Course Syllabus Course Number/Name: ENG-226 Introduction to Creative Writing Section #: 1 Course Room (Pelham HS): #12 Term: Fall 2013 Faculty Name: Jennifer Nugent Email address: Phone Ext: (603)635-2115 Required TEXTBOOK(s) and Supplemental Materials: Sellers, Heather. The Practice of Creative Writing: a Guide for Students. Bedford/St.Martin’s, 2008, 0-31243-647-5. Collins, Billy. Sailing Alone Around the Room. Random House, 2002, 9780375755194. Wallace, Daniel. Big Fish. Penguin, 2003, 0-14200-427-8. Teacher selected models from additional sources COURSE PREREQUISITES: Essay Writing COURSE DESCRIPTION: Students develop their skills in writing poetry, prose, fiction, and drama, while working on specific exercises in a supportive critical environment. Because of the strong emphasis on peer editing, students must be mature enough to give and receive constructive criticism regarding sensitive, often personal, work. Some exercises expose students to the protocols, as well as the problems associated with particular genres of writing; others assist the writer in mastering specific writing skills. Students read texts by various published authors for instructional support. Grammar and punctuation skills are reinforced as needed. COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course, the student will have acquired increased competence in creative writing through practice in reading, writing, and speaking listening and viewing. CCSS Course Competencies: The students in Introduction to Creative Writing will have the opportunity to master the following competencies in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing. Reading: 1. Analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama. 2. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including words with multiple meanings or language that is particularly fresh, engaging, or beautiful. 3. Analyze how an author’s choices concerning how to structure specific parts of a text contribute to its overall structure and meaning as well as its aesthetic impact. 4. Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of structure an author uses. Writing: 5. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. 6. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences. 7. Demonstrate mastery of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing. 8. Use the recursive writing process to avoid plagiarism. Speaking/Listening/Viewing: 9. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence, conveying a clear and distinct perspective with a line of reasoning. 10. Make strategic use of digital media in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence. 11. Demonstrate a command of conventions of standard English grammar and usage in writing and speaking. 12. Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions hearing others’ ideas and then expressing personal ideas clearly and persuasively. 13. Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric. Language: 14. Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening. Pelham High School School-wide Expectations for Student Learning Use effective reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing skills. Behave appropriately and responsibly with regard to others, oneself, and to one’s surroundings. READINGS/ASSIGNMENTS/EXAM SCHEDULE: *Summer Writing Project All students in Creative Writing classes at Pelham High School must complete summer writing. Their independent summer writing allows for practice and development of individual writer’s voice, encourages creative written expression, and promotes lifelong writing skills. Students appreciate writing as they write at their own pace. They have an opportunity to utilize summer writing in discussions and assessments during the course of their semester in Creative Writing. *Semester Independent Project Students are expected to generate a substantial creative work that extends beyond the course curriculum. They must write a proposal for the Independent Project and must obtain teacher approval for all project ideas. There will be benchmarks to check on progress throughout the course. The final “publishable” product will be presented to the class for teacher and peer critique during the last weeks of the course. *Ethereal Patter Students will work together to produce a cohesive, artistically and aesthetically pleasing, technically accurate literary magazine. Members of the class will lay the groundwork for production of Ethereal Patter during semester one and will be invited to participate in the Ethereal Patter Creative Writing Club during semester two. 2 Days Brainstorming and Process Introduction: Writing Process, Semester Independent Project, Arrangement, Drafting and Revising, Journaling, MLA Documentation and Rules on Plagiarism Reading Assignment: The Practice of Creative Writing Ch. 1 (11-25), Ch. 2 (27-38) Writing