EncyclopediaOfEnergyTOC - JKS

Acid Deposition and Energy Use
Air Pollution from Energy Production and Use
Air Pollution, Health Effects of
Aircraft and Energy Use
Alternative Transportation Fuels
Environmental Issues
Environmental Issues
Conservation and End Use
Conservation and End Use
Renewable and Alternative
Conservation and End Use
Environmental Issues
Basics of Energy
Conservation and End Use
Conservation and End Use
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Invited Author
Jan Willem Erisman
Sjaak Slanina
Jon Levy
Joosung J. Lee
Suani Teixeira Coelho
Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands
Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands
Harvard University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University of Sao Paulo
Hans-Gunter Schwarz
University of Erlangen
Max Troell
David Faiman
Elton Cairns
Michael M. Thackeray
Charles Komanoff
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Argonne National Laboratory
Komanoff Energy Associates
Leon Schumacher
University of Missouri
Donald L. Klass
Entech International, Inc.
Marie Walsh
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Douglas C. Elliott
Battelle Pacific Northwest National
Andre Faaij
Utrecht University
Ausilio Bauen
Imperial College Centre for Energy Policy
and Technology
Environmental Issues
Carly Green
University College Dublin
Roger M. Olien
Stephen P. A. Brown
Howard J. Herzog
Rattan Lal
Marc Chupka
University of Texas of the Permian Basin
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ohio State University
Brattle Group
Ernst Worrell
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Chemical Energy
City Planning and Energy Use
Clean Air Markets
Clean Coal Technologies
Climate Change and Energy, Overview
Climate Change Impact on the Demand for Energy
Climate Stablization, Energy Policy for
Coal, Chemical and Physical Properties of
Coal Conversion
Public Issues
Economics of Energy
Environmental Issues
Environmental Issues
Policy Issues
Renewable and Alternative
Basics of Energy
Policy Issues
Policy Issues
Coal Resources
Environmental Issues
Environmental Issues
Environmental Issues
Coal Resources
Coal Resources
Scott Mohr
Clinton J. Andrews
Alex Farrell
Mildred B. Perry
Marty Hoffert
Tim Considine
William Moomaw
Richard Lett
Michael A. Nowak
Coal, Fuel and Non-Fuel Uses
Coal Resources
Dilo A. Paul
Coal Industry, Energy Policy in
Coal Industry, History of
Coal Mine Reclamation and Remediation
Coal Mining, Design and Methods of
Policy Issues
History and Energy
Environmental Issues
Coal Resources
Richard L. Gordon
Jaak J. K. Daemen
Robert L. Kleinmann
Andy P. Schissler
Coal Mining, Environmental Impact of
Environmental Issues
Robert Dolence
Coal Mining, Health and Safety Issues
Coal Resources
Jeffrey L. Kohler
Coal Mining, History of
Coal Preparation
Coal Resources, Formation of
Coal Transportation and Storage
Geoffrey L. Buckley
Peter J. Bethell
S. B. Malvadkar
Gilbert McGurl
Doug Hinrichs
James F. Manwell
University of Massachusetts
Combustion and Thermochemistry
Command and Control Policies
Commercial Sector and Energy Use
History and Energy
Coal Resources
Coal Resources
Coal Resources
Basics of Energy
Renewable and Alternative
Basics of Energy
Policy Issues
Conservation and End Use
Boston University
Rutgers University
University of California, Berkeley
National Energy Technology Laboratory
New York University
Resources for the Future
Tufts University
National Energy Technology Laboratory
National Energy Technology Laboratory
National Energy Technology Laboratory/
Pennsylvania State University
University of Nevada, Reno
National Energy Technology Laboratory
Colorado School of Mines
Science Applications International
Corporation (SAIC)/ NETL
National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health
Ohio University
Massey Coal Services Inc.
National Energy Technology Laboratory
National Energy Technology Laboratory
D&R International
Chenn Q. Zhou
Mahadev G. Bhat
J. Michael MacDonald
Complex Systems and Energy
Measurements and Models
Mario Giampetro
Computer Modeling of Renewable Electric Energy
Measurements and Models
Peter Lilienthal
Purdre University Calumet
Florida International University
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Insituto Nazionale Riceri Alimenti e
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Aluminum Production and Energy
Aquaculture and Energy Use
Arid Environments, Impacts of Energy Development in
Batteries, Overview
Batteries, Transportation Applications
Biodiesel Fuels
Bioenergy, Overview
Bioenergy Resource Base
Biomass, Chemicals From
Biomass Combustion
Biomass Gasification
Biomass Impact on Carbon Cycle and Greenhouse Gas
Boomtowns and Energy Development
Business Cycle and Energy Prices
Carbon Sequestration and Fossil Fuels
Carbon Sequestration Terrestrial
Carbon Taxes and Climate Change
Cement and Energy
Combined (Hybrid) Renewable Energy Systems
Concept of Energy, History of
Conservation Measures for Energy, History of
Conservation of Energy, Principle of
Consumption, Energy, and the Environment
Conversion of Energy People and Animals
Corporate Environmental Strategy
Cost-Benefit Analysis Applied to Energy
Crude Oil Releases to the Environment Biological
Remediation and Degradation
History and Energy
History and Energy
Basics of Energy
Public Issues
Basics of Energy
Economics of Energy
Measurement and Models
Elizabeth Garber
John H. Gibbons
Gordon Aubrecht
Simon Guy
Vaclav Smil
Bruce Piasecki
Peter Clinch
State University of New York, Stony Brook
Resource Strategies, Inc.
