- lightningthief

Language Arts:
Rick Riordan’s Official Website
Includes author information, links, lesson plans, etc.
Percy Jackson Series Book Site
Includes video and audio links, wallpaper, downloadable games, trivia, and much more.
Using Words as a Way into Rick Riordan's "The Lightning Thief" Gr. 3-8
In this lesson, students use the Visual Thesaurus to help them categorize words from the first chapter of
The Lightning Thief —as a means to predict the novel's central topics and themes. Then, after reading
the chapter, students analyze those same words in the context of the novel and conduct further
research into the mythological references that run throughout the text. Lesson by Visual Thesaurus.
Lesson Plans using Rick Riordan’s “The Lightning Thief”
Multiple lessons were written by Kathleen Joaquin of SAISD and were found on Rick Riordan’s official
Teacher’s Guide to “The Lightning Thief”
Former teacher, Rick Riordan, wrote this teacher’s guide to “The Lightning Thief”.
Calliope Muse of Eloquence: English Words from Classical Mythology Gr. 6-8
An introduction to vocabulary that has entered English from Classical Mythology. Requires Web access;
worksheets available at the site. This lesson was created by Fayette County School Corporation, IN.
An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology
A site dedicated to the study of word origins. Specifically, focusing on those modern English words
whose origins reach far back into Ancient Greek and Roman mythology. Lesson by Elizabeth Wallis
Mythology, Folklore and the Hero’s Journey
Links to many lesson plans on mythology and folklore for various grade levels. Various authors via
Mythology-A visit with the Gods Gr. 6-8
Students create a PowerPoint presentation comparing/contrasting three Greek Gods/Goddesses with
three Roman Gods/Goddesses. They explain how these Gods and Goddesses were named.
Greek and Latin Root Words Gr. 7-9
Students examine Greek and Latin root words. They research the history of the English language, solve
word games and puzzles, write paragraphs about the impact of Greek and Latin on the English language,
and create flip chart study guides. Lesson created by Donna Seekamp.
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star Gr. 6-8
Students create PowerPoint presentations about the shape, location, and mythological origin of a
constellation. Lesson plan created by James Colbert.
A Hurricane Blowing In Gr. 6-8
Using Rick Riordan’s The Lightning Thief as a model, writers will find a rhythm in their writing by varying
sentence lengths while creating a scene to draw in their readers. The writer will paint a picture with
words in order to describe the scene so that it sounds as though it is a description of an event by a
friend. Writers will carefully select appropriate words to make the reader feel as though they are a part
of the scene. Teachers: click here to read the entire lesson plan. Lesson created by writingfix.com
Heroes Herald
Sample lesson on student created mythological news reports. Created by Mrs. Sunda’s gifted class.
Mythology Virtual Field Trip Gr. 6-8
This lesson’s Big Questions include: What meanings did myths about gods, goddesses, and heroes have
for the ancient Greeks? What meanings do the Greek myths have for us today? Created by Ruth Sunda.
Encyclopedia of Greek Mythology
"No News Like Ancient News" Gr. 6-8
Students read a minimum of two web sites to complete the chart "Residents of Olympus". They choose
one Greek god or goddess to research.
Mythological Soaps Gr. 6-9
Students examine the gods and goddesses of Greek and Roman mythology. In groups, they use this
information to participate in skits as they role-play the gods and goddesses. To end the lesson, they
draw their own caricature of their favorite god or goddess.
Who’s Who on Olympus and Why Should I Care? Gr. 6-8
Students research creation myths and mythological figures. They conduct Internet research, in
small groups select two creation myths and summarize them, and compose and produce a
newsletter and a PowerPoint presentation about gods or goddesses from ancient Greece.
Students explore the symbolism in Greek Mythology and respond to ethical issues in the real world.
They demonstrate knowledge by creating a Power Point presentation and newsletter.
The Illiad Gr. 6-8
Homer's The Iliad weaves a wondrous web of ancient Greeks and their gods caught up in
predictable conflict. This epic tale gives us insight into the way Greeks viewed their world.
The students will utilize independent research skills, computer skills, and cooperative group
skills to complete the unit's assignments. As a result of being immersed in The Iliad and
Greek civilization, the students should develop a greater appreciation of the ancient Greeks and the
lasting influence of their literature. Lesson by Carol Richardson.
Moving With Your Roots Gr. 7-8
This unit on Greek and Latin roots of English uses the “learning through movement” approach
(Total Physical Response developed by Dr. James Asher). Multi-sensory activities (hearing,
doing meaningful gestures, seeing, saying, reading, writing) promote rapid acquisition and long term
retention. Review games and activities sequence into vocabulary exercises where students
apply knowledge of these roots to English terms. Review of the Greek and Latin roots. Students are
initially given an historical background to the history of the English language. Lesson by Elizabeth Berg.
Greek and Latin Root Words Gr. 7-8
The English language is a potluck of historical and worldly word recipes, with many surprising
ingredients added along the way. The success of many literary pièces de resistance lies in a
writers’ abilities to articulate scenes, senses, and situations with just the right words. One key to
masterful textual and literary cuisine is deciphering word connotation and understanding
etymology. This unit provides students with a feast of Greek and Latin root words and a well developed
taste for the rich potential of a well-stocked vocabulary. Lesson by Donna Seekamp.
Introduction to Mythology
An introduction to Mythology by the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.
Greek and Roman Mythology
Carol Hurst’s Literature Newsletter on the topic of mythology. Recommended reading list and links.
The Greek Mythology Website
Produced by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in association with The University of
Melbourne's Centre for Classics and Archaeology.
