Of Scottish Community Drama Stirling
Held in Thornhill Community Hall
On Wednesday 9 May 2012 at 7.30 pm
Stephen Lambert, John Biggam (Dollar)
Gordon Hibbert, Lesley Syme, Glenda Mardon (Killin)
Peter Rickard, Charlotte Johnston (Thornhill)
Tony Flisch, Sheila Fraser (Fintry)
Tudor Rees (St Blanes), Fiona Wood (individual)
1. John welcomed everyone and thanked Thornhill members for hosting and providing refreshments.
2. The minutes of the previous meeting held on 1 February 2012 were approved. Proposed by
Gordon and seconded by Lesley.
Matters arising:
 John confirmed invitation letter mailed to local secondary schools.
 Provost Fergus Wood and National Theatre of Scotland representative attended District Festival.
 It was suggested that our Penalty Charge be raised to £25 next season to avoid confusion with £20
Festival entry fee.
 Our Adjudicator Assessment Forms had still to be revised and were not issued.
3. Treasurer’s Report
Members were updated on the Finance Meeting held at Tudor’s house on 11 April.
District Festival income was down £200 but expenses on hall hire, adjudicator’s fees and
accommodation were also reduced.
It was understood that FADS would not be claiming any expenses for their District entries or
Divisional Youth Final. No claim received from Stirling University. All expense claims would be
paid in full.
We had agreed to pay Stage Director (Tony) £30, Host Club (Fintry) £50 and Reserve Adjudicator
(Liz Candy) £25.
District funds at 11 April were £2921.45.
Tudor’s updated balance sheet was circulated to members.
Overall District Festival had been financially successful – special thanks to Mrs Rees and Fintry
ladies for FOH duties in Tudor’s absence.
SDAF: £300 grant awarded 31 March.
Tudor will send them relevant receipts for claim. District may subsequently donate money to
Scottish Final finances.
Scottish Youth Final: Gordon proposed and John seconded that £250 be sent to FADS offsetting
their travel expenses for Youth Final participation at Stranraer. Additional costs involved in
organising Gatwick flight for several youngsters, joining school trip to France. It was understood
club had raised around £700 at recent Fintry function.
Our congratulations to Sheila Fraser and her team on their success.
Trustee Forms: Gordon explained why SCDA Office bearers and committee members at every
level were being asked to complete the forms. Link on OSCR website for information.
Peter refused to sign documentation as he did not wish to be an SCDA Trustee. There would be an
opportunity for other regular committee members to sign forms and discuss procedure at AGM.
Full Length Competition
There have been entries from Barony, Tryst and Leitheatre.
Stephen was most impressed by our enthusiastic new adjudicator Graham Parry. Please consider
entering this season.
One Act Festival
District Festival at Fintry
Our appreciation to FADS personnel for their organisation and friendly welcome. It was
unfortunate about our two youth team withdrawals but great to have SUDS competing again.
Standard of performance remained high. Most members felt Richard Ellis concentrated too much
on speech and acting aspects. Pleased with his accommodation.
Divisional Final at Lochgelly
The location and size of the venue were criticised with stage set far back. Air conditioning noisy.
Killin were mistakenly only given 5 minutes for set-up. However staff were friendly and event
made good profit. Congratulations to Fife District for organisation.
Special deal for Dunnikier House Hotel accommodation.
Gordon explained the current situation regarding Tryst Theatre who had not sought permission
for cutting their Arthur Miller entry and had to withdraw from Scottish Final. Alan Clark has
apologised but letters demanding their disqualification have been received. National Executive
will reach a decision on outcome shortly. Festival Forms to be revised to prevent recurrence.
Scottish Final at Stirling
Quality productions and adjudications with general consensus that Kirkton deserved to win.
In future there would be another interval prior to Platform Party whilst Adjudicator decides on
Final placings. Peter expressed disappointment at audience numbers, possibly due to insufficient
local advertising to the general public but members themselves had not supported event to
expected level.
Immense thanks to all who assisted especially Peter for Management Centre bookings; Tony,
Lesley, Maureen and Andy backstage; FADS personnel FOH and Riverside ladies for team hosting.
Accommodation was excellent with only minor complaints about Saturday buffet. Great
atmosphere generated.
District Festival 2013
Dates: 28 February, 1-2 March were ideal.
Venue: Cowane Centre was deemed too small with limited seating. White Church at Comrie also
discussed. Finally agreed that Thornhill will host with use of portacabin or large van for set
Adjudicator: Agreed choices were:
1. Alasdair Hawthorn
2. Tony Rushforth
3. Russell Whiteley
Killin Komedy Festival 11-12 May
Full programme of varied content from FADS, Greenock, Leslie, Aberdour and Mercators linked by
items from Killin members.
Hotel rooms selling fast.
News from Division: Report from 14 April meeting
Edinburgh District Festival achieved Saturday sell-out with 200 attending, £1300 surplus and
FACEBOOK promotion.
Falkirk District Festival benefitted from improved lighting and excellent youth support.
Fife district Festival made reasonable profit from extra advertising. Criticism of Kevin Boland
asking for £100 fee plus meal reimbursements.
Divisional Youth Final. £300 surplus expected. All Districts compliant with Open/Youth entry
Divisional Open Final.
£4555.22 income
£1907 expenditure
Team certificates always better presented on stage.
Van hire costs worked well with Tryst/Monument rehearsals and performances on same evening.
Monument entered as adult play and must take a chance on content of other productions on their
Dates for 2013. Youth Final at Buckhaven 16 March. Open Final dates 21-23 March. Colin Peter
adjudicating. Hopeful Borders District may host at either Peebles, Kelso or Earlston High School
favoured by Gordon – special deal could be negotiated there. Decision we invite them to host but
only if they manage to stage a District Festival in 2013, otherwise event would be organised by
Stirling District probably at Killin.
AGM confirmed for Castle Campbell Hotel, Dollar, 20 October 11 am. Lunch available.
Relevant General Council business
Unless the Association can find major funding it may cease to exist in 6 years. £50,000 funding lost
although deficit cut back from £25,000 to £18,000. More individual members required.
Scottish Final returning to Pitlochry 2013 with restricted technical facilities and earlier dates 18-20
April. Adjudicator: Brian Marjoribanks.
Submit your production photos for our new 2013 Calendar. New merchandise available –
mousemats, bags and clothing items.
If club membership has not been paid by 30 November then Festival entry will be refused.
Suggestions for new SCENE advertisers welcome.
Play on Words 12/13. Massive publicity campaign underway. Closing date 30 June 2012. New
readers required.
Scottish Youth Final 2013 hosted by Northern Division.
‘Sardines’ magazine and What’s On Scotland will publicise your club events – contact H.Q.
Excellent feature article on SCDA in N.T.S. ‘Wicker Man’ programmes.
John to inform membership on future Office Bearer changes – he has already served extra year as
Chairman and Stephen wishes to resign as Secretary.
Meeting closed 9.35 pm.
The Annual General Meeting will be held
In Cowane Centre Stirling
on Wednesday 19 September at 7.30 pm