Ohio State University
University of Newcastle
University of Manitoba
AHC Group
National University of Ireland, Dublin
Environmental Issues
Roger C. Prince
Exxon Mobil Research and Engineering Co.
Crude Oil Spills, Environmental Impact of
Environmental Issues
Stanislav Patin
Cultural Evolution and Energy
Decomposition Analysis Applied to Energy
Depletion and Valuation of Energy Resources
Desalination and Energy Use
Development and Energy, Overview
Energy and Society
Measurements and Models
Measurement and Models
Environmental Issues
Sustainable Development
Diet, Energy, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Conservation and End Use
Discount Rates and Energy Efficiency
Distributed Energy, Overview
District Heating and Cooling
Early Industrial World, Energy Flow in
Conservation and End Use
Conservation and End Use
Conservation and End Use
Society and Energy
Richard N. Adams
B. W. Ang
John Hartwick
John B. Tonner
José Goldemberg
Annika CarlssonKanyama
Richard Howarth
Neil Strachan
Sven Werner
Richard Periman
Earth's Energy Balance
Energy Flows
Kevin E. Trenberth
Easter Island, Resource Depletion and Collapse
Ecological Footprints and Energy
Ecological Risk Assessment Applied to Energy
Economic Geography of Energy
Economic Growth and Energy
Economic Growth, Liberalization and the Environment
Economics of Energy Efficiency
Economics of Energy Demand
Economics of Energy Supply
Economic Systems and Energy, Conceptual Overview
Economic Thought, History of Energy in
Society and Energy
Systems of Energy
James Brander
Chad Monfreda
Dartmouth College
Pew Center on Global Climate Change
Chalmers University of Technology
USDA Forest Service
National Center for Atmospheric Research
University of British Columbia
Redefining Progress
Measurement and Models
Charles R. Harman
AMEC Earth and Environmental, Inc.
Economics of Energy
Economics of Energy
Society and Energy
Conservation and End Use
Economics of Energy
Economics of Energy
Systems of Energy
History and Energy
Barry D. Solomon
David Stern
Sjak Smulders
Richard G. Newell
Ken Medlock
Michael Toman
John Peet
Paul Christensen
Ecosystem Health Energy Indicators
Energy Flows
Daniel E. Campbell
Ecosystems and Energy History and Overview
Electrical Energy and Power
Electricity Use, History of
Electric Motors
Electric Power Critical Infrastructure Protection
Electricity, Environmental Impacts of
Electric Power Generation Fossil Fuel
Electric Power Generation Valuation of Environmental
Electric Power Reform Equity and Environment
Electric Power Systems Engineering
Electric Power Traditional Monopoly Franchise
Regulation and Rate Making
Electric Power Transmission and Generation Reliability
and Adequacy
Electric Power Variables and Measurements
Electric Utilities Restructuring and Privatization
Electromagnetic Fields, Health Impacts of
Emergy Analysis of Energy Systems
Energy Services Industry
Energy Efficiency, Taxonomic Overview
Energy Ladder In Developing Nations
Entrainment and Impingement of Organisms in Power
Plant Cooling
Entropy and the Economic Process
Environmental Change and Energy,
Environmental Injustices Energy Facilities
Environmental Gradients and Energy
Equity and Distribution in Energy Policy
Equity and Energy
Energy Flows
Basics of Energy
History and Energy
Basics of Energy
Charles Hall
Joseph R. Priest
David E. Nye
Steve Greenberg
Alex Farrell
Alex Farrell
János M. Beér
University of California, Santa Barbara
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Tilburg University
Resources for the Future
El Paso Corporation
Resources for the Future
University of Canterbury
Hofstra University
United States Environmental Protection
Agency, AED
State University of New York, Syracuse
Miami University of Ohio
University of Southern Denmark
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Environmental Issues
Andrew Stirling
University of Sussex
Navroz K. Dubash
Marija Ilic
World Resources Institute
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kenneth Rose
Ohio State University
F. F. Garcés
Universidad Nacional de San Juan
Basics of Energy
Measurement and Models
Economics of Energy
Conservation and End Use
Sustainable Development
Mariesa L. Crow
Henri I. T. Tjiong
Daniel Stump
David L. McCormick
Mark T. Brown
Edward L. Vine
Amory Lovins
Richard Hosier
University of Missouri, Rolla
Stanford University
Michigan State University
IIT Research Institute
University of Florida
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Rocky Mountain Institute
United Nations Development Programme
Environmental Issues
Todd Callaghan
Office of Coastal Zone Management
Gabriel Lozada
I. G. Simmons
Nancy I. Maxwell
Charles Hall
Adam Rose
Daniel Kammen
University of Utah
University of Durham
Boston University
State University of New York, Syracuse
Pennsylvania State University
University of California, Berkeley
Charles E. Wyman
Dartmouth College
European Union Energy Policy
Evolutionary Economics and Energy
