Newsletter - Lean Green Healthy Living

The information provided herein is for
educational purposes only; it is not intended
as diagnosis, treatment, or prescription of
any kind. The decision to use, or not to use,
any information is the sole responsibility of
the reader. Use common sense!
Don’t think about
“treating illness”, but
rather think about
“achieving wellness”.
November, 2013
Volume 16, Issue 3
Young Living Essential Oils
Inside this Issue
Featured Product
4 Types of Oil
Called “Essential”
6 of the Deadliest
Miracle of Brain
Eating Raw –
Advantages &
Protect Yourself
from Cancer
Testimonials and
Give me wealth without health
and I will consume my wealth to
get health.
Give me health and I will create
Victor and Mary Ann Hunter
1000 So. Leebrick St.
Burlington, Iowa 52601
Healthy Essentials
Featured Product
Unique to Young Living, the RutaVala
Roll-On is a proprietary blend of Ruta
Graveolens (Rue), lavender, and
valerian essential oils. Although
lavender and valerian are well know for
their sedative properties, this blend
introduces the less-known yet effective
rue essential oil. The Ruta graveolens
herb is farmed, harvested, and distilled
at Young Living's farm in Ecuador.. Use
of the rue herb dates back many
centuries and is referenced in the Bible
as an herb to be tithed. When combined
with lavender and valerian, this trio of
essential oils is formulated to relax the
body and mind, counter stressed nerves
and revitalize passion.
They used this formula topically as well
as internally at the clinic in Ecuador.
They used it on Josef (Gary’s youngest
son) quite a bit to suppress his
sympathetic override. Because of the
black mold he had been exposed to last
year, he still had rashes that popped up.
Gary and Mary nearly lost their
youngest son Josef. He was very ill, and
they learned he had been exposed to
black mold; it turned out that their
house was saturated with it unbeknownst to them. A specialist in
toxic black mold told Gary that there is
NO KNOWN protocol to treat it, and no
child under the age of 3 had survived it.
Gary pulled all stops to get his little one
through this crisis. They are used
RutaVaLa to calm his system down, so
he could sleep all night long and be
mellow during the day.
Applying RutaVaLa to the back of the
neck can help lift depression.
The ruta component of this blend, in
fact, so affects depression, it has
enabled some to get off Prozac. In the
clinic, they took it internally, and it was
used quite successfully on a lady who
had candida, Epstein Barr, Leaky Gut
Syndrome, and extensive allergies. She
had parasite artifacts in her blood, and
couldn't sleep. After taking two caps of
ruta, she slept soundly.
Other benefits: Ruta improves the
attitude, and modulates the brain
function, fevers, menstrual cycle,
rheumatism, aches & pains of all kinds,
reverses stickiness of the blood platelets
I was fortunate to receive this oil at
convention. The second day of
convention was very long and by the
time we got home, my dog was pacing
and panting and would not lay down,
my daughter (6) was a wave of constant
movement and chatter, my mom's dog
was crawling in between my mom's feet
at every opportunity to avoid being the
object of my daughters attention and my
mom (needless to say) was very
stressed. Luckily, I had gotten the
RutaVaLa oil that morning and here
was the perfect opportunity of try it out.
I called my daughter over and put the
oil on her spine and her brain stem. I
held it out for both dogs to smell and
them put some on their brain stems. I
also put some on me. My daughter sat
down beside me on the couch and
quietly watched a TV program and both
dogs lay down. I have since used it
with several people who are high on the
stress scale and all have reported
calming effects.
I had a personal experience two weeks
ago when my order came in the mail.
For the past few months during my
PMS cycle I would experience about 5
days of depression. The day RutaVaLa
arrived was day two of this symptom. I
put 2 drops on my hand and rubbed it on
the back on my neck and within seconds
it snapped me out of the dark and into
the light. It was the most amazing
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
November, 2013
feeling. I had called my holistic medical
doctor's nurse as I was putting on
RutaVaLa and she experienced my
change through the phone.
Since the two drops of oil were so
powerful for me I waited a few hours
and then put some on my feet and lower
stomach and it really helped my PMS
symptoms. I stand ready in excitement
with my bottle of Ruta rather then fear
when my cycle approaches next. I love
this oil!
--Tally H.
I just shared some RutaVaLa with one
of my downline. They have a son who is
autistic and ADHD. Sometimes he has
spells where he is extremely angry, such
as a few nights ago when he had to do
the dishes. After raging for a while, they
put the oil on him, and he walked into
the kitchen. They watched as he began
blowing some of the bubbles of dish
soap and began to giggle! They were
stunned at his "transformation" in less
than a minute, going from complete
rage to a happy, giggly 9-year old! They
had never seen anything like this, and
have often spent several hours with him
when he is raging to calm him down.
This little boy and one of his brothers
get nightly anointings of Peace and
Calming. Recently the younger boy
began having a few nightmares, so mom
and dad put RutaVaLa on them. They
asked for it again the next night. The
older boy said he likes the P&C because
it helps him sleep, but he likes the
RutaVaLa even more, because it helps
them to stay asleep during the night!
After hearing this testimonial from
them, I tried it to help me relax one
night before sleeping. Sure enough,
within a moment or two after putting it
on, I began to feel very sleepy, and
began to yawn, my eyes drooping. I
quickly went to bed and slept well for
the night.
This blend is a miracle, nothing short of
that. The odor is a little pungent, but if
you put it on the back of the head as has
been described in other posts, it is not
noticeable. It's not something I'd wear to
work or school, however, besides the
obvious reason of the reaction of people
you come in contact with.
I had an interesting experience happen
recently and wanted to share:
I have been using the Rutavala oil ever
since it came out. Before that I used
vetiver and valerian. Recently, I went to
the convenient roll top application for
Rutavala and loved it.
