engineering". I remember when we first started out in 1982 and
contacted the Physics Dept. at the U of O when Mike Miller sat me down and told me that I should
be prepared for a lot of this kind of negative ego BS, head-butting, and so forth. He was used to it
his whole life with his father being on the faculty at OTI. Boy, was he ever right!
> This Mike Raymer guy is a real plate hog. We tried to deal with him a few years ago and found
out he was a lot like Dr. Forward at the USAF meeting at Edwards AFB in 1984. Dealing with
Raymer is like dealing with an enemy. Any information you give him, he will try to immediately
pick it apart and find fault with it. We know how fickle these guys can be and he is probably up
there with the worst.
> Everyone knows money is tight and competition is stiff. We at least have enough class to avoid a
cat fight when somebody starts hissing! After all, we were never out to take money from his lousy
budget or take the spot light away from him. It's too bad the guy can't trust us as we aren't out to
take anything from him. We only want to share our technology that we think is valuable.
> After all, we are working with the same technology as John Dawson at UCLA and Cal Berkeley
(not to mention UIC & Keele). If U of O has put all their money in his stupid laser research
program, then so be it! I just think when our fellow Eugeneans read our book, they are all going to
want us to build our laser in Eugene. Don't you think? I can't wait until the readers make the
connection between the sightings and our laser project. Now what's more important: Raymer's ego
or working on our technology?
> This is why our book is so important and it will put Eugene on the map. Well, Raymer and
Sarfatti can sit around and bad mouth us but everything we are claiming is backed up with solid
facts. That is why that spacecraft went through so much trouble to put on the big air show so people
would remember the event. It was obviously an attention getting thing the spacecraft were doing.
And we know why now, don't we?!
> I know its tough for some of these super-jock University experts to take what they must perceive
of us as a slap-in-the-face. That is not what we are doing because we would not be anywhere
without all the research going on in the University research and all that. It's just that these guys
either have to join us (as Yoshinari Minami did) or get the hell out of the way. Obviously, people
like Mike Raymer will not go quietly and will have to be put out to pasture kicking and screaming
all the way. We shall see what happens when the book comes out and the fingers start pointing.
They will all have some story to say such as we didn't explain it to them properly. A lot of politics
in the Physics world.
> I know that Barrett got a lot of flack from Sarfatti. And I expect that Sivananthanon has been
queried by some negative asshole trying to put him on the spot. That's why I believe the book will
kind of give the public a recap on everything we have been put through from the start. The Public
isn't stupid and I believe we will get the popular sway to put these fence-sitting physicists firmly on
our side. The Public will provide us with a mountain of influence that the Sarfatti's and the Raymer's
of the world aren't going to be able to fight.
> You can't stop progress. And that's exactly what we represent to the Public. The book is the allencompassing way for us to go when all else fails. It will bring in the much-needed operating capital
and enlighten the Public as well!
> Mo out!
>> Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 20:19:37 -0800
>> From: jer <jer@OREGON.UOREGON.EDU>
>> Subject: RE: UNITEL, Inc.
>> To: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
>> Larry,
>> Thanks for your message. Yes, I have excellent contacts here in Eugene and know Mayor
Jim Torrey quite well. However, two things should be remembered about Eugene. (1) Eugene
has a distinct anti-business climate. The City Council and many of the citizens of Eugene are
openly hostile to business. (2) UNITEL may threaten some of the programs in Physics at the UO
-- especially the research programs headed by Mike Raymer. So in the end, I would consider
Redmond, Hillsboro, or Medford before Eugene.
>> I am very pleased for you now that funding seems to be finally materializing. You and
Michael deserve a break after all the years of effort. Naturally, I will be pleased to work with
you once funding is in place.
>> Jim R.
>> ===== Original Message From Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com> =====
>>> Jim:
>>> Things are really heating up around here concerning investors and business endeavors. I
just got a call from Harold McGee in Dallas, TX (remember the email I forwarded to you
whereby you didn't like the contract proposal that Harold's contact made?) saying he has
another interested investor by the name of Chris Moore who resides in Boring, OR (close to
>>> Harold says he is just bringing in any serious investor and that the proposal you didn't
like was just one of them. I told Harold that we appreciated his efforts and that we will
reward him somehow even though we may not decide to deal with any of his contacts he
brings in. UNITEL VP Doug Starfield has some investors from Thailand that want to invest.
I have to talk to Dennis Tripp about the legalities of doing business (selling stock) on an
International level.
>>> Our teleconference meeting we had with YAS/Aerocopter went well as good be for
getting 7 people together as a team for UNITEL. We shall see what they have to offer
(which I will keep you abreast of). At some point Jim, after we get sufficient funding to open
our doors, we will have a retainer fee with a contract for you. We will do the same with Prof.
Andreas Mandelis (U. of Toronto) as a Technical Consultant to oversee the construction and
testing of our patented prototype at UIC with KHD doing the OS magneto-optical software.
This will please any investor that we have the independent outside sources to monitor,
evaluate, and maintain UNITEL's corporate and scientific endeavors. This extra step of
ensuring that construction and business operations are going as planned.
>>> Concerning our forthcoming book and involvement in the creation of films such as
"Tunnel Time" that enlightens the viewing public to the concept of MQT applied to a space
propulsion system which is currently so widely accepted on an international scale by eminent
researchers, we should draw much attention to UNITEL and several other similar
organizations aerospace projects.
>>>This, Jim, should really put Eugene "on the map". Don't you agree? I wonder what the
Mayor and other leaders of Eugene will think? I wonder if they will offer a similar deal to
what the City of Redmond, OR offered us with many "kudos" for UNITEL to take advantage
>>> As a matter of fact, Margie Jefferys called me last week to see how we were doing and
she said that she could put together a meeting with the Mayor, Pres. of U.S. Bank, several
City Board Reps., etc. and that they are all eager to meet with us to discuss setting up
business in Redmond. They offered us tax cuts, reduced rates on land, possible financial
support from the City of Redmond along with the Bank.
>>>Michael says that there really isn't any nightlife or entertainment in Redmond and he
would prefer a place like Eugene that at least has the entertainment including all its
restaurants etc. Myself, I wouldn't mind Redmond because it's not that far to travel to
Portland and/or Bend. Do you have any contact with the City of Eugene? Do you think they
would offer us a similar deal? After all, I think Eugene is desperate to bring in business to
the area. UNITEL could really explode literally overnight into a gigantic business that would
include massive construction facilities. This would provide hundreds of jobs and Eugene
would be the new "Techno-Capitol" of the World!
>>> Let me know what you think. Portland and mayor Katz are blind to us and Eugene may
be the same. One has to have a certain amount of vision to support a business such as the
technology that we advance. During an economic crunch and the fact that so many
businesses are going belly-up or pulling out (like Hundai) leaving a vast pool of
unemployment and regression, it makes it easier for someone to take a chance on supporting
a brand new technology. After all, they don't have much to lose and there is little choice to
do anything otherwise.
>>> I shall keep you posted. Jody has said he wants to immediately invest into UNITEL, but
he hasn't said how much. He is discussing what he wants to do with our representative Gary
Dean as I write.
S-205. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding correspondence "Ponderomotive Force"
From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To: stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Fwd: Ponderomotive Force
Date : Tue, 26 Feb 2002 21:26:25 -0800
> Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 19:13:19 -0800
> To: Jean.Schuerger@grc.nasa.gov
> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
> Subject: Fwd: Ponderomotive Force
> Dear Jean:
> I was sent an article on Laser propulsion that was done for NASA by Dr. Kammash at the Univ. of
Michigan. I have attached a concise description of our proposed vehicle for your review. I am also
forwarding the pdf file attached paper by Dr. Kammish to you. By my statement below:
>"you can so much more out of the electromagnetic attraction instilled in our projected laser plasma
than you can out of blasting a force (laser) out of the stern of a vehicle (like a jet) to propel it
forward as Dr. Kammash did in his design"
> it is easy to describe the basic functioning of our proposed vehicle. It's especially easy to
understand that with the exterior-charged, modulated Niobium-Tin-Titanium-diamond hull is the
same materials that the Berkeley Labs electromagnet that broke the world's record (Gauss) by
producing the magnet out of the same material (niobium-titanium) that was 300,000 times stronger
than Earth's magnetic field.
> With that kind of (high temp) Gauss EM energy that could nearly float in our atmosphere on our
ship's exterior charged hull -- combined with the "sucking power" provided by adiabatic pressure in
our projected laser plasma -- it would be like a giant ping-pong ball being sucked along an invisible
vacuum tube. The strength of this attraction (ship to projected laser plasma) is 39 orders of
magnitude stronger than one G. That's 39 zeros (a billion is 6). You can't come anywhere close to
matching that strength of attraction with conventional "jet" type action-reaction engines. Laser or
> Since NASA is funding this work with laser propulsion and so forth, they should realize how this
work pertains to our design. Please forward this email to any Government agent (NASA, USAF,
DoD, DARPA) that may be interested in our proposed design for an aerospace vehicle attached
herein. Thanks in advance, Jean. Maybe we can get some interest through persistency!
> Regards,
> Larry Maurer
> UNITEL, Inc.
>> Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 18:38:56 -0800
>> To: starman@unitelnw.com
>> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
>> Subject: Fwd: Ponderomotive Force
>> Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 18:34:22 -0800
>> To: deanandpaul@earthlink.net
>> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
>> Subject: Fwd: Ponderomotive Force
>> Gary:
>> Concerning the paper you sent as a pdf attachment (c:\data\email files\attach\Laser driven
propulsion.pdf), thanks for sending it! I wrote a letter to Dr. Kammash. We shall see if he
responds. Check out the ponderomotive part and how it relates to this chap's space propulsion
design paper for NASA. Read the following email I wrote concerning the same ponderomotive
force. The big difference is you can so much more out of the electromagnetic attraction instilled
in our projected laser plasma than you can out of blasting a force (laser) out of the stern of a
vehicle (like a jet) to propel it forward (as he does in his design).
>> Regards,
>> Larry
>>> Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 17:33:56 -0800
>>> To: tkammash@umich.edu
>>> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
>>> Subject: Fwd: Ponderomotive Force
>>> Dr. Kammash:
>>> I am taking the liberty to forward you some pertinent email concerning the
ponderomotive force which I noticed you used in your very important paper.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Larry Maurer
>>> UNITEL, Inc.
S-206. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding more technical detail on MQT
From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To: stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: MQT dimensions
Date : Thu, 28 Feb 2002 19:03:32 -0800
attachment : Aero_Pitch.rtf (136k)  [ Appendix: UNITEL_attachment_S-206 ]
At 09:20 PM 2/28/02 -0500, you wrote:
> Larry -> That doesn't ring a bell. Although my head is swimming from a lot of that stuff you
amazed and overwhelmed me with. I don't recall ever sending something like that to you,
but I can't remember if you sent it to me. You have the CD of my e-mails with you. I need
to update it with what you sent in the last few weeks, however.
> If 'UFO' is a scary word to investors, then mining the 'ZPE' must be a close second. I'm
guessing that from Bearden's experiences and even Firmage shyed away from it in favor of
cold fusion. If UNITEL's physics is dependent on the ZPE, then (just your luck!) you're at
bat with 2 strikes on you already. It seems to me that whoever demonstrates its feasibility
with open the gates for everybody else.
>-- Mark
Yes, I agree. We do not ever refer to UFO sightings nor is our propulsion system dependant on ZPE
interactions. We are just pointing out the possibilities (or potential, if you will) of MQT, interacting
with the ZPE, etc. I attached the final version of our aero-pitch article which is a concise, basic
"nuts&bolts" description. Rest your mind at ease! Our sighting info is strictly the frosting on the cake.
We don't care whether anyone believes us or not and concerning ZPE interactions. We won't find out
until we build and test working prototypes.
March 1, 2002
Aerospace: Laser Propulsion
“Quantum Electromagnetic RGB Laser Propulsion”
Based on our patented laser system, UNITEL’s all electrical, aerospace electromagnetic laser
propulsion system will act much like a conventional helicopter and will be able to hover, fly sideways,
anywhere on the x, y or z axis, at velocities unattainable with conventional vehicles. This vehicle design
will be able to travel to areas in deep space that are unreachable by any other space propulsion designs
known to date. This will be accomplished by employing Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling (MQT)
technique that will allow us to travel throughout the Universe at velocities several times faster than a
space vehicle traveling at the speed-of-light.
The design of UNITEL’s High-Speed Mass Transportation vehicle (with payload) employs no
moving parts. It is all electrically-powered and requires no bulky fuels or propellants. This quantum
mechanical propulsion system design is the first of its kind and operates on principles other than the
usual action-reaction types of propulsion systems that fires a blast of energy out of the back of a vehicle
to propel it forward (e.g., rockets or jets). Simply stated, our vehicle will be pulled along by a strong
electromagnetic attraction instilled in the spiraling charged particle beam laser plasma that is focused in
front of the vehicle.
Our all electric vehicle design will be a “High Speed Mass Transportation Vehicle” and is crudely
comparable to the well known “mag-lev” high-speed train that floats on superconducting magnets
[which was originally designed at MIT in 1973 (John Joannopoulos et al)] has successfully been
working for a number of years in Europe and Japan. There have been many advancements and
improvements on the original design since then. Our vehicle will require the standard type of
superconducting mag-lev tracks for suspension of the vehicle while docking at the station for boarding
passengers and loading cargo.
However, upon departing the station at point 'A', there will be no need for tracks. The vehicle will
literally create and fly through its own “flux tube” that is highly magnetic and is produced out of the
projected charged particle beam plasma directed in front of the vehicle. This eliminates the need for the
usual superconducting tracks that mag-levs float upon.
The latest Japan Railway (JR) mag-lev design is somewhat comparable to our flight system design.
The JR train will travel at 800 kilometers per hour and will “fly” through tunnels in a partial vacuum to
reduce air resistance more efficiently. It is well known that a magnetic attraction can be instilled on a
laser beam. The projected and excited stress energy tensor field in front of the UNITEL ship “sweeps”
out everything in the projected Meisner type flux tube plasma and creating a vacuum condition. Our
vehicle will fly through the partial vacuum of the projected RF confined flux tube or string-like laser
plasma due to adabiatic pressure as if it were an invisible tunnel. This effect can be described as if the
vehicle were a ping-pong ball being sucked up a vacuum cleaner tube.
UNITEL’s Type VI MOSS (Macroscopically Observable Superconductive State) vehicle will
employ the 3-part equal red, green, & blue section, laser lens to produce specific quantum effects in
order to be used for propulsion. MOSS pertains to a system that is observable on a large-scale and yet
bound to the same quantum laws as a subatomic particle. The fact that atoms or particles can exist on a
macroscopic scale was recently proven with the creation of a Bose-Einstein condensate, a proven MOSS
On a subatomic level, Quantum Mechanics describes the light string that is part of a quantum
particle system (such as an electron-positron or electron-hole pair) where only one end point is required
by quantum law to be moving at the speed-of-light. The projected laser plasma directed in front of
UNITEL’s exteriorly charged vehicle assumes the role of a macroscopic light string. The projected laser
plasma and exterior-charged vehicle assumes the character of the basic system found throughout Physics
and can be described as “2 bodies held together by a spring-like structure”.
Our vehicle will traverse (or commute) up the light string like a particle (such as an electron or
photon). This is considered electromagnetic propulsion and we will utilize a quantum mechanical
function intrinsic to monopoles in order to generate a strong magnetic attraction instilled in the
projected, pulsed laser plasma to the exterior charged vehicle. There has been a great deal of
controversy concerning our application of the monopole effect of our propulsion system -- mainly
because a monopole itself has never been observed. However, Dr.'s Raymond Chiao and Akira Tomita
at the University of California in Berkley were able to physically measure quantum monopole-like
effects on a Macroscopic scale. They were able to physically apply these effects to optical fibers and RF
For traveling vast distances that are normally unattainable with conventional technology such as
from the Earth to the nearest solar system, our ship will quantum tunnel (elastically). Tunneling is a
commonplace phenomenon at sub-nuclear levels and occurs in semiconductors, nuclear fusion, and the
tunneling electron microscope. UNITEL will use the lens to generate abruptly-opposed electromagnetic
bucking waves, denoting a direct interaction with the Zero Point Energy (ZPE).
The ZPE is found in the 3ºK vacuum of space. It is referred to as "zero point" because the energy is
not thermal in nature. The ZPE consist of random quantum fluctuation and is maintained by a flux of
electrical energy flowing through 4-dimensional space-time. Acting as a single giant electron, the
UNITEL spaceship will tunnel through the fabric of space-time to arrive at a calculated destination. In
this manner, our vehicle will demonstrate superluminal or faster-than-light capabilities.
Even though monopoles have not yet been observed, there have been successful applications of
helically-wound optical fibers and RF waveguides producing monopole effects such as parallel transport
on a Macroscopic scale. We will also produce parallel transport (which is purely a geometrical effect)
with our pulsed, spiraling laser plasma. Centrifugal force is exerted on the projected plasma is directed
toward the center of the circular motion of the spiraling plasma -- not away from it. This phenomenon is
attributed to the massively rotating charged naked singularity at the end point of the projected plasma.
This 3-phased projected plasma confines the excitonic gasses and provides a path of parallel
transport -- a fine connection -- that automatically aligns the trapped charged particles in one direction
like the atoms in a magnet. These particles then move without resistance in a superfluidic fashion.
Excitons perfectly replace the information particles called phonons or Cooper pairs. However, excitons
can carry the same information in a vacuum as phonons cannot operate in a vacuum. The exciton
mechanism in a superconductor phonon-mediated electron-electron interaction is replaced by excitons.
As in the case of phonons, the excitons cause the electrons to attract, forming bound states known as
Cooper pairs.
Basic Design
The cost of building these vehicles and stations would be much less in comparison to the cost of
building modern jet aircraft passenger planes, airports, and maintenance facilities and personnel. Since
tracks aren’t required, our system would even rival standard trains in comparing costs for the
construction of both.
The specifically-shaped, exteriorly-charged hull of our space vehicle will interact with the projected
3-phase charged particle beam that produces the strong electromagnetic attraction to the vehicle.
Specifically, the vehicle is attracted to the magnetic monopolar charge on the projected beaded plasma
which is opposite in polarity (north) to the (south) magnetic monopolar topological rotating standing,
running or retarded wave charge configuration that is induced by the RF diode system on the vehicle’s
In accordance with our patented design, we have stretched the smaller capped-cone shaped vehicle at
the point of interface between the lens and hull, increasing the diameter at minimum increments,
lengthening the hull to form the all-familiar “cigar” shape of our mass transport vehicle. Analysis shows
that certain hard-deformed nuclei have this cigar shape. This essentially permanent or stable structure
can be described as a prolate spheroid with one long axis and two equal short axes. Specifically, the
massive cigar-shaped hard-deformed nuclei (which are massive at sub-nuclear scales) is found in U-235
and U-238 atoms.
The geometrical “capped cone” (or teardrop) 0-degree angular excess shape that our vehicle is
derived from is in the exact relativistic shape of a particle or the general vector potential (GVP) for all
particles including the electron and photon. The vehicle will have a standard type of aircraft frame with
insulated interior. The vehicle’s fuselage will be of a laminated valent-donor energy band gap “mini”
layers of a compositional arrangement of various metals to form p-n junction “smart skin” at the exterior
surface area.
The hull composition shall also have a system of high volume charge-junction semiconducting diode
elements (SDE’s) controlled by the onboard VHSIC computer system. The hull surface receives the
charge with the desired harmonics input from the SDE system. The high volume of electrical power
required for the external surface charge (and the rest of the vehicle’s equipment) will be produced by an
onboard high-volume electric storage intrinsic source. The modulated charge is broken down and
isolated by the consecutively decreasing donor layer composite structure of mini-bands that descends
down to one-dimensional (atomic) thick layers. The last layer will be a layer of polished p-doped
Our design of the surface charge not only has the ability to screen out harmful effects such as inertia.
But we can also produce certain patterns analogous to those discussed in some of Turing’s papers which
are called reaction-diffusion mechanisms that interact at Planckian levels with the ZPE field. 2360
dimensional complex multiple reaction-diffusion zones are formed out of the standing, negativelycharged acoustic surface waves on the hull surface to interact with and extract vast amounts of abundant
energy contained in the ZPE field.
The whole laminated composition of the exterior charged fuselage could be tuned to produce a large
increase in frequency and amplitude for the production of an intense electrical charge. The network of
charge junction SDE’s work unitarily by computer modulation with the capability to “chirp” (as in RF
compression or radar chirping) the entire system in a precise variable pattern by use of a digital delay
system attached to the computer modulating system.
The 3-part free-standing laser lens will be placed in a polished titanium lens frame. The lens frame
will attach to the front of the vehicle, being precisely congruent to the hull curvature. Each section of
the lens will be tuned to emit a separate wavelength of red, green, or blue. The combination forms a
true electromagnetic wave packet like synthetic sunlight. The lens will be constructed out of the 3-part
red, green, blue doped, periodically-arrayed superlattice, RF transparent, glass/CdS-CdTe:Te
crystallite, microwave activated lens located in the forward area of the vehicle.
The II-VI compound glass crystallites have been successfully produced for years at research
facilities such as the A. Paul Alivisatos et al Cal Berkeley whereby the crystallites exhibited II-VI glass
semiconductor compound effects. The RGB lens acts much like a large pixel. Each separate, equal 1/3
section is activated by mechanical RF modulation to produce 255 lumens in each section. This produces
an over-all white (monochromatic) laser light beam. This produces a true electromagnetic wave packet
that is effectively a potential electromagnetic well at one ellipse per cycle. The crystallite lens is
paraboloidically-curved and serves as a fiber bundle attachment point to the vehicle. The projected
plasma will exhibit string-like effects whereby the exterior charged vehicle will commute up the string.
The fiber bundle attachment is the starting point for the path of parallel transport of the projected laser
plasma charged particles and is a superconducting system that will produce quantum topological and
superfluidic magnetohydrodynamic effects.
A computer-controlled magnetron will be used to activate the lens by generating microwave acoustic
shockwaves. Particles known as excitons are created within the lens by the projected train of RF
wavepackets via the piezoelectric mechanism which then are coupled to the acoustic shockwave
projected by the magnetron, creating mechanical stress modulation of the lens. The crystal lens is
piezoelectric, required for mechanical stress modulation. (An example of mechanical stress modulation
occurs in a record player.) The phonograph needle is attached to a piezoelectric quartz crystal. As the
needle vibrates across the grooves in the record, phonons are created. The phonons couple with
electrons and are channeled in the form of an electric signal to the speakers. This principle will be used
to control lasing, navigation, and data storage with the UNITEL lens.