Systems of Energy
History and Energy
Public Issues
Enviromental Issues
Policy Issues
Global Issues
Renewable and Alternative
Policy Issues
Economics of Energy
Systems of Energy
Systems of Energy
Felix Christian Matthes
John Gowdy
Enrico Sciubba
Gôran Wall
Exergy Analysis of Energy Systems
Systems of Energy
Marc A. Rosen
Exergy Analysis of Waste Emissions
Systems of Energy
Marc A. Rosen
Oeko Institute
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
University of Roma 1 "La Sapienza"
Consultant, Môlndal, Sweden
University of Ontario Institute of
University of Ontario Institute of
Ethanol Fuels
Russian Federal Research Institute of
University of Texas
National University of Singapore
Queens University
Water Consultants International
Universidade de Sao Paulo
Stockholm University
Exergy: Reference States and Balance Conditions
Experience Curves for Energy Technologies
External Costs of Energy
Financial Derivatives
Financing Energy Efficiency
Fisheries and Energy Use
Systems of Energy
Measurement and Models
Economics of Energy
Economics of Energy
Conservation and End Use
History and Energy
Conservation and End Use
Basics of Energy
Robert U. Ayres
Christine Woerlen
Darwin C. Hall
Vince Kaminski
R. Bosworth Dewey
Johan Goudsblom
Peter Tyedmers
John R. Hull
Food Capture, Energy Costs of
Energy Flows
Jerry V. Mead
Food Processing and Preparation Energy Use
Food System, Energy Use in
Forecasting Energy Markets
Chris Dutilh
Chris Dutilh
Frederick L. Joutz
Forms and Measurement of Energy
Freight Demand for Travel and Energy Use
Conservation and End Use
Conservation and End Use
Economics of Energy
Renewable and Alternative
Basics of Energy
Conservation and End Use
Fuel Cells
Basics of Energy
Nigel Brandon
Fuel Cell Vehicles
Fuel Economy Initiatives International Comparisons
Futures and Options
Fuzzy Logic Modeling of Energy Systems
John M. DeCicco
Steven Plotkin
John Treat
Bjôrn Ludwig
Timothy S. Collett
U.S. Geological Survey
Serap Erdal
Barry D. Solomon
Amy Myers Jaffe
University of Illinois, Chicago
University of California, Santa Barbara
Rice University
John Lund
Oregon Institute of Technology
Keng Choon Lee
University of Auckland
Chris W. Sinton
Alfred University
Global Energy Use, Status and Trends
Global Material Cycles and Energy
Goods and Services Energy Costs
Conservation and End Use
Policy Issues
Economics of Energy
Measurements and Models
Oil and Natural Gas
History and Energy
Policy Issues
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Society and Energy
Environmental Issues
Society and Energy
University of Canterbury
Argonne National Laboratory
Imperial College of Science, Technology and
Environmental Defense
Argonne National Laboratory
Author, Placerville, Colorado
Technical University of Clausthal
Linda Doman
Vaclav Smil
Robert Herendeen
Green Accounting and Energy
Measurement and Models
Peter Bartelmus
U.S. Department of Energy
University of Manitoba
Illinois Natural History Survey
Wuppertal Institute for Climate,
Environment and Energy
Forest Products and Energy
Gas Hydrates
Gasoline Additives and Public Health
Geographic Thought, History of Energy in
Geopolitics of Energy
Geothermal Direct Use
Geothermal Power Generation
Glass and Energy
Boston University
California State University, Long Beach
Citadel Investment Group
University of Amsterdam
Dalhousie University
Argonne National Laboratory
State University of New York College of
Environmental Science and Forestry
Unilever, The Netherlands
Unilever, The Netherlands
George Washington University
Brynhildur Davidsdottir Boston University
Arthur Williamson
Marianne Mintz
Greenhouse Gas Abatement Cost Comparison of Different
Policy Issues
Mark Jaccard
Simon Fraser University
Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Alternative Scenarios of
Environmental Issues
Leo Schrattenholzer
International Institute for Applied Systems
Environmental Issues
Stephen Hirschberg
Paul Scherrer Institute
Environmental Issues
Environmental Issues
Environmental Issues
Basics of Energy
Basics of Energy
Energy Flows
Energy Flows
Society and Energy
Conservation and End Use
Renewable and Alternative
History and Energy
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Environmental Issues
History and Energy
Public Issues
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Environmental Issues
Environmental Issues
Society and Energy
Conservation and End Use
Conservation and End Use
Conservation and End Use
Conservation and End Use
Economics of Energy
Conservation and End Use
Systems of Energy
Farouk El-Baz
Majid Ghassemi
Haider Taha
Kwang J. Kim
Fabio Gori
Kenneth Nagy
William R. Leonard
T. P. Bayliss-Smith
John German
Seth Dunn
Boston University
New Mexico Tech University
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
University of Nevada, Reno
Universiti di Roma "Tor Vergata"
University of California, Los Angeles
Northwestern University
University of Cambridge
American Honda Motor Co. Inc.
