s XE310 1 / 5 SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING MODULAR HONOURS DEGREE COURSE LEVEL 3 SEMESTER 2 2002/03 PRODUCTION & OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Examiners Dr M P Jones / Mr R Morris Attempt 4 questions only. Time allowed : 2 hours Total number of questions = 6 All questions carry equal marks. The figures in brackets indicate the relative weightings of parts of a question. Special requirements : Graph paper XE310 2 / 5 1) a) Delegation of decision making is a useful tool for a manager. Outline the benefits and risks associated with it. (6) b) A small group has been formed within a domestic appliance company to develop a new product. Explain why and how they should go about segmenting the market and explain the role of features and benefits analysis when specifying the new product. (9) c) The company of part (b) has chosen to develop a new product to grow its business. This gives two avenues of business growth; name and explain these. (5) 2) a) Explain the distinction between Strategic, Operational, and Project Planning within a company environment (6) b) Explain the concept of product life cycles from a financial viewpoint, and explain how this impacts on a company’s strategic planning. (8) c) Explain how Strategic Business Units (SBUs) within the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix would differ in terms of their product lifecycle profile. (6) XE310 3 / 5 3) a) Explain how economic and statistical forecasting techniques can be used together to reduce forecasting error. Include in your answer at least one example of each type of forecasting technique. (4) b) Table 1 shows the value of sales of a company’s main product during the past 24 months. Select and use an appropriate technique to forecast the value of sales in period 25, taking into account the nature of the sales data. Show clearly how you arrive at your forecast and justify the technique employed. Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (12) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Sales (k) 170 265 324 362 182 218 203 198 186 178 200 220 90 146 180 196 100 115 110 106 100 96 111 123 Table 1 showing value of sales for the past 24 months. c) Summarise the possible knock on effects for the company of sales forecast being inaccurate and suggest steps that might be taken to accommodate this. (4) XE310 4 / 5 4) a) Outline the steps required to undertake Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) (6) b) A factory has a machine shop that measure 25 m x 35 m. Within it are 8 machine groupings, varying form lathes to vacuum forming equipment, which have been given alphabetic labels. Each group of machines requires roughly the same amount of area except for machine groups A and F which require twice as much as the others, and machine group D, which requires 3 times as much. A Part Sequence Operation shows that parts move from area to area as shown in the following travel chart:- To H A 10 G F E D 45 30 100 30 20 80 120 B From C 10 35 D 70 E 85 30 F 60 100 G 10 C B 20 40 70 20 20 15 Plan the factory layout using Systematic Layout Planning. (14) XE310 5 / 5 5) a) Outline the differences between MRP and MRPII. (6) b) MRP is a powerful and widespread tool used widely throughout industry. Discuss therefore why it might once have been described as “the $100Bn mistake”. (14) 6) a) Outline techniques that might be used to increase employee motivation. (6) b) Discuss the issues, and different approaches that a manager in a large company might face, in seeking to motivate i) shop floor staff and ii) staff in the research department. (14)