This tuned superlattice lens structure with forward bias will allow the internally-produced wave of
excitons to couple to the external acoustic shock wave that is focused on the surface of the lens. The
projected acoustic shock wave produces a “wind” of phonons that scatters excitons and tunnels through
the lens to combine and lase on the surface where both photons and excitons couple to the acoustic
shock wave.
The acoustic shock wave then “pops out” into a point-like shape due to photon acceleration
producing the leading edge. The RF constituents close off the lateral and trailing edge that is produced
by pulsing the field. The 3 separate red, green, & blue spiraling beams that are produced by the lens
travel at different phase velocities and recombine to give an elliptically polarized beam at one ellipse per
cycle (optical electrical field vector).
The combination of the 3 separate electromagnetic wavelengths (red, green, & blue) is requiredto
form a true electromagnetic wave packet. Concerning the important property of rotating unit circular
fields that contain enclosed counter-rotating fields, in our projected plasma there is one encompassing
circular field, with three circumferentially tangential (red, green, & blue) noncoradially (centrotoroidal) ordered subfields. These 3 enclosed beams repeatedly and rapidly intersect the outer circle at
right angles. This compresses energy and information toward the encompassing circumference in a selfsimilar manner that is fractal in nature, existing at all size scales. This means that we can interact
simultaneously with the microscopic Planckian level fluctuations and on the molecular mesoscopic level
as well as on the large scale or Macroscopic level in a continuously differentiable manner.
Aircraft Frame and Hull Composition
The ship will be built using a standard aircraft frame similar to that of a helicopter. The hull of the
vehicle will be composed of a laminated compositional arrangement of layers composed of various
metals (niobium-tin-titanium-diamond). The outer laminate will be a specific form of synthetic blue
diamond. This kind of composite hull structure is referred to as a “smart skin”. A hatch will be built to
receive equipment and personnel. The hatch will be flush with the hull, being an active part of the
charged hull system.
The smart skin refers to special types of composite hull structures and was used in both the Stealth
bomber and the SR-71 Blackbird,which used the smart skin technology to avoid radar detection. The
process of applying a smart skin to the fuselage of an aircraft is highly sophisticated and requires a
"clean room" environment.
A system of semiconducting diode elements (SDEs) will be used to charge the hull surface with
controlled harmonics. The final layer of the smart skin will be composed of synthetic blue diamond,
selected for its semiconducting properties and its ability to withstand more than 3000º F. The exterior
surface charge will prevent the diamond layer from deteriorating through oxidation.
UNITEL’s smart skin design will support a close adhering cloud of electrons. This is not a new
technology. In 1967, a design was offered to NASA by Avco of Everett, NJ in order to screen out
harmful rays and heat during re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere. Avco maintained that an electron cloud
would provide as much protection as a ten-foot thick lead wall. Since the UNITEL spacecraft is entirely
electrical, we will not have the same problem as NASA who rejected the idea due to the volatile nature
of their rocket propellants.
Fractional 1/3 charged EM standing waves in a Rayleigh-Stonely mode, produced by the exterior
charged hull are modulated to act much like the sensitive surface of a transducer. The exterior layer of
diamond provides a high-temperature semiconductor to allow the ability for modulation by the onboard
computer control system of the exterior standing wave field. This is much like controlling “Side
Looking Airborne Radar” in a phase conjugate manner, only in a much more sophisticated mode of
Is there a more rewarding thrill than to break a record? Whereas most of us must content ourselves
with breaking personal bests, in July 2001 the scientists and engineers of Berkeley Lab’s
Superconducting Magnet Group experienced the rush of shattering a world record. The team’s newest
niobium-tin dipole electromagnet reached an unprecedented field-strength of 14.7 Tesla. This is more
than 300,000 times the strength of Earth’s magnetic field. It is easy to understand the power involved
with our hull composition which is the same material (niobium-titanium) as the world record breaking
The disk-shaped structure (composed out of the same materials as the smart skin hull) is attached to the
stern. The circular tailpiece is designed to prevent cavitation (or “pitting”) of the hull surface. The
vehicle is designed to focus surface charge energy to the stern where it is dispersed in a corona.
The UNITEL aircraft will be specifically shaped. Geometry has a great deal to do with Quantum
Mechanics. The geometrical “capped cone” teardrop shape is the ideal electromagnetic shape and it
represents what Electricity and Magnetism have in common. The microscopic monopole is
electromagnetic in nature and exerts a powerful magnetic attraction. The ship is the exact shape
described by the general vector potential (GVP) of all particles, including electrons and monopoles.
Power Source
The UNITEL vehicle will be powered by a small intrinsic power source such as a proton/anti-proton
exchanger. Although not the best option due to its large mass, the craft could carry a nuclear reactor as
are currently used in U.S. military subs. The computer-modulated high-frequency aircraft beacon type
magnetron coupled with a RF pulse compression (chirp) chamber will be located within the vehicle.
The chirped acoustic shock wave produced by the magnetron lens activation device is a propagating
stress wave of variable high frequency in optical (index) integers (i.e., 9 light waves to 900 RF waves
etc.). The forward positioned lens is tuned to allow specific perturbative stress points that are directed
toward defect points (Frenkel defects with cations and anions).
Control and Navigation
An onboard computer to will efficiently control the array of SDEs via a digital relay system. The
network of SDEs work unitarily and provide the ability to “chirp” the entire system in a precise variable
pattern. Technically in radar and/or laser jargon, this is referred to as a “phase conjugate steering
In addition to providing a protective shield, the close adhering cloud of electrons will flow over the
hull in acoustic surface waves or Rayleigh-Stonely waves. 3 modes of acoustic surface wave will be
used to control the ship: Running, Standing, or Retarded mode. The retarded mode would slow the
vehicle through interaction with the ZPE while the running mode would reduce friction for high-speed
travel. The standing mode could be used when the ship is hovering.
There is virtually no comparison between any type of explosive propellant that could match the
strength of electromagnetic attraction (of the projected laser plasma) to our vehicle. The vehicle will
have the ability to travel at various rates of velocity from a hover mode to near light speed. The
computer-modulated laser activation (microwave) system will be and contained within the vehicle’s
interior. The flight control system located within the vehicle will include a very high-speed integrated
circuit (VHSIC) computer to allow a smooth transition between low to extremely high velocities. 2
hatches will be built to receive equipment and personnel. The hatches will be flush with the hull, being
an active part of the charged hull system. Operation and control of the vehicle will be accomplished by
computer controlled phase conjugate (radar) techniques.
Due to the dielectric effect and interaction with the ZPE field, the projected plasma renormalizes
north and south poles with plus and minus charges distributed to either end of the projected plasma that
assumes the role of a Macroscopic light string. Only one end point of a light string is required to move
at the speed-of-light. The rotating charged end point of our projected plasma undergoes LorentzFitzgerald contraction and quickly becomes a very massive, dense “anti-ship” and assumes the role of an
anti-monopole or anti-quark posing an inverse-squared, infinite attraction over an infinite range to the
vehicle with the opposite charge.
The vehicle’s GVP shape has a topology that is effectively hemispherical and unites the
electromagnetic forces so as to become the electromagnetic energy density commutator or “weak link”
in the projected spiraling, pulsed train of plasma wavepackets that appear as a beaded chain. The
vehicle hence takes on the mathematical identity of 137 on a Macroscopic scale with the characteristics
of one composite unit pole and one composite unit charge. (Specifically the negatively-charged vehicle
is a south or north-seeking pole.) The positively-charged projected, rotating, charged, collapsed end
point of the laser plasma becomes the North Pole with flux-lines moving towards the vehicle. The
projected RF lines perfectly mimic and are equivalent to ferromagnetic field lines as found in a common
magnet. The vehicle jumps the beaded chain and commutes to the end of the projected light string,
never reaching the end (unless we want it to) as it arrives at point 'B'. We can slow the vehicle down by
feathering the signal of attraction in the projected field much like blurring the signal to your television
As a feasible application to mass transit: The entire voyage for a passenger riding in our High Speed
Mass Transportation Vehicle (say from our previously described station at point 'A' in Vancouver, BC to
Las Angeles, CA) should take less than a minute! There will be no windows for the rider to peer out of.
But if he could, the countryside would appear as a blinding blur of light as it rushed by. The passenger
will not feel the effects of acceleration. This is due to the observer dependent law. Like a fisherman in
a rowboat, the shore would appear to be floating by the boat -- not the boat gliding by the shore. The
arrival and departation stations will not require a large runway area like most airports and will be very
much like a regular train station. There would not be much of a wait for the traveler as the vehicles
would literally fly back-and-forth with most of the time taken to board and unload passengers.
Another important aspect to our exterior-charged vehicle is that we can modulate the standing wave
patterns can be heterodyned to either scatter (bend radar waves around the vehicle) or absorb all
incoming EM radiations within the resonant bandpass of the plasma of close adhering electrons on the
surface. The diamond layer provides the semiconducting modulation of the surface waves in a
Rayleigh-Stonely mode from the internal computer navigational & control system. This is an active
feedback (related in design to a resonance-based phase locked loop circuit) which actively modulates the
plasma frequency resonances. This allows our vehicle to be radar to be radar invisible (even by
frequency-agile monopulse radars!).
Concerning visible photonic signatures, our projected laser plasma can be minimized by introducing
the appropriate plasma characteristics. Very hot plasmas (such as in our case) may radiate the majority
of their radiation in the ultraviolet range and not be visible to the naked eye. Our system will be
designed to radiate predominantly in the infrared range.
Our projected laser plasma will create a plasma of ionized gas generated by electron guns or arc
discharges. The close adhering cloud of electrons on the surface of our vehicle’s hull would make an
excellent RAM because it offers no reflections and large attenuation of radar signals. A one cm 2 piece
of smart skin with exterior charge could produce 20-db reduction in radar reflectivity.
S-207. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding misc. posted articles/documents
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : Mark McWilliams <stealthskater@hotmail.com>
Subject : Re: interesting archived articles I found ...
Date : Fri, 01 Mar 2002 08:59:46 -0800
At 08:46 AM 3/1/02 -0500, you wrote:
> Larry -> Off-topic, perhaps. But I found these Rense's site archived at http://www.rense.com/ufo/ .
>1 to 3 may be in reverse chronological order (i.e., "1" is the latest, "3" is the earliest)
> 1) http://www.rense.com/ufo2/silic.htm
> 2) http://www.rense.com/ufo2/firmpay.htm
> 3) http://www.rense.com/ufo2/firmage.htm
> 4) [I suspect the 'Publisher' of this is Firmage himself]
> 5) These Russian crashed UFOs seem to resemble the cigar-shape dirigible craft you saw :
> 6) interesting opinion of encouraging UFO reports to propagate dis-info =>
> 7) more on the secret source of funds for top-secret "black" projects =>
> 8) a treatise saying that 'established theory" must precede funding by the U.S.
> Don't know if they shed any light or bolster any of your pet suspicions ...
>-- Mark
Note that it is wiped out every time somebody mentions that the ship at Roswell was cigar-shaped and
not a disc!
S-208. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding UNITEL computer game
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : Mark McWilliams <stealthskater@hotmail.com>
Subject : UNITEL Aerospace & Electronics - Interactive game
Date : Sat, 02 Mar 2002 18:57:21 -0800
Mark: FYI
> From: "Frank Mulligan" <fmul@cox.net>
> To: "Larry Maurer" <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
> Subject: Fw: csetimembers email list
> Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2002 01:07:11 -0700
> I peaked her interest. I hope I explained everything well. Well, you can correct my vagueness if
the CSETI people contact you.
> Can I work on the game, too? Andrew and I came up with the idea together!
> ----- Original Message ---->
>> From: "Frank Mulligan" <fmul@cox.net>
>> To: <coordinator@cseti.org>
>> Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 2:31 PM
>> Subject: Re: csetimembers email list
>> Regarding the ship … I talked to Mike Miller via phone Monday night, interviewing
him for the book. He's an amazing individual -- a Physics savant, contactee, and shaman.
>> Mike said the ship indeed produced over-unity effects by interacting with the ZPE using
Higg's bosons.
>> If you've read the news, there is current a hunt for this particle at Fermilab. It has been
dubbed the "God Particle" -- predicted by the unification of electromagnetism and the weak
force. It is believed to be the medium by which mass is produced in the Universe.
>> The quantum state of the electrons on the ship's hull are able to convert the scalar
quantity of the ZPE to a vector quantity and produce thrust. Mr. Miller said the ship would
produce 100 times the power that was put into it via an onboard nuclear reactor or
hopefully a proton-anti-proton exchanger. I asked him if we could ground the ship and just
use it for electricity. And he said "sure".
>> I hope that is informative. Our website http://www.unitelnw.com has some illustration
of these concepts.
>> I can put you in contact with Mike Miller and Larry Maurer if you need more
information. Stephen Greer already met Larry at his Portland town hall meeting. We have
a picture of him holding a model of our ship. Quite a treat!
>> Thanks for adding me to the mailing list. My Phoenix address is:
>> 2067 W. Des Moines Cir
>> Mesa, AZ 85254
>> Take care!
>> Frank
>> ----- Original Message ---->>> From: "Debbie Foch" <coordinator@cseti.org>
>>> To: "Frank Mulligan" <fmul@cox.net>
>>> Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 11:32 PM
>>> Subject: Re: csetimembers email list
>> > Hi Frank!
>>> Frank Mulligan wrote:
>>>> Thanks Debbie!
>>>> I've stayed in contact with some of the people I've met from the Seattle
Area. I met Jenny and Gorden at James Gilland's ranch last year. I got an email
announcing that they had gotten married last November!
>>> Yes. That's a big surprise. I think they got married on New Year's eve or
something like that...
>>>> I'm living in Arizona now. But we are still looking forward to starting on
the UNITEL project back in Portland. In the last month, there have been a flood
of interested investors. We need about 5 million to start development a scaleddown prototype for our electromagnetic ship design.
>>> Please send me your new address so I can update our mailing list.
>>>> We anticipate being very busy over the next year in our efforts to publish a
book, make 3D graphics, and produce a technical video.
>>> sounds like you will be really busy for sure! Is this ship an over-unity type thing?
>>>> I'm please to hear that Stephen Greer is proceeding favorably in his effort to
bring forward an over-unity device to market in the near future. I hope the
number of people pushing towards the new paradigm of prosperity and
sustainability will continue to increase.
>>> Hopefully he'll be able to find one. I don't know if he has yet or not.
>>> Take care, and good luck with everything! :)
>>> Debbie
S-209. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding contact with a Soviet UFO research
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : Mark McWilliams <stealthskater@hotmail.com>
Subject : Fwd: UNITEL Aerospace & Electronics
Date : Sun, 03 Mar 2002 22:59:49 -0800
I am very curious as to whether there is anything to this Russian UFO stuff. They are the kings of
copiers (beyond the Japanese!) -- i.e. Boeing Super Fortress B47 and so forth.
My God! imagine an intense escalation in the next 10-20 years and we do develop our "cigarshaped" vehicles. Then we have a major military engagement in the Afghanistan area which could lead
to a Third World War with India, Pakistan, etc. with our terrorist "Holy War" campaign whereby one of
our ships tunneled and crashed (like Roswell). A whole new can of worms we have to deal with in our
"next generation technology". Who knows. Aliens? Maybe. But the area sure smacks of the Bush9/11-WTO-Terrorist war going on as we speak. I wonder.....
> Date: Sun, 03 Mar 2002 22:44:32 -0800
> To: kutovoj@MAIL.IAE.LT
> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
> Subject: UNITEL Aerospace&Electronics
> Dear Igor:
> Please respond to this email. We are the only firm with a cigar-shaped all-electrical
quantum space vehicle in business today. I hope to hear from you. Thanks,
> Larry Maurer
> UNITEL, Inc.
S-210. from Dr. Jadczyk regarding Tom Bearden's theories of mind-body quantum interactions
From : "Arkadiusz Jadczyk" <lark1@ozline.net>
Reply-To : lark1@ozline.net
To : Mark McWilliams <stealthskater@hotmail.com>
Subject : new Bearden letter on mind-man interface
Date : Mon, 4 Mar 2002 09:30:38 -0500
On 4 Mar 2002, at 9:10, <stealthskater> wrote:
> Do you have any inclinations toward what the good Colonel Bearden is saying in this
particular letter?
He seems to be pretty consistent. His job (even if he is retired) seems to be to gather intelligence
and to disinform. But mainly to disinform. And he performs well.
Or so I think.
{from http://www.cheniere.org/correspondence/030202.htm }
>> Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2002 00:43:25 -0600
>> Matt,
>> You are correct. The mind does not reside in the brain or cells or in 3-space at all. But in the
time domain. Time, by the way, has the same energy density as mass but just over on the fourth
Minkowski axis ict where the only variable is t. So memory resides there also. It is totally
electromagnetic, but using time-polarized photons and time-polarized EM waves.
>> Since observation is a d/dt operator, when invoked on 4-space LLLT it strips away the T,
leaving a fixed, static LLL 3-space frozen snapshot. Since it is iterative, observation produces an
iterative series of those observables. No observable exists in time or "persists" a priori. Instead,
it continually recurs at an extraordinarily rapid rate like the individual frame of a motion picture
moving through the projector one frame at a time.
>> The Priore pumping of the cells in the time domain is not pumping the mind and memory.
Actually, that is the same mechanism that the cellular regenerative system uses to heal damaged
cells in the body. So Priore just unwittingly discovered how to amplify the natural healing
mechanism used by every living creature since the Beginning. If it affected our mind, then if
you had a major operation requiring lots of healing you would "lose much of your mind". And
you would lose some of your mind every time you sleep and replenish, restore, and repair the
cells. Obviously that does not happen.
>> The brain and nervous system is a sort of "tuner" which transduces the input time-polarized
EM waves into ordinary EM waves, intermixed with the incessant torrent of input from our
senses and the external environment. Thus the "intent" appears as occasional but coherent 3space electrical changes. Since these changes are coherent, they integrate into sufficient signals
to initiate the human physical servomechanisms.
>> That is how the mind produces real changes but cannot totally change the body because other
non-intent changes are occurring at a fantastic pace. To control the system, a feedback loop is
necessary. Movement and dynamicism in 3-space physical changes in the body can be shown to
also produce coherent changes in the mind domain (on the time-axis; that's simple special
relativity and rotation of the frame a bit with any change). So these feedback response signals
from the body to the mind are in the virtual state. But being coherent, they integrate into
"observable" changes to the mind there on the time axis. Hence the mind gets a return delayed
feedback of the response of the body.
>> The delay in the feedback receipt from the time of the intent projection gives the sense of
persistence or existence. So it creates the sense of "Self". It also identifies that physical set of
responses fed back to it from that body as "my body" since other bodies are not giving it
>> On the other hand, the tremendous additional changes that were non-intent and did not match
intent, gives us the sense of "the external separate world and its observed phenomena". That
gives us the sense of differing from our Universe. Yet the intermingling of our intent responses
in those non-intent responses also gives us a sense of being "simultaneous" or "at one" with the
Universe or part of it.
>> This is the solution to the age-old unsolved problems of nature of mind, nature of selfidentity, etc. It also is directly engineerable if one develops the time-polarized EM technology.
>> In Quantum Field Theory, there are 4 photon polarizations. With z taken as the direction of
propagation, then if the energy is vibrating in space along the x- or y-axis, that gives the 2
"transverse" polarized photons. If the energy is vibrating in space along the z-axis (along the line
of propagation), it vibrates to-and-fro along the line of motion like an accordion. And that is the
longitudinally polarized photon. If the energy is over on the time axis and vibrates along it, it is
a time-polarized or "scalar" photon.
>> Neither the scalar or longitudinal photon is individually observable. But the combination is
observed as the instantaneous scalar potential. So Quantum Field Theory has the innate ability to
allow developing the engineering of the mind in all its aspects. That is what Russian
psychoenergetics is -- the application of scalar (time-polarized) EM technology to directly
engineer the mind and the mind-body loop.
>> They envision eventually even engineering the deepest levels of the mind including the
collective human unconscious mind.
>> Cheers,
>> Tom
>>> Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 11:35 PM
>>> To: Tom Bearden
>>> Subject: cell time-reversal and losing your knowledge. He asked the simple question:
"when your cells are time-reversed (including your brain cells), do you lose the information
that you have learned?" We both thought not. Are we correct?
>>> Hope you are doing well.
>>> Regards,
>>> Matt
S-211. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding contact with a Soviet UFO research
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Fwd: Fw: Tunguska's article for magazine release
Date : Mon, 04 Mar 2002 12:34:34 -0800
Attachment : tseng.zip (84k)  [ Appendix: UNITEL_attachment_S-211 ]
Hi Mark:
I got your book you sent me today. You're right. It looks pretty good for being homemade! I am also
forwarding the Tungusta stuff that I just received today to you. Enjoy!
-- Larry
> From: kutovoj@mail.iae.lt
>To: lmaurer@unitelnw.com
>Subject: Fw: Tunguska's article for magazine release
>Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 13:41:39 +0100
>>> ----- éÓÈÏÄÎÏÅ ÓÏÏÂÝÅÎÉÅ ---->>> From: Anatolij Kutovoj <kutovoj@mail.iae.lt>
>>> To: FATE <fate@llewellyn.com>
>>> ïÔÐÒÁ×ÌÅÎÏ: 4 ÍÁÒÔÁ 2002 Ç. 13:26
>>> ôÅÍÁ: Tunguska article for magazine release
>>> Dear Miss Phyllis Galde,
>>> I would like to offer to you new material (attached here) for release. It was written by Phd.
V.N. Salnikov og Siberia, Tomsk especially for a reading by people in your part of the World.
Mr. Salnikov would like to get also any new contacts with concerned men in your country on
similar and nearby subjects.
>>> Sincerely Yours,
>>> Anatolij Kutovoj
>>> Russian UFO Research Station
V.N.Salnikov, E.V.Loukianova
The term "electromagnetic systems" was suggested by the author in 1983 in order to explain the
existence of discrete electromagnetic fields. Theoretical and experimental proof of made proposals had
been finished by 1985 and announced at the seminar devoted to non-periodical fast phenomenon in the
Electromagnetic systems are considered to mean all objects of substance and field structure in the
form of plasmoids of various shapes that are observed in the atmosphere, lithosphere, open space and
which radiate electromagnetic impulses over the wide range from gamma radiation to radio wave
lengths, light, and heat. Electromagnetic systems in the surrounding medium may be partitioned into
atmospheric, lithospheric, hydrospheric by the place of formation and into native and technogenic by the
source of energy.