Imperial College Centre for Energy Policy
and Technology
Worldwatch Institute
Gene Berry
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Gene Berry
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Brian K. Edwards
Brian K. Edwards Associates
Glen F. Cada
John S. Gulliver
Barry Trembath
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
University of Minnesota
World Bank
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy Systems,
Gulf War, Environmental Impact of
Hazardous Waste from Fossil Fuels
Heat Islands and Energy
Heat Pumps
Heat Transfer
Heterotrophic Energy Flows
Human Energetics
Hunting and Gathering Societies, Energy Flows in
Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Hydrogen, End Uses and Economics
Hydrogen, History of
Hydrogen Production Technologies
Hydrogen Transportation and Storage
Hydropower Economics
Hydropower, Environmental Impact of
Hydropower, History of
Hydropower Resettlement Projects, Social Impacts of
Hydropower Resources
Hydropower Technology
Indoor Air Quality in Developing Nations
Indoor Air Quality in Industrial Nations
Industrial Agriculture, Energy Flows in
Industrial Ecology
Industrial Energy Efficiency
Industrial Energy Use, Status and Trends
Industrial Symbiosis
Inflation and Energy Prices
Information Technology and Energy Use
Information Theory and Energy/Entropy
David Hart
Peggy A. M. Brookshier U.S. Department of Energy
Garold L. Sommers
U.S. Department of Energy
Majid Ezzati
Adrian Watson
David Pimentel
Thomas E. Graedel
Wolfgang Eichhammer
Ernst Worrell
Marian R. Chertow
Pedro Duarte Neves
Kurt Roth
Sven Erik Jørgensen
Resources for the Future
Manchester Metropolitan University
Cornell University
Yale University
Fraunhofer Institute
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Yale University
Universidade Catolica
Royal Danish School of Pharmacy
Innovation and Energy Prices
Economics of Energy
Input-Output Analysis
Measurement and Models
Integration of Vehicle and Distributed Energy Systems
Conservation and End Use
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Conservation and End Use
Internal Combustion (Gasoline and Diesel) Engines
Basics of Energy
Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles
Conservation and End Use
International Comparisons of Energy End Use
Conservation and End Use
Investment in Energy Industries
Economics of Energy
Kuznet Curves
Sustainable Development
Labels and Standards, Energy
Public Issues
Land Requirements of Energy Systems
Environmental Issues
International Energy Law
Economics of Energy
Leisure, Energy Costs of
Society and Energy
Life Cycle Assessment and Energy Systems
Measurement and Models
Life Cycle Analysis of Conventional and Alternative Fuels
Conservation and End Use
and Vehicles
Life Cycle Analysis: Power Generation Systems
Measurement and Models
Lifestyles and Energy
Conservation and End Use
Lighting, Energy-Efficient
Conservation and End Use
Lithosphere, Energy Flows in
Energy Flows
Livestock Production and Energy Use
Conservation and End Use
Lunar-Solar Power System
Conservation and End Use
Magnetic Levitation
Conservation and End Use
Basics of Energy
Manufactured Gas, History of
History and Energy
Marine Transportation and Energy Use
Conservation and End Use
Market-Based Instruments, Overview
Policy Issues
Market Failures in Energy Markets
Economics of Energy
Markets for Biofuels
Economics of Energy
Markets for Coal
Economics of Energy
Markets for Electricity (Wholesale and Retail)
Economics of Energy
Markets for Natural Gas
Economics of Energy
Markets for Petroleum
Economics of Energy
Markets for Renewable Energy
Economics of Energy
Marxist Economics and Energy
Economics of Energy
Material Efficiency and Energy Use
Material Use and Reuse
Renewable and Alternative
Materials for Solar Energy
Material Use in Automobiles
Material Use and Reuse
Measurement and Aggregation of Energy
Measurement and Models
Mechanical Energy
Basics of Energy
Media and Energy
Public Issues
Renewable and Alternative
Microtechnology, Energy Applications of
Migration, Energy Costs of
Energy Flows
Renewable and Alternative
Mineral Extraction and Energy
Modeling Energy Supply and Demand: Bottom-Up
