Cell Cycle Worksheet: Onion Root Tip

Name(s): ________________________________________________________ Date: _____________
________________________________________________________ Period: ___________
The Cell Cycle
Go to the website http://moourl.com/cellcycle. Read the “Online Onion Root Tip Introduction”
and answer the following questions:
1. In which region of the root do you see the highest number of dividing cells? Why do you
think that is?
2. Describe how the cells in the dividing region differ from regions where no division is
3. Label at least one cell in each phase of the cell cycle
in the diagram shown
I – interphase,
P – prophase,
M – metaphase,
A – anaphase &
T – telophase
In this activity, you will be presented with cells from the tip of an onion root. You will classify
each cell based on what phase it is in. At the end you will count up the cells found in each phase
and use those numbers to predict how much time a dividing cell spends in each phase. You can
base your calculation on a total cell cycle of 24 hours.
Assignment: Using Microsoft Excel make a pie chart representing how much time is devoted to
each phase in the cell cycle. Be sure to label each section and put them in order of occurrence.
On the back of your chart explain how your “cell cycle” compares to the one in your book.