The mechanisms of their stability, convergence, and polymorphism are under consideration. It has
been established that output or annihilation of electromagnetic systems occurs within rift mountain
structures, mountain chains, ring structures, boundary zones of geosyncline regions and platforms,
tectonic zones, within places of intersections of tectonic faults and structures, river systems, lines of
mechanic stresses in rock massifs. Models of stable electromagnetic systems relying on the studies of
the places of their influence upon the lithosphere have been suggested by the author. It has been
demonstrated by the example of such objects that field electromagnetic system may form in the
lithosphere when phase transmission of the minerals generating the electromagnetic radiation.
Such systems taking on the quasi-crystal structure in Riemannian elliptical space are of
superconductivity and may be blew out from the Atmosphere into the Lithosphere. Trending to
transfer from field discrete to substantial structure electromagnetic systems compensate the points of
field quasi-crystal by amers, atoms, molecules, particles of rocks. It has been supposed that related
mechanism of such anomalous holes formation took place in Kemerovskaya oblast (Krapivinsky and
Izmorsky districts) and in Volgogradskaya oblast. Microtungusk fallen wood has been investigated in
1990 in Petrozavodsk region (Karelia).
In the middle 1970s, the scientists paid attention to mechanical/electrical transformations in the
rocks leading to accumulation of space charge and its relaxation. This process of appearance in the
lithosphere "underground thunderstorm" may cause the earthquakes and consequently the changes of
relief. However, the descriptions of the processes causing the changes of the Earth's surface under the
influence of electromagnetic energy appeared only 20 years later. Formation of diatherms as a result of
electrical break down between flying bolide and the earth; fallen wood in Podkamennaya Tunguska ;
ether emanations from the central parts of the earth and formation of ether/gravitation bolide at the
sacrifice of substance from the place of its formation (Sasovsky explosion, Voronov crater).
Many convictions concerning Tungusk catastrophe were suggested but none of them can explain
many conflicting facts. The most of hypotheses provide explanations by appearance of meteorite, space
shuttle, UFO, coronar-seized Solar prominence, or superconductor. Very few of them interpret the
causes of the catastrophe as lithospheric/atmospheric event -- explosion of gas released from the bogs
and abyssal faults, electrical break down between lithosphere , bolide and atmosphere, laser impact of
atmospheric lens consisted of nitrogen or carbonic-acid gas with atmospheric steam on the central part
of Siberian magnetic anomaly.
A number geophysical, biological, and psychological evidences support lithospheric hypothesis of
Tungusk phenomenon appearance. There are a lot of methods to forecast the anomalous events from
geophysical to extrasensorical nature. These are quite earthly influences of geophysical fields upon
animals and human beings and glean information from other creatures.
The -scheme of gravibolide motion in A.F.Chernyayev's view (a,b);
electromagnetic system formation, its annihilation in Voronov's crater (1), and
electromagnetic whirl motion: 1 - crater opened by Voronov in 1990; 2,3,5 - fallen wood
(satellites of electromagnetic system); 4,6 - Shishkovsky and Kulikovsky fallen wood
(main zones of electromagnetic system annihilation)
Fig.2 Direction of the trajectory of suggested bolide flights (a) 1in I.M.Suskov's view; 2- in I.S.Astapovich's view; 3 - in
Ye.A.Krinov's view; 4 - in V.G.Konenkin's view; 5 -along
the fallen wood axis; 6 - in V.G.Fast's view; in a spiral
(V.N.Salnikov); b -directions of isolated fallen woods in
Ye.A.Krinov's view and spiral of electromagnetic system
It is supposed that field electromagnetic system akin to Kemerovsky shown while hole formation
and Sasovsky shown while crater formation had originated at the place of Tungusk catastrophe. Such
system taking on quasi-crystal structures in Riemannian elliptical space is blew out from the atmosphere
and compensates the points of quasi-crystal by substance.
Really, when adding electromagnetic waterspout formed as a result of electromagnetic system
release from the Earth at the place of Voronov crater to the scheme given in A.F.Chernayev's book, we
will see the path of electromagnetic system movement after its release into atmosphere and places of
fallen wood (Fig.l). A.F.Chernayev has established that in the vicinity of Kulikovsky wood fell there
are further 4 fells (2-5) but they are less in size. Probably all these fells or part of them are related to the
catastrophe and their random spread about suggested flight path is amenable to some regularity.
Conceivably all these fells or part of them might be related to the catastrophe and their coincidental
spread about the suggested flight trajectory follows some law.
The same can be noted about the cone (1). A.F.Chernyayev considers that existence of the cone
changes the notion of meteorite, its flight trajectory, and sequence of events. The cone (1) found by
V.Komelev in I960 is, probably, the first zone of lithosphere electromagnetic discharge. It seems likely
that at 7-14 several high-power explosions took place. People in Krasnoyarsk region observed very
bright bolide. The witnesses from different places saw different figures as though there was the same
Further still, the same phenomenon was observed in a different time. Almost all observations took
place after 7-30 and the discordance between the pointed by the witnesses directions of the flight was
150°. These different "bolide" flight directions may be explained if to plot spiral type of
electromagnetic system motion on the known diagram of meteorite flight observation distributions (Fig.
A.B.Zotov estimated the parameters of Tungusk space object starting from study of wood fell map
constructed on the basis of data obtained while expedition of Committee on Meteorites under the
Academy of Sciences in 1961. When analyzing interaction between ballistic and explosion waves
formed while flight and explosion of the object, A.F.Chernyayev writes: "Violent dance of escaping and
falling to pieces gravibolide created intricate fallen wood picture that put investigators, especially
believing in existence of sole explosion, in a spot."
Ye.Krinov described the fallen wood as follows: "Explosion wave seems to act unevenly around
the place of meteorite landing and not only relief protected against the wave influence."
It may be concluded that explosion wave produced damages in certain directions. These selective
destructions could be seen on the aerial photographs of the area placed at a distance of 2-3 km in
westerly direction from the place of meteorite landing". The scheme of fallen wood (TechnikaMolodyozy, N 8, 1977) with spiral of electromagnetic whirl allows to explain the complexity of the
fallen wood in this zone (Fig. 2-b). This rather symmetric picture of fallen wood called "wings of
butterfly" or "butterfly" is observed over the large area (Technika-Molodyozy, N 1, 1984). The
existence of "butterfly" is indicative of single explosion. Spiral of the main electromagnetic whirl added
by us amplifies the hypothesis about vortical and toroidal motion of both ether and electromagnetic
fields (in quasi-crystal state) releasing from lithosphere.
The foregoing proves that the place of Tungusk catastrophe is geoactive zone where
electromagnetic waveguide of lithosphere locate. And by means of these waveguides the exchange by
energy between earth, atmosphere ,and space takes place.
1. Salnikov V.N. Electromagnetic system formation in lithosphere // Neperiod. bystroprotec, yavl. v
okruz. srede.-Tomsk, 1988. - pp. 66-68.
2. Salnikov V.N. Electromagnetic systems of lithosphere and technogenesis (anomalous phenomenon)
//TPI. -Tomsk, 1991. -384 pp. - Dep. v VINITI 18.03.91, N 1156-b91.
3. Salnikov V.N. Sinergism of electromagnetic systems //Izbran. mater. 8 Region. nauchno-techn.
seminara: Noosphern. vzaimodeystv i synergetika. -Tomsk, 1994. pp.26-27.
4. Salnikov V.N., Fedoshenko V.I. Anomalous photoeffects in geoactive zones and mechanisms of
electromagnetic system formation (UFO) // Dokl. 3 mezdunar. mezdisz. nauchno-techn. shc.seminara: Neperiod. bystroprotek. yavl. v okruz. srede/TPI. -Tomsk, 1992. -pp 91-105.
5. Salnikov V.N., Tokarenko G.G. Radiation and biolocation environment in the region when
anomalous crater appearance in Izhmorsky region, Kemerovskaya oblast //Izbran. mater. 7 Region.
seminara:Noosphern. vzaimodeystv. i yadern. bezopasnost.-Tomsk, 1994,-pp.73-94.
6. Salnikov V.N. Native/technogenic zones of electromagnetic discharge //Neperiod. bystroprotek.
yavl. v okruz. srede /TPI. -Tomsk,1990. -V.3. -pp.157-179. -Dep. V VINITI 1 5.02.91, N776-B91.
7. Vorobyov A.A. About possibility of electrical discharges in the earth's bowels //Geologia i
geophysika. -1970. -N12. -pp.3-13.
8. Khazanovich-Vulf K.K.. Cosmic model of formation and distribution ofdiaterms and problems of
kimberlite metallogeny //DAN SSSR. -1991. -N6, V.319. -pp. 1409-1412.
9. Oikhovatov Yu.A. About possible role of seismic/tectonical processes in Tungusk phenomenon,
1908 //Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. Physica Zemly. -1991. -N7. -pp. 105-112.
10. Chernyayev A.F. What can be found within the area of Tungusk explosion?//Dokl. konf. ENIO-91. Krasnodar, 1991, vyp.3. -pp.91-92.
11. Dmitriyev A.N., Zhuravlyov V.K. Tungusk phenomenon - kind of solar-earth relationship. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1984. -143p.
12. Ziobin a.Ye. About interaction of meteorite object - superconductor with atmosphere and magnetic
field of the earth (new hypothesis about physical nature of Tungusk phenomenon) //Tez.dokl.shk.seminara:Neperiod. bystroprotek. yavl. v okruz. srede. -Tomsk, 1988. -V.3. -pp.214-215.
13. Chernyayev A.F. Stones fall in the sky (from Tungusk to Sassovsk explosion...). -M.: typograf.
CNIIEPselstroy, 1992. -132p.
14. Salnikov V.N. A.F.Chernyayev's lithospheric/ether hypothesis concerned crater origin and Tungusk
catastrpha //3 Tomsk mezdunar. mezdiscipl. nauchno-techn.shk.-seminar:Neperiod. bystroprotek.
yavl. v okruz. srede /TPI. -Tomsk, 1992.pp.98-108.
15. Zolotov A.B. Evaluation of Tungusk space object sizes in accordance with new data obtained//DAN
SSSR. -1967. V.172, N5. -pp. 1049-1052.
S-212. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding correspondence with a Soviet UFO research
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Fwd: Re: Fw: Tunguska's article for magazine release
Date : Mon, 04 Mar 2002 21:49:45 -0800
> Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 21:46:26 -0800
> To: kutovoj@mail.iae.lt
> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
> Subject: Re: Fw: Tunguska's article for magazine release
> Dear Anatolij:
> Thank you for the attached articles. We have reverse- or back-engineered our quantum EM allelectric space vehicle and laser propulsion system design from sightings that we had in 1981 here in
Oregon. The entire town of Eugene, Oregon were buzzed by the same spaceships that were not U.S.
military craft. We have an autobiography book entitled Flying Colors that we could sell in Russia. I
think you will enjoy our book. I have attached a graphic of our ship design.
> Sincerely,
> Larry Maurer
> UNITEL, Inc.
S-214. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding alternative propulsion technologies
From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To: stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: I agree with you ...
Date : Tue, 12 Mar 2002 12:24:49 -0800
I must admit that until I saw the actual craft(s) and then studied the technology involved with the
propulsion system, I thought as everyone else does now. That is; blasting out of the stern of a vehicle to
propel it forward. I am astounded at the beauty of getting much more out of 'Attraction' than
'Repulsion'. I have always been interested in spaceship designs since childhood and have always kept
pretty much abreast of the latest designs. I had always hoped for a StarTrek-like space propulsion
design. But I never ever had any idea that I would take such an active part in its development. I guess
that's God's way of making things happen!
Speaking of which, God was a subject I used to discuss back in the draft days of Viet Nam conflict
when I would talk to atheists who would claim a similar notion: "how could there be an all powerful
God when you are standing in a pile of blown-up soldiers and you can't tell whose body is whose?"
That's just the way it works, though. I only know that I KNOW there is a God and I leave it at that.
Each to their own, I say. I have seen people act like puppets as if they were on some sort of prearranged
destiny. Dancing on invisible strings. Much more than meets the eye.
Life is all over much too fast and I sure hope that I see something happen in my lifetime. Most
likely, someone will build our ships in the Future. It was the same with the jet engine and rockets, etc.
Only we had WWII to speed things up. Now we have to rely on graphics to show the way. Here's
At 07:02 AM 3/12/02 -0500, you wrote:
>> from Larry Maurer:
>> Yes, I am seriously wondering if anyone really does care about going to Space
anymore or not. I used to get that kind of crap from some off-beat negative individual
with a negative attitude toward space travel. They would say things like "why would
we want to drag Mankind into any new places when we can't even manage the space we
have". Sometimes I get the feeling that "Star Trek" is good enough for the populace
and they are satisfied with imaginary space travel and really don't want to waste their
time on creating something real that will allow space travel. After all, if they want to
get involved with space, etc., all they have to do is turn on their TV set. That's the way
the oil & rocket boys want it and that is why any new non-oil/rocket inventions come
along they get squelched and no one ever really complains.
> I agree. It seems like the fascination all of us experienced during the Apollo program is not
shared by the current generation. Even my mother -- who lived through it -- could care less
about space travel or alien conspiracies. They only care if it can better their lifestyles. My
dad had a good imagination and liked space programs as well as science-fiction. When I was
a kid, he would take me to those (new-at-that-time) monster movies like "Forbidden Planet"
and "The Blob". Just he and I would go. Nobody else in the family wanted to. Although he
didn't have the science background that I had, that didn't stop him from asking questions and
making comparisons. When learning of the expanding Universe (and possibly contracting
one as well -- i.e, the Big Crunch), he mused that it could be likened to a giant "heartbeat",
implying a connection to God.
> He always had a problem with religion because of his WWII experience fighting the
Japanese in the Philippines theater. He found it difficult to believe in a "God" who would
permit so many atrocities to take place. He also said both sides committed the same crimes.
And that it was always the "losing side" that was branded as war criminals. He had a changeof-heart after suffering a near-fatal heart attack and experiencing some sort of near-death
episode. He confided most of that to the minister of his church. I didn't get the whole story
on that. It provided a chance for him to have a good talk with the minister who I think
changed my father's way of thinking. "Some questions just cannot be answered in our mortal
existence" and "for whatever reason, God chooses to let events unfold but He can make
'good' things arise out of a 'bad' situations." I think that helped restore some semblance of
faith within him that he kept for the last remaining years.
> I am absolutely convinced that he would be PROUD to have the UNITEL story highlighted
(as I indeed did) in the only book that he ever wrote.
>> I have even been told that outside alien groups are controlling the whole direction of
the World on an International basis so that we are headed on a self-destruct path like
Lemmings being led down the path towards the cliff. I wonder if this may be true …
> I've heard probably the same stuff you have. I asked "Peter Moon" (co-author of those
Montauk books) if he thought getting together all the middle-of-the-road researchers on
UFOs to make some first cut of a UFO "bible" that everyone would agree on. BTW, that is
how the real Bible came into being. The leading Christian scholars of the day (I forget the
date, but it was centuries after Jesus had died) met to decide what books/manuscripts would
go into the "Bible". They had certain criteria that they used in their selection (so you could
say with some justification that this was "front-loaded" and biased). Hundreds were thrown
out; some 40-or-so were kept. Other factions included a few more.
> Moon responded cynically that he doubted if any 2 researchers -- even "middle-of-theroad" types -- could agree on anything on the UFO issue. He's probably right. It would be a
waste of time. I'm convinced the Government and Military know a lot of this ET agenda. I
side with Bob Lazar (whether he actually worked on the stuff or not) as far as relatively few
abductions; no cattle mutilations; no massive ET civilizations underground; and no
Illuminati-type conspiracy.
> This is not shared by right-wing UFOologists like Bill Cooper and John Lear. I think there
is definitely something to Sherman's "Project Preserve Destiny" about keeping ET
communications in spite of a future World catastrophe. I'm beginning to think the Human
Genome Project (to identify all the genes in DNA) was actually a cover to search for ET
"marker genes" which they supposedly found in a fraction of the populace. This would
bolster the theory that if not created directly by aliens, then we at least had our evolution
altered through History by them. I've read that in many places -- not only Lazar.
> That revelation would certainly cause upheavals in Society and reduce if not eliminate the
Church's influence on the masses. I think that is why Reagan met with the Pope. Shortly
afterward -- like "magic"! the Berlin Wall comes tumbling down. Regarding the stuff they've
found on Mars, Gore was briefed on that while he was still VP and in the middle of the
Presidential race.
> I know there is some link between atomic blasts and the ETs. I don't believe the worldwide
moratorium on ANY type of nuclear testing would suddenly occur without cause. I don't
know if these affect the scalar properties of the Universe and indirectly their existence. I do
know that some of the effects of the Hiroshima blast are still classified "top secret" more than
50 years afterwards. Why???
> The slant on the "technology exchange" program between us and the ETs that I heard was
that it was on-going as long as "they" controlled the application. They didn't intend to show
us how something was done and then turn it over to us to use. This technology must use
some strange physics -- even metaphysics -- if the best minds in the World (e.g., Sakahrov,
Teller, von Newman, etc.) are completely stumped. I do believe Lazar when he said not
much progress had been made over the decades in complete reverse-engineering. I guess we
were successful in adapting some of that stuff in our military programs. But a lot of it still
remains a mystery. (Tim Swartz reports of a device that seems to use muons to extract
energy from the "vacuum". Nobody can duplicate it or knows how exactly it works.)
> You know that UFOs exist. You saw them twice with your own eyes. Your former boss
(Ray) knows more than he can tell. My college friend who became an A-7 pilot said -- in an
almost non-caring tone-of-voice -- "sure they're up there ... we see them every once in-awhile ... but we're under orders just to keep an eye on them and not bother them and go about
our mission at hand".
> I have gotten the impression that "they" only reveal themselves when (1) they are
displeased with something we are doing or (2) to impart information (like perhaps they did
with you, Mike, and Jason). If there is such a thing as "the Horrible Truth", I don't think it's
that "they" exist but rather than they created-or-altered our existence through the ages. That
would say to people that we weren't created by God. But then one could counter with "well
who created them, then?" And so on. Everything has to have a beginning. It doesn't disrupt
my faith in the Almighty. It just shows a little more of how He accomplished certain tasks.
Maybe some of the "angels" are more related to ETs. Again, so what? Both are more-thanmortal.
> I am really at a loss with these different time-lines and possible other worlds (e.g.,
Everett/Wheeler 'Many Worlds' quantum theory). Some of that Montauk stuff makes sense
technologically. Recent work suggests that the greater percentage of these "other worlds"
that are created by each quantum "decision" are short-lived and collapse almost
instantaneously. It reminds me of Einstein arguing about the Uncertainty Principle -scoffing at the notion that the Moon exists just because a mouse looks at it (causing the
probability wave function to collapse). A recent article on 'decoherence' suggested that (in
layman's terms)all the particles in the Universe "keep an eye" on each other and thereby
collapsing all wave functions.
> Aside from using remote-viewers to generate certain thought patterns, the "key" to the
Montauk stuff was in an antenna arrangement that ingeniously caused a magnetic field to be
rotated faster-than-light at its center. Modulating this with certain frequency-"hoppings"
created a crude set of "tunnels" by which people could actually enter and explore different
realms (think of "Stargate").
> If true, I wonder if the UNITEL technology could be used to open up a QT "porthole" such
that you wouldn't need a spaceship. Maybe the ET craft are self-contained "porthole
generators" (or as Nichols calls them, "artificial reality" generators) rather than flying craft as
we always thought. I'm convinced there is some mental connection. But that is way out of
my league. If true, I could see why it would stump engineers and scientists like Teller and
> The fact that the ET stuff seems to have been assigned a low-profile with the NSC (e.g., the
PI-40 Special Study Group) seems to imply that there is no threat to our government or
society from them. It's almost business-as-usual for our elected leaders who don't have to
worry about dealing with the ETs. I do think they "keep us in line" with their impromptu
deliberate exposures (sightings).
>>I do know one thing. And that is no one else is going to do anything but us to get
attention for our technology to come to fruition. The other thing is really excellent
moving graphics will wow the folks enough to pay attention and maybe -- just a slight
chance -- they might understand how our proposed devices will work. Pretty pictures
in pretty packages are where it's at! A picture paints a thousand words and that is why I
believe that even our technical material is worth …
> That's a shame when you have to resort to a "circus act" to command people's attention.
Schoolteachers have to be as much of personal cheerleaders/motivators to get kids to learn as
they do masters of the material they are teaching. That's not right. But sadly, it's the way
things are done today.
> I admire you, Larry, for holding fast to your dream and bending with the forces to adapt
your policies to a fickle world. By myself ... alone ... I'd be tempted to take the secrets to my
grave and tell all those people where to get off! (I didn't sleep well last night because I'm still
so pissed off at Microsoft for deleting my account. And that is so trivial compared to what
you continually have to face.)
> -- Mark
S-215. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding Russia's family of Flanker Fighter Aircraft
From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To: stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: Soviet Flankers
Date : Tue, 12 Mar 2002 17:04:50 -0800
At 07:55 AM 3/12/02 -0500, you wrote:
> Good technical information about the Soviet "Flanker" series of aircraft at =>
> -- Mark
Wow, Mark!
That Soviet SU-30 sure is something to behold, isn't it?! The way old G. Bush is rattling his sabers,
we may be battling those at Mig Alley once again. Imagine, each one with its group of nuclear warhead
missiles. Not to worry, though. Old UNITEL will come to the rescue!
Imagine a whole fleet of those rascals smokin' down the terrain coming right at you. The 'General
Alarm' is sounded and the UNITEL vehicles are disbursed to the scene. One ship per 200 invaders? No
problem! In a few nanoseconds, the UNITEL interceptors are right on the attackers and ...
… bink, bink, bink one-by-one, each invader is "touched" by the UNITEL laser beam projected in
front of the vehicle like a bee stinging the attackers moving at Mach 2.5. In a few nanoseconds, each
one of the invading SU-30s are plummeting to the ground helpless dead stick, out of control.
Meanwhile back at the control panel, the command post brings the UNITEL drones in. In a matter of
seconds, the whole invading fleet is destroyed and not a single life or drone lost!
Boy, Mark, I can't wait to do some graphics depicting this kind of stuff! Sure makes that SU-30 look
like an old Model-T in our description, aye? You know it's the "quick or the dead" and "he who flies
highest" etc.