Measurement and Models
Modeling Energy Supply and Demand: Top-Down-Up
Measurement and Models
Modeling Energy Supply and Use, Taxonomic Overview Measurement and Models
Motor Vehicle Use, Social Costs of
Public Issues
Multi-Criteria Analysis of Energy
Measurement and Models
National Energy Modeling Systems
Measurement and Models
National Energy Policy: Brazil
Policy Issues
National Energy Policy: China
Policy Issues
National Energy Policy: India
Policy Issues
National Energy Policy: Japan
Policy Issues
National Energy Policy: United States
Policy Issues
Nationalism and Energy
Global Issues
National Security and Energy
Policy Issues
Natural Gas Industry, Energy Policy in
Policy Issues
Natural Gas Industry, History of
History and Energy
Oil and Natural Gas
Natural Gas Processing and Products
Oil and Natural Gas
Natural Gas Resources, Global Distribution of
Oil and Natural Gas
Natural Gas Resources, Unconventional
Oil and Natural Gas
Natural Gas Transportation and Storage
Net Energy Analysis, Concepts and Methods
Measurement and Models
Neural Network Modeling of Energy Systems
Measurement and Models
Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) and Energy
Global Issues
Nuclear Engineering
Nuclear Energy
Nuclear Fission Reactors: Boiling Water and Pressurized
Nuclear Energy
Water Reactors
Nuclear Energy(Author to be
Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing
Ian Sue Wing
Stephen Casler
Timothy E. Lipman
Susan Shaheen
Robert N. Brady
K. G. Duleep
Lee Schipper
Mark E. Fischer
David Stern
Lloyd Harrington
Vaclav Smil
Thomas Wälde
Susanne Becken
Evert Nieuwlaar
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Allegheny College
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Berkeley
Vancouver Community College
Energy and Environmental Analysis, Inc.
World Resources Institute
Securities, LLC
Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute
Energy Efficient Strategies
University of Manitoba
University of Dundee
Lincoln University, Canterbury
Utrecht University
Michael Wang
Argonne National Laboratory
Lester Lave
Kornelis Blok
Nils Borg
Seth Stein
David Pimentel
David R. Criswell
Donald M. Rote
Paul Roberts
Joel A. Tarr
James J. Corbett
Stephen C. Farber
Steve DeCanio
Bengt Hillring
Richard L. Gordon
Paul L. Joskow
Jonathan Stern
Michael Lynch
Martin Alder
Joan Martinez-Alier
Eberhard Jochem
Carnegie Mellon University
Utrecht University
Borg & Co. AB
Northwestern University
Cornell University
University of Houston
Argonne National Laboratory
University of California, Los Angeles
Carnegie Mellon University
University of Delaware
University of Pittsburgh
University of California, Santa Barbara
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Pennsylvania State University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Royal Institute of International Affairs
Optimum Energy Consultants, UK
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Claes-Gôran Granqvist
Uppsala University
Sujit Das
Cutler Cleveland
Joseph R. Priest
James Shanahan
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Boston University
Miami University of Ohio
Cornell University
Richard B. Peterson
Oregon State University
Charles R. Blem
Virginia Commonwealth University
J. C. Agarwal
Charles River Associates, Inc.
Jayant A. Sathaye
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Alessandra Lanza
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Hillard G Huntington
Mark A. Delucchi
R. Ramanathan
Andy S. Kydes
Sergio V. Bajay
Mark Levine
R. K. Pachauri
Paul J. Scalise
Edward L. Morse
Victor Rodriguez-Padilla
Wilfrid L. Kohl
Michelle Michot Foss
Christopher J. Castaneda
Stanford University
Does Research
Sultan Qaboos Unviersity
U.S. Department of Energy
Secretaria de Energia - SEN
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Tata Energy Research Institute
Author and Political Analyst, Tokyo
Hess Energy Trading Co.
Col. Copilco Universidad
Johns Hopkins University
University of Houston Law Center
California State University, Sacramento
Richard G. Mallinson
University of Oklahoma
Ronald R. Charpentier
U.S. Geological Survey
Vello A. Kuuskraa
Advanced Resources International,Inc.
