Course Syllabus - Connected Creativity

Course Syllabus
Course Title:
Printable Syllabus
Applications of Multimedia and Web Page Design
Course Number:
EDTC 560
Course Schedule:
12/11/07 - 2/4/08
The Online Weekly Schedule begins on Tuesday and end on
Monday. There will be a two week break for the Holidays, from
12/25/07 through 1/7/08 with class resuming on Tuesday, 1/8/08.
Required Text:
Electronic Resources:
Instructor’s Name:
University of Phoenix
E-mail Address:
Alternative E-mail Address:
The newsgroups (forums) for this course can be found at
Vaughn, T. (2005). Multimedia: Making it Work (6th ed.). Chicago
: McGraw Hill Custom Publishing. ISBN: 0072230002
Course Website
You can access the course website at
Eli Collins-Brown , Ed. D.
I am very hard to get in touch with by phone so your best bet is
to send me an email. I check my connectedcreativity email
throughout the day, so if it's an EMERGENCY, please send your
email to this address. Throughout the duration of this course, I
check my UOP email at least once a day (except the days I don't
sign in). I typically respond immediately to any emails, but reply
within 24 - 48 hours. I usually take Friday and Sunday off from
class, but will post a note if I'm taking a different day off during a
particular week. I don't check email on my days off.
Please post any questions about course content in the
newsgroup (forum)under the Questions thread. This allows
everyone to benefit from the answers and to help out. If you
email me with content questions, I will request that you post
your question in the Questions thread in the Main forum.
Email me with questions or concerns of personal nature.
Welcome and Instructor Bio!
Please take a moment to access the course website and read my bio and welcome message.
This course gives students the opportunity to design and create Web pages and multimedia. The
focus is on the importance of planning, principles of good Web-page design, the elements of
multimedia, and the integration of multimedia. The appropriate use of Web pages and multimedia
will be analyzed. The multimedia project team in instructional design is emphasized.
Overview of Web Design and Multimedia
Define multimedia.
List elements of multimedia.
Evaluate the role of planning in creating multimedia projects.
Identify roles in the multimedia project team.
Analyze effective components for Web site design.
Web Design and Multimedia Development
Examine HyperText Markup Language (HTML).
Determine the cost, timeline, and tasks required to complete a Web site.
Devise a Web site flowchart.
Design a basic Web site.
Web Site and Multimedia Implementation
Examine authoring tools.
Employ authoring tools to incorporate multimedia into the existing Web site.
Describe the process to create audio and video components.
Integrate the model for design and development to refine and expand the layout of the
existing Web site.
Web Site and Multimedia Integration
Analyze tools for creating multimedia elements.
Explain the process to prepare graphics/images for Web sites.
Compare and contrast capabilities and limitations of image file formats.
Apply advanced Web design techniques such as feedback forms and pop-up windows.
Hardware and Multimedia Instructional Design
Distinguish strengths and weaknesses among operating systems.
Compare and contrast the different network topologies.
Identify computer components.
Create an instructional/training project incorporating multimedia features into presentation
Web Site and Multimedia Delivery
Formulate a copyright statement based on current laws for Web sites and multimedia
Analyze the value of beta testing (formative assessment) for Web sites and multimedia
Identify various multimedia delivery technologies.
Where to Go to Class: Your Course Forums and the Course Website
MAEDCI-AE.12-11.MACL09QO71-EDTC560 MAIN: This is the Main newsgroup for the class
and is where discussions are conducted. It has read-and-write access for everyone.
Individual Forums: Each of you have an individual forum in the OLS with your name and the last
four digits of your ID. This is a read/write forum that only you and I can access. All of your
assignments that are papers will be posted to this forum. Your weekly feedback is also posted to
this forum.
Chat-Room: This is a read-and-write access newsgroup. It is designed as a place to discuss
issues not related to the course content. This is the newsgroup (forum)to which we will send our
Course-Materials: This is a read-only newsgroup, which means you can read messages here
but cannot send any. This is where I will post the course syllabus and weekly lectures.