S-216. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding correspondence to Dave Froning of Boeing
From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To: stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Fwd: UNITEL, Inc.
Date : Tue, 12 Mar 2002 21:21:51 -0800
> Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 21:14:01 -0800
> To: Dave Froning (Boeing Aerospace)
> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
> Subject: Fwd: UNITEL, Inc.
> Dave:
> I have been working on the storyboard on the film "Tunnel Time" we discussed doing. I have
attached it for your review. I would appreciate your opinion and input etc. on making additions and
changes, refining the content and so forth. We will use this as sort of a template for our group of
film -makers. That way, each individual can modify the content of the film as they would like it
> We could really use a list of aerospace designers with similar propulsion system as yourself and
the suggested individuals listed. I know there are now scads of inventor/designers with a design that
would perform MQT or higher dimensions, folding space. And if anyone should know where to find
them, you should know, Dave. I think it is a wonderful exciting subject and we could really get a lot
of attention if we do the film properly. With the individuals listed we have a pretty good start. It is
going to be fun to show moving 3D graphics of your illustrations from your JBIS Journal, for
> I talked to Maxann and Jody and they are all excited and ready to assist creating our film, Dave. I
could really use your help in creating our film. It should do nothing but good for us, Dave, if the
film is of agreeable high-quality and scientifically sound. Your experience in being filmed already is
helpful to us too. The more JBIS, IAA-IAF, STAIOF & NASA affiliates (along with Russian, UK
& the rest of the world's) inventors, the better. Perhaps starting with Albucierre's design might be a
good place to start in illustrating various designs besides UNITEL's. This is a chance to really get
some attention to ourselves and our fellow aerospace people and their projects that relate to MQT.
> Anyway, Dave, check out the attached storyboard and let me know your ideas. I added a couple of
articles on NASA BPP, the latest Administration statement on NASA and a quote from Kaku.
Incidentally Kaku and/or Thorne could be on the film talking about wormholes. It all relates. We
are also making progress on funding our film too. I hope to hear from you soon.
>> Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 16:35:01 -0800
>> To: maxann@comporium.net
>> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
>> Subject: UNITEL, Inc.
>> Dear Maxann:
>> I hope you are feeling better! Contact me when you feel like it.
>> Regards,
>> Larry Maurer
>> UNITEL, Inc.
>>> Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 16:13:25 -0800
>>> To: pkirsh@ucla.edu
>>> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
>>> Subject: Re: Professor Wise has 2 Ph.D.s in History and Physics.
>>>Sounds cool, Paul! Good luck!
>>> At 12:24 PM 3/12/02 -0800, you wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I noticed there is a professor at UCLA who holds a Ph.D. in History and a
Ph.D. in Physics. His name is Dr. Norton Wise. See his resume website at:
>>>> Maybe down the line as the book advances, I could show it to him and he
could write something for the jacket. Just a thought.
>>>> Otherwise, things are really crazy here with workload overdose. I guess
(hope) it will ease off next week.
>>>> Best, Paul
March 9, 2002
(Show graphics of working prototype(s) under full flight in outerspace. Showing the UNITEL
“mother ship” with orbiting vehicles in a bound state as one design for a MQT application.)
[Narrator] Thanks for watching as we follow the path of some of the most amazing and exciting
scientific breakthroughs ever in the history of flight development. The subject we will be covering in
this program is about the design for traveling to the distant regions of outerspace. What you just saw is
an artist's conception of just one design out of several that utilizes MQT to travel to distant areas in our
universe that are unattainable by any other means conventional or otherwise.
The type of propulsion design may seem wild and fictitious but is, in fact, based on sound accepted
scientific principles. Our feature story presents MQT applied to a space propulsion system and will try
to show how the design concept works. The idea of applying MQT to space travel has been around for
about 20 years and is growing ever more popular amongst several world class scientists, engineers,
physicists, and professionals involved in the international aerospace industry. The information we will
be presenting represents a momentous occasion in the history of aerospace design and flight concepts.
So come along with me as I talk to these top aerospace experts and inventors who are now developing
these exciting new breakthroughs in flight designs.
(show general scenes of various aerospace organizations and individuals with signs, logos, etc.)
The common thread that binds most of the inventors and aerospace designers NASA is interested in
is the fascinating property of Nature called “quantum tunneling”. Or more specifically; quantum
“elastic” tunneling.
(show graphics of a particle undergoing tunneling)
What is quantum tunneling? I’m sure most of you have heard of the tunneling electron microscopes
that have been in the news lately along with other devices related to quantum tunneling. Here, for
example, is a tunneling electron microscope in use today in a medical research laboratory (show actual
footage of a TEM in use in the laboratory).
This is proof that even atoms can be manipulated on a Macroscopic level using tunneling techniques.
[Narrator] One of World’s foremost experts on quantum tunneling is Raymond Y. Chiao, PhD.,
Professor, Physics Dept., University of California at Berkeley, CA. We noticed in the BPP
announcement one of Dr. Chiao’s papers on the subject of tunneling as a reference: Ref. 16. Chiao, R.
Y., Steinberg, A. M., and Kwiat, P. G. (1994) “The Photonic Tunneling Time and the Superluminal
Propagation of Wave Packets,” Proc. of the Adriatico Workshop on Quantum Interferometry,
DeMartini, Denardo, and Zeilinger, eds., World Scientific, Singapore, p. 258.
Storyboard 1
Dr. Raymond Y. Chiao describes in simple layman terms what tunneling is. The information given is
related to their article “Faster Than Light” published in Scientific American, August, 1993.
[Narrator] "The idea -- which is being contemplated at the behest of the Bush Adminstration -- is to get
the agency out of the space transportation business so that it can focus instead on the type of research
needed to develop a next-generation spaceship to replace the aging shuttles."
(This article was forwarded to you from space.com -- http://www.space.com ©2000 SPACE.com, inc.
"NASA Shuttle, Station Projects Face Uncertain Future"
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -- NASA's space shuttle and International Space Station programs are
entering an era of sweeping change and uncertainty -- one that could fundamentally alter the way the
United States has pursued human space exploration for more than 40 years.
Still struggling to rein in a $5 billion cost overrun and facing four years of federal budget cuts, the
scaled-back station project is on financial probation for at least the next 2 years. Despite remarkable
success in construction to date, the outpost may never be expanded to house crews of 6 or 7, a capability
deemed critical to hosting a worldclass science research program -- the station's stated reason for being.
NASA's shuttle program, at the same time, is inextricably linked to the embattled station project, its
flight manifest booked almost exclusively with trips to the outpost. And in a bid to save money, the
agency's $8 billion shuttle fleet will be flying fewer-and-fewer missions over the next 4 years, raising
questions about the need for 4 orbiters, 3 processing hangars, and twin launch pads here at Kennedy
Space Center. Coming hand-in-hand with falling budgets, the specter of job cuts at NASA field centers
and contractor sites around the Nation.
Also looming on the horizon is the chance that NASA might turn over its shuttle fleet to a private
company -- a move that would end the agency's 41-year monopoly on piloted American spaceflight.
The idea -- which is being contemplated at the behest of the Bush Administration -- is to get the agency
out of the space transportation business so that it can focus instead on the type of research needed to
develop a next-generation spaceship to replace the aging shuttles.
The cloudy future of U.S. human spaceflight, meanwhile, has left many shuttle and station workers
uneasy, a situation best summed up by former NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin the day he
announced his resignation from the agency. "Hey, transition is a tough time and people are nervous,"
Goldin told reporters in a cross-country teleconference last November. "Now if people believe in the
tooth fairies -- that there are going to be piles of more money for NASA to spend so we can continue to
have thousands of government employees work on the shuttle and not on cutting-edge R&D -- then
that's going to happen."
But the reality is that NASA is edging up to a crucial crossroads.
"And you know what? There's an old Tibetan saying that say when you come to a fork in the road,
take the more difficult path. And that is what we are doing," Goldin said. "Is there angst? Yes. But if
we don't start trusting the private sector after 20 or 21 years of shuttle operations, then there's never a
time to do it."
Stretched Thin
The thoroughfare leading up to the crossroads largely was paved by the high cost of the shuttle and
station programs as well as a Bush Administration push to let industry take over government work when
it's deemed more economical to do so. Constrained by a congressionally mandated $25 billion station
cost cap, NASA reluctantly admitted in early 2001 that it would take an extra $5 billion to complete the
U.S. segment of the international outpost as originally envisioned. Newly elected, Bush balked at the
cost which doesn't include $11 billion that NASA spent between 1984 and 1994 on station research and
And in a move that still irks NASA's 15 international partners and the station science community,
the Administration ordered the agency to stop work on an American dormitory module and a U.S. crew
rescue vehicle. Both components -- which NASA promised to build as part of the January 1998
agreements that govern the 16-nation project -- are crucial to expanding station staffing from 3 to 6 or 7
-- a level required to conduct a robust research program aboard the outpost.
The European and Japanese space agencies, meanwhile, have spent billions to build their own station
labs and both are concerned that there will be nobody to work within them once the facilities are
delivered to the outpost around 2005. Even the current station crew admits they spend most of their
time on routine maintenance or spacewalking assembly work, with little time left over for science
"We're stretched pretty thin between having to do the spacewalks, the regular maintenance on
station, and to do the science. We're basically jacks-of-all-trades up here," U.S. flight engineer Daniel
Bursch said in a recent space-to-ground interview.
Ground teams remotely control many station science experiments, he noted. But others call for
astronauts and cosmonauts to take an active role in the research work.
"I definitely think staying at a crew of three, we're going to reach a point where the science is going
to suffer," Bursch said. "We're not going to be able to spend as much time (on research) if we only have
a crew of three."
Let's talk to one of the World’s leading experts on the subject. I would like to introduce Marc G.
Millis, Lead, NASA Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Program, NASA Lewis Research Center:
Storyboard 2
Marc G. Millis: Discussion on BPP announcement:
“Call for research proposals on breakthrough propulsion physics”
(BPP) program has just released its first call for research proposals:
Proposals should aim to advance physics to address critical unknowns, make-or-break issues, or curious
effects related to the long-range goal of achieving at least one of the following propulsion challenges:
(1) Discover propulsion methods which eliminate or dramatically reduce the need for propellant;
(2) Discover methods for achieving the shortest possible travel times (includes the study of methods to
circumvent observed limits);
(3) Discover new modes of on-board energy generation to power the propulsion devices. Topics of
interest include experiments and theories regarding: the coupling of the fundamental forces, forceproducing effects, contents and properties of space, the motion of matter and energy through
spacetime, interactions with spacetime, energy exchange mechanisms, energy sources, and observed
anomalous effects. Because these propulsion challenges are presumably far from fruition, and
perhaps even impossible, a special emphasis is to identify affordable, near-term, and credible
research that could make measurable and incremental progress toward these propulsion challenges.
To obtain a copy of this NASA Research Announcement (NRA), please visit:
This research solicitation is one step in the strategy of the NASA Breakthrough Propulsion Physics
program. After 2 years of supporting research, the next step will be to assess if the progress gained is
worth sustaining the program. If progress is promising, increased funding will be sought for such
research. If not, then the program will be put on hold until further significant scientific developments
Other funding opportunities also exist:
NASA SBIR and STTR's: http://sbir.nasa.gov/.
NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts (NIAC): http://www.niac.usra.edu.
Department of Energy "Inventions & Innovation Program":
Topical Areas:
a. Coupling of the fundamental forces.
b. Force-producing effects.
c. Contents and properties of space with respect to candidate reaction masses and energy sources.
d. Motion of matter and energy through spacetime (including quantum tunneling and quantum
e. Interactions with spacetime (including wormhole, warp drives, or other transport-related
f. Energy exchange mechanisms, including kinetic energy.
g. Energy sources.
h. Anomalous physical effects.
[Narrator] Here’s Gary Golinsky of the NASA Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Program, NASA
Lewis Research Center:
Storyboard 3
Gary Golinsky: Discussion on BPP announcement
[Narrator] We are now going to demonstrate just exactly how these tunneling properties are going
to be applied to a realistic space propulsion system. That brings us to one of the world’s most respected
space propulsion system designers,
Storyboard 4
Dr. Yoshinari Minami, PhD., Chief Engineer, NEC Corporation Systems Engineering Dept., on
Quantum Tunneling and spaceships. related to his article “Spacefaring to the Farthest Shores -- Theory
and Technology of a Space-Drive Propulsion System”. Published in the Journal of the British
Interplanetary Society. Also gives a discussion on spaceship powerplant designs (LEM engine, etc.)
[Narrator] I am pleased to present to you now H.D.“Dave” Froning , Jr., Senior Engineer and Technical
Advisor McDonnell-Douglas Astronautics Co. as a, he’s currently the owner of Flight Unlimited,
Flagstaff, AZ. And will be discussing quantum tunneling concepts and spaceships.
Storyboard 5
Dave Froning, Flight Unlimited on a discussion about tunneling concepts and spaceship design. His
discussion will be relating to his papers: “Interstellar studies -- Their Role in Astronautical Progress
and the Future of Flight”, McDonnell-Douglas Space Systems Co., presented to the 40th Congress of
the International Astronautical Federation Oct. 7- 15, 1989, Malaga, Spain. “Use of Vacuum Energies
for Interstellar Space Flight” , McDonnell-Douglas Astronautics Co., Journal of the British
Interplanetary Society, Vol. 39, pp.410-415, 1986.
[Narrator] According to accepted physics one must have access to vast amounts of energy in order to
tunnel on a macroscopic scale. From where would you obtain this energy?
Storyboard 6
Dave Froning, Flight Unlimited, Flagstaff, AZ on a discussion relating to tunneling concepts and
spaceships and the zero point energy (ZPE) field. The discussion will be relating to the article “Inertia
Reduction and possibly Impulsion by Conditioning Electromagnetic Fields', H.D. Froning, Jr. and
Dr. T.W. Barrett, presented to the 33rd AIAA/ASME/SAE ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference &
Exhibit, Seattle, WA, July 6- 9, 1997.
[Narrator] At this time, I am honored to introduce Dr. Harold Puthoff, PhD., Professor, Physics Dept.,
University of Austin, Austin, TX. Dr. Puthoff is one of the World’s foremost authorities on the subject
of the ZPE field in outerspace;
Storyboard 7
Dr. Harold Puthoff discussing the zero point energy (ZPE) field of outerspace. His discussion will be
relating to his article “Everything for Nothing”.
[Narrator] To continue the discussion of the mysterious ZPE field found in outerspace, I would like to
introduce another esteemed scientist that is respected authority on the ZPE and its interactions: Dr.
Robert L. Roach, PhD. Assistant Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, the University Of
Tennessee Space Institute, Tullahoma, TN with discussion on ZPE and inertia.
Storyboard 8
Dr. Robert L. Roach, PhD. Assistant Professor, Mechanical&Aerospace Engineering, the University Of
Tennessee Space Institute, Tullahoma, TN, with a discussion on the ZPE and inertia.
[Narrator] Here is the world-reknowned physicist and Mathematician Claudio Maccone to describe
“worm Holes” and how they could be useful in space travel as described in the BPP program proposal:
Storyboard 9
Claudio Maccone, Ale Spazio, Turin Italy, Board member, IAA describes wormhole criteria and the
BPP program.
[Narrator] Just how far has the development of this type of space propulsion system progressed? Is it
merely a lot of formulas and math on paper? Here are some of the applicants for NASA’s BPP program
that have taken this idea beyond theoretical physics concepts into the realm of practical engineering
design. Now for a discussion about applying tunneling technology to the actual production of a
spaceship that can travel to the stars, I am fortunate to have with me Larry D. Maurer, Director of
Engineering, UNITEL Inc , Portland, OR and co-inventor of UNITEL's spaceship design. UNITEL has
located major contractors and manufacturers for the actual construction of their patented spaceship
Storyboard 10
Larry D. Maurer, Describes ship, relating to Unitel, Inc’s. patented system “The Type VI Prototype
MOSS Propulsion System” on engineering of patented spaceship and construction technique, etc.
[Narrator] I would like now to introduce you to the President and Director of Research at UNITEL -Michael E. Miller.
Storyboard 11
Michael E. Miller, President and Director of Research, UNITEL Inc,. Portland OR. On a discussion
about quantum tunneling and spaceships.
[Narrator] Here is another inventor/designer of a proposed space propulsion system which is very
similar to the UNITEL spaceship design:
Storyboard 12
Jerry E. Bayles, “Quantum Vehicle Propulsion” (http://www.electrogravity.com/index8.html)
[Narrator] Here is another inventor/designer of a proposed space propulsion system which is very
similar to the UNITEL spaceship design:
Storyboard 13
Kimio Nishino- member IAA-IAF & STAIF, Manager, Aero Business Dept. Business Development
Div., Toyota Motor Corp.
[Narrator] What Larry Maurer and Michael E. Miller have been saying is that they have applied the
monopole effects to a laser plasma. Monopoles have never been actually observed before. I would like
now to introduce you to one of Dr. Raymond Chiao’s protégés -- Dr. Akira Tomita who, together they
have actually measurable applied monopole effects to optical fibers and RF wave guides in 1985.
Storyboard 14
Dr. Akira Tomita, PhD., Physicist, Raychem Corp., Menlo Park, CA, co-author "Observations of Berry's
Topological Phase by Use of an Optical Fiber", A. Tomita & R.Y. Chiao, Phys Rev Let, 1986.
Discussing magnetic monopole effects that he and Dr. Raymond Chiao applied to optical fibers and RF
[Narrator] What do the different organizations such as the Journal of British Interplanetary Society
(JBIS), International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and Space Technology Application and
International Forum (STAIF) do? What are their functions and what are their goals?
Storyboard 15
Dr. Claudio Maccone, Chair, IAA- at STAIF conference in Albuquerque, NM on IAA & STAIF.
Storyboard 16
Dr. Yoshinari Minami, Tokyo, Japan at STAIF conference in Albuquerque, NM on STAIF and IAF.
Storyboard 17
David Froning at STAIF conference in Albuquerque, NM on STAIF & JBIS .
[Narrator] All of this information on tunneling and the ZPE with the people and material we have
presented in our show is fantastic and incredibly al to real. To further the excitement, we are going to
disclose to you even more incredible information. Some people think that the UFOs that reputable
people are witnessing are actually spaceships that are about to be produced in the near future. The
Quantum world is much different than the ordinary Macroscopic world that we live in. I t is highly
possible that these same spaceships have the ability to travel back in time to the Past. Like the old adage
about the “Einstein train” where the train takes off tomorrow and comes back yesterday!
On paper, these spaceships -- when built and because of a peculiar effect called “time dilation”
occurring -- while they are operating in the tunneling mode, one will have to be careful. You might find
that you have returned much earlier than when you departed. As an example ,we have some portions
taken from one of previously-aired programs called “Dreamland” where Admiral Inman, U.S. Navy, ret.
and U.S. Navy physicist Bruce Macabee made official government comments on UFO investigations
concerning UFO technology:
Storyboard 18
Admiral Inman (Ret.) and Dr. Bruce Macabee TLC film clips from “Dreamland” series.
[Narrator] xxxxxxxx
Storyboard 19
[Narrator] xxxxxx
Storyboard 20
[Narrator] Does this mean that these spacecraft possess the technology to travel in time? Let’s talk to
some reliable witnesses that have actually seen spaceships such as this and see if they can detect any
similarity between the animated graphics we have and what they actually saw. Here then is a witness to
a recent confirmed sighting in Eugene, OR, January 22, 1982:
Storyboard 21
Eugene, OR witness- Lt. Jim Horton of EPD to discusses the incident.
Storyboard 22
Eugene, OR witness- FBI agent to discusses the incident.
[Narrator] This may be the answer to some of the UFO mysteries! We have demonstrated tonight that
we are truly on the verge of probably the most important scientific discovery since the dawn of
Mankind. The possibility of traveling to the farthest distances of the Universe and returning within a
short period of time! This means that Humanity may be indeed entering into the beginning of a “new
frontier” of exploration and colonization of new habitable planetary systems as we arrive at the 21st
century. Thank you.
(2 ½ - 3 minutes)
A). Talent
B). Technical
C). Financial
D). Clerical
S-217. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding correspondence to seek production for
UNITEL's film
From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To: stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Fwd: UNITEL, Inc.
Date : Tue, 12 Mar 2002 21:28:15 -0800
> Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 21:26:57 -0800
> To: pkirsh@ucla.edu
> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
> Subject: Fwd: UNITEL, Inc.
> Paul:
> If you could set up an audience with Allen Ladd, Jr. of Ladd Productions in L.A., I would give you
a Finder's Fee percentage of agreeable proportion to you. I know you are busy. But this is a
veritable goldmine of film material. Maxann said on the phone last week that this is good enough to
be a series and the first film could be the pilot film for TV. Ladd (who did "Braveheart") should eat
this up big time! Let me know, Paul. You are a good writer and you are in Hollywood land.
> Larry
S-218. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regard 1979 Oregon UFO sighting
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 11:51:34 -0800
To: stealthskaters@yahoo.com
From: "Larry Maurer" <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
Subject: Re: Fwd: Oregon 1979
We don't have any proof or newspaper clippings. But Mike Miller saw the "mother ship" in 1979 in the
foothills of the Coast Range in central Oregon. I would like to go down to Eugene and go through the
archives at the Eugene Register-Guard newspaper to find some articles on us, etc.
At 11:33 AM 3/12/02 -0800, you wrote:
>Note: forwarded message attached.
>http://mail.yahoo.com/X-Apparently-To: stealthskaters@yahoo.com via
>web14708.mail.yahoo.com; 19 Feb 2002 00:04:22 -0800 (PST)
>X-Track: 1: 40
>Return-Path: <observer@ywave.com>
>Received: from inet1.yelmtel.com (EHLO inet1.ywave.com) (
> by mta612.mail.yahoo.com with SMTP; 19 Feb 2002 00:04:22 -0800 (PST)
>Received: from bill (dsl2105.ywave.com [])
by inet1.ywave.com (Postfix) with SMTP id 7F3A02D64C
for <stealthskaters@yahoo.com>; Mon, 18 Feb 2002 23:57:44 -0800 (PST)
>> From: "Bill Magno" <observer@ywave.com>
>> To: <stealthskaters@yahoo.com>
>> Subject: Oregon 1979
>> Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 23:57:39 -0800
>> MIME-Version: 1.0
>> Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>> boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0005_01C1B8D8.0C1E17B0"
>> X-Priority: 3
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>> X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
>> X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2600.0000
>> Content-Length: 605
>> Do you have any information on a UFO sighting in the state of Oregon in 1979? I know it is
a bit vague, but I am told on good authority it occurred. If you have press clippings etc., please
send details.