I use the roll application on the top of
my brainstem just before bed and upon
rising every day, without fail. (except
for Sundays....its important to take a day
off from all oils, after years of use, as
Gary says it ensures their effectiveness)
Anyway, this blended oil is what I use,
in the place of anxiety meds. I have had
not one, or two, but three life altering
events in my life. My doctor thinks I
need to be on meds to help me cope
with PTSD (post traumatic stress
disorder). My doctor knows I do not
like taking drugs and I assure him I am
fine and he knows I use oils, even
though he may not understand their
Well, I started feeling pretty low one
day and this is odd for me. Anybody
who knows me, knows I am a very "up"
individual and many people I know, do
not even know my traumatic history,
since I relocated from Colorado to
Texas. I figured it was just a bad day
and didn't think about it...but then I
started having trouble sleeping and
more days where I started feeling so low
and realized I was feeling depressed.
But where was this coming from? And
more importantly, I worried the
Rutavala was no longer working for me
after 7 years. What was I going to do? I
could not continue on like this. It really
frightened me!
Upon closer inspection of my roll-on
Rutavala bottle, I realized it was VERY
empty. Yet, I could still "smell" the oil.
I realized, then, that in my sleepiness
state, when I am normally applying it, it
was no longer registering that I no
longer felt the "coolness" ; of the oil
coming out.
I do not know how long I was rolling
the empty oil bottle on my brain stem,
but I guessed it to be a couple of weeks.
Luckily, I had a brand new roll top
bottle ready to go, so I opened it up, in
the middle of the day and put it on all
over my body. I sat for awhile just
breathing in the oil and thanking Jesus.
:-) Within minutes, I felt better. Then, I
was back to sleeping so good and of
course my mood is once again
So, BIG lesson learned with the roll top
oils for me. I am still a Big fan, but will
be more mindful in the future for
"feeling" the oil going on.........
But, at the same time, this was a great
opportunity to share how wonderful and
powerful these oils are! It isn't that I
was questioning whether this oil helped
me like it does, but this exercise,
although a bit distressing, was like an
unexpected "test" ...if I WAS
RUTAVALA in place of mind altering,
mind numbing, toxic, depression
medication! Gary, you rock!
RutaVaLa Roll-on is currently Out of
Stock. Certain times of year we need
to wait for harvest of crops. I’m sure
it will be back in stock soon.
4 Types of Oils Called
1. True essential oils are distilled with
water and can either be a single species
or a blend of species.
2. Citrus oils are cold pressed or
expressed from the rinds of the fruits
and are called “essential oils”, but
technically they should be called
“expressed oils”. The chemistry and
properties of these oils are not quite the
same as true “essential oils”. They are
not truly essential oils because they are
not essential to the life of the plant.
3. Absolutes are oils extracted by
chemical solvents instead of “distilled”
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
or “expressed”.. These include jasmine,
neroli, and onycha oils. They cannot be
distilled because heat would destroy
their fragrant and therapeutic
4. Then there are the “carrier oil
blends”. They consist of 70-90%
essential oils, but also contain fatty oils
like olive, almond, jojoba, coconut,
wheat germ, grape seed, etc. The fatty
oils are all expressed from seeds and
never distilled. Valor would be in this
classification as it has a base of almond
My Way to Building a
Business with Young
October is my key month because in
October of 2012, Gary Young went to
the Phillippines to teach about Young
Living Essential Oils. The first time I
had seen Gary Young was in 2007 at a
convention in Washington, DC. That
was the first time I joined Young Living
as a distributor. Essential oils had
become an important aspect of my life
since then. It had been easy for me to
integrate the concept of oils because I
was a person who had been in and out
of hospitals. I have had my fair share of
antibiotics, OTC and prescription drugs
but I was only experiencing temporary
relief, only to fall prey to the next viral
Prior to essential oils, I hadn’t a clue
what my body was like. I didn’t know
where my organs were placed. I didn’t
know that my physical body could heal
itself. Nothing at all. I only knew to
listen to western-trained doctors in
Taiwan and the Phillippines and took
every pill they had prescribed. I firmly
believed that medicine was the only
way to get better. In spite of this, I still
caught a cold easily every Fall, which
then progressed to the flu, then fever
and chills which made me absent from
work for a week. I went to see doctors
who prescribed stronger medication
which I took without question. This
cycle went on for 5 years until I found it
futile and meaningless. I wasn’t getting
permanently well. My logic told me
that if I wasn’t getting better, then
something must not be correct. I had to
re-think and re-study what health and
illness is and finally, I rebooted my
system by throwing out all my
This led me to start reading and learning
on my own. I was surprised at the
information I discovered about my
body, that ultimately it is a self-healing
mechanism if I eat, act, and think
correctly. I learned about homeostasis
and how best to keep my balance. I
learned about natural health through
food and nutrition. My very first path to
health recovery was surprisingly
unlearning my faulty breathing
technique. I checked how I was
breathing and the book I read pointed
out how babies naturally breathe from
the stomach. I was not breathing
correctly because I almost always
breathed from the lungs which does not
allow in much oxygen at all. I
discovered the simpicity of conscious
breathing, that by breathing in a
sequence of counts and visualizing
energy and that by breathing from the
disphragm, I could alleviate headache,
pain and stress. My first personal
miracle was that one month had gone by
and still I hadn’t caught a cold. I was
getting better and better just by
observing and practicing this breathing
technique alone.
This experience was my threshold for
accepting that there was more than one
way to getting better. It also paved the
way ffor me to accept other modalities
like meditation, visualization, concepts
of vibrational energy and finally,
essential oils, which was a brand new
concept for me back in 2007.
When Gary Young finally came to the
Phillippines in 2012, I kept informing
friends about it via text, email and
Facebook because it was such an
incredible opportunity. I was surprised
that many people responded and came
to join the event on October 3rd, 2013.