Faruk Civan
University of Oklahoma
Robert Herendeen
Soteris A. Kalogirou
Ambuj Sagar
José N. Reyes, Jr.
Illinois Natural History Survey
Higher Technical Institute
Harvard University
Oregon State University
Douglas Vogt
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Dr Harold F.McFarlane Argonne National Laboratory
Nuclear Fusion Reactors
Nuclear Material Transportation
Nuclear Power Economics
Nuclear Power Plants, Decommissioning of
Nuclear Energy(Author to be
Phillippe Magaud
Nuclear Energy
Lorne Green
Economics of Energy
Geoffrey Rothwell
Environmental Issues(Author
Rebekah Harty Krieg
to be Nominated)
Harold A. Feiveson
Environmental Issues
Paul Andersen
Nuclear Energy
Leon C. Walters
History and Energy
Robert J. Duffy
Conservation and End Use Marilyn Brown
Nuclear Proliferation and Diversion
Nuclear Waste
Nuclear Fuel: Design and Fabrication
Nuclear Power, History of
Obstacles to Energy Efficiency
Occupational Health Risks in Crude Oil and Natural Gas
Occupational Health Risks in Nuclear Power
Renewable and Alternative
Ocean Thermal Energy
Ocean, Energy Flows in
Energy Flows
Oil and Natural Gas Development, Social Impacts of
Public Issues
Oil and Natural Gas
Oil and Natural Gas Drilling
Oil and Natural Gas
Oil and Natural Gas Economics of Exploration
Oil and Natural Gas
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration
Oil and Natural Gas
Oil and Natural Gas Leasing
Oil and Natural Gas
Oil and Natural Gas, Offshore
Oil and Natural Gas Resource Assessment Classifications Oil and Natural Gas
and Terminology
Oil and Natural Gas Resource Assessment Geological
Oil and Natural Gas
Oil and Natural Gas Resource Assessment Production
Oil and Natural Gas
Growth Cycle Models
Oil Crises, Historical Perspective
History and Energy
Oil Industry, History of
History and Energy
Oil Price Volatility
Economics of Energy
Oil and Natural Gas
Oil Refining and Products
Oil and Natural Gas
Oil Resources Global Magnitudes and Distribution
Oil and Natural Gas
Oil Shale
Oil and Natural Gas
Oil Pipelines
OPEC Market Behavior
Economics of Energy
OPEC, History of
History and Energy
Origin of Life and Energy
Energy Flows
Passenger Demand for Travel and Energy Use
Conservation and End Use
Conservation and End Use
Petroleum Property Valuation
Economics of Energy
Petroleum System Natures's Distribution System for Oil Oil and Natural Gas
and Gas
Philanthropy , Energy and
Public Issues
Photosynthesis and Autotrophic Energy Flows
Energy Flows
Renewable and Alternative
Photosynthesis, Artificial
Renewable and Alternative
Photovoltaic Energy, Building-Integrated
Renewable and Alternative
Photovoltaic Energy Space Applications
Photovoltaic Energy Stand-Alone and Grid-Connected
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Photovoltaic Materials, Physics of
Photovoltaics, Environmental Impact of
Environmental Issues
Physics and Economics of Energy, Conceptual Overview Systems of Energy
Plastics Production and Energy
Material Use and Reuse
Polar Regions, Impacts of Energy Development
Environmental Issues
Population Growth and Energy
Society and Energy
Potential of Energy Efficiency Developing Nations
Conservation and End Use
Poverty and Energy
Global Issues
Prices of Energy, History of
History and Energy
Public Health and Energy, Overview
Public Lands and Energy Development
Policy Issues
Public Reaction to Energy, Overview
Public Issues
Public Reaction to Nuclear Power Siting and Disposal
Public Issues
Public Reaction to Offshore Oil
Public Issues
Public Reaction to Renewable Energy Systems
Public Issues
Radiation, Risks and Health Impacts of
Euratom-Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique
World Nuclear Transport Institute
Stanford University
Rebekah Krieg Consulting
Princeton University
New Mexico State University
Argonne National Laboratory
Department of Political Science
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Joel M. Haight
Pennsylvania State University
David Richardson
Rui Xin Huang
Terry L. Karl
University of North Carolina
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversions
Systems Ltd.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Stanford University
J. J. Azar
University of Tulsa
Emil Attanasi
U.S. Geological Survey
Marlan W. Downey
President, Association of American
Petroleum Geologists
Dennis D. Muraoka
California State University, Channel Islands
Ron Baker
University of Texas
Timothy Klett
U.S. Geological Survey
Donald L Gautier
U.S. Geological Survey
Jean Laherrère
TOTAL Group (retired)
Mamdouh Salameh
August Giebelhaus
M. J. Hwang