>> Thank you
>> Bill Magno
>> mailto:observer@ywave.com>observer@ywave.com
S-219. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding lack of domestic press coverage
From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To: stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: Witten
Date : Wed, 13 Mar 2002 10:59:28 -0800
At 10:40 AM 3/13/02 -0500, you wrote:
> Larry ->
> Did you ever hear anything from Dr. Witten? I sent him my CD and some a print version
of the UNITEL website and newsletter. But I never heard anything more.
> When I contact these planetariums again -- and their associated physicists and astronomers
at their connected colleges -- what should I say are technical pre-requisites for truly
understand UNITEL's patented designs? I know you've mentioned that late Prof. John
Dawson and his research into the "ponderomotive" force. Then you mentioned Mike
surprising Dr. Hwa with his knowledge of "QC" (is that right? what did that stand for?).
Then you've written about dipole and monopole interactions with the ZPE. What is that
> I'm going to beat some of these turkeys to the punch this time. Before they have a chance
to ridicule time machines or UFOs or mining-the-vacuum, I'll hit 'em with the "a closed mind
is no good to science" first and then follow it up with "if you want to get down in the
trenches and mix it up, be sure you are well versed in the ponderomotive force, QC, etc. etc."
> I'm making a spreadsheet of the addresses I'll be contacting from my new site. I'll send you
a copy for your references. Surprisingly I found some planetariums right in your backyard -Eugene and Western Washington University. Is there something I'm missing here? I mean,
am I a "Johnny-come-lately"? Before I can utter the words UNITEL or similar phrases, some
of these people "hang up" on me. All I know is that all the engineering types I've personally
worked with around here are fascinated with your concepts. Like me, they don't understand
the tech details. But they surely keep an open mind. It's almost like something else has gone
on 10 years ago which has made these people so hard-core impolite and skeptical. Oh well ...
> -- Mark
Hi Mark:
First and foremost, I would like to point out our major problem that we are seriously working on.
That is any individual that we contact is going to be suspicious because we haven't been "known" in the
public information circles (e.g., TV, newspapers, magazines, etc.) and whoever they are will feel like
they are being put on the spot to make acceptance of our ideas and so forth. That is the main reason and
that is why we are coming out with our book, game, and film for TV.
I have tried to get local newspaper and TV stations to do a spot on us and they completely ignore us!
This makes us so upset that I can't wait until we hit national headlines. We are going to put them on the
very end of the list! I will do an interview with some news source in Lagos, Nigeria before we do
anything with Portland stations or newspaper editors!
Once we are heard about in the news, things will change. I guarantee you. We do have a growing
list of physicists that would like to work with us to do research that you could lay on your prospective
scientists. Until we actually have our patented prototype in place, we are going to have a problem with
scientists. They are the touchiest, most arrogant, egotistical jerks in the whole world!
You should approach all prospective researchers with the fact that we have a patented laser system
that we have world-class subcontractors ready to build and test our device which will produce a laser
plasma that will provide a very strong electromagnetic attraction to our all-electric vehicle. We can also
store and send/retrieve information with our system.
First of all, "QC" should be said as "QCD" (which stands for Quantum ChromoDynamics) and is
similar to QED (or Quantum ElectroDynamics). QCD utilizes the color (or strong) force that binds
particles together.
There is a fine line between fact and fiction with the facts we claim to present to various parties that
you come in contact with. Some are like Jack-ass that are waiting like spiders for you to come into their
realm. Others are more open and are serious about learning about what we are all about.
It shouldn't take us long to finish our book and do our film which will alleviate this problem
dramatically. Just remember that you were a part of all of our endeavors before we got known by the
Public. I will back you up as best as I can.
In the meantime, we could use all the 3D graphics we can to help explain how our system works.
After all, "a picture paints a thousand words". Let me know if you are able to create any graphics
(moving or still, either way). It will help all of us get our point across.
Everything about our patented EM device is based on sound accepted scientific principles. Sure,
some are theoretical. But for the most part accepted by the international science community. Our
device will indeed prove many theories true.
S-220. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding physicists' skepticism towards UNITEL
From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To: stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: I'll pass it by you FIRST !
Date : Wed, 13 Mar 2002 12:27:30 -0800
At 02:39 PM 3/13/02 -0500, you wrote:
> Larry ->
> Before I send anything out, I'll pass it by you for corrections/revisions. I've put my foot in
my mouth once too often in-the-past out of enthusiasm.
> You would think scientists of ALL people would be the ones to have the most open-minds
and zero egos!
> With all the crap they put on the Art Bell and Sightings! shows, you would think that
UNITEL would be a shoe-in. As for your local news media ... it really boggles the mind,
doesn't it?! I can't figure it out. Nor can I not understand why none of the senators etc. -even from my home state -- have contacted me. Even if it were just to say they thought I was
'crazy'. (I wonder how many government "lists" I am on now.)
> In a nutshell, what is the major objection mainstream physicists have to what you propose?
Is it they don't think Bose-Einstein condensates can be achieved at room-temperature? Or do
they not recognize Dawson's "pondermotive force"? All these guys seem to be down on it,
yet I can't determine exactly what it is. I must not be grasping something. They do a lot of
name-calling but -- unless I've come too lately -- they never present any arguments. At least
Dr. "Ark" used some theoretical stuff to take exception to what Bearden was promoting in his
scalar theories. (I happen to think Bearden's stuff WILL work eventually but somebody's
physics will have to be upgraded -- either his or Ark's or both. I think this is another case
where experiment is leading science.)
> -- Mark
Probably the major objection is they claim that according to the WKB Approx. that quantum
tunneling is zero on a Macroscopic scale. That was directly from the great wazzoo Michio Kaku
himself. But Yoshinari Minami stepped up to the plate and sent us the math to prove that the WKB
Approx. doesn't have anything to do with our design.
The other is that we have been accused of not being able to prove conservation of
momentum&energy (by Chiao's rude and stuffy partner Ephraim Steinberg) which Yoshinari proved
mathematically for Honda R&D back in '97.
In the film, we would like to focus our attention on proving these items. You know that the diehards will object and refute all of this down to the last wire. Most likely at that point when some
reporter asks them, they will most likely say "No Comment". I'll bet you that is exactly what Kaku and
Thorne will say. You know they've got to be running scared with us having a patent and a growing
number of major scientific researchers supporting us. With proper representations and proving correctly
on the film, it should scare the hell out of these nay-sayers! Especially when we drop the big one about
the confirmed sightings we (and the Eugene Police) had to start the whole thing off!
The BECs at room temperature have all but already been built. Excitons have been produced at
room temperature and A. Mysyrywiczs has been saying a BEC should be easily constructed out of
excitons. At any rate, we won't know for sure until we build our prototypes. Then we can let them
argue about why it works. We will simply move on out far away from the maddening crowd of whack-o
egotistical scientists!
Our book and film will generate much interest from the Public and then it will be easy for any
scientist to jump on the popular train in support of our projects or make idiots out of themselves by
publicly announcing that our stuff won't work. Godspeed with the film, graphics, and book!
S-221. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding background info on Yoshsinari Minami
From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To: stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: you cleared it up for me
Date : Wed, 13 Mar 2002 19:27:43 -0800
At 07:22 PM 3/13/02 -0500, you wrote:
> Larry ->
> Thanks! Even though I don't understand it from a physics point-of-view, that cleared up
some things for me. I don't see why they have to be so rabid in their attacks, though.
Remember that Thomas Edison -- not formally-trained himself -- used to call these guys
who derided him "der perfessors" and said that -- unlike writing equations on paper -successful inventions come from "1% genius and 99% perspiration". (He did meet his
match with his rival Tesla, though, who was formally-trained. But even he at times wasn't
even "in the ballpark". But how many Tesla's has mankind ever seen? Maybe 'Larry
Maurer' and UNITEL will be this millenium's combination of Tesla and Edison.)
> Is Yoshinari well-known through the scientific world? What about those IAF-... "papers"
he helped "write"? Are they well thought of? I have come to believe there are 2 groups of
Incunabula researchers -- the legitimate ones Marshall Barnes referred to and the cultist
comic book type Joe Matheny bastardized from the former.
> Did Mrs. Roddenberry or Mrs. Sagan ever help at all, in any capacity? Or was the book,
game, and film ventures all done independent of their organizations? Do you ever contact
Fred Wolf anymore? Like I said, I never heard anything from Witten. But years ago -before I started corresponding with you -- I went back to my alma mater (West Virginia
University) and looked up my now semi-retired physics professor. I remembered him to
always have a patient and open mind. But he stopped me short before I could even talk
about the Philadelphia Experiment or UFOs. (Oh, he did make one quip about UFOs,
saying "Well, have one land and let me examine it and then I'll tell you if I believe-or-not.)
What surprised me was his lack of knowledge about superstrings. I thought every physicist
in the world these days would be up on this stuff. He was certainly aware of the theories
but not from a knowledgeable perspective.
> I have to restrain myself from entering into a debate with anyone when I'm trying to
promote UNITEL's case. Because my poor attempt at explaining the physics will make
everyone convinced it's science-fiction. So I route them to my web pages for some
preliminary background and then hope they will make it to your website and even
eventually you. Sometime we have to work on getting Mike and Doug laptops with AOL
accounts so they can help take some of the heat off of you and even participate in "chat"
discussions wherever they are in the country. I get asked questions that I perplex me and
think "Where is Larry when I need him?" and then attempt to answer them when I should
keep my mouth shut.
> I still haven't heard anything from MSN or Yahoo! But I did send off a small moneyorder to get my site up on this nationwide server for a year. And I've sent those people
stuff on UNITEL before and it's been very well-received. The ONLY people who don't
seem to like it -- or UFOs or the P-X or Montauk or time-travel -- are physicists and
astronomers. Everyone else -- even the conservative ones -- listens receptively. Can't
figure it out. "Mothers, don't let your babies grow up to be scientists. Make 'em all
imaginative engineers instead ...!!!"
> -- Mark
Hang in there, buddy! Perseverance pays off! You are a great writer and you are ahead of the pack
with what you know already. Yoshinari is the manager of NEC's Patent services Dept. in Tokyo. He
and his friend and protege Kimio Nishino, Toyota Motor Co. are known for their brilliance in advanced
space propulsion designs. Yoshinari was the Secretary for the IAA-IAF when I first met him through
Jill Tarter, SETI who was one of the Americans on the IAA-IAF board. Jill Tarter also introduced
Claudio Maccone to us in 1996.
I have learned much from my co-inventor business partner Michael Miller and I am only echoing
Mike's knowledge of Quantum Physics. My job is to apply Quantum Physics to the engineering realm
which is more easier for the layman to understand. You are doing a pretty good job of explaining
UNITEL projects. You might need to have some aspects clarified a little from time-to-time. But for the
most part, you are doing a great job, Mark! It will pay off for you one day. You will get used to the
knowledge after a while. That's when you will notice that you are way up on the ladder of knowledge
while most everyone else is on the second rung.
We will contact Fred Wolf when we get his $250/hour fee ready. I would like to get hold of Ray
Chiao & Aki Tomita along with Chen Ning Yang for an interview. Witten would be okay. I think he
needs to be offered money or some kind of reward for his input. Basically, these people will be talking
about their own work anyway. Keep up the good fight, Mark!
S-222. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding similar tunneling BEC experiments by other
From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To: stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Tunneling BECs
Date : Wed, 13 Mar 2002 20:44:08 -0800
Hi Mark:
I ran across an address (http://www.aps.org/meet/CENT99/BAPS/abs/S6090.html ) with these
articles in it that caught my eye. Check it out -- tunneling BECs. They are using alkali-metal gas
whereas we want to trap excitonic gasses in our pulsed laser plasma instead. We expect to get similar
results only our system is interactive with our ship (as you know). We contacted Dr. Stoof of U. of
Utrecht where Dr. Gerard t'Hooft is from. He sent us his published book on his work on BECs.
What this all means in simple (or lay) terms is that this partially proves our design in that we want
to produce one gigantic quantum state with our ship and projected field and tunnel (just like the "Big
Boys" did here!). I hope you enjoy seeing with your own eyes what we are trying to accomplish that
someone has already done. Our spaceship system design is just a different variation of the same thing.
Only much larger at much higher temperatures. It doesn't.
> QB16.06] Mesoscopic Phenomena in Bose-Einstein Systems
> Yuli Lyanda-Geller, Paul M. Goldbart (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
> We consider multiply-connected Bose-Einstein systems consisting of alkali-metal gas atoms,
and focus on their sensitivity to quantal phases. Owing to the electrical neutrality of the atoms,
only the dynamics of the spin\/ can provide an Aharonov-Bohm-like source of quantal phase via
Berry's geometric phase. In atomic condensates, such geometric phases arise naturally in the
context of magnetic traps, or can be induced by inhomogeneous magnetic fields applied to
optical traps. When present in multiply-connected samples, geometric phases lead to oscillations
in the equilibrium populations of the single-particle states, and oscillations of persistent masscurrents, as well as of other thermodynamic quantities. These effects are bosonic analogues of
well-known mesoscopic phenomena, such as persistent currents in normal-metal rings, and
Little-Parks oscillations of the critical temperature in thin-walled superconducting cylinders. As
they promote the significance of the single-particle ground state, Bose-Einstein statistics tend to
amplify quantal mesoscopic effects.
> [QB16.07] Tunneling in Bose-Einstein condensates: Macroscopic Quantum Self-trapping and
> Srikanth Raghavan (Rochester Theory Center for Optical Science and Engineering and
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester), Augusto Smerzi (Istituto
Nazionale di Fisica della Materia and International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy),
Stefano Fantoni (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica della Materia, International School for Advanced
Studies and International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy), Subodh Shenoy
(International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy)
> We analyze the tunneling dynamics between two weakly linked Bose-Einstein condensates of
trapped atoms. The weak link could originate from spatial overlaps of two separated
condensates or by coupling between two different hyperfine spin states of a Bose condensate.
We solve the mean field Gross-Pitaevskii equation in a two-mode approximation, obtain
analytical solutions, and extract striking new predictions such as nonlinear generalizations of the
Josephson effect, macroscopic quantum self-trapping that involves oscillations of the condensate
population that break the underlying symmetry of the Hamiltonian, and existence of \pi-states
that involve oscillations of the condensate such that the average phase difference across the weak
link is locked to \pi.
S-223. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding problems facing all entrepreneurial ventures
From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To: stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: Tunneling BECs
Date : Thu, 14 Mar 2002 11:42:31 -0800
>At 07:20 AM 3/14/02 -0500, you wrote:
> Larry ->
> I would think anything like what you came across -- or what that Tdimension company is
proposing with its dye-based laser -- would help "prove" UNITEL's science. Like you said in
an earlier e-mail, everyone nowadays seems to have their own notions about how to design a
quantum computer. It seems that a similar pattern is evolving in the propellentlesspropulsion arena.
> Would your patents safeguard against somebody else discovering the "same" thing? I'd
hate to see your designs collect dust for 20 years while some Johnny-come-lately comes
along and gets all the glory. Like they may have done with some of these smart-skin
application rip-offs.
> I'm guessing that of all the uses for your lens, the one area that has more "holes" in it is the
medical applications. Perhaps because so much of the medical community still refuses to
admit to individual cell EM signatures. Am I correct in that? The reason I'm asking is when
I send out notices of my new site to the people I sent to last week (one of whom objected and
got my email account deleted), some of them are physics instructors with specialties in the
medical fields. I was thinking of saying that while the UNITEL's computer and aerospace
applications are well-defined, they (i.e., you) would entertain specific discussions on how to
best utilize this technology in the medical arena along the lines that have already been
proposed and developed to-date.
> I agree with you that a picture is worth a thousand words. Look at what all the images,
animations, and video clips for Lazar's tape (which would have been very boring if it just
featured him lecturing in front of a blackboard). I can manipulate (like PhotoShop) images
well. But I'm a terrible artist and cannot create them. In the credits in Lazar's tape, the artists
were mentioned. I think he was one of them as well as Gene Huff's son. Huff was the Las
Vegas real-estate appraiser whom Lazar latched on to and who -- because of his political
connections -- undoubtedly saved Lazar's butt. But Huff has the most politically-incorrect
vocabulary I've ever witnessed in public and Internet exchanges. I think that's why Lazar
distanced himself from Huff once the dust settled.
-- Mark
Yes, we have attorneys ready and waiting to sue anyone that steals our stuff. We have 10 claims on
our patent so they would have to touch all bases (they would have to make their device work anyway).
Yes, we need to update and develop further our medical designs. But it all takes money. We even
have a medical research doctor in L.A. that wants to work on our project as soon as we get funding. We
met him through Paul Kirsch. We have so much going on it's pathetic, Mark! We need money to do
anything. It's been a "month of Sundays" waiting on and working on funding. I think our book will
emulate this fact and the reader is going to be pissed!
You need to have money to get money these days, it seems. Definitely an uphill battle. That's for
sure. We need a 'Gene Huff' like Lazar had. A veritable young Howard Hughes that is eager to take
control and advantage of this new quantum technology and make $trillions! We shall see what investors
are smart enough to see this and make a move on investing and so forth.
S-224. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding dealing with mainstream skepticism
From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To: stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: planetariums ALL OVER the world !
Date : Thu, 14 Mar 2002 14:15:11 -0800
At 04:42 PM 3/14/02 -0500, you wrote:
> Larry ->
> When I was doing a Google search to get all the planetarium e-mail IDs I could find, some
of them were (naturally) associated with a nearby college physics department. That's how I
happened to come across UCLA Physics Department's page and noticed the tribute to Prof.
Dawson. I have about 350 emails to send out late next week when my new site gets
uploaded. (I have a bunch from a McMasters University in Canada. Did you ever hear of
them? One of their professors shared the 1993 (I think) Nobel Prize. A lot of them seem to
be in the medical part of the physics field.) I got a slew of them over in Hungary, Poland,
Bulgaria, etc. Your prediction of getting interviewed overseas before here may come true
after all.
> It's strange that I can never get any Japanese sites to appear. I wonder if they present a
special problem to Google. I get Russian, Spanish, Italian -- you name it -- but not that many
> That's odd about the QCD related to the strong nuclear force. This is what Lazar claimed
was told to him as to the secret of the UFO mechanics. That somehow they were able to use
a waveguide to "tap" into the strong nuclear force that propagated beyond the nucleus in this
non-Earth element and subsequently amplify it and project it out-of-phase. Did you ever
conclude whether any parts of his story had any truth to them? I did come across many web
references to Element-115 including one which suggests that -- because of its releasing antiprotons after transmutation under proton bombardment -- Teller designed the ultimate
weapon: a matter-antimatter annihilation bomb. And this reference didn't even mention
Lazar or UFOs. So I wonder ...
> I told Andrew that project was just something that came to my mind. It wasn't for me. Online retailers have shopping-cart programs but I haven't seen any retail stores use them other
than pizza delivery shops. It might be a way large grocery stores could save money by -399
unfortunately -- closing their doors and eliminating staff and just take orders as if they were a
warehouse. It would never come to that because you can't put each and every item in a
database. Maybe 1/4 or 1/3. But that "virtual shopping" would still be convenient for those
harried folks with young kids or elderly seniors or on bad weather nights. The hard part
would be to sell it. If you could, normally they add on a monthly maintenance fee also. If
you don't have to do any work, then it's "free money".
> -- Mark
Hi Mark:
No, I haven't personally heard about McMasters University in Canada. But they sound inviting.
Even if we do not get any physicists to do the "talking heads" as we know how fickle that crowd is. One
day they are our compadres and the next day they don't even know us. They are all running scared
because of the close-minded conservatism amongst their peer groups.
Dr. Michio Kaku is a prime example. When Bob Drake -- a fellow Ph.D. physicist -- came to his
support concerning me putting Kaku down for his dastardly statement that we "won't see this kind of
technology (MQT) for space travel in the next 1,000 years" by saying that Kaku is only protecting his
reputation with his fellow physicists.
Concerning Bob Lazar's description, I believe it is correct because we know that mimicking a
quantum system and fooling Mother Nature is the key to star travel. I do not believe, however, that our
Government has a working spaceship when NASA is $5 billion in the hole. The public will hang the
Government one-by-one if they are hiding such a ship. All this "conspiracy" stuff is -- in my book -- a
bunch of horse manure to make somebody some money because it can't be proven otherwise. Just look
at all the stories and money that has been made from this.
I can't wait to get our graphics completed to illustrate how our design works based on all the
scientific facts. That will clear up a lot of questions.
S-225. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding Lazar's claims
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: Lazar: did he or didn't he ...
Date : Fri, 15 Mar 2002 12:22:16 -0800
At 06:59 AM 3/15/02 -0500, you wrote:
> Hi Larry ->
> This is the link to the Physics Dept. at McMasters University =>
http://www.physics.mcmaster.ca . What surprised me was (1) the number of professors on
their staff and (2) quite a few of them specialized in the medical applications of Physics. I
still haven't heard from MSN or Yahoo! It would be only "academic" at this point since I
already got a new home for my site. It will take about a week to register the domain name,
so I can fine-tune some stuff before then. I want to pass by my e-mail invite letter to you
first to make sure I got everything right. Then you might want to have a look at the page at
my website that it will route people to. In the meantime I will try to track down some school
science clubs via the Internet. Kids are dreamers and are not "brainwashed" as yet by their
elder "defenders-of-the-norms".
> Actually, one of my best friends in college had gotten previously laid-off by Union Carbide
himself. He went to work for WVU at their data center. He had gotten his MS in chemical
engineering from Georgia Tech. While at WVU he eventually got his PhD. His thesis had
something to do with researching and optimizing a particular fixed bed polymeric reactor.