Being a quiet invisible essential oil user
for 5 years since 2007, I had not
bothered to talk about essential oils
outside my family and friends.
Whatever I learned about natural
healing had not travelled far. Hence my
surprise by the show of people because
most of them were friends of friends of
friends and more like 2nd and 3rd degree
of separation from my intended guests.
I realized that by initializing a message
which I believed in, people who I did
not know of responsed and were ready
to listen. I talked to these guests and
felt their clear intent of finding healthier
solutions to illness. Perhaps people
gravitated towards my message because
I went through what they are going
through. My journey has been filled
with illness andn pain but I learned to
always find healng within and seek
natural healing methods.
I had not intended to become a serious
distributor and building of a Young
Living business but people came from
everywhere asking about essential oils
and their benefits they want to know
how to heal themselves. Gradually, I
am opening my mind and accepting the
rewards of speaking about essential oils.
I am happy to announce that I have
enrolled in a nutrition and naturopathy
course and am well on my path to more
Dolf Chen, Young Living Senior Star,
Editorial Note: I usually do not talk a
lot about building a business with
Young Living, but I am finding some
people in my downline who are
wanting to do just that. Some want to
do it to earn money and others just
want to earn enough to pay for what
they purchase. Dolf Cheng is the
creator for several of the graphics I
have been emailing. He does such a
great job that I just have to share
6 of the Deadliest
Antibiotics You Can Take
– by Dr. Mercola
The US Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) recently issued a warning that
fluoroquinolone antibiotics, taken by
mouth or injection, carry a risk for
permanent peripheral neuropathy. The
safety announcement states:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
November, 2013
Administration (FDA) has required the
drug labels and Medication Guides for
all fluoroquinolone antibacterial drugs
be updated to better describe the
serious side effect of peripheral
This serious nerve damage potentially
caused by fluoroquinolones may occur
soon after these drugs are taken and
may be permanent... The topical
applied to the ears or eyes, are not
known to be associated with this risk.
Peripheral neuropathy is nerve damage
in the arms and/or legs, characterized by
“pain, burning, tingling, numbness,
weakness, or a change in sensation to
light touch, pain or temperature, or
sense of body position.”
This is not the first warning FDA has
posted about this family of antibacterial
drugs. In 2008, they posted a black box
warning about severe tendon damage.
Now having the additional warning for
severe and sometimes-permanent nerve
damage, there should be NO question in
your mind about the danger of these
drugs, and I strongly recommend
avoiding them if at all possible.
Just Say “Know”
Fluoroquinolones, a class of synthetic
antibacterial drugs, are the only types
that directly inhibit bacterial DNA
synthesis. Several drugs in this class
have been taken off the market due to
their deadly adverse effects, but six of
them remain FDA-approved for use in
the United States:
 Ciprofloxacin (Cipro)
 Levofloxacin (Levaquin)
 Gemifloxacin (Factive)
 Moxifloxacin (Avelox)
 Norfloxacin (Noroxin)
 Ofloxacin (Floxin)
Due to their tremendous health risks,
fluoroquinolones should be reserved for
treating serious bacterial infections that
won’t respond to any other treatment,
when the patient is made fully aware of
the potential for serious adverse events.
Instead, they’re often inappropriately
prescribed for mild conditions like
sinus, urinary tract and ear infections.
In fact, fluoroquinolones are among the
most commonly prescribed antibiotics
in the United States. I highly
recommend you take pause before
filling a prescription for these drugs,
especially if you have a “routine
infection” that has not been treated by
other agents that have a safer side effect
You should not expose yourself to this
degree of risk unnecessarily! The
dangerousness of fluoroquinolones
definitely warrants some serious
discourse with your health care provider
about whether they are really necessary,
versus safer treatment options.
Fluoridated Pharmaceuticals Can Be
Extremely Damaging to Your
Nervous System
Fluoroquinolones may be the deadliest
antibiotics on the market. Besides nerve
damage, they have been associated with
damage to other body systems,
including your musculoskeletal system,
eyes and kidneys. What makes these
particular drugs so hazardous?
It has to do with the fact that fluoroquinolones are antibiotics whose
potency has been “kicked up” by the
addition of a fluoride molecule.
Fluoride increases permeability into
hard-to-penetrate tissues, such as your
Fluoroquinolones are quinolones with
fluoride molecules attached—so they
penetrate your blood-brain barrier. This
ability to penetrate sensitive tissues is
what makes fluoride such a potent
neurotoxin, able to get into your brain
and damage your central nervous
In terms of peripheral neuropathy, the
FDA was not exactly quick to take
action. Twelve years ago Dr. Jay Cohen
documented the following fluoroquinolone-related reactions, and as you
can see, nervous system problems
topped the list. Yet it took more than a
decade—and many destroyed lives—for
the FDA to take action.
occurred in 91% of patients taking
fluoroquinolones (pain, tingling and
numbness, dizziness,
weakness, headaches, anxiety and
panic, loss of memory, psychosis)
Musculoskeletal symptoms in 73%
of patients (tendon ruptures,
Sensory symptoms in 42% of
patients (tinnitus, altered visual,
olfactory, and auditory function)
Cardiovascular symptoms in 36%
of patients (tachycardia, shortness
of breath, chest pain, palpitations)
Skin reactions in 29% of patients
(rashes, hair loss, sweating,
intolerance to heat or cold)
Gastrointestinal symptoms in 18%
of patients (nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea, abdominal pain)
Levaquin, the best-selling antibiotic in
2010, actually faces thousands of
lawsuits per year from people who have
been seriously harmed by taking it. The
Levaquin include:
 Hallucinations
 Psychotic reactions
 Painful rashes
 Phototoxicity
 Nausea and diarrhea
 Hearing problems
 Disruptions
 Peripheral neuropathy
 Retinal detachment, which can
cause blindness
 Acute kidney failure
 Brain fog
 Depression
Fluoroquinolones Destroy Collagen
Animal studies have shown that
fluoroquinolones are directly toxic to
collagen synthesis and promote collagen
degradation. Fluoride disrupts collagen
synthesis, which may be part of the
reason that fluoridated pharmaceuticals
can damage your muscles, tendons,
cartilage, ligaments and other structures.