Assignment: Daily Journal, Summer Writing Assignment 20 Days Short Fiction Topics: Creative Form & Construction, Voice, Monologue, Dialogue, Character/Conflict/Plot Development Reading Assignment: The Practice of Creative Writing Ch. 4 (101-139), Ch. 5 (141-155) Big Fish (Wallace), Short story models chosen by teacher Writing Assignments: Daily Journal, Monologue, Dialogue, Science Fiction, Fantasy 20 Days Poetry Topics: Voice, Imagery, Poetic Conventions, Narrative Impulse, Lyrical Impulse, Forms of Poetry, Using Space and Punctuation Reading Assignments: The Practice of Creative Writing Ch. 6 (199-217), Ch. 8 (279293), Contemporary and canonical poetry models chosen by teacher Writing Assignments: Creating Metaphor, Experience/Impression Poems, Ekphrasis Writing, Couplets, Sonnets, Odes, Elegies, Ars Poetica 20 Days Creative Nonfiction Topics: Voice, Imagery, Form & Construction Reading Assignments: The Practice of Creative Writing Ch. 9 (314-342), selections of creative nonfiction chosen by teacher study of contemporary professional works Writing Assignments: Moment of Being, Personal “Soundtracks,” Biography, Personal Voice, Travel Writing 20 Days Scriptwriting & Final Challenge Projects (Extending Our Writing) Topics: Structures & Forms, character development through dialogue, Pushing limits and rules of writing Reading Assignment: The Practice of Creative Writing Ch. 10 (367-381), Ch. 11 (382393) Writing Assignments: Monologues, Dialogues 8 Days Independent Project & Chapbook Preparation & Presentation COURSE EVALUATION CRITERIA: Final evaluation is based upon the completeness and quality of the student’s chapbook and Independent Semester project, the quality of the student’s class and workshop participation, and graded craft essays. Assessment Reading Response Writing Final Drafts Speaking/Listening/Viewing (conferencing, recursive peer editing process) Language (vocabulary, grammar) Formative Assessments (journaling, brainstorming) Final Exam, Chapbook & Independent Project Grading Scale 97-100 points 93-96 90-92 87-89 83-85 80-82 A+ A AB+ B B- 77-79 73-75 70-72 69-65 <65 10% 40% 10% 10% 10% 20% C+ C CD F Course Policies Absence/Tardy A student who has an authorized absence/tardy will be allowed to make up work in this class. It is the responsibility of the student to see that missed work is made up within a time equal to the absence. Please make every effort to contact the instructor via e-mail ( when absent from class. Word Processing and Remote Access Students are required to word process or type all final drafts. Students are encouraged to use Google drive and/or the remote access to the PHS computer system: <>. Retakes Please refer to the student agenda handbook for information on rewrites. Speak to Ms. Nugent if you have questions. Food In accordance with the school policy, no food is allowed in the classroom; only colorless water is permitted. The water is for personal use, not for sharing. Attendance policy for Southern NH University (Dual-Enrollment): Southern New Hampshire University subscribes to the belief that an assumption of responsibility is at the center of learning and accomplishment. The responsibility of attendance belongs to the student. Attendance is required in all courses. Being absent and/or late for class may impact a student’s grade, and in the case of excessive absences, may result in failure or the instructor withdrawing the student from the course. Missing more than 10 percent of the scheduled class time may be considered excessive.* Students are responsible for all missed work, assignments, etc. The instructor’s policies on attendance and making up work must be included in the syllabus. Documented absences resulting from legitimate circumstances, such as personal illness, involvement in sanctioned university events, a death in the immediate family, etc., should not negatively impact a student’s grade or academic standing. Notwithstanding the previous statement, once a student has missed enough classes that the instructor believes that the student cannot meet the goals of the course within the remaining time frame, the student may be given a failing grade, withdrawn from the class, or be considered for an Incomplete (I) and given a defined period to complete remaining course work. *Colleges determine the number of hours a course meets by the number of credits the course carries. PHS uses the number of days the course meets. You will keep this entire syllabus in your binder. As you sign below, you have been informed of the requirements of Introduction to Creative Writing. You may phone Ms. Nugent at 635-2115 or e-mail her at Name of Student (Please print) ___________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian_________________________________________Date________ Signature of Student_________________________________________________Date________