Oil Market Consulting Service
Georgia Institute of Technology
West Virginia University
Abdullah Aitani
KFUPM Research Institute
Thomas S. Ahlbrandt
U.S. Geological Survey
John R. Dyni
U.S. Geological Survey
Prasanta Kumar Dey
University of the West Indies
A. F. Alhajji
Fadhil Chalabi
Ronald F. Fox
Andreas Schafer
Mark Fenton
James L. Smith
Ohio Northern University
Centre for Global Energy
Georgia Institute of Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Editor, Walking Magazine
Southern Methodist University
Leslie B. Magoon
U.S. Geological Survey
Eric Heitz
Jed Sparks
The Energy Foundation
Cornell University
Nathan S. Lewis
California Institute of Technology
Deo Prasad
University of New South Wales
Peter Iles
Arcadia, California
Tim Meyer
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy
Systems ISE
Bolko von Roedern
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Vasilis M. Fthenakis
Karl- Erik Eriksson
Martin Patel
Bruce Forbes
Gayl Ness
Randall Spalding-Fecher
R. K. Pachauri
Peter Berck
Paul Epstein
Brian Black
Eric R. A. N. Smith
Eugene Rosa
William Freudenburg
Timothy C. Coburn
Richard Wilson
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Karlstad University
Utrecht University
University of Lapland
University of Michigan
University of Capetown
Tata Energy Research Institute
University of California, Berkeley
Harvard School of Public Health
Pennsylvania State University
University of California, Santa Barbara
Washington State University
University of California, Santa Barbara
Abilene Christian University
Harvard University
Don Lennard
Rebound Effect of Energy Conservation
Recycling of Paper
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Renewable Portfolio Standards
Economics of Energy
Material Use and Reuse
Basics of Energy
Oil and Natural Gas
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Policy Issues
Renewable Energy Barriers and Policies
Policy Issues
Reproduction, Energy Costs of
Energy Flows
Mark Jaccard
Fred Beck and Eric
Thomas Kunz
Research and Development Trends for Energy
Policy Issues
Michael Jefferson
Resource Quality From an Energy Perspective
Reuse and Energy
Risk Analysis Applied to Energy Systems
Risk in Energy Markets
Rocket Engines
Rural Energy in China
Systems of Energy
Material Use and Reuse
Economics of Energy
Basics of Energy
Sustainable Development
Rural Energy in India
Sustainable Development
Service Sector, Energy Use in
Conservation and End Use
Cutler Cleveland
Marko Hekkert
Herbert Inhaber
Vince Kaminski
William Anderson
Zheng Luo
Ibrahim Hafeezur
Bernd Geiger
Sociopolitical Collapse, Energy and
Society and Energy
Joseph Tainter
Remote Sensing for Energy Resources
Renewable Energy in Asia
Renewable Energy in Europe
Renewable Energy in Southern Africa
Renewable Energy in the United States
Renewable Energy, Taxonomic Overview
Solar Cells
Solar Chimney
Solar Cookers
Solar Detoxification and Disinfection
Solar Distillation and Drying
Solar Energy in Urban Environments
Solar Energy, History of
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
History and Energy
Horace Herring
Linda L. Gaines
Bogdan Horbaniuc
Open University
Argonne National Laboratory
Technical University of Iasi
Floyd Sabins
Remote Sensing Enterprises, Inc.
Ven Kat Ramana
Winrock International
Joachim Nitsch
DLR Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und
Raumfahrt e.v.
Dieter Holm
University of Pretoria
Fred Mayes
U.S. Department of Energy
Daniel Kammen
University of California, Berkeley
Simon Fraser University
Renewable Energy Policy Project and Global
Environment Facility, Washington DC
Boston University
Global Energy and Environment Trends for
Boston University
University of Utrecht
Risk Concepts
Citadel Investment Group
Purdue University
University of South Wales
S. A. Sherif
University of Florida
S. K. Sharma
Panjab University
Sixto Malato-Rodriguez Platforma Solar De Almeria (CIEMAT)
D. Y. Goswami
University of Florida
Peter Droege
University of Sydney
John Perlin
Author and Lecturer, Santa Barbara,
Aldo Steinfeld
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
K. Kaygusuz
Karadeniz Technical University
N. D. Kaushika
Indian Institute of Technology
D. Y. Goswami
University of Florida
Andreas Luzzi
GiraSOLAR, Consultants
E. Delyannis
National Center for Scientific Research
Matthias Ruth
University of Maryland
Perry Sadorsky
Marco Semadeni
York University
Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology
David L. Weimer
University of Wisconsin
Doug Koplow
Deron Lovaas
Mohan Munasinghe
Andrew Ford
Earth Track Inc.