.Learning-Team-(A, B, C, D, E): These five Learning Team newsgroups will be used as
workrooms for the learning teams. You will be assigned to one of these learning teams.
If you need a refresher on how to use the new OLS Learning System, you can access tutorials
from the UOP Student Website. Please familiarize yourself with the new system.
Web Access to Class
You will access the class via The ability to access your personal
Inbox and your classrooms via the Web is an alternative many of you will find extremely valuable.
Although more limited in terms of features than OE, it provides us with even greater flexibility in
meeting our online responsibilities.
Technology Issues
I will not post to the class newsgroups any notes that are sent to my personal email addresses.
Similarly, I will not accept or count toward participation any assignments that are faxed to me.
These two policies are necessary because any contact outside the OLS system cannot be
verified or archived. Additionally, your major assignments in this class will be posted in the main
forum to share with everyone.
Course Website
I have created a course web site to enhance your OLS classroom experience. All of the
necessary content can be found on this website. As far as is technically possible, the exact same
content is posted in the newsgroups in OLS. The only difference will be that I will post links to
web pages with content that cannot be displayed in OLS. In such cases, I will post a link to the
web pages in OLS.
For the most part, you will want to read through the pages on the website and go through the
tutorials available on the website. All discussions and posting of assignments will take place in
All Assignments will be posted in the Main Newsgroup, except when noted otherwise on the
Course Calendar and Projects page.
Preliminary Steps
Read through this entire syllabus jotting down any questions that arise.
Read through the Projects page.
Print the calendar so you have all of the assignments and their due dates in one place.
View the Project overview.
Read through Week 1.
Post any unanswered questions about the syllabus, course, or anything else in the Main
forum under the thread Questions.
Course Changes
Please note that this syllabus is different from the one found on your student web page.
Assignments in this document take priority. While the reading assignments and learning
objectives remain the same, some of the assignments in this syllabus have been customized for
this particular section.
Class Policies and Procedures
Please see the attendance policies included in the first message posted in the Main newsgroup.
Participation is very important online. You will be expected to participate 4 days a week in several
different discussions and to contribute at least two substantive discussion messages on each
of those 4 days. This is a required part of your grade. Participation consists of notes you send
above and beyond graded assignments. This generally means the messages you send as
replies to messages from your classmates and me.
Please note that both quantity and quality are important considerations when it comes to
participation. For example, a message which says simply, "I agree," does not
constitute participation, because it does not add anything of substance to the discussion.
In order to earn full participation points, you must add something of substance to the discussion 4
out of 7 days per week—this would consist of new ideas, your perspectives, pointed follow-up
questions, etc. You will find it is much easier to keep up with an Online class when you are
logging in and participating regularly.
I will mention this again in the forums, but you MUST post your URL for your website every
week whether or not you have completed that week's tasks. If you do not post your URL under
the PROPER thread (usually titled PWS, Part xx), you will lose that week's participation point.
Sharing and Collaboration
This type of work in the real world is rarely done by one individual in a vacuum. Most of these
types of projects are the result of a creative and administrative team that works together to create
a training program or individual training pieces and the web site. In the process, you will be
required to share your work (your presentations, your web pages, your designs, etc) with your
team members for evaluation and suggestions.
As a result, in this course I expect you to share your assignments with everyone else, not just for
the purpose of evaluation and suggestions, but to get used to the idea of having your work looked
at by others and being open to constructive feedback. A second benefit to sharing your work is
that looking at other people’s work is one of the BEST ways to improve your own skills. You will
get ideas on what to do and what NOT to do from looking at other websites and training ideas.
Likewise, I am going to expect you to give constructive feedback to your fellow students on their
work. A nice way to give feedback that is easier to receive is by using the sandwich methods.
Give them a compliment, then a suggestion(s) for improvement, followed up by another
compliment or encouraging words.