But he got sidetracked while trying to find mathematical tools to predict a "global" optimum
while bypassing all the "local" optimums. (The same as trying to find the tallest mountain in
a state.) He was stymied. He couldn't find a method that would work for his complex set of
equations. So he devised one himself. All of the experts who wrote these optimization
textbooks said he was on the wrong path, that there were severe mathematical hurdles that
couldn't be overcome using the approaches he was taken. He told me later that had he read
those textbooks BEFORE he started, he probably would have followed the advice of the
> I agree with you that I don't believe the U.S. (or any government) has a fully functional
"flying saucer". That would solve NASA's problem right there. I do think they have very
limited numbers of extremely-expensive and hard-to-maintain electrogravitic craft (e.g., the
Black Manta) -- offshoots of Deyo's stuff -- that comprise nearly all of the "triangle"
sightings we hear about. But that's not exploiting MQT. I don't think there is any conspiracy
hiding all these man-made UFOs because they don't exist. I do think just a few were
retrieved. But nobody can figure out how they work. For 50 years the best scientists are
> I think they got certain "things" off them that they were able to "seed" companies with (per
Corso). The "good stuff", though, still seems to be a mystery. How much of that is
dependent upon the "new physics" and how much is dependent upon new materials &
engineering is anyone's guess. The only statements (maybe I missed some others) that I read
from Lazar implied that the craft he and others worked-on displayed hovering capabilities;
but that was a far-cry from interstellar travel. What haunts me is his repeated emphasis of
reverse-engineering "using EARTH materials". That seemed to imply the problem was more
engineering than theoretical. Maybe your patented design using these unique materials will
be the first success of using Earth materials. (Maybe it will be better than the aliens' original
> The jury is still out on Lazar. Did he or didn't he? The latest is that (1) he left
Alburquerque after declaring bankruptcy, (2) got introduced to the UFO lecturer John Lear
and decided this was a way to make some quick money, (3) got a low-level job on the Nellis
range shooting up dummy SAMs, and while there talked to people and over time put together
his story based on what other people told him, (4) Gene Huff was attracted to him because of
the "story" and ended up saving Lazar's skin from federal prosecutors because of Huff's
political connections. There are still some gaps in this theory. (Indeed, as Mahood pointed
out, not one single theory of Lazar fits 100% of the facts. And Mahood suggests Lazar may
even have been a government disinformation plant who had a change-of-heart.)
> Even his detractors admit Lazar is an unusually smart guy. He did invent a jet car. In fact
that's probably what got him fired from his nuclear lab technician job at Los Alamos. He
was spending too much time on his personal projects using government equipment. I could
see why some program director (like Edward Teller) would say after 10 years, "Okay, all you
Nobel laureates, you've had your chance to crack this secrets and you've failed. Now I'm
bringing in some engineers and technicians." One of the comments Lazar made was that
"every time physicists don't understand something, they add another dimension."
Coincidentally enough, Tom Bearden responded to a reader's question as to whether he was
familiar with Kaku's work on superstrings. It astounds me to think anyone with Bearden's
background and math skills would not be intimately aware of these theories. But that's what
Bearden said, that he had certainly heard of them but never delved into them in depth.
Furthermore he wasn't surprised that adding "more degrees of freedom" would enable
"melding" of separate theories into one.
> I did finally get around to looking at the film script attachment you sent. And it was very
impressive and indicated a lot of work and thought went into it. Publishing a book can't cost
that much compared to producing the HOLO-1. You would think interested parties that
you've contacted before -- Garcia, Firmage, Honda, etc. -- could put up $30,000 for a first
printing if they can't spring for $5M for the lens. The low-down on Corso's best-seller is that
his son demanded a lot more from sales of the book, and the publishing company refused to
go along and didn't print anymore. Does the publishing company own "rights" to a book too?
I mean, why can't the copyright owner just go to another publisher and cut a better deal?
> Well, I got to surf the Net for some more contacts. Talk to you later ...
> -- Mark
I think Bob Lazar is a showboating phony that wanted to make some coinage so he hooked up with
some agent that got him public attention and so forth. I just can't believe the news agencies giving us
the "deaf ear" treatment when we have the most greatest gift to Mankind ever. Even if our patented
device hasn't yet been built, one would think that we would get a little attention in light of the reward we
have to offer Mankind.
Anyway, I have compiled a list of contractors that could build a full sized, working prototype of our
ship attached herein. I have contacted Cincinnati Machine to inquire about the estimated cost of them
producing our fiber component hull along with smartskin. We could use the same Niobium-TinTitanium ribbon that Cal Berkeley used in wrapping for their world-record breaking electromagnet
(300,000 times stronger than the Earth's magnetic field) in creating our smartskin. Applied Sciences
could basically use Cincinnati Machine's facilities (clean room environment) and the Viper 3000
machine to wrap the smartskin Niobium-Tin-Titanium layers which -- after completion -- Applied
Science would add the final diamond (p-doped) layer at the outermost exterior. It is highly possible the
electromagnet ribbon that Cal Berkeley could be used in concert with the graphite fiber ribbon applied
by Cincinnati Machine's Viper 3000 machine.
We of course will work out the final design for the system array of computer modulated SDEs
embedded in the hull. We will be working with Hughes-Raytheon -- supplier of the electronic
equipment (SDE & modulating devices) -- to determine the ideal array close hexagonal packed (CHP)
We will also have the design input from BSIE (Dr. Terence Barrett -- formerly Boeing Aerospace's
top RF radar designer) and Flight Unlimited (Dave Froning -- Terence's partner) to determine the final
overall system design. This is all radar laser technology that we could not get any better advice from
anywhere in the World.
The RF modulation of the Rayleigh-Stonely standing waves on the exterior surface will be
controlled similar to a side looking airborne radar phase conjugate system. The overlapping system of
negatively-charged fermions on the surface will act as the surface of a transducer that is usually
composed of Lithium Niobate. This system of RF modulation by the on-board computer is so sensitive
that we will be able to literally "see" via acoustic signal processing as if we had a 360-degree window
outside the ship. With our crew of technical advisors, we will finalize the design for the modulation of
both RF lens lasing activation and the exterior surface charge so that the ship will interact with the
projected laser plasma and be able to navigate the ship in any direction similar to a helicopter.
Hopefully, we can gain spacing Cincinnati Machine's interest in producing a prototype that will be
the first of many so that we can show them the possibility of a major contract to bring in major income
to Cincinnati Machine in the future. It would be great if they could invest as a joint venture partner in
light of the forthcoming lucrative contracts to be made. At least we can have a real quote to show any
prospective investor exactly how much it will cost to build a full-sized working prototype.
The lens will be of a similar nature. We have the crystallite II-VI compound glass lens that the last
layer has to be grown via MBE deposition methods to ensure chromaticity (i.e., lase) of the emitted
(coherent) light. Most likely we will ask Cincinnati Machine to see if they want to take part in the
creation of the RF activated crystalline lens. We will construct the lens at UIC MP Labs if we need to.
But this will take a special MBE deposition system of equipment that we can design and have the MBE
equipment manufacturer EPI construct the very large equipment to do the final one molecule thick layer
(CdTe-diamond-glass). This is just a different variation of the same II-VI compound glass crystallite
that has been created for several years. There is nothing that hasn't been built before that we are doing
with our ship. We will have the estimated cost and time worked out to show any potential backer.
It sure is exciting that we are discussing building a real space ship here!
March 14, 2002
Larry D. Maurer, Secretary-Treasurer, Director - Engineering Dept.
Michael E. Maurer, President, Director - Research
Andrew C. Moore, Vice President - Computer Dept.
Ernest S. Brown, Vice President - Computer Dept.
R. Bryan Workman, Vice President - Communications
Douglas Starfield, Vice President - Marketing
Jack E. Quinn, Office Manager
Jason D. Maurer, Communications
SmartSkin Manufacturers
Applied Sciences, Inc.
Elliot Kennel, Technical representative
(937) 766-2020 x134
Kate Monaghan, Communications Director (937) 766-2020 x134
141 W. Xenia Ave.
P.O. Box 579
Cedarville, OH 45314-0579
(937) 766-2020
fax (937) 766-5886
Albany Metals & Alloys
Lemont B. McCracken
1150 National Way
Albany, OR 97321
(541) 928-4923
Hull & Mainframe Manufacturer
Cincinnati Machine
4701 Marburg Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45209-1025
Helen Boerger, Corp. Rep.
Jami Leininger, Sales
(513) 841-8154
fax (513) 841-8306
Lens Manufacturer
(http://iptsg.epfl.ch/aps/BAPSMAR97/abs/s130.html )
University of California, Berkeley
A. Paul Alivisatos, Senior Scientist
Chancellor's Professor of Chemistry
(510) 643-7371
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
Prof. Sivalingam Sivananthan
Director/Microphysics Lab.
Department of Physics
2236 SES)
Chicago, Illinois 60607-7059
(312) 996-5092
fax (312) 996-9016
Eagle-Picher Technologies, LLC
Gene Cantwell
Director, Technical Development
Environmental Science and Technology Department
200 BJ Tunnel Boulevard
Miami, OK 74354
(918) 542-1801
Fax 918-540-2595
Cleveland Crystals, Inc.
19306 Redwood Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44110-2738
Wm. R. Cook, Jr., Senior Scientist
Lee Shiozawa, Technical Representative
(216) 486-6100, ext. 3011
Fax: 216-486-6103
Equipment & Hardware Components
Richard J. Madore
Magnetron Engineering Manager
CPI magnetrons- CPI Beverly Microwave Div, Beverly, Ma
150 Sohier Rd.
Beverly, MA 01915-5595
(508) 922-6000 ext. 631
fax (508) 922-8914
Flight Navigation & Control System
Flight Unlimited, Inc.
H.D. Froning, Jr
Dr. Robert L. Roach Ph.D
5450 Country Club Drive
Flagstaff, AZ 86004-8739
(520) 526-5916
fax (520) 286-9419
Dr. Terence W. Barrett
1453 Beulah Rd.
Vienna, VA 22182
(703) 759-4518
fax (703) 757-5313
MBE Equipment Manufacturer
EPI- MBE Equipment
Michael DeBruzzi
Systems Sales Engineer
Saint Paul, MN 55127
(651) 482-0800
fax (653-0725
Laser Design Consultant
Physics dept.
John M. Dawson (deceased)
Accelerator & Theoretical Plasma
Office: Knudsen 1-130M
(310) 825-7814
UNITEL Business Consultants
Wil F. Zarecor
9064 Myrtle Drive
Douglasville, GA 30134
(770) 489-3221
fax (770) 489-3222
James E. Reinmuth, PhD
(541) 346-3293
fax (541) 346-3295
Cavendish Management Resources
Mike Downey, Managing Director
31 Harley Street, LONDON W1N 1DA,
UK International: 44 171 636 1744.
:0171 636 1744. UK Fax: 0171 636 5639
fax: 44 171 636 5639
UNITEL Technical Consultants
Prof. Andreas Mandelis
Photothermal and Optoelectronic
Diagnostics Laboratories (PODL)
University of Toronto
Department of Mechanical
& Industrial Engineering
5 King’s road
Toronto, CA M5S 3G8
(416) 978-5106
Fax (416) 266-7867
Claudio Maccone
Colombo Center for Astrodynamics
Via Martorelli, 43
I-10155 Torino (TO) Italy
Yoshinari Minami
NEC Patent Service, Ltd.
5-11, Shibaura 4-Chome
Minato-ku, Tokyo 108 Japan
81(03) 3798-6923
fax 3798-5989
Harold E. Puthoff
Institute for Advanced Studies
University of Texas at Austin
1301 Capitol of Texas Hwy S.
Suite B 121
Austin, TX 78746
(512) 328-5751
FAX 834-9769
Prof. Ernest S. Brown, MA,
Director, Computer Dept.
Unitel, Inc.
8540 Hwy. 20
Toledo, OR 97391
(541) 336-7901
fax (541) 265-3820
cell (541) 961-0583
wk (541) 265-2283 ext. 127
Optical Equipment (Scanner)
Pixel Vision, Inc.
15250 NW Greebrier Parkway
Su 1250
Beaverton, OR 97006
George Williams
Pixel Vision, Inc. (formerly Imaging Technologies Inc.)
2134 Main St.
Su 160
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
(714) 840-9778 PV- South
Jim Janesick
(503) 629-3210 PV-North
UNITEL Corporate Attorney
Dennis F. Tripp, P.C.
1000 Oregon National Bldg.
610 SW Alder St.
Portland, OR 97205
(503) 295-2425
fax (503) 417-0174
S-226. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding corporate financial pitfalls
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: attached is my list of email contacts ...
Date : Tue, 19 Mar 2002 12:32:58 -0800
Hi Mark:
Well, that's life I guess with forming a corporation or business to develop and market an idea. Live
or die by it and I guess this is a good example of one of the pitfalls of working with (or as) a business
In some aspects, I can understand what they are labeling us as. And, in essence, they are right.
Perhaps you could focus on Maurer&Miller rather than their business UNITE. Kind of like talking
about Paul Allen and not Vulcan Ventures (i.e., Paul's firm).
I mean two can play at their game. It's just a matter of wording right.
Anyway, we are just running amuck over here with these Nigerians trying to send us money with the
bank, Feds, attorneys all labeling the deal as a "scam". I just don't understand it because we are
receiving the money and sending them stock certificates. Simple as that. Oh well, we have several
other firms trying to buy our stock or work out a loan for us to continue with our projects etc. I will
keep you posted.
S-227. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding finding a Television Producer
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Fwd: found a producer
Date : Tue, 19 Mar 2002 23:26:40 -0800
> Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 16:50:49 -0800
> To: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
> From: Paul Kirsch <pkirsh@ucla.edu>
> Subject: found a producer
> Hi,
>I found a producer at ABC TV who is willing to talk to you. Her name is Debbie Strichartz. She is
the wife of a scientist where I work. She has produced 20 episodes of a program called "Total
Access 24/7" an ABC family news program. I said you had a book based on your experience of
witnessing and back-engineering a UFO and a treatment for a script based on the physics of an
interstellar ship. I had to say something that might capture her interest so I had to mention the book.
>Her cell phone number is 310 480-8000. She says to call her on the cell, then you will have to email her some things. We had a lot of problems with the cell phone connection cutting out so you
may have to repeat things. Stay Visual !!!. She is very, very busy producing something now (I'll let
her explain what it is- a giant Sci-Fi film), so we had to trade calls back and forth a few times. But
she did return my call. Which is QUITE A LOT in this town! She seems nice and thinks in visual
terms, she mentioned that it sounds like the Jody Foster "Contact" film. So the ball is your court,
> Give her a call maybe tomorrow. Try not to sound too anxious and be prepared! Introduce
yourself as the friend of Paul who called her. I was a little excited and forgot to mention the name
"UNITEL". So you will have to GO SLOW!!!! and give her a lot of the basics. I think you want to
make sure that you DO NOT LOSE HER WITH TOO MUCH PHYSICS !!!! Just give the general
story of what you have and what you want.
> Best of Luck! If it doesn't work, we did what we could and learned- you never know how things
will work out. Be nice etc. READ THIS E-MAIL 3 times so you get all the details I have
> best, Paul
S-228. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding corresondence on a quantum computer
business firm
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Fwd: UNITEL Aerospace & Electronics
Date : Tue, 19 Mar 2002 20:30:27 -0800
> Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 20:29:03 -0800
> To: starman@unitelnw.com
> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
> Subject: Fwd: UNITEL Aerospace & Electronics
>> Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 20:27:43 -0800
>> To: dftpc@AOL.com
>> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
>> Subject: Fwd: UNITEL Aerospace & Electronics
>> Dennis: FYI
>> I really want to settle with Felix's firm on the quantum computer part of UNITEL which is a
big chunk of our business which is mostly hinged on HOLO-1 and its technology. I was
thinking a $million down and $500K per year with 7% to 12% royalties and licensing. What
do you think? Remember, we have Haizat Latiff and Chris Moore with their VC proposals we
are also offered from them.
>> I hope we can get Felix to move quick with all this Nigerian nightmare music going on.
Ladi is serious in his investment of $14.5 million. But he wants us to buy the shares back over
a certain period of time. I am going to talk to the Bank office manager tomorrow morning
about getting the money secured over here in our account.
>>Hopefully, I will have a response from Felix real soon so we can get that down payment in
our hands, right Dennis? I will be around all day tomorrow. I am also calling Debbie at ABC
studios about our film proposal. Should be a great money-maker!
>> Larry
>>> Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 19:48:21 -0800
>>> To: beyond@shaw.ca
>>> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
>>> Subject: UNITEL Aerospace & Electronics
>>> Dear Felix:
>>> How are you? Good, I hope. I am just curious if you had the meeting you spoke
of with the Board concerning your investment into UNITEL. We hope that you are
successful in presenting the UNITEL investment opportunity to them. We have a
tremendous opportunity to create and market the various items we are involved with
that will have a serious impact on society.
>>> We are anxious to get started as soon as funding permits. Please let me know if
we can help you with anything, Felix. We are ready to discuss any changes in the
percentage of UNITEL and the amount to investment, time-phase schedules for
payment. Please make us a serious offer as soon as possible.
>>> We are also talking to an overseas group in Singapore and a couple of VC
investment firms. If you wait, they may invest and so forth. Perhaps you may want to
include them in your investment offer. Who knows, Felix! We just want to get started
at UIC, KHD, and the other various projects we have on our agenda.
>>> I know your firm is mostly interested in our quantum computer HOLO-1 and
related technology for communications etc. I think we can work out an agreeable
contract for your firm to buy the rights to produce HOLO-1 and manage the
development and marketing of HOLO-1. We are pretty flexible as far as coming to a
contract agreement decision where both sides are happy. Please keep in mind,
however, we have other interested investors so please be realistic and serious in any
agreements we produce between your firm and UNITEL, Inc. I hope to hear from you
soon. Good evening,
>>> Regards,
>>> Larry Maurer
>>> UNITEL, Inc.
>>>> Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 15:01:06 -0800 (PST)
>>>> From: ATPG Founder <halgravity@yahoo.com>
>>>> Subject: Communication Problems
>>>> To: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
>>>> Greetings Larry,
>>>>I have received your mails on BEC. However, recently my home computer
has received a malicious virus and I am unable to use Windows and my modem.
This message is just to inform that I may be incommunicado for a few days unless
I use a remote machine (as I am now). This is also the reason I have not sent any
rapid replies.
>>>> As for the BEC and QMT, I strongly feel that this is outside my area of
expertise. This is partially is because of my ongoing undergraduate studies
(currently I am only aware of the general conception and equations for elementary
Bose-states). There are some members of our Group that have taken courses in
Quantum Field Theory. But most ATPG members have a working knowledge of
Relativity theory. And this is the area ATPG can more properly discuss. So our
comments may only be of help to your QMT if there is some Classical or
Relativistic phenomena to be interpreted (e.g., General Relativity effects).
>>>> p.s. thanks for the updates.
>>>> --Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
>>>> Independent Researcher
>>>> ATPG Founder; screen name halgravity
>>>> ATPG homepage: http://www.geocities.com/halgravity/atpg.html
S-229. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding corresondence on requesting a prototype
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Fwd: Fiber Placement for UNITEL Space Vehicle
Date : Wed, 20 Mar 2002 10:43:54 -0800
Now we have this firm along with Applied Sciences for a quote on a full sized test model! Yahooo!
> From: "Hennies, Ronald C." <Ron_Hennies@cinmach.com>
> To: "'lmaurer@unitelnw.com'" <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
> Subject: Fiber Placement for Unitel Space Vehicle
> Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 10:44:52 -0500
> Dear Mr. Maurer >
> Ms. Jami Leininger forwarded your correspondence to me and asked that I contact you.
> As you may be aware, we have a VIPER FPS-3000 Fiber Placement System installed and
operational in our development facilities here in Cincinnati, Ohio. The size of this machine is
such that it can accommodate a mandrel that is at least - feet diameter by 15-feet long.
Therefore, this machine may be appropriate for fabricating the composite fiber skin on your
> If you could please call me, I would be happy to discuss this subject further.
> Regards - Ron
> Ronald C. Hennies
> Composites Development Manager
> Cincinnati Machine
> Tel: 513-841-7881
> Fax: 513-841-8306
> Email: ron_hennies@cinmach.com
> Web Page for Composites at CM:
> http://www.cinmach.com/products/adva_set.htm
> -----Original Message----- From: Larry Maurer
>> [<mailto:lmaurer@unitelnw.com>mailto:lmaurer@unitelnw.com]
>> Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 2:06 AM
>> To: jami_leininger@cinmach.com
>> Subject: UNITEL Aerospace & Electronics
>> Dear Mr. Leininger:
>> As I mentioned in my previous email, I am contacting your firm to follow up on our
initial contact with your firm (Cincinnati Machine document number 01-07616) in my
response to a Cincinnati Machine corporate letter dated August 24, 2002 from Helen
Boerger. Helen sent me the information concerning the Viper 3000 Fiber Placement
and other required equipment to create a hull covering (Skin) on a standard aircraft
frame (actually it will be a titanium-steel AC frame filled with helium gas). The basic
overall size or (rough) dimensions of the vehicle will be 5-ft.-dia. X 15-ft.-long. About
the size of a small sports car.
>> We have AutoCad drawings of the proposed vehicle and will supply the shop
drawings with the specifications. We have Applied Sciences as the contractor. We had
a contract to construct and test a smartskin prototype with Rolls Royce which entailed
testing a piece of our smartskin that was one square centimeter with two charge (SDE)
pins. Unfortunately, Rolls Royce suffered a heavy economic blow after the 9/11 WTO
incident and our project was set aside.
>> At any rate, we will proceed ahead and pursue the construction of a full-sized model
of our all-electric (i.e., Laser) EM space vehicle. We would like to use the composite
fiber for our skin. The smartskin layer would be adjacent (outside) of the composite
fiber layer which will support the modulated system of semiconducting diode elements
(SDEs) that provide the high volume of charge (close adhering cloud of electrons in a
Rayleigh-Stonely wave manner) to the exterior smartskin that is composed out of doped
layers of Niobium-Titanium-Diamond.
>> I have attached a complete list of our contractors. I have taken the liberty of adding
Cincinnati Machine to the list of contractors attached herein. Please review the list and
let me know if it meets your approval. In the document, your firm is listed along with
several other contractors. We would like to discuss a price quote for the prototype. We
would also like to discuss the possibility of Applied Sciences using your equipment -or work with your technicians -- to construct the exterior charged smarskin layer of
Niobium-Titanium-Diamond. The windings of the niobium-titanium layers would be
(http://enews.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/14-tesla-magnet.html) Cal Berkeley
Labs broke the world record for Gauss. The last exterior layer is the (p-doped)
diamond layer will be grown on the Niobium-Titanium layer outside of the composite
layer base skin on standard AC frame.