The fluoroquinolones seem to have an
especially detrimental effect on your
musculoskeletal system, presumably
related to this adverse effect on
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
collagen, which can lead to tendon
damage and actual tendon ruptures. This
resulted in the FDA’s issuing of a black
box warning about tendon damage in
2008. Fluoroquinolones are not the only
drugs “suped up” by the addition of a
fluoride molecule. Prozac (fluoxetine),
Prevacid, Baycol, and Dalmane
(flurazepam) are also fluorinated.
If you or someone you love are placed
on these dangerous antibiotics, for
whatever reason, one of the ways you
can compensate for this toxicity is by
taking magnesium. It likely binds to the
drugs and prevents it from causing the
collagen damage. In fact animal studies
have shown that magnesium deficient
animals can develop similar damage to
those exposed to fluroquinolone drugs.
Lack of extracellular magnesium
impairs the function of integrins which
are transmembrane proteins that connect
the cells to the extracellular matrix
proteins which provide the functional
strength for collagen.
Are We Heading for Even MORE
FDA Warnings?
Two other recent studies may
foreshadow even more warnings about
fluoroquinolones, in terms of liver
toxicity and greater risks for people
with diabetes. Are we nearing the time
when these drugs should be yanked off
pharmacy shelves altogether, rather than
just receiving more warnings on their
 Moxifloxacin and levofloxacin
were found to increase the risk for
acute liver toxicity in people age 66
and up. The findings were
published in the Canadian Medical
Association Journal in August
2012. The authors recommended
FDA consider regulatory warnings
regarding acute liver toxicity.
Oral fluoroquinolones cause an
increased risk of dysglycemia (high
blood sugar or low blood sugar
reactions) for those with diabetes,
according to a study in the August
14, 2013 issue of Clinical
Infectious Diseases.
Fluoroquinolone Antibiotic
Resistance is Much Greater than
Fluoroquinolones contribute to the
creation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria
to a much greater degree than experts
predicted, according to a report in
Frontiers of Microbiology:
“Since quinolones are synthetic
antibiotics, it was predicted that
mutations in target genes would be the
only mechanism through which
resistance could be acquired, because
there will not be quinolone-resistance
genes in nature. Contrary to this
prediction, a variety of elements
ranging from efflux pumps, targetprotecting
quinolone-modifying enzymes have been
shown to contribute to quinolone
resistance. The finding of some of these
elements in plasmids indicates that
Failure to predict the development of
quinolone resistance reinforces the need
of taking into consideration the wide
plasticity of biological systems for
future predictions. This plasticity allows
pathogens to deal with toxic
compounds, including those with a
synthetic origin as quinolones.”
Not only are these antibiotics overused
in people, but also in livestock (cows,
pigs, chickens, turkeys) and in our
canine and feline companions. Every
year in the US, 29 million pounds of
antibiotics—more than 70 percent of the
total antibiotic production—are fed to
livestock for non-therapeutic purposes,
such as growth promotion. These
antibiotics are passed on to you in the
meat and dairy you consume.
Overuse of various antibiotics has been
linked to antibiotic resistant infections
like methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant
enterococci (VRE) and the potentially
life-threatening diarrhea caused by
Clostridium difficile (C. diff). According
to some research, being given
fluoroquinolones is the most important
risk factor in developing Clostridium
difficile–associated diarrhea (CDAD).
The documentary “Rise of the
Superbugs” details why antibiotic
overuse is leading to the emergence of
nightmare bacteria that have developed
antibiotics. Even gonorrhea and
tuberculosis bacteria now have resistant
strains. Again, a large part of the
problem is that these drugs, which
should be reserved for life-threatening
infections that cannot otherwise be
treated, are being vastly overprescribed.
Physicians who prescribe in this manner
are essentially trying to kill mosquitos
with sticks of dynamite—with collateral
damage as described throughout this
Fluoroquinolones are thought to be
particularly dangerous for children
under age 18, adults over 60, and
pregnant and nursing women, as well as
for people with liver disease, diabetes,
or those taking corticosteroids or
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs). But, they are often
prescribed for these groups anyway,
without even a passing thought.
What You Can Do
If you believe you have experienced a
reaction to one of these antibiotics—or
any other drug, for that matter—please
report it to MedWatch, the FDA's safety
information and adverse event reporting
program. It is vital that they hear from
each and every one of you who has
experienced an adverse drug reaction.
This is a major impetus in getting
dangerous drugs removed from the
market, and physicians almost never
report the reactions themselves so it’s
really up to you. MedWatch offers
several reporting options:
 Telephone 1-800-FDA-1088
 Fax to 1-800-FDA-0178
 File a report online: MedWatch
Online Voluntary Reporting Form
 Mail a report (FDA form 3500) in a
postage-paid envelope to
MedWatch, 5600 Fishers Lane,
Rockville, Maryland 20852-9787
There have been so many people
damaged by fluoroquinolones that
victims have banded together in a
worldwide network, calling themselves
“Floxies.” Quite a few Floxies are in the
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
November, 2013
medical field themselves (or were,
before they were poisoned), and are on
fluoroquinolone poisoning victims,
which is how the documentary Certain
Adverse Events came about. If you
haven’t already seen this film, I highly
recommend it. For more information,
you can also visit the following
websites (there are many more in
addition to these if you search by the
term “fluoroquinolone”):
 Fluoroquinolone Antibiotic
Toxicity Advocacy Page
Editorial Note: Look for solutions
from Young Living that can give safer
results. Remember that the biggest side
effect of using essential oils is better
I’m sure glad I did not take the
Levoquin they prescribed when I had
pneumonia several years ago. The oils
cleared it up in just 2 days. The main
reason I even went to the doctor was to
get a definite diagnosis. Once I knew it
was pneumonia for sure, I knew that I
needed to use oils to treat the lungs.