Natural Resources Defense Council
Munasinghe Institute for Development
Washington State University
Shashi N. Kumar
Maine Maritime Academy
Robert W. Bacon
Ambuj Sagar
Joseph R. Priest
Gianfranco Rizzo
World Bank
Harvard University
Miami University
University of Palermo
King Fahd University of Petroleum and
University of Maryland
University of Waterloo
University of Siena
University of Melbourne
Taxation of Energy
Technology Innnovation, Adoption, and Diffusion
Temperature and Its Measurement
Thermal Comfort
Thermal Energy Storage
Basics of Energy
Ibrahim Dincer
Thermal Pollution
Thermodynamics and Economics, Overview
Thermodynamics and Ecosystem Development
Thermodynamics and the Entropy Concept
Thermodynamic Sciences, History of
Environmental Issues
Systems of Energy
Energy Flows
Basics of Energy
History and Energy
Victor S. Kennedy
Robert Ayres
James Kay
Sergio Ulgiati
Keith Hutchison
Solar Heat Pumps
Solar Ponds
Solar Thermal Energy, Industrial Heat Applications
Solar Thermal Power Generation
Solar Water Desalination
Steel Production and Energy
Stock Market and Energy Prices
Storage of Energy, Overview
Strategic Petroleum Reserves
Subsidies to Energy Industries
Suburbanization and Energy
Sustainable Development, Overview and Principles
System Dynamics and the Electric Power Industry
Tanker Transportation
Technische Universität München
USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain
Research Station
Richard Corkish
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Economics of Energy
Basics of Energy
Oil and Natural Gas
Economics of Energy
Society and Energy
Sustainable Development
Measurement and Models
Oil and Natural Gas
Economics of Energy
Global Issues
Basics of Energy
Conservation and End Use
Solar Fuels and Materials
Tata Energy Research Institute
John Speakman
University of Aberdeen
Ian Bryden
Robert Gordon University
Trade in Energy and Energy Services
Energy Flows
Renewable and Alternative
Economics of Energy
Geert Van Calster
Transitions in Energy Use
History and Energy
Arnulf Gruebler
Transportation and Energy, Overview
Transportation and Energy Policy
Transportation Fuels for Motor Vehicles
Turbines, Gas
Turbines, Steam
Ultralight Rail and Energy Use
Uranium Mining, Process and Enrichment
Uranium Mining Environmental Impact
Conservation and End Use
Policy Issues
Conservation and End Use
Basics of Energy
Basics of Energy
Conservation and End Use
Nuclear Energy
Environmental Issues
David Greene
Lew Fulton
Danilo J. Santini
Lee S. Langston
Enrico Sciubba
John A. Dearien
Ian Hore - Lacy
Donald Metzler
Uranium Resource Assessment
Nuclear Energy
J. Stephen Herring
Urbanization and Energy
Value Theory and Energy
Vehicles and Their Powerplants Energy Use and
Society and Energy
Systems of Energy
Donald W. Jones
Robert Costanza
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
International Institute for Applied Systems
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
International Energy Agency
Argonne National Laboratory
University of Connecticut
University of Roma 1 "La Sapienza"
CyberTran International, Inc
World Nuclear Association
U.S. Department of Energy
Idaho National Engineering and
Environmental Laboratory
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
University System of Maryland
Conservation and End Use
Phillip S. Myers
University of Wisconsin
Michael L. Murphy
Energy Products of Idaho
George Lemonis
Centre for Renewable Energy Sources
John W. Day, Jr.
Louisiana State University
Michael Milligan
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Karin Sinclair
Martin Pasqualetti
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Arizona State University
Erik Lundtang Petersen
Wind Energy Department
Dennis Elliot
National Renwable Energy Laboratory
Njeri Wamukonya
Ris0 National Laboratory
Author and Lecturer, Santa Barbara,
University of California, Berkeley
Northern Illinois University
University of Manitoba
Tidal Energy
Women and Energy
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Environmental Issues
Renewable and Alternative
Environmental Issues
History and Energy
Renewable and Alternative
Renewable and Alternative
Society and Energy
Wood Energy, History of
History and Energy
John Perlin
Wood in Household Energy Use
Work, Power, and Energy
World History and Energy
Sustainable Development
Basics of Energy
History and Energy
Rob Bailis
Milivoje Kostic
Vaclav Smil
Waste-to-Energy Systems
Wave and Current Energy
Wetlands, Impacts of Energy Development in
Wind Energy Economics
Wind Energy, Environmental Impact of
Wind Energy, History of
Wind Farms
Wind Resource Base