I realize this is going to very uncomfortable for many of you who have been trained to be good
‘schoolies’, where you do you own work, are responsible for your own results, and it is just
between you and the instructor. I’m sorry, but you won’t get the greatest benefit from this course if
you never share and discuss.
There will be a few assignments that you or your team will turn into me through the Individual
Forums thread, but for the most part I want you to post your assignments in the Main thread. If
you have any concerns about this, please do not hesitate to talk to me about it.
Participation and Discussion Question Grading
Discussion question responses will count towards the class participation requirement.
Weekly Summaries
Weekly summaries will not be required in this course although I do ask you to complete a Weekend check-in at the end of weeks 2, 4 & 6.
Final Week Requirements
Discussion question responses will not be required during the final week of the course. The final
week will be dedicated to completing the final assignments listed below.
Learning Team Discussion Questions
Postings to the Learning Team and Chat Room newsgroups will not count as participation.
Participation will be counted in the Main newsgroup only.
Expectations for Discussion Question Responses
Discussion question responses should be as long as they need to be to be substantive. For
discussion question responses in the Main newsgroup, please post responses to the threads
provided. To respond, highlight the appropriate thread, click on Reply to Group, type your
response, and send. Please do not start a new thread for the weekly discussion questions in the
Main newsgroup.
Unlike your formal written assignments, I do not require that your discussion question responses
adhere to specific formatting requirements. However, please make sure to proofread carefully.
Grammar and spelling errors may impact the grading.
I expect your discussion question responses to reflect critical thought. Whenever possible, please
try to relate the course content to real-world applications from your work experience and cite any
resources you have used, such as website URLs.
Please do not use attachments in the Main newsgroup unless you have no other way of posting
your assignments. Post DQ responses and weekly summaries (if required) in the body of the
messages. Please post formal assignments in the Main newsgroup as attachments–Microsoft®
Word documents or PowerPoint® slides.
Learning Teams
University of Phoenix students are expected to work effectively in diverse groups and teams to
achieve tasks. They must collaborate and function well in team settings as both leaders and
followers. They should respect human diversity and behave in a tolerant manner toward
colleagues and peers.
Several of the assignments in this class will be completed in Learning Teams of three to
five students. I will set up these teams midway through Week 1. If you have any requests for
teammates, please let me know by Thursday of the first week via private email.
If you experience difficulties working with your team, you are expected to resolve them within the
team if possible. However, please feel free to contact me for guidance if you have concerns in
this area.
In order to create structure for your Learning Team, you will complete a Learning Team Charter
during Week 1. The form for this charter is provided in a separate message in the Course
Materials newsgroup and on the Learning Team page of the website. We are going to be using a
Wiki to collaborate on the Learning Team Charter. A wiki is a place on the Web where teams can
collaboratively create and edit the same document. We will be using PBwiki and I will be posting
the link to the wiki and the password. It's easy to use and will expose you to some of the newest
Web 2.0 applications that are becoming popular.
At the end of week 4 and 6, you will be asked to complete a Peer Evaluation to assess the
contributions of each member of your Learning Team (including yourself). I will take these Peer
Evaluations into account when assessing individual contributions to the Learning Team projects.
The Peer Evaluation form and instructions for posting are included in a separate message in the
Course Materials newsgroup and on the Learning Team page in the website.
Because Learning Team projects are outcome-based, all members of your Learning Team will
generally earn the same grade for Learning Team projects. However, I reserve the right to report
different grades for different Learning Team members if I see a substantial imbalance in individual
Learning Teams should provide a brief summary of any communication held outside the
newsgroup. Therefore, if you hold conference calls, work in a real-time chat room, or get together
outside the OLS (Online Learning System) environment in another way, please post a log,
transcript, or summary in the Learning Team newsgroup. Further, do not use any of these
supplementary communication tools unless everyone on your Learning Team agrees to the
method and to the schedule. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Late Assignments
Late assignments will be penalized with a 10% grade deduction for each day late, unless
you have made prior arrangements with me. Deadlines will be defined as 11:59 p.m. MST. If you
know you will be offline the day an assignment is due, please make sure to post it early. Anytime
you feel that you might be falling behind in the course, it is best to contact me to discuss your
situation. As noted in the first message posted in the Main newsgroup, no assignments can be
accepted after the final day of class.