Book Talks
Additional sites:
Static Electricity and Lightning: Grades 6-8
To help students understand concepts related to static electricity based on a single example: lightning
Lightning: Grades 5-9
Students uncover the science behind lightning and thunder. They examine electrical attraction between
like and unlike charges, and the force that creates lightning, is first explained using static electricity.
Impact of Greek Mythology on Modern Times Grades 7-9
Students demonstrate their understanding of the role that Greek mythology plays in the world today
using a variety of visual aids.
Ocean Mythology Gr. 5-12
Students examine Greek and Roman mythology concerning the oceans and humankind's relationship
with them, and create presentations to share with classmates.
Shoebox Planetarium: Gr. 5-8
Students are able to make a miniature planetarium. They practice identifying constellations. Students
are able to classify stars and use celestial coordinates. They read a Greek myth about the stars.
Roman Numerals Gr. 5-8
Students discover the historical background of Roman numerals. They recognize Roman
numerals as such when students see them and identify each symbol and what it stands for in Arabic
Coin Content Gr. 6-8
Students calculate ancient Greek coin values as compared to their weight, and equivalence in grain.
They then determine their worth today. They convert metric to U.S. customary weight systems.
Sieve of Eratosthenes Gr. 5-8
Students discover the Sieve of Erathosthenes. They explore a method to find all the prime numbers in a
group of numbers. Using models, students practice divisibility rules while examining the difference
between prime and composite numbers.
Plenty of Pythagoras Gr. 5-8
Using a twelve foot knotted rope, students form a 3-4-5 right triangle. Following a discussion of
observations about the lengths of the sides of the triangle, students use grid paper, scissors and
a centimeter ruler to draw and measure sides of more right triangles.
Pythagorean Theorem Gr. 5-8
Students research Pythagoras, the ancient Greek mathematician. They demonstrate their
ability to use the Pythagorean Theorem, math vocabulary and presentation skills. Students
make a slide presentation containing a brief biography of the mathematician, and a visual
explanation of how the theorem can be used.
Physical Education:
In this unit, students will apply information about Ancient Greece learned in the classroom to physical
education activities, which in turn utilize mathematics skills for comparison and analysis. This unit was
developed for concurrent use with unit on Ancient Greece. This unit lends itself to cooperative teaching
between the classroom teacher and the physical education specialist. By Alice Sappington.
Lesson will include a re-enactment of the original Greek Olympics in which the students will participate
in the performance of a Greek play, and a Greek feast. Groups will contribute to an exhibit of Grecian
art. The festival will also feature original poetry and music and students will use digital
technology to record the event for school web site.
Ancient Olympics
Web tour on Ancient Olympics by Perseus Project.
An example of a PE lesson plan for a school Olympics event. Lesson created by Ellis Cole.
Winter Olympics in the Gym
PE Olympic lesson plan by Sharon Welch.
The Arts:
Greek Vase Painting Project Gr. 7-12
Students identify the cultural context of ancient Greek, and especially Athenian, vase painting
and the range of vase painting depictions of daily life and mythology. They experience the
artistic and technical process of creating Greek Black Figure and Red Figure vase painting.
Finally, students identify a genuine and informed personal opinion about Greek vase painting
from the perspective of both a viewer and an artist.
Dining and Reclining: a Greco-Roman Feast Gr. 7-12
Students acquire and discover what it was like to be the ancient Greeks and Romans at a feast.
They identify the informal and formal Greek and Roman clothing styles, and basic information
about ancient make-up and hairstyles and the appearance and function of Greek and Roman
dining couches and dining rooms. Finally, students prepare the basics of ancient cooking and
the differences between ancient and modern Mediterranean cuisine.
Live From Ancient Olympia!
What beliefs and values are reflected in stories about famous athletes at the ancient Olympic Games?
Paper Masks and Heads Gr. 6-8
Students examine the processes and beliefs used by different cultures to create works of art.
Using the internet, they research the types of arts used by cultures that have been transmitted to
future generations. They use recycled materials to create a paper mask and decorate it to their
liking. Modify this lesson to ancient Greek and Roman cultures.
It Came From Greek Mythology Gr 7-12
Monsters, gods, and heroes ... all sure fire favorites in the classroom and the stuff of Greek mythology.
But Greek mythology offers so much more: inspiration for many works of art (both written and visual),
insight into human nature, a glimpse at an ancient people trying to make sense of phenomena they
could not explain, and the source for many names and terms we use today.
Ancient Greek Art
Encyclopedia/Informational type website on Ancient Greek Arts and music.
Cross Content and Misc.
Storytelling: Using the arts to enrich the curriculum
Students explore the art of storytelling and stories from various cultures. Students experience Japanese
and Chinese culture as well as Greek mythology. Students create and present their own Greek
mythology topic to the class.
It’s Greek to Me! Gr. 6-7
This unit will provide students with the opportunity to explore Greek Mythology through reading,
mathematics, and technology. It is important for students to recognize Greek influences in aspects of life
ranging from vocabulary to architecture. Technology will be integrated into lessons with PowerPoint®
presentations, Microsoft Publisher, and utilization of an interactive website. The students will
pantomime Latin/Greek vocabulary words, gather information through library research centers, create
city-states and demonstrate knowledge of ratios and proportions, and design a travel brochure. Most
importantly, students will improve fluency and enhance comprehension by developing and performing a
reader’s theatre. By Tiffany Lee, Bridgett Turner, and Cheryl Wood.
The Olympic Games
Lesson plan written by Darcy Lockman. Web lesson on geography, math, and language arts and the
Olympic Games.
The Olympics
Teacher resource website with many links to numerous lesson plans, ideas, clipart, etc. regarding the
Learning from the Past
Students will compare and contrast the modern and ancient Olympic Games. Students will consider how
people use ideas from the past to enrich the present. Lesson by Griffith Publishing.
Other Olympic sites