>>Is it possible we can hire your facilities to construct our smartskin as well as our
composite fiber base skin? We would also like to discuss the possibility of your firm
participating as an active partner in construction and marketing of the prototype
because of the high profit to be made in the transportation market. We are certain our
propulsion system will work and we are prepared to construct our prototype at your
facilities if we can insure the clean-room atmosphere required in creation of our
>> This is a very exciting project that will be a milestone in the progression of flight
technology. We would like to work out a general estimate of what it would cost to
construct our vehicle's hull so we can announce the price quote in our contract with a
potential financial backer. I hope to hear from you soon concerning our potential
contract. We all look forward to doing business with Cincinnati Machine and
providing the possibility of several contracts to manufacture more prototypes of various
sizes, etc. This means a very bright future for Cincinnati Machine and the many jobs
we will produce for your employees.
>> Sincerely,
>> Larry D. Maurer, Principal
>> & Director, Engineering
>> UNITEL, Inc.
>> (503) 232-2740
>> www.unitelnw.htm
S-230. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding follow-up correspondence to Cincinnati
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Fwd: Re: Fiber Placement for Unitel Space Vehicle
Date : Wed, 20 Mar 2002 16:10:58 -0800
attachment : AP-1.doc (66k)  [ Appendix: UNITEL_attachment_S-225 ]
> To: ekennel@apsci.com
> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
> Subject: Fwd: Re: Fiber Placement for UNITEL Space Vehicle
> Elliot: FYI your review.
>> To: Ron_Hennies@cinmach.com
>> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
>> Subject: Re: Fiber Placement for Unitel Space Vehicle
>> Hello Ron:
>> I placed a call to you earlier. I know you are busy and there is no pressing deadline for us to
meet. I would like to progress forward with exchanging more information concerning our
prototype & associates, etc. and your firm's capabilities, requirements, etc. so we can get a
reasonably accurate price quote to undertake such a project. I am prepared to send you AutoCad
R14 drawings, requirements, prototype descriptions, etc. I have attached a list of contractors for
your review. We will send you their requirements etc., also.
>> Elliot Kennel is our POC at Applied Sciences will be giving us a quote along with your firm's
quote. Applied Sciences will apply the smartskin layer to the exterior surface of the UNITEL
prototype which is roughly 5-ft-dia. X 15-ft.-long as I sent you earlier. We are hoping that your
team will work with Elliot and Applied Sciences, Inc. to construct the smartskin on our prototype
hull composed of your firm's composite fibers. We can exchange information concerning the
requirements from both firms in order to construct the prototype fully completed at your
>>This should be a very important and exciting project for all involved businesses. We will
have the available funds to hopefully construct our prototype but we need to get an idea of the
costs involved in producing our prototype. We shall find out after we get all parties concerned
familiar with our proposed project. I look forward to discussing our proposed contract at your
convenience. This will take some time to exchange information. So there is no hurry, Ron.
>> Regards,
>> Larry D. Maurer, Principal
>> & Director, Engineering
>> UNITEL, Inc.
>> (503) 232-2740
>> www.unitelnw.com
S-231. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding alert to a new book on Macroscopic Quantum
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Fwd: book and professors that work with MQT
Date : Wed, 20 Mar 2002 19:10:31 -0800
> Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 17:07:22 -0800
> To: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
> From: Paul Kirsch <pkirsh@ucla.edu>
> Subject: book and professors that work with MQT
> Found some interesting resources for Macroscopic quantum tunneling -- best, Paul
> ---------------------------> This is a book that just came out a week ago:
> Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling
> Shin Takagi - Cambridge press 50 pounds
> http://uk.cambridge.org/physics/catalogue/0521800021/default.htm
>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> This is a university in Japan that seems to do sympathetic work:
> http://www.coe.waseda.ac.jp/kurihara/index.html
> Department of Physics,
> Waseda University
> Proffessor Susumu Kurihara
>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------> This is an audio - haven't heard it yet - but with title MQT:
> Prof of Physics at New City College - Chudnovsky
> http://online.itp.ucsb.edu/online/bblunch/chudnovsky/
S-232. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding new Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling book
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : MQT
Date : Wed, 20 Mar 2002 19:10:03 -0800
Check this out:
> Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling
> Shin Takagi
> Description | Contents
> Description
>Macroscopic quantum phenomena are particularly important when considering the problem of
Schrödinger’s cat. This book contains a coherent and self-contained account of such phenomena,
focusing on the central role played by Macroscopic quantum tunneling. Beginning with an
explanation of the nature and significance of the cat problem, Shin Takagi introduces the concept of
Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling. He deals with typical examples in detail, elucidating how
quantum mechanical coherence may be lost (so-called ‘decoherence’) or how it may be maintained
despite the effects of environment and measurement processes. Recent experimental and theoretical
advances are discussed and the remaining problems described.
> The final chapter describes an experiment to decide between quantum mechanics and macrorealism in the light of Einstein’s moon. Assuming only a knowledge of elementary Quantum
Mechanics, this book emphasizes conceptual aspects rather than technical details. It provides a firm
introduction to the subject for graduate students and researchers.
S-233. from Andrew Potter regarding UNITEL and his own website
From : Andrew Potter <potterae@email.uc.edu>
To : "Stealth Skater" <stealthskaters@hotmail.com>
Subject : Re: my UFO/P-X/Montauk/time-travel/UNITEL/remote-viewing site
Date : Tue, 26 Mar 2002 13:10:16 -0500
at 08:16 AM 3/23/2002 -0500, you wrote:
> I was trying to promote UNITEL's upcoming book, the planned documentary film, and the
computer game. And in the process, I was hoping to convince people who had never heard
of UNITEL that real-world MQT was here. I listed the special UNITEL page that I created
at my site.
> I had gotten e-mail addresses of employees at planetariums and physics departments from
their websites. I e-mailed them individually. Apparently someone complained to MSN and
they terminated my e-mail account, accusing me of spamming. I replied that these people
solicited comments/suggestions at their websites and even gave their individual e-mail
addresses. (Be careful what you ask for ... you just might get it!) But they never responded.
> The very next ay Yahoo! killed my GeoCities site. They said it was for "remote-loading".
That's impossible. They too won't respond to my e-mails for clarification or restoring the
site. I personally think MSN "talked" to Yahoo! I can't prove it ... but the timing is such that
I can't believe it's just a coincidence.
> Not-to-worry, though. I paid a private commercial server in-advance for a year's worth of
hosting. They're just dragging their feet. The domain was supposed to be registered this
week. Now it looks like late next week before I can start republishing. Thank God! I kept all
my FrontPage code and didn't use any of Yahoo!'s utilities -- all of that code would be gone.
> I asked Larry if he thought somebody had a grudge against UNITEL and used their
"influence" to take the site down. He thought 'no'. I did a similar thing before, though,
contacting all these places about my site in general (and not mentioning UNITEL
specifically) and nothing happened. This time the e-mail subject was all UNITEL, though.
> -- Mark
If you want, I can help you design & code/maintain the site.
My site is at
http://www25.brinkster.com/scienceedge . (I threw the design together in about 24 hours)
I also have access to Photoshop, Adobe GoLive, and TypeStyler. And I have graphic-designer
connections who may be willing to help. I'm especially interested in helping to maintain the UNITEL
aspects. You may also want to check out: http://www.time-travel.com .
These people have a time machine made that can transport objects into the future! Let me know if
you want any help.
-Andrew Potter
S-234. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding quantum tunneling and "extra" dimensions
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: an bio-electromagnetic yGroup
Date : Tue, 26 Mar 2002 12:05:35 -0800
At 12:55 PM 3/26/02 -0500, you wrote:
> Hi Larry -> There may be some medical researchers that subscribe to this yGroup =>
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bioelectromagnetics/ . It deals with EM interactions with
the human body and might aid in making contacts to develop this part of UNITEL's
> I've often wondered what happens if these "extra" dimensions and "superstrings" don't pan
out? What if they don't find a Higgs particle? What if there are only 4 dimensions? Since
the UFO phenomena has been witnessed by so many people, I guess it's back to the drawing
board to figure out the physics. That's why I wouldn't be upset if the Higgs particle couldn't
be found. You and Mike saw these things work; therefore there must be something else
going on.
> "Exotic Matter" need not exist naturally if it can be artificially created long enough to do
its "thing". Perhaps the same thing is true regarding the Higgs. If it can be "created" by
natural or man-made means to provide "mass", that's all that counts.
> That KeelyNet post I sent you had this theme in mind. If "gravity" is created by regions of
high mass-energy densities "shielded" from the QVF -- sort of like a giant Casimir Effect -then "gravitons" and all those other postulated particles aren't needed. Bearden didn't seemed
to believe in "hyperspace" and extra dimensions. I got the impression that he thought the
"secret" to everything lay in the QVF and ZPE (including anti-gravity). He keeps writing
about extracting energy from the "time" domain and I get lost here.
> It's easier for me, though, to think of MQT taking place via these extra dimensions. But I
wonder if MQT can take place in the QVF (perhaps by converting matter to a wave in some
sort of "reality bubble" and later collapsing the wave once a destination has been arrived at)
if these other 6 dimensions turn out to be bogus.
> Eye-witness reports consistently validate that extraordinary events are taking place. If
current and leading-edge physics fail to provide a reason "why", then new theories will have
to be invented. You already know for a fact these things are for real! So it's just a matter of
finding the right pieces (Higgs, monopoles, gravity waves notwithstanding) to fit the puzzle .
>-- Mark
Hello Mark:
Yes, since we started working with reengineering what we saw back in '81, we discovered the
positive evidence that predicts that our system involves strings and higher dimensions. Quantum
tunneling tells us that "something" other than 4 dimensions are going on. The way I see it, the higher
dimensions (or extra "degrees of freedom") are kind of like subsets of our normal 4-D space-time.
Anyway, all evidence seems to point to strings, monopoles, higher dimensions, etc.
Whatever we will hopefully find out when we construct our vehicle, it should be an earth-moving
event. When you think about the design and materials involved, our design seems very feasible.
Another world record electromagnet. Only this one flies!
S-235. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding latest comment from Jack Sarfatti
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: Jack posted to the WHOLE Group !!!
Date : Wed, 27 Mar 2002 19:48:14 -0800
I guess Jack-ass is entitled to state his opinion, even though he hasn't made a decent comment. I
think that if he did, it would make him have to eventually tell everyone what he understands about
quantum physics which I believe is next to nothing. Boy! my co-inventor/business partner/friend Mike
Miller would rip Jack-ass a new one!
Miller told me way back in 1982, when we first started out talking to physicists and grad students at
the Univ. of Oregon that that crowd was worse than a bunch of back-stabbing old gossipers and he was
absolutely correct! Jack-ass is the epitome Deep down, I believe this is true. We, I bet, will not hear
anything from Jack-ass except grunts and groans. Let me know if he does anything other than that
because, hey!.. I could use the money!
I wonder just how much money Jackamer has for us to take from him in a legal lawsuit for Libel or
Slander. Either one is a felony.
Best regards,
S-236. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding a side project on Ghana's airport expansion
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Fwd: Ghana Airport Expansion
Date : Thu, 28 Mar 2002 19:07:55 -0800
At 01:36 PM 3/27/02 -0500, you wrote:
> Larry ->
> Damn if he didn't do it! That e-mail sent to me apparently was sent to all who subscribe to
that club. He even posted his message =>
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/UFO_HOTLINE_BULLETI/message/565 . If you think
it would do any good, you might get somebody like Bill Hamilton (who probably belongs to
that yGroup) to ask Jack-ass to keep his prejudices to himself and clean-up his public
>-- Mark
Mark: FYI
> Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 17:57:39 -0800
> To: starman@unitelnw.com
> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
> Subject: Ghana Airport Expansion
> Doug:
> I just got off the phone with Rhonda -- Raince Anderson's assistant at W&H Pacific in Beaverton.
I will be talking to them tomorrow about them sending an information package to Tom who is the
2nd in the Aviation House for Ghana Civil Aviation. I talked to Mike Miler earlier and discussed
the possibility of us going over to Ghana and wiring the airport&runway along with the design and
drawings for both airports.
> Let's draw up a bid proposal to send to Tom that we would fly over there to the worksite and
perform tasks such as wiring (which Michael has a Industrial Maintenance license and my Son Jason
has much experience in underground utility construction, residential and commercial phone, cable,
and data pre-wire). With your experience to Doug, I think we could put together a working crew to
bid on the wiring contracts along with W&H Pacific's contract bid (which we want to take a part in a
consulting role for a small portion of W&H' Pacific's Contract).
> This is our chance, Doug, to make some moolah. Ghana could pay to fly us over there and per
diem etc. along with our wages which we would get half up-front and the remainder upon
completion of the airport project(s). Let's send Tom the info on our bid potential. What do you
> The following is the email I have received from Tom concerning the airports, etc.:
>> Hello Larry!
>> I think we could rock&roll pretty soon. Tell you what there is currently an ongoing expansion programe here in Ghana where Airports are been upgraded to
International standards. One has already taken off and the are about two more in the
pipeline. What I would want from you is a profile of affiliated companies that
undertake contracts on all Aaviation works from design, construction, runway
extension etc. etc. I spent a little while in Vero beach FL. (Flight Safety Academy).
Say hai to MAxx,
>> Rgds
>> Tom
>>> Hello Larry,
>>> This came out as a surprise to me. Have we by any chance discussed on
such an issue before???
>>> I am an aviation enthusiast and would be keen on working on expansion
projects on airports in West Africa. Could there be a possibility of doing things
together??? In other words, does your Ccorporate objectives permit you to go
beyond your Boundaries of execution??
>>> Would be pleased if you could revert.
>>> Rgds
>>> Tom
>>>> Hello!
>>>> Would you be kind enough to furnish me with a company profile
that will entail all jobs undertaken and qualifications of your team. I can
really put something together for you guys.
>>>> Rgds
S-237. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding offer to work on the Ghana airport project
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: 450 e-mails were sent out
Date : Thu, 28 Mar 2002 19:07:03 -0800
At 04:07 PM 3/28/02 -0500, you wrote:
> Larry ->
> I sent out e-mails to all those on that Planetarium spreadsheet I sent you. Some were
returned as undeliverable. But 380 made it. Now we'll se if word-of-mouth does its thing.
> In the e-mail (I actually adopted another "identity"), I said that the basic physics behind
UNITEL's quantum computer and interstellar design had all been worked-out. It was just an
engineering task now to complete the prototypes. I mentioned that UNITEL had a team of
world-class physicists and scientists -- both in the public and government sectors -- waiting
for the prototype to be build so they could confront the little "surprises" that always pop-up
when transitioning from paper designs to functioning machines. I said that absolutely no
help was needed in these areas.
> I closed by saying with all the concentration on these two applications -- brought on by
UNITEL's investors and stockholders -- the medical uses of MQT still needs more work
done. And that was the purpose of my e-mail, to solicit responses from those who had
equally strong backgrounds in QCD physics and medicine on the cellular level.
> I enclosed a link to UNITEL's home-page as well as to the special page I put up on my site
which announces the book documentary, computer-game, lists the UNITEL Corporate
members, Paul's published interview with Mike, etc.
> So if you get a bunch of unexpected e-mails, now you'll know where they came from.
BTW, I sent all over the World including Australia, England, Russia, Czech, Portugal, Brazil,
> -- Mark
Hi Mark:
Hey, do you want to go to Ghana W. Africa and work on 2 airport upgrades? You can twist wires
and run a tractor, can't you? We're talking a group worker bid whereby we all split the profits equally
amongst us bidders. Could work out to be a fair penny to be made. Of course, we will keep our projects
rolling. But you know, Mark, it's only money. Of course, the Ghana Civil Airport Org. would pay for
round trip flight and per diem while we do the work. Think about it. Could be a pre-space crew. You
never know!
We shall see what the two airport upgrades has to offer us. I have my old employer W&H Pacific in
Beaverton, OR informed and Ghana is requesting an info package from us. W&H did the Eugene, OR
airport upgrade. I remember staring at the plaque on the wall next to the coffee room (all engineer's
survival spot) of the Award W&H received from the FAA for the Eugene Airport upgrade.
I have never worked on an airport per se. But I have performed so many structural positions that I
believe we can go over there and do the job. We have several connections in the fiber
telecommunications industry -- mostly cable TV and AT&T. We draw 'em; they run the cable!
We shall see what happens, Mark. I will go to Ghana for a while if the money is worth it!
S-238. from Dr Arkadiusz Jadczyk regarding claims of Tom Bearden and UNITEL
From : "Arkadiusz Jadczyk" <lark1@ozline.net>
To : "Stealth Skater" <stealthskaters@hotmail.com>
Subject : Re: Thanks ! much appreciated !
Date : Sat, 30 Mar 2002 15:08:16 -0500
On 30 Mar 2002, at 14:33, Stealth Skater wrote:
> That would be such a pleasant blending of theoretical brainpower and engineering
ingenuity. Unfortunately, politics, ego, and greed sometimes get in the way.
> Hope your weekend is a good one!
>-- Mark
Hi Mark,
Thanks for all these details. I do not have doubts that Bearden and Maurer are in fact nice people.
We met some very nice persons intersecting our own path. You can read about some of that in our
"Adventures Series" on our website.
I am open-minded. But when I see silliness, I get suspicious. That is a reasonable behavior.
Tom Bearden shows evident traces of silliness. And the guys of UNITEL show them too.
Moreover, whenever there is a REAL breakthrough in sight, the military guys and other powers-that-be
would twist it, corrupt it, make it look silly for outside, and take it for themselves in a quite efficient
way. That is how the Matrix operates.
Not an easy place for real inventors.
Best wishes,
Dr Arkadiusz Jadczyk
S-239. from Andrew Potter regarding his association with UNITEL
From : Andrew Potter <potterae@email.uc.edu>
To : "Stealth Skater" <stealthskaters@hotmail.com>
Subject : Re: UNITEL's business associates
Date : Sat, 30 Mar 2002 17:38:51 -0500
At 07:42 AM 3/28/2002 -0500, you wrote:
> Hi Andrew ->
> There are a lot of little things I can't interrelate concerning UNITEL. I don't know how
they became so affiliated with businesses in Ohio when so much of the hi-tech aerospace
manufacturing takes place on the West Coast (and UNITEL is in Oregon). Also I can't
follow utilizing MQT in the medical field. I have seen some of this cellular EM frequency
stuff before (mainly at Bearden's site with references to Rife's and Priore's work and at the
FDA-banned books by Wilheim Reich). I can better follow the space-vehicle applications
than I can the medical or computer thing.
> Judging from responses of other physicists in their e-mails forwarded to me by Mr. Maurer,
they think that UNITEL may in fact be on to something but it would take MANY years or
decades to accomplish it. Funding support has been influenced by that. If any investments
are to be made, they want to apply them FIRST to the quantum computer project. I can't
quite follow the details. And I don't want to push it because I figure if UNITEL wanted me
to know more of the "inside stuff", they would have told me by now.
> I am convinced of their absolute belief that their technology WILL work once the
prototypes are built. Of course, believing in something doesn't mean it actually exists.
(Look at all the different religions in the world, each with their own fanatical or hardcore
followers.) Let me put it another way -- if anyone has found a way to trick Nature into
believing a large ship is really a tiny electron so that She will permit Q-T to take place, I
believe it is UNITEL.
> But "extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof". Especially to investors and
funding agencies. And there lies the rub. I asked them a couple of times if they couldn't start
with something a little "smaller" to demonstrate the validity of their proposals. Build
something in the lab that costs $50,000 instead of $5-10 Million. But that has always been
met with a polite-but-cold-shoulder. I guess they have their reasons for this. I have been told
that Lockheed-Martin is ready with $100 Million once they have seen the prototype HOLO-1
work. And that's what Mr. Maurer has consistently told me, that individual world-class
physics experts will get intimately involved once the initial prototype has been built. He
anticipates a lot of fine-tuning will be involved to "clone" cheaper mass-produced UNITEL
machines. And he is not that naive to expect all experiments will run smoothly with no
surprises. But nothing can be done until this thing is built. And it will cost a lot of money.
> I have posted stuff on MSN and yGroups Science and Physics clubs. UNITEL and Maurer
have made "enemies" in the past from cynics who don't believe Q-T can ever take place in
the real world. One of them was Dr. Kaku whom both Maurer and I like and respect. A
debate of sorts was held between Kaku and UNITEL's physics expert Mike Miller. When
world-renowned and UNITEL physics consultant Yosharini sent in the math to prove Mike's
case that Kaku's arguments had nothing to do with actual physics being tapped into, Kaku
humbly left and refuses to engage with UNITEL any more.
> One skeptic who has no fear of being humiliated -- even though he conveniently refuses to
accept any type of public debate -- is Dr. Jack Sarfatti. It's sad, too, because I believe in
many of Sarfatti's ideas. And I think "politically", he and Maurer are a lot of like. (Sarfatti
himself claims he was the recipient of a phone call from the f! uture via a UFO who said he
was being "recruited" into the physics world because of his bright young mind. Yet when
anyone else ever makes any claims regarding UFOs, Sarfatti jumps all over them and
publicly ridicules them.) Maurer has shown me e-mails from some of Sarfatti's peers who
refuse to be associated with him anymore because he "steals" their ideas and incorporates
them into his own. He promotes the wildest type of post-quantum physics. But if anyone
else comes up with their own "wild" ideas, that immediately invites his wrath and scorn. It's
either Jack's way or the highway.
> What made Maurer mad is that Sarfatti bad-mouthed UNITEL and influenced NASA to
withhold funding. Maurer said that Sarfatti is reneging on an agreement that Maurer would
not pursue a libel claim in court if Sarfatti would keep from publicly ridiculing UNITEL. It
appears from Jack's latest posts that he is not living up to that. He raked me over-the-coals
yesterday at yGroups "UFO HOTLINE BULLETIN". All of this from a guy who
consistently puts down Ed Witten and Stephen Hawking and yet never has patented anything
in his life, no Nobel Prizes, no Fields Medal, no MacArthur Fellowship, no "Scientific
American" or "Nature" articles. Reminds me of that sportswriter "Max" in the movie "The
Natural" who never played the game of baseball but could make-or-break the careers of its
> For some reason, Andrew, I think UNITEL actually has stumbled onto the same thing that
Tesla and others saw a long time ago. Because of the advances in hyperspace theories,
UNITEL is an a better position to explain "how" quantum tunneling can take place (because
of all these extra dimensions in superstring and M-theory) than Tesla and von Neumann
could back in the 40's. Sarfatti always closes his e-mail a quote from Feynmann: "I cannot
create what I do not understand." And yet 'that' is exactly what happens every day in the
world of engineering -- and I was once part of it -- where things are fabricated or "created"
and the precise underlying mechanisms which make them work are still unknown. The
medical arena has witnessed practices of accupuncture and chiropracty which work in some
cases for reasons medical researchers have no clue. What particularly haunts me, though, has
been Maurer's repeated question to me: "Why did the UFOs descend upon me, Mike, and my
son? Why not somebody else? Why did they show us all this stuff? Why have they never
> I don't like to think of pre-destiny -- preferring instead to believe in free will -- but that
does make me think. And I never would have contacted UNITEL if I didn't pick up an issue
of "Astronomy" magazine with Kaku's article on Hyperspace. I had never before nor have
since read another issue of "Astronomy". I actually was looking for "Aviation Week & Space
Technology" at the library when this "Astronomy" issue almost jumped out at me. Almost
like I was "pre-destined" for something along the lines of Maurer. And I really don't like the
thought of somebody else "pulling my chains"!
