Sample 5.3.B.2 Complete

World Languages (K-5): Novice-Mid - Food
Standard: 7.1 World Languages: All students will be able to use a world language in addition to English to engage in meaningful
conversation, to understand and interpret spoken and written language, and to present information, concepts, and ideas, while also
gaining an understanding of the perspectives of other cultures. Through language study, they will make connections with other
content areas, compare the language and culture studied with their own, and participate in home and global communities.
CCSS ELA: Reading 3 – ACTFL: Interpretive (Reading, Listening, Viewing) 1.2, 2.1, 2.2
CCSS ELA: Speaking and Listening 1– ACTFL: Interpersonal (Speaking & Listening; Reading & Writing) 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.2
CCSS ELA: Writing 4 – ACTFL: Presentational (Writing, Speaking, Visually Representing) 1.3
Novice-Mid Level Learner: Students communicate using memorized words and phrases to talk about familiar topics related
to school, home, and the community.
A. Interpretive Mode: The mode of communication in which students demonstrate understanding of spoken and written
communication within the appropriate cultural context. Examples of "one-way" reading or listening include cultural
interpretations of print, video, and online texts, movies, radio and television broadcasts, and speeches. Interpretation beyond
the Novice level differs from comprehension because it implies the ability to read or listen "between the lines" and "beyond
the lines."
B. Interpersonal Mode: The mode of communication in which students engage in direct oral and/or written communication
with others (e.g., conversing face-to-face, participating in online discussions or videoconferences, instant messaging and text
messaging, exchanging personal letters or e-mail messages).
C. Presentational Mode: The mode of communication in which students present, through oral and/or written communications,
information, concepts and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers with whom there is no immediate interaction.
Examples of this "one-to-many" mode of communication are making a presentation to a group, posting an online video or
webpage, creating and posting a podcast or video cast, and writing an article for a newspaper.
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
Activities and Student Experiences
World Languages (K-5): Novice-Mid - Food
How is food a
reflection of culture?
What is the role of
food in the target
culture and how does
the geography of the
country have an impact
on food?
How do various typical
dishes represent the
similarities and
differences within the
Spanish speaking
Culture reflects meal
types/portions of food, and
attitudes about food.
Learning about food allows
us to become aware of the
relationship between eating
and healthy living, grocery
stores vs. open-air
markets/specialty shops,
import/export, types of
restaurants and restaurant
Typical food varies from one
Spanish-speaking country to
another as well as within
regions of a country.
Content Statements
Write a list of foods and drinks that they eat for breakfast,
lunch, and dinner as a “Do Now” activity.
Listen to audio about food vocabulary and distinguish
between breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Remind students that
they should focus on the vocabulary for foods and
Write grocery lists with four or five items that they can
identify and write in the target language in their notebook.
Have students prepare short dialogues that take place in a
Identify pictures of foods then using a Venn diagram
classify the food as either breakfast, lunch, or both.
Create flash cards to talk about what they like and dislike
about food.
Write what foods and drinks they prefer to eat for breakfast
and lunch, then discuss whether their foods and drinks were
healthy or not.
Discuss what students typically eat for breakfast, lunch, and
dinner. Then, create two lists: one, their favorite foods and
two, other foods they think they should be eating.
Name or list a well-balanced diet and different physical
activities to maintain good health.
Students work in small groups to create menus for three
meals in a healthy-food restaurant using labeled pictures.
Choose pictures to describe what they eat for a particular
Create a poster with foods they eat and exercises they do to
stay healthy.
World Languages (K-5): Novice-Mid - Food
This unit offers students the
opportunity to identify,
learn and employ the
vocabulary used to talk
about foods and beverages
for breakfast, lunch and
dinner in meaningful
conversations in the target
language while
understanding the
importance of eating
healthy. Instruction will
focus on identifying
healthy foods and
beverages and promoting
good eating habits.
This unit also allows
students to identify various
typical foods from the
target language coutry(ies)
and explains that different
cultures have different
practices associated with
7.1. NM.A.2 Demonstrate
comprehension of simple, oral and
written directions, commands, and
requests through appropriate
physical response.
7.1. NM.B.4 Ask and respond to
simple questions, make requests,
and express preferences using
memorized words and phrases.
7.1. NM.C.5 Name and label
tangible cultural products and
imitate cultural practices from the
target culture(s).
Compile a list of foods and beverages they like to eat and
drink. Then, have students decide as a group which food or
beverage items are healthy for them, and which items listed
they should eat or drink.
Assign students to research about the eating traditions in the
target language country (ies).
Research typical dishes of the target language country (ies).
As an extra assignment, bring a recipe of one of their
assigned dishes.
World Languages (K-5): Novice-Mid - Food
Desired Results
Students will be able to:
Identify main idea of an authentic text dealing with
food products and practices.
Ask questions related to food preferences, products,
and practices.
Answer questions related to food preferences, products,
and practices.
Present information related to food preferences,
products, and practices in the target culture based on
information found in age- and level-appropriate,
culturally authentic materials.
To show evidence of meeting this standard, students may:
Exchange information in conversations
Present simple information
Develop and perform dialogues
Write simple sentences
Oral presentations (simple dialogues, self introduction)
Do role play
Understanding of few idiomatic expressions
Art Projects (murals, collage, etc)
Self-evaluation worksheets
Audio-visual activities/exercises
Graphic organizers such as a Venn Diagram
Short introductory paragraphs
End of Lesson Quizzes
Formal and informal cards, notes, post-cards
Teacher Resources
Provide the following authentic materials for
interpretive reading tasks: blogs, brochures,
calendars and schedules, children’s stories and
poems related to novice contexts, directions, Spanish
speaking countries’ publication (print or online,) ID
cards, Maps (Google Maps and Google Earth,)
proverbs in the target language, report cards, simple
letters or email correspondence, social network sites,
sport schedules, stories, songs, student schedules
Provide the following authentic materials for
interpretive listening/viewing tasks: Authentic
YouTube videos in the target language related to
Preliminary Unit Theme, commercials from
television, radio, Internet, podcast, simple
interviews, conversations related to Preliminary Unit
World Languages (K-5): Novice-Mid - Food
Theme, songs related to Preliminary Unit Theme,
straightforward public service announcements from
television, radio, Internet
Equipment Needed
Textbooks/workbooks, videos, teacher prepared materials, maps,
audio, websites, newspapers, magazines and posters
Additional Resources:
Free teacher web design sites:
Google Drive