75 drops Grapefruit Essential Oil
75 drops Lemon Essential Oil
10 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
Mix all oils in a 15 ml. bottle. Twice
daily, take orally in a vegetable
capsules: 7-10 drops in the am; 3-5
drops in the afternoon when you feel
like you're getting hungry.
Pamela's Story: Pamela has battled her
weight for the last 20 years, trying every
fad diet and weight loss program
around. But in November 2012, after
deciding against gastric bypass, she
decided to try Young Living Oils.
Pamela started with a detox cleanse,
which helped with her craving for junk
food (and will do this occasionally
when she feels the cravings start to
return). Since she started taking
essential oils capsules above, she has
steadily lost weight each month without
any kind of a special diet. She eats the
healthy meals she makes for her family,
but finds that she can eat less and still
be satisfied. She even indulges in
dessert on occasion and still loses!
Added bonus: her acid reflux is gone!
This formula is not only working for
Pamela, but for her friends and family,
would allow him to get off the
ventilator, and live any kind of a normal
Thanks for sharing this with us, Pamela!
Your story is an amazing inspiration!!
She applied Brain Power on her
brother's head and neck every day and
talked to him constantly. Three weeks
later the nurse had to come in to change
the dressing on his leg since there was
an extensive injury to it from the
accident. Terri's mom was in the room
and said something to Terri.
Miracle of Brain Power
Health Freedom Alliance came
across a short article of the EPA
going out of their way to protect
kangaroos from fluoride. It seems
the fluoride poisons the kangaroos
and makes lesions grow on their
bones, which renders them lame. A
lot of cattle are also getting sick
from ingesting fluoride. So we
really have to ask the obvious
question. Why does the government
try to protect animals from fluoride
and force it upon humans?
This isn't from personal experience but I
can tell you that my good friend down
here in FL is a wonderful Oiler. She has
told us this testimonial several times.
Her brother was on a ventilator for
several weeks following a motor vehicle
accident. He was in a coma during that
time, and non responsive.
Pamela's Recipe for Weight Loss ~ She
lost 36 pounds in 5 months!
The doctors finally decided that he
would be no more than a vegetable the
rest of his life and would require tube
feedings and be on the ventilator for life
if he survived. They said he was "brain
dead" even though he had a heart beat,
but the ventilator did all his breathing
for him.
45 drops Tangerine Essential Oil
45 drops Orange Essential Oil
30 drops Lime Essential Oil
The doctors encouraged the family to
pull the plug on her brother because
there was nothing left to do, which
36 lbs. in 5 months
They decided it was best to just let him
go. Terri's family all agreed that this
was the only viable option left, other
than hoping he would stay alive on the
ventilator while he remained in a coma.
Terri was the only one in the family
who refused to allow them to pull the
plug. Terri said that she was new to
Young Living and didn't know much
about the Oils. She had heard, however,
that Brain Power was good for
increasing oxygen to the brain so that
gave her a little ray of hope.
She started rubbing Brain Power all
over his head and neck every day when
she came in the room to see him. She
also talked to him while she was there,
even though he was non responsive.
The hearing is the last thing to go in
extensive brain damage, and near death,
as most people know. People in a coma
hear every last little word we say. There
is much evidence that babies in utero
also hear everything we say.
Terri asked her brother who that was
who just spoke. His lips quivered and
out came, “Mmmmmmmooomm”
Terri said the nurse and her mother
about fell over backwards!
She said that her brother couldn't speak
too well with the endotracheal tube in
his mouth!
Shortly after, like a day or two later, I
think she said they took out the endotracheal tube and took him off the
ventilator. He was able to breathe on his
He is alive today, four and a half years
later. He has to get around in a wheel-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
chair and walker, because he suffered
extensive damage to his leg which she
said wasn't addressed as it should have
Well that is not the end of story. Terri
told us of a seven year old girl whose
parents she met at this hospital here in
Fort Myers. The girl had drowned, but
somebody saved her so she was still
However she was brain damaged. She
could no longer talk, or walk, or go to
the bathroom on her own. She had to be
spoon fed.
Terri told the parents about Brain Power
and what it did for her brother. She sold
them an unopened bottle of Brain Power
which she had, and they started to use it
on their daughter. She said one week
later, the 7 year old daughter walked up
to her and gave her a hug and said,
"Thank You".
I know this isn't first party testimonial
but I have heard this story 2 or 3 times.
Terri is a wonderful Oiler but not that
great of a marketer!
Here is a lady who told me she would
see women in Publix or Winn Dixie
fanning themselves because they were
hot flashing, and she would go right up
to them and tell them about Progessence
Plus while they were standing in
line at the check out. She said that
NINE, that is 9 people ordered a bottle
of Progessance Plus from her.
The problem is, Terri only charged them
her wholesale cost, so she didn't make a
dime or penny off of any of them.
She just wants to help people and she
has helped a ton of people with the Oils.
She has a box full of recipes of YL Oils
that she has used on people and animals
and has had unbelievable results....well
you know what I am talking about!
Many of us have some unbelievable
People go to her around here like she is
a doctor...they don't trust the M.D. and
D.O. in the little town where she lives.
She doesn't charge them except for the
her cost of the Oils!
I will just say that I admire Terri so
much! I admire Gary and Mary Young
and everybody who uses these Oils.
--Jeff K., R.N., L.M.T.