If you have an assignment completed by the deadline but are unable to post it in the
newsgroup for technical reasons, you can send it to me by email to demonstrate that it
was completed on time. However, you must post the assignment in the newsgroup once
that becomes available.
You must post your URL by the end of the week each week, regardless of whether or not you
finished that week's tasks.
Academic Honesty
Academic honesty is highly valued at each University of Phoenix campus. A student must always
submit work that represents his or her original words or ideas. If any words or ideas are used that
do not represent the student's original words or ideas, the student must cite all relevant sources.
The student should also make clear the extent to which such sources were used. Words or ideas
that require citations include, but are not limited to, all hardcopy or electronic publications–
whether copyrighted or not–and all verbal or visual communication, when the content of such
communication clearly originates from an identifiable source. At the Online campus, all
submissions to any public meeting or private mailbox fall within the scope of words and ideas that
require citations, if used by someone other than the original author.
Academic dishonesty in an online learning environment could involve:
Having a tutor or friend complete a portion of your assignments
Having a reviewer make extensive revisions to an assignment
Copying work submitted by another student to a public class meeting
Using information from online information services without proper citation
If you have any questions about appropriate academic citations, you may want to review the
Avoiding Plagiarism tutorial. This tutorial, designed by Longman Publishing Company, is
designed for use by students to help you understand and avoid plagiarism.
To access the tutorial:
Go to ecampus
Go to Site Tools
Click on Tutorials
Select Avoiding Plagiarism
Confidentiality and Proprietary Information
One of the cornerstones of the University of Phoenix learning model is the practical application of
theoretical concepts. You are encouraged to share your personal and professional experiences
as a means to integrate knowledge by reflecting on its application. However, it is important to
note that we all are bound by confidentiality in this class. To assure that we can have a free and
open discussion in which you may elect to discuss your company and its policies and procedures
as they apply to the course material, I expect each person to respect the confidentiality of what
your classmates are willing to share with us. At the same time, I ask that each of you exercise
good judgment in what you choose to share and avoid disclosing non-public or competitivelysensitive information.
It is University of Phoenix policy that students and faculty members must not share present or
past employer information that is considered to be proprietary, confidential, company-sensitive, or
protected trade secrets. Students are encouraged to examine their organization's limitations on
sharing information externally.
Students and faculty members may appropriately choose to illustrate lessons from their
experience that might challenge these boundaries, without identifying specific employers or
individuals by name.
If you have any questions about any of the information contained in this syllabus, or about any
other aspect of this class, please do not hesitate to ask!
Each week, I will provide grades or scores and comments on assignments within 7 days of when
they were submitted. I will post feedback to your individual forum in the OLS. After I send
feedback each week, I will post a notification in the Main newsgroup.
I do not use the online gradebook because it is not flexible enough to work with the cumulative
personal web site assignment. I use an Excel spreadsheet for grading and will post the
spreadsheet with my feedback comments in your Individual forum.
Grading Formula
Partial points will be rounded to the nearest full point; for example, 83.4=83 leads to a grade of B; and 83.5=84 leads to a grade of B.
Individual (70%)
Web site Analysis (Week 1)
HTML Primer (Week 2)
Personal Web Site, Part 1 (Week 3)
Personal Web Site, Part 2 (Week 4)
Instructional PowerPoint Lesson (Week 5)
Personal Web Site, Final (Week 6)
Participation (10 points per week)
Discussion Questions (10 points per week)
Learning Team (30%)
Learning Team Charter (Week 1)
Team Web Site, Part A (Week 2)
Team Web Site, Part B (Week 3)
Team Web Site, Part C (Week 4)
Team Web Site, Part D (Week 5)
Partner Team Evaluation (Week 6)
A complete list of Assignments, Dues Dates and where they must be posted can be found on the
Project page.