> I've read folklore about "technology exchanges" going on between the ETs and
governments. Our program supposedly ended in 1979. It had some "strings" attached, one
of which the ETs insisted on having ultimate control over the experiments and any applied
technology. But it was such a radically "new" physics that defied the best scientific minds of
the world. Some of it required non-Earth materials or specially-made crystalline alloys. I
personally think there is a sizeable "mental" part in this. That's why I enjoyed Sarfatti's
essays on "quantum consciousness". Corso said the craft appeared to be a "mental extension"
of the habitants inside, and he was NOT talking about "thought-control" (i.e., "fly-bythought"). Nichols talks about generating "artificial reality bubbles". Greer talks about some
of this stuff at CSETI.
> But Maurer refuses to engage in any dialogue concerning this mental/ESP/psi/remoteviewing topic, maintaining he is a hardcore "nuts-and-bolts" engineer. He may be guilty of
falling into the same sort of Sarfatti behavior. Just because he doesn't understand it doesn't
mean "it" doesn't exist. I've been pursuing my own investigations along these lines and
keeping them silent in my conversations with Larry. The one thing Nature has historically
shown us is that our best-laid theories are always upturned or revised. She doesn't seem to
care much about our "common sense" or state-of-the-art. I try to discipline myself into
retaining an "open mind" even though outlandish things come to my attention. There might
be something to them after all!!
> -- Mark
Here are my thoughts on UNITEL:
First off, I'm helping to make the videogame. I'm writing DLLs in C++ to help out. We're starting
from scratch as far as knowledge of OpenGL 3-D graphics, so it may take a while to create an AAA
game. However, all the elements are in place so that with some patience, we can create a great game.
As far as getting involved with Cincinnati Machine, I believe that is a great choice. Why limit
yourself to the West?
And the medical thing … My impression is that it won't actually be tunneling (though I could be
wrong on that) but will be using some aspects of their technology to help cure diseases. However, that
said, I showed my dad (who is a genetic scientist) the UNITEL medical page and he thought it was
bullshit. However, I think that the med applications are probably an afterthought and not a critical part
of the UNITEL game plan.
Also, majoring in Computer Science, I can say that their HOLO-1 looks to me to be awesome! I
believe that this is their best thing they have going for them. If it succeeds, it will certainly allow
funding of the interstellar vehicle.
> "Judging from responses of other physicists in their e-mails forwarded to me by Mr.
Maurer, they think that UNITEL may in fact be on to something but it would take MANY
years or decades to accomplish it. Funding support has been influenced by that. If any
investments are to be made, they want to apply them FIRST to the quantum computer
project. I can't quite follow the details. And I don't want to push it because I figure if
UNITEL wanted me to know more of the "inside stuff", they would have told me by now."
Not only would it take 5-10 years, but they are also HIGH-risk from a materials-science/physics
Having said all that, I invested $425 because I absolutely believe it will work. I'm not going to play it
pessimistic. I think they can rock the World!
Thank you for the lengthy e-mail. Later-Andrew Potter
S-240. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding a potential Medical project
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Fwd: Re: Happy Easter!
Date : Mon, 01 Apr 2002 20:30:18 -0800
> Date: Mon, 01 Apr 2002 20:29:18 -0800
> To: pkirsh@ucla.edu
> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
> Subject: Fwd: Re: Happy Easter!
> Paul:
> Check out the following medical group. We are going to get a call from their Director soon (Dr.
White). Sounds like an excellent group to network with.
> Regards,
> Larry
>> Spaceflight Now | Breaking News | 'Star Wars' like technology
>> 'Star Wars' like technology closer than galaxies far away
RELEASE</B><br>Posted: March 20, 2002
>> A portable, ultrasound device is being developed that could one day be used to find and treat
ailments using non-invasive surgical treatments. The device generates heat inside the body with
pinpoint accuracy to stop bleeding or kill unwanted tissue such as tumors. Technology
introduced by members of a galaxy far away, a long time ago, is now one step closer to reality.
>> And it's with funding from a space medicine research institute that this breakthrough device
will one day kill tumors and stop internal bleeding without knives, scalpels or stitches -basically without surgery as we know it. High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) devices
target ultrasound in precise locations for non-invasive surgical treatments. Using diagnostic
ultrasound to image a problem area, tumor site or internal trauma injury, an individual can then
point-and-shoot the HIFU transducer and destroy unwanted tissue or cauterize a lesion or blood
>> "With HIFU we increase the amplitude of the ultrasound. Instead of dispersing the
ultrasound in a fan-like arrangement, which gives you internal images, we focus the ultrasound
like a magnifying glass," said Dr. Lawrence Crum, associate team leader for the Smart Medical
Systems Team for the National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI). The Institute,
along with the United States Department of Defense, is helping to fund the device's
development. "The device increases the intensity of the ultrasound and focuses it to generate
heat inside the body with pinpoint accuracy. So the treatment doesn't affect surrounding tissue,"
Crum said.
>> The HIFU device is being developed for use in remote areas or on battlefields where
traditional treatment is not possible. Once developed, the device will be ideal for ambulance and
emergency room applications as well. "We've developed devices that have been used to stop
bleeding and treat tumors. These are not yet approved for human use," said Crum, who is
director of the Center for Industrial and Medical Ultrasound at the University of Washington's
Applied Physics Laboratory. This method of treatment would have made a big difference had it
been available to Jerri Nielsen, the doctor at a United States South Pole research station who
developed a malignant breast tumor.
>> Crum cautions that the device is still in the research phase and is far from being ready for
human trials. But, the team is encouraged by the development of similar technology in Asian
and European countries. Chinese researchers have treated more than 25 different types of cancer
in 5,000 people, including pancreatic cancer. By working with researchers around the globe,
Crum's team has learned a lot along the way. The group is developing a version of the device for
use on space missions. From shuttle flights and aboard the ISS to future interplanetary missions,
the device could provide emergency medical care for injuries or conditions that might otherwise
halt a mission. The space-qualifiable version will be lightweight, portable and versatile. The
group is also looking at the long-term effects of the device on tissue as well as overcoming any
problems of using the device in space.
>> The project is complemented by NSBRI teams looking at other space health concerns such as
bone loss, cardiovascular changes, muscle wasting, balance and orientation problems, and
radiation exposure. While focusing on space health issues, the Institute will quickly transfer the
solutions to Earth patients suffering from similar conditions. The NSBRI is funded by NASA.
The NSBRI's consortium members include Baylor College of Medicine, Brookhaven National
Laboratory, Harvard Medical School, The Johns Hopkins University, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Morehouse School of Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Rice University,
Texas A&M University, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, University of
Pennsylvania Health System and the University of Washington.
S-241. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding correspondence on a proposed joint video
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Fwd: Re: Antigravity Video & UNITEL Propulsion Question
Date : Tue, 02 Apr 2002 10:34:52 -0800
> From: "Tim Ventura" <tventura6@attbi.com>
> To: "Larry Maurer" <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
> Subject: Re: Antigravity Video & Unitel Propulsion Question
> Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 10:20:18 -0800
> Dear Larry:
> Maybe if you do a show, you could ask Art to have me on for a small part of it. His VP was
concerned that my research wouldn't fill up an entire show although they wanted to have me on
> Alan Corbeth is the executive VP of the Art Bell show. You can reach him at: (818)377-5300. If
you can't get him there, let me know. I may have another number for him.
> Thanks;
> Tim Ventura
> ----- Original Message ---->> From: "Larry Maurer" <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
>> To: <tventura6@attbi.com>
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 9:45 AM
>> Subject: Re: Antigravity Video & Unitel Propulsion Question
>> Hello Tim:
>> Yes you are right. A "dream team" conglomerate of sorts. I wish I could get my
physicist biz-partner Mike Miller on Art's show. Art told our friend Harry Hess that he
really wanted us on his show when Harry put in a radio tower up for Art. I have tried
without success to get in touch with Art. At least you made it on his show!
>> Best,
>> Larry
>>> At 10:40 PM 4/2/02 -0800, you wrote:
>>> Dear Larry:
>>> Brian Walker (www.rocketguy.com) sent me the link to your website. I was
recently a guest on the Art Bell radio and had about 15 minutes of national exposure
on March 19th. My website URL is http://tventura.hypermart.net . I've
probably received about 500 emails and had approximately 1000 visitors to my
website in the last 2 weeks. Since Art Bell never put up a link to my website, all of
those website visitors were word-of-mouth.
>>> The point to all of this is that "we" as inventors, developers, and
businesspeople have a loose alliance that seems to be pulling into some type of
new-tech "dream-team" of sorts. I don't think that any of us have a ton of cash. But
if we work together, I think that we can generate a lot of interest that will help all of
us in the end.
>>> Tim
>>> ----- Original Message ---->>>> From: "Larry Maurer" <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
>>>> To: <tventura6@attbi.com>
>>>> Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 8:43 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: Antigravity Video & Unitel Propulsion Question
>>>> Hi Tim:
>>>> Enjoyed our phone conversation. I think we may be able to pull together
with several U.S. and International groups similar to our ideas and technology
as we discussed. Yes, the Niobium part of the hull smartskin is a natural type II
superconductor. It has CHP flux pattern system is a high-temp superconducting
lattice structure. We also want to produce the three areas of -, +, 0 1/3fractional charge as proven with Niobium spheres by Frank Wilczek.
>>>> Our esteemed associates all agree that there will be no effect of inertia on
the passengers. Like a rowboat, it will appear that the shore is roaring by. We
sure have enough material to do a film or perhaps a series for TV audience. I
think it will be a real hit! We can also show the cons as well as the pros and let
the audience judge the future of our mutual efforts.
>>>> Let's keep in touch. Have you talked to your producer friend yet?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Larry
>>>> At 01:19 PM 4/2/02 -0800, you wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Larry:
>>>>>> I somewhat remember reading about niobium-titanium-tin-diamond in a
technical journal a while ago -- it's a superconductor, isn't it? I was interested in the
concept of quantum tunneling with so large an object -- I wonder what kind of effects
that might have on the occupants of the vehicle....do you think that it would appear to
them as "instantaneous" transport?
>>>>>>My visualization of your quantum tunneling drive is out of the movie
"Supernova" -- I guess that's better my envisioning it as the warp drive from "Event
>>>>>> ----- Original Message ---->>>>>>> From: "Larry Maurer" <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
>>>>>>> To: <tventura6@attbi.com>
>>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2002 5:37 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Antigravity Video & Unitel Propulsion Question
>>>>>>> Dear Tim:
>>>>>>> Thank you for your interest in our aerospace propulsion project. I must
say we are impressed with your demonstration. I can't wait until we can build our
prototype with the niobium-titanium-tin-diamond smartskin and fire that puppy
up! I have attached a list of contractors that are ready to start working on our fullsized prototype. We are currently working out an exact price quote to construct
and test our prototype. We haven't as yet built a prototype yet, but we do have an
international patent along with world-class subcontractors.
>>>>>>> Just to give you an example of our design, the hull smartskin is made
out of the same materials as the world record breaking electromagnet by Cal
Berkeley Labs last year at 14.7 Tesla or 300,000 times stronger than the earth's
magnetic field. Our vehicle should float on-its-own with that kind of power.
With the tremendously strong attraction provided by our proposed projected laser
plasma, there is no resistance and the vehicle should zip off at phenomenal
speeds! We have no fuel or excess weight to carry either. When we fire the
prototype up in the lab, it should float like a balloon.
>>>>>>> We have met with top Representatives who evaluated our proposed EM
Laser propulsion system under formal contract with Boeing Aerospace &
Electronics, Kent, WA and Honda R&D all gave us total approval of the patented
design and it's related technology. Unfortunately due to changing company status
and economic downturns, etc., we did not succeed in acquiring financing. So we
are currently gathering the total price quote for construction and testing of the
prototype to hopefully gain the interest of investors.
>>>>>>> We are currently also publishing an autobiography of the history of
UNITEL and the progress of our projects in a book entitled; "Flying Colors". We
also have a film for TV we want to do that could be a series on subjects such as
you advance. I put a call to Debbie Stardtrich, Producer of Sci-Fi movies for
ABC TV Studios but she hasn't responded. She is the wife of a Doctor that works
with our friend and writer/editor, Paul Kirsch at UCLA Medical School. Paul
gave me her number so we shall see what comes of it. Your short film would be
nice to include in the show for viewers to see. We are also developing an
interactive PC game entitled; "Silver Tear" to market as well, besides our
quantum computer prototype at UIC and KHD.
>>>>>>> Stay in touch, Tim. We have been talking to Gary Shasteen at Tap-Ten
and he came up with the idea to fill the prototype aircraft frame with helium. It's
great to involve as many of us Yankee inventors of quantum aerospace propulsion
designs and related devices. We could use some backing money and hopefully
we can do business in one way or another with you, Tim. Please visit our site
often and keep up the good work!
>>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>>> Larry D. Maurer, Principal
>>>>>>> & Director, Engineering
>>>>>>> UNITEL, Inc.
>>>>>>> (503) 232-2740
>>>>>>> www.unitelnw.com
>>>>>>> At 11:58 AM 3/31/02 -0800, you wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dear UNITEL:
>>>>>>>> I've been reading through the documentation on your website
about your aerospace research -- it is definitely an interesting and unique
approach to travel. I would be interested in seeing if you've been able to
generate thrust yet in a controlled environment. Here is a test-video of a
Biefeld-Brown effect generator that I recently tested.
>>>>>>>> >Do you have any recent video or test footage of the quantum
tunneling propulsion source that you're proposing? I would love to see your
progress in this field!
>>>>>>>> Thanks;
>>>>>>>> Tim Ventura
>>>>>>>> cell: 206-953-7994
>>>>>>>> home: 425-820-5675
>>>>>>>> email: <mailto:tventura6@attbi.com>tventura6@attbi.com
S-242. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding "making the news"
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: coincidences ????
Date : Tue, 02 Apr 2002 23:29:36 -0800
At 08:54 PM 4/2/02 -0500, you wrote:
> Larry ->
> "Coincidences" scare the heck out of me. I have come not to believe in them. I don't know
why the guy below didn't e-mail you directly instead of going through me. On
http://www.stealthskater.com/UNITEL_background.htm , I listed your e-mail
(lmaurer@unitelnw.com) . I hope this is not from the Sarfatti gang. I would keep a light
year's distance from Bielek, Nichols, Matheny lest you be unfairly branded by the company
appearing with you.
> If you haven't heard from Debbie, can you nudge Paul again to see what's up? Why do you
think Mrs. Roddenberry and Mrs. Sagan are playing hard-to-contact?
> -- Mark
'Roger Wilco' on Paul. I already have done that earlier today.
I have no idea about the ladies. I just think that everyone gets cold feet when you haven't heard
about a business like us in the News etc. I don't understand the lack of attention from news agencies
mostly because they are controlled by the government (FCC) who have been squelching the competition
for IBM, Boeing, etc.
We shall see what unfolds here soon. Perhaps the TV producers are seeing the light of progress.
S-243. from Bob King regarding his Black Hole theory
From : bob king <bobking@xtra.co.nz>
To : "Stealth Skater" <stealthskaters@hotmail.com>
Subject : Re: Bearden
Date : Mon, 1 Apr 2002 12:08:07 +1200
Hi ya, Mark,
As you asked, I am writing this down for the first time just for you who may be able to understand
my reasoning. Unlike my comments on the Philadelphia Experiment, this has no basis of any
knowledge other than my own reasoning from all the rubbish I have read from the "experts". I could
also challenge you to prove me wrong but will resist that temptation.
Black holes!
There appear to be many in our known Universe as well as in our own Galaxy which appears to have
a large one at its center. Now my reasoning is largely based around the fact that scientists continually
use the word "infinite" to describe their mass.
"Infinite" is an unfortunate word in that is can never be related to anything we know of (or for that
matter can ever know about). To think about this in another way: then assuming that infinite cannot be
obtained, then they have a mass which continually gets larger. Now I reckon that one day we (Mankind)
will notice that every so often, one of them will disappear, not recorded yet though. If this is the case,
then where do they go?
Well, my reasoning goes like this. At some point, the mass becomes what we could call unstable
and -- as in the dreams of many scientists -- we get a 'big bang'. The difference here though is that to
anyone observing the BB disappear that is all we would be able to record. I reckon it's quite possible
that at this point the BB does explode but in doing so creates another dimension in time and space. And
a new universe is born which we can never observe for obvious reasons.
Well, that's my idea in brief. And the only thing it makes obsolete is Einstein's theory which, in any
case, will completely die in time as new theories are found to accommodate new knowledge. If you
have any comments for or against, please feel free to make them as I won't take offense.
S-246. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding friends of UNITEL
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: Art Bell -> Bearden patent
Date : Mon, 01 Apr 2002 19:26:51 -0800
At 06:59 AM 4/1/02 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Larry ->
>Art Bell just posted a story on Bearden's MEG project at =>
http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/megv21.htm . It appears to be his actual patent.
>Also do you know somebody named 'Andrew Potter' apparently residing in Cincinnati -and by the looks of his email-id -- seems to be affiliated with some college-or-university? I
had gotten a couple of emails before from him when your site was down. For some reason, I
thought it was Andrew Moore contacting me using an alias. But now it appears that it's a
totally different person. Anyway he just emailed me on something else and I responded and
he wrote back saying he was helping to write the UNITEL computer game using C ++. He
indicated he had a "vested" interest in UNITEL. If that's the case, I don't know why he didn't
write to you directly rather than go through me. Is this person "okay" to correspond with?
>You should be getting some responses from people you never heard from before, judging
by the hits I'm getting on that special UNITEL web-page I created at my site.
>I also had another exchange -- refreshingly cordial -- with Dr. "Ark" who has taken on
Bearden as one of his self-appointed missions in life. I said that from what I could see in all
his lengthy essays, Tom did not seem to be any type of scam artist while trying to delve into
the mysteries of this Tesla-based technology. And as a side remark, I told him I had talked to
you personally over-the-phone and found you and your son to be just like anybody's next433
door neighbors (in fact, I said the subject of UNITEL never popped-up during our talk). He
said that he felt sure both you and Bearden were nice people. But from a rigid physics
standpoint, whenever he saw something "silly" like Bearden's attempt to explain it using his
amateur physics, he feels compelled to point out fundamental flaws. He dodged my question
of whether he thought both Bearden and UNITEL might really be on to 'something' from an
engineering point-of-view. I know before he … …
> -- Mark
Hi Mark:
Yes, Andrew Potter is a small investor of ours and a student that is like you now after getting
"hooked" on UNITEL. Hey, we have Paul Kirsch at UCLA Med School that works with doctors -some of whom want to work on our medical projects and one is married to an ABC TV Producer that is
interested in our film.
Anyway, Mr. Potter is a very wonderful and talented person eager to network with us, Mark. He has
our "Mark" of approval! I will forward Tim Ventura's BiefieldBrown effect avi that he sent me.
Ooops! Gotta go! Talk to you soon, Mark.
S-248. from Bob King regarding Dark Matter-Energy and universal expansion
From : bob king <bobking@xtra.co.nz>
To : "Stealth Skater" <stealthskaters@hotmail.com>
Subject : Re: universe expansion
Date : Sat, 6 Apr 2002 15:22:30 +1200
Hi ya Mark,
> I saw this on some public television show like "NOVA".
> The astronomers interviewed (and I didn't recognize their names) said that it appeared that"
Dark Matter" was responsible for the unseen gravitational forces that were keeping certain
galaxy groups from flying apart from one another. They further speculated that "Dark
Energy"(sometimes called "dark energy-matter") was warping space-time and causing the
universe to expand(much like a balloon). They said Einstein might have been premature to
dismiss his notion of a "cosmological constant" from his General Relativity equations after
Hubble's discovery. They didn't talk about the "extra dimensions" afforded by superstring
theory but I felt they were implying that the space-time warps were "expanding" into these
other dimensions.
Yes, saw that documentary over here sometime ago and although I suspect it may have coagulated my
thoughts on the issue what I told you I had worked out for myself sometime before.
> They finished the hour-long show by saying that "ordinary" matter and energy (electrons,
quarks, photons)appeared to comprise ~5% of the Universe with Dark Matter accounting for
~33% and Dark Energy the remaining ~62%.
Pure conjecture. In any case, the percentages are not important.
> Off-the-subject, but the latest I received from the folks at UNITEL is that while certain
agencies are interested in their work, they suspect the technology might be decades away.
Hence they're pledging money only after they see a working lab prototype.
Sounds typical.
As above off the subject; are you interested in Mankind's unpublished secret documents and related
things? If so, get yourself a copy of W. Cooper's book To Ride A Pale Horse which was published some
years ago and much of what he wrote is now being admitted.
> Hope your recuperation is progressing well without any setbacks ...
Too slowly for my liking but seem to be getting better as the weeks drag by. Thanks for asking.
S-249. from Andrew Potter regarding mailing a back-up CD of my on-line UFO site
From : Andrew Potter <potterae@email.uc.edu>
To : "Stealth Skater" <stealthskaters@hotmail.com>
Subject : Thanks!
Date : Mon, 08 Apr 2002 13:29:48 -0400
At 06:57 PM 4/7/2002 -0400, you wrote:
> Andrew ->
> If you give me a mailing address, I'll send you a CD that is a "snapshot" of my current
website. I did it for backup and posterity purposes in case my site eve went away. It
does have a "diary" of e-mails and some UFO videos that the website does not have. It
also saves someone from having to print off all these documents when they are stored on
a single CD.
> Feel free to duplicate it and pass it out as much as you want. I've sent it out to others in
the past. Consider it my small contribution to the quest for advanced science and
technology. Hopefully it will provide an inspiration to someone in their own research
and may speed things up a little.
> -- Mark
That would be great. I'm really into UFO's/Technology stuff so that would be awesome. Here's my
Andrew Potter
6983 Treeridge Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45244
Thanks, man!
-Andrew Potter
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