Editorial Note: I understand how she
feels about helping people. Many times
I have given free samples just to see if
something will work before I try to sell
someone something. If I do sell them a
bottle, I remind them that if it doesn’t
work the way they are needing it to, to
just remember that it is still helping the
body in some way. There might be
other issues in the body that the oil is
trying to address first. I also ask
myself, “What would Jesus have done?”
Think of yourself as one of his
disciples, working to heal the sick. But
Jesus also had people of wealth who
supplied him with the oils. Don’t break
your bank. You can ask them to pay a
little for their samples. It is still better
than paying for a whole bottle.
Phoenix Health News
January, 1998
by Anita Farcinade-Barnett
Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
Essential oils are God's gift to assist us
in feeling better each day. Dr. Dean
Ornish said, "If you believe you have
some control over your life and that you
have the ability to make choices ... then
you are more likely to make changes
that are going to do you good in terms
of both your behavior and of the direct
effects of your mind on your
Aromatherapy is an ancient science that
has been in use for over 3,000 years and
uses essential oils in inhalation therapy.
Every scent is perceived directly by the
olfactory nerve. This nerve connects
the nose with the brain stem. So the
next time you walk by a cosmetic
counter, smell the fragrances. The first
impression is of well-being. This is
because over 90% of women's
fragrances and over 45% of men's
contain rose oils.
additives are in the perfumes. That is
why your next sensation is of "Ugh!
Overload!" The brain does not like the
chemical additives which are the
subsequent onslaught. So we leave the
area to avoid the chemicals. The
Japanese people have a long history of
using aromas to change the environment
and moods of home and work. The third
largest construction company in Japan
creates the "new intelligent" buildings
that incorporate aromatherapy into the
air-conditioning systems.
It is reported that in one bank, lavender
or rosemary is piped into the customer
waiting area to keep people calm and
relaxed while lemon or eucalyptus is
used in the work areas to keep workers
alert and reduce clerical errors.
One fragrance company found that keyboard-punching errors fell by 20% when
lavender was introduced into the
environment. Jasmine reduced the errors
by 33% and lemon by 54%.
In England, Worchester Hospital did a
six-month trial using lavender in the airhandling systems. They found the
lavender helped patients sleep in a more
natural pattern and made them less
aggressive during the day. As an after
effect, it is said some patients were able
to be weaned from their tranquilizers
because of lavender's calming effect on
the brain.
Singularly, essential oils can be vibrant
and dynamic, but put into a blend they
become more than the sum of their
individual parts. They become more
harmonious. For instance, peppermint
has been used for an appetite
suppressant, a mild stimulant and for
headaches at work. Rosemary is
supposed to be good for fatigue or
indecision, also known for its assistance
for women experiencing hot flashes, but
put rosemary and peppermint together
and you have a combination that
appears to stimulate the memory and
assist with concentration. This
combination is great in the office. Ylang
Ylang could also be added for stress
However, the perfume industry has been
commercialized and many chemical
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
November, 2013
It has been said that a certain talk show
hostess used lemon, peppermint and
apple aromas as her diet aide. This
makes sense, because scientists have
reported that certain aromas have had
the effect on some people of reducing
the appetite and helping the metabolism.
Try lemon and peppermint for your
weight-loss and anxiety program
concerning foods and to help control
eating habits.
In 1990, Dr. Hirsh did a study with Nike
shoes and 31 test subjects. He asked
them to look at shoes in two rooms. In
one room a floral scent was used; the
other had nothing. 84% of the people
said they would be more likely to buy
from the room with the floral scent and
that they would pay an average of $20
more for the same shoes.
It’s that time of year when people
are running out to get their flu shot.
So, I have to ask: Why is it that
people use hand sanitizers to kill
the germs on their hands and then
run out to get a shot to put germs in
their bodies?
Besides that, vaccines contain
mercury, formaldehyde and
aluminum. Do you suppose those
ingredients is what caused the rate
of Alzheimer’s cases to rise? A
chart beginning back when flu
shots were first administered,
shows that the instances of
Alzheimer’s went up in direct
correlation to the number of people
receiving flu shots. Hmmmm.
Eating Raw:
The Advantages and
A raw food movement is sweeping
across the United States, advocating a
diet of anywhere from 70% to 100%
raw foods.
Raw foodists claim that switching to a
predominantly raw food diet will give
you more energy, slow down aging,
improve your skin, boost your mood,
and fight a host of chronic diseases
including chronic fatigue syndrome,
Crohn's disease and even cancer.
article. "And moreover, it's not
biologically plausible."
A true raw food diet consists of only
raw foods, traditionally vegan ones like
vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.
However, some raw foodists also eat
raw dairy products, raw eggs and even
raw meat.
He points out that certain foods, like
beans, actually become more nutritious
after cooking. Cooked tomatoes are also
known to contain particularly healthy
compounds like lycopene -- more so
than raw tomatoes -- that help fight
prostate cancer.
"When you cook something, you
destroy the enzymes," said Karyn
Calabrese, a well-known raw foodist in
the Chicago-area in an NBC5 article.
"You need enzymes for every metabolic
purpose in your body. When you lose
enzymes, that's when you die."
Enzymes begin to be destroyed at
temperatures above 110-115 degrees, so
raw foodists are allowed to use a
dehydrator, which alters food slightly
by blowing hot air on it.
Raw foods, advocates say, are also
higher in vitamins and nutrients, which
are also destroyed by cooking.
As evidence of raw foods' growing
popularity, all-raw restaurants are
popping up across the country, drawing
raw foodists and locals alike. Far from
the bland, cold and hard meals you
might expect from raw foods, diners
describe raw food offerings as
"vibrant," "flavorful," and "refreshing."
"I'm 58 years old. I don't know what
illness is. I have more energy then I
know what to do with. I truly believe it
is the life style I lead," said Calabrese,
who owns a raw food restaurant in
Is Raw Food Really Better Than
Cooked Food?
As adamant as raw foodists are about
the benefits of eating raw, proponents of
old-fashioned cooked foods are just as
"The claim that somehow raw foods
give you better energy, are more
healthful, improve your immune system
and all of that is simply not
substantiated," said Dennis Miller, a
professor of food and nutrition at
Cornell University, in a USA Today
There's also the question of digestion.
According to Donna Gates, author of
The Body Ecology Diet, "Many
people's digestive systems are simply
too weak to digest raw vegetables in
spite of all their natural enzymes."
She recommends "cooking your
vegetables by baking, simmering,
sautéing or lightly steaming them to
make them more digestible" while
simultaneously eating more fermented,
or cultured, foods. The good bacteria in
fermented foods, Gates says, will help
you to create a healthy inner ecosystem
and digest foods more efficiently.
Meanwhile, researchers at Rutgers
University and Taiwan found that iron
is more easily absorbed by the body
from 37 of 48 vegetables they tested
when they're boiled, stir-fried, steamed
or grilled.
"We've been promoting a more
vegetarian type of diet for decades, and
I still want people to move in that
direction," Dr. Robert Kushner, medical
director of Northwestern Memorial
Hospital's Wellness Institute in USA
Today. "But to put up artificial barriers
and silly rules that say you can't cook
fruits and vegetables is pushing the
envelope a little too far ... You can
become deficient in a variety of
nutrients, like vitamin B-12, calcium,
iron and protein. And you can become
The general consensus among conventional nutritionists continues to be that
eating lots of fruits and vegetables is
always nutritious ... but it's not
necessary to restrict yourself to only
raw foods to be healthy.
As for the general public, very few have
crossed the line to 100% raw ... but the
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
interest, or at least the curiosity, of
many has been peaked.
If you would like to try out some
delicious raw food recipes for yourself,
Alive in 5: Raw Gourmet Meals in Five
Minutes, is highly recommended. Even
those who are new to the raw food
movement will enjoy the simple recipes
(most can be prepared in five minutes!)
for lasagna, spaghetti marinara, stuffed
mushrooms, broccoli in cheese sauce,
apple pie and more. They're healthy and
Editorial Note: So what do I do? I try
to have one raw dish at every meal.
When an essential oil has a smell that
we find not to our liking whether that
is a musty or dank smell or sickly
sweet, that is an indication that our
body may require that oil. The
response our body displays, disliking
the smell, is a defensive mechanism
from the toxins in our body. The oils
vibrate at a much higher frequency
than the toxins and as soon as we
smell the oils, they are already acting
upon the toxins. In response, the
toxins send the message to the brain
"Stop smelling that, we don't want to
be displaced" and then we say "yuck,
that smells bad" and then we are
inclined to stop using that oil and our
toxins can live happily ever after
wherever they may be lodged in our
Side Effects?
Editorial Note: I normally say the only
side effect of using the oils is better
health, but sometimes we can
experience side effects due to toxins in
our body. Here is why……..
By Jim Lynn
Some of you may be experiencing side
effects from supplements and oils
you've been taking. Hopefully this will
make some sense of what is happening.
People who stop eating "junk food" and
go on a daily regime of eating healthy
foods, using essential oils and taking
food supplements, may run into a
problem they've been putting off for
years...the detoxification of toxins,
heavy metals and poisons from within
their bodies.
Just imagine all those pizza's, McGrease
burgers, French fries, crispy fried
chicken, soft drinks, potato chips, candy
bars and highly processed and prepared
"convenience" foods you've eaten all
your life. Add to that list the polluted air
many of us breathe and the oily looking,
smelly water we drink and...Ee-yucko!
Now you are at "mid-life" and are
finding your body is beginning to pay
the price (Yes, Alice, there is no free
lunch) for all that "non-food" you've
been putting into your mouth and
digestive system. The ole body just
doesn't seem to want to run like it used
to, it's gotten pudgy and the knee joints
are talking back. Wonder why? Well
the simple answer is...You haven't been
eating right, and your body is telling
you about it.
Without eating the right foods, the body
has no way of expelling all those toxins.
Eventually, the body begins to suffer
and displays the chronic symptoms of
poisoning, from acne and wrinkles,
allergies and arthritis, to high blood
pressure and chronic fatigue.
So when people learn about good health
and begin the use of oils and
supplements, they expect results. And
for many that's what happens. But for
others, what they experience are skin
afflictions, sleepiness, loose bowels, and
a host of other strange symptoms.
Why? Simply put, all that "gunk" is
being expelled from the body. It's called
detoxification "detox" for short. It has to
go somewhere, doesn't it, to get out of
the body? So that sudden appearance of
acne or skin rash is nothing more than
your body ridding itself of toxins
through the skin, your body's largest
It's important to understand the process
of detoxification. It just doesn't happen
all at once and then it's over. No, to
the contrary, it could go on for many
months, or longer. But the reward of
healing your body has no price.
Detoxing can add many years of disease
free living to your life.
Protect Yourself from
Remove the most obvious cancer risk
from your home. These risks include:
 Radon
 Nonstick-coated pots and pans
 Makeup and personal care products
with toxic ingredients
 BPA-lined cans and plastic
 Cleaning products
 Air fresheners
 Toxic building materials
 Household cleaners
 Common pesticides and weed
Avoiding canned foods is perhaps your
best way to avoid the hazardous
plasticizing chemical bisphenol A, as
research has revealed canned foods can
increase your BPA levels by 1000% in a
mere five days. Research has also
shown fermented foods can help break
down BPA and reduce your intestinal
absorption of it.
Research has also found that breastcancer risk is twice as high among
women who report the most use of
household cleaning products and air
fresheners, compared to those who
rarely use such products. Women who
use make-up on a daily basis can also
absorb almost 5 pounds of potentially
toxic chemicals into their bodies each
Yesterday a.m. I poured boiling water
into my travel mug for my tea.
As I was putting away my tea I knocked
over a glass which fell and hit my
travel mug which fell then spilled the
boiling water all over my thigh.
I immediately poured Lavender on the
burn area then grabbed my Trauma Life
for a few drops.bWithin a short amount
of time maybe a couple minutes the
burning sensation was gone. Within 10
minutes I could put shorts back on.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
November, 2013
I followed up with three more applications of Trauma Life throughout the
day. NO redness, no welts, no blistering
and the sunshine does not even bother it
I have seen amazing results with
numbers of people who have joint
injuries as well as bone fractures using
the single oils of RAINDROP
COLLECTION layered directly over
the area of concern twice daily, using 23 drops of each single oil. Additionally,
my "Magic Oils for Pain" are BELIEVE
RELIEF. These can be layered as often
as necessary for pain relief.
--Frances F.
My husband is a hunter. Last year he
was gutting a deer and stabbed his hand
between his thumb and forefinger. It
was deep and over an inch wide. He
needed stitches but he didn't want the
ER expense so I dumped Oregano, and
theives and lavender into the wound and
pulled it together with a butterfly
bandage. The next morning his skin was
already growing together and he never
had any redness. I was amazed at how
quickly it healed.
Awhile back, after having relatives over
for 3 days and I finally had some time to
sit back and rest, but I found it hard to
swallow without pain. An hour later, I
began shivering with the chills and
decided to call it a night and went to bed
early. Didn't have any trouble falling
asleep, in fact, slept in an extra couple
of hours. When I did awake, I took my
temperature and I was running a fever
of 101.6. What bothered me most
though, was that I could hardly
swallow, it hurt to talk, my glands in
neck were super sore to the touch and
my ear hurt on the right side also. I got a
flashlight and looked down my throat
and found bright red, swollen tonsils
with globs of green & white nodules all
over them.
Immediately, I took some fever
reducers, then grabbed my EODR.
Under strep it said to blend 1 d.
cinnamon, 6 d. lavender, and 2 d.
hyssop. I diluted it w/olive oil and
applied it to my neck w/warm compress
and any oils I had left on my hand I
applied to my feet on lung area. I made
another batch of same recipe and took it
internally in a gel cap. I also put a
couple of drops of Melrose on a
cottonball and placed it lightly in my
affected ear.
After napping, I decided to take an
Inner Defense capsule and checked the
time to be sure I took a couple of the
Life 5 about 8 hrs. later per instructions
on the Inner Defense label. I also
utilized Gary Young's natural anti-biotic
formula adding a drop of cinnamon to it
to enhance the formula. It is as follows:
10 d. lemon, 8 d. Mountain. Savory and
3 drops of oregano. This, I cut in 1/2
and I took about every 6 hrs. or so. I
slept A lot these past few days, and
upon awakening would rub a variety of
oils on my neck. Used Purification
once, alot of Melrose, some lavender
and sometimes Thieves. At night, before
bed, I'd gargle with Thieves mouthwash
and put one drop of Mtn. Savory in my
palm with 2 drops of olive oil and lap it
up with my tongue. Any leftover oil in
my hand went to the soles of my feet
with another drop or two of the Mtn.
Look it up in the EODR, this oil is
fantastic for viral, bacterial, fungal
problems, parasites, immune problems
and also is an anti-inflammatory. It's not
quite as warm as oregano and didn't
burn on my neck as oregano does.
Anyway, I'm ssssssoooooooo proud to
report that after a total of 3 days & 4
nights of sickness I had no more fever,
no more "spots" on my tonsils and my
ear doesn't ache anymore. I kept up the
Inner Defense caps w/the probiotics for
at least a week more to be sure it stayed
GONE, and will probably lapped up a
drop of the Mountain Savory every
evening also.
Surely hope all this will somehow help
someone else out there. Use the oils
intuitively. IF you don't have something
a "recipe" calls for- substitute.
I'm elated I didn't have to see a Dr. and
so thankful the good Lord supplies us
with all we need.
--Becky in Hoosierland
I was drinking an ounce of Ningxia Red
with 8 ounces of water every morning
before I would go to work, then my wife
said to add a drop of Clove oil to the
drink. I did and after some time I started
to stop smoking. The Clove oil if you
read in the EODR helps stop smoking.
It's been around 8 years that I haven't
had a smoke. Thanks to Gary Young
and the Essential Oils I've improved my
A long time ago I recall Vicki Opfer
mentioned using the Thieves Household
Cleaner in her oven and how easy it was
to clean it. Well, I've used it and
agree with her 100%. If you haven't
tried it yet, I highly recommend doing
I don't know if it makes any difference
to have the oven a little warm, but
mine was when I decided to clean it. I'd
been putting it off and decided
it just needed to be done and NOW.
I sprayed the interior with my usual
dilution of the cleaner for basic
kitchen use. A few hours later I sprayed
it again. Later -- or maybe even the
next morning -- I wet one of those green
scrubbers and started scrubbing.
BUT I didn't need to 'scrub' (hard
rubbing). All I needed to do was rub it
around lightly and keep rinsing it to get
rid of all the dirt coming off.
There was no effort, my hands didn't
need gloves, there was no unpleasant
smell, etc. All I needed to do was keep
rinsing the interior. Boy does my
oven look wonderful!! (I won't wait so
long next time... :) )
--Carol Faust
I would describe Dragon Time as
smelling very earthy, like Mother Earth.
The funny thing for me is that it only
smells good to me when I have my
period/cramps, the rest of the month
(when I don't need it) it is not a smell I
really am drawn towards, but that is
completely different during my menses.
It works very well to decrease cramps
and moodiness. I rub it on my low belly
for cramps, and also inner and outer
ankles as those are the Vitaflex points or
meridians for our reproductive organs